2,791 research outputs found

    Asynchronous and Multiprecision Linear Solvers - Scalable and Fault-Tolerant Numerics for Energy Efficient High Performance Computing

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    Asynchronous methods minimize idle times by removing synchronization barriers, and therefore allow the efficient usage of computer systems. The implied high tolerance with respect to communication latencies improves the fault tolerance. As asynchronous methods also enable the usage of the power and energy saving mechanisms provided by the hardware, they are suitable candidates for the highly parallel and heterogeneous hardware platforms that are expected for the near future

    Railway computation for infinite linear systems

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    The problem of solving an infinite system of linear equations finitely expressed is addressed. Modifications of the Gauss-Seidel method are presented, especially suitable for the implementation on SMP machines with a small number of processors. One of the proposed parallel algorithms, which concentrates the computational efforts where they are most neeeded, results to be more efficient than the sequential algorithm, even from the point of view of the total number of operations

    On the Two-View Geometry of Unsynchronized Cameras

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    We present new methods for simultaneously estimating camera geometry and time shift from video sequences from multiple unsynchronized cameras. Algorithms for simultaneous computation of a fundamental matrix or a homography with unknown time shift between images are developed. Our methods use minimal correspondence sets (eight for fundamental matrix and four and a half for homography) and therefore are suitable for robust estimation using RANSAC. Furthermore, we present an iterative algorithm that extends the applicability on sequences which are significantly unsynchronized, finding the correct time shift up to several seconds. We evaluated the methods on synthetic and wide range of real world datasets and the results show a broad applicability to the problem of camera synchronization.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 201

    Parallel iterative solution methods for Markov decision processes

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    Relaxing Synchronization in Distributed Simulated Annealing

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    Simulated annealing is an attractive, but expensive, heuristic for approximating the solution to combinatorial optimization problems. Since simulated annealing is a general purpose method, it can be applied to the broad range of NP-complete problems such as the traveling salesman problem, graph theory, and cell placement with a careful control of the cooling schedule. Attempts to parallelize simulated annealing, particularly on distributed memory multicomputers, are hampered by the algorithm’s requirement of a globally consistent system state. In a multicomputer, maintaining the global state S involves explicit message traffic and is a critical performance bottleneck. One way to mitigate this bottleneck is to amortize the overhead of these state updates over as many parallel state changes as possible. By using this technique, errors in the actual cost C(S) of a particular state S will be introduced into the annealing process. This dissertation places analytically derived bounds on the cost error in order to assure convergence to the correct result. The resulting parallel Simulated Annealing algorithm dynamically changes the frequency of global updates as a function of the annealing control parameter, i.e. temperature. Implementation results on an Intel iPSC/2 are reported

    Initial synchronisation of wideband and UWB direct sequence systems: single- and multiple-antenna aided solutions

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    This survey guides the reader through the open literature on the principle of initial synchronisation in single-antenna-assisted single- and multi-carrier Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) as well as Direct Sequence-Ultra WideBand (DS-UWB) systems, with special emphasis on the DownLink (DL). There is a paucity of up-to-date surveys and review articles on initial synchronization solutions for MIMO-aided and cooperative systems - even though there is a plethora of papers on both MIMOs and on cooperative systems, which assume perfect synchronization. Hence this paper aims to ?ll the related gap in the literature
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