13 research outputs found

    Reasoning with Intervals on Granules

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    The formalizations of periods of time inside a linear model of Time are usually based on the notion of intervals, that may contain or may not their endpoints. This is not enought when the periods are written in terms of coarse granularities with respect to the event taken into account. For instance, how to express the inter-war period in terms of a {\em years} interval? This paper presents a new type of intervals, neither open ,nor closed or open-closed and the extension of operations on intervals of this new type, in order to reduce the gap between the discourse related to temporal relationship and its translation into a discretized model of Time

    Multiple agent possibilistic logic

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    International audienceThe paper presents a ‘multiple agent’ logic where formulas are pairs of the form (a, A), made of a proposition a and a subset of agents A. The formula (a, A) is intended to mean ‘(at least) all agents in A believe that a is true’. The formal similarity of such formulas with those of possibilistic logic, where propositions are associated with certainty levels, is emphasised. However, the subsets of agents are organised in a Boolean lattice, while certainty levels belong to a totally ordered scale. The semantics of a set of ‘multiple agent’ logic formulas is expressed by a mapping which associates a subset of agents with each interpretation (intuitively, the maximal subset of agents for whom this interpretation is possibly true). Soundness and completeness results are established. Then a joint extension of the multiple agent logic and possibilistic logic is outlined. In this extended logic, propositions are then associated with both sets of agents and certainty levels. A formula then expresses that ‘all agents in set A believe that a is true at least at some level’. The semantics is then given in terms of fuzzy sets of agents that find an interpretation more or less possible. A specific feature of possibilistic logic is that the inconsistency of a knowledge base is a matter of degree. The proposed setting enables us to distinguish between the global consistency of a set of agents and their individual consistency (where both can be a matter of degree). In particular, given a set of multiple agent possibilistic formulas, one can compute the subset of agents that are individually consistent to some degree

    Uncertain linear constraints

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    Linear constraints occur naturally in many reasoning problems and the information that they represent is often uncertain. There is a difficulty in applying many AI uncertainty formalisms to this situation, as their representation of the underlying logic, either as a mutually exclusive and exhaustive set of possibilities, or with a propositional or a predicate logic, is inappropriate (or at least unhelpful). To overcome this, we express reasoning with linear constraints as a logic, and develop the formalisms based on this different underlying logic. We focus in particular on a possibilistic logic representation of uncertain linear constraints, a lattice-valued possibilistic logic, and a Dempster-Shafer representation

    Extending uncertainty formalisms to linear constraints and other complex formalisms

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    Linear constraints occur naturally in many reasoning problems and the information that they represent is often uncertain. There is a difficulty in applying AI uncertainty formalisms to this situation, as their representation of the underlying logic, either as a mutually exclusive and exhaustive set of possibilities, or with a propositional or a predicate logic, is inappropriate (or at least unhelpful). To overcome this difficulty, we express reasoning with linear constraints as a logic, and develop the formalisms based on this different underlying logic. We focus in particular on a possibilistic logic representation of uncertain linear constraints, a lattice-valued possibilistic logic, an assumption-based reasoning formalism and a Dempster-Shafer representation, proving some fundamental results for these extended systems. Our results on extending uncertainty formalisms also apply to a very general class of underlying monotonic logics

    Enabling local computation for partially ordered preferences

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    Many computational problems linked to uncertainty and preference management can be expressed in terms of computing the marginal(s) of a combination of a collection of valuation functions. Shenoy and Shafer showed how such a computation can be performed using a local computation scheme. A major strength of this work is that it is based on an algebraic description: what is proved is the correctness of the local computation algorithm under a few axioms on the algebraic structure. The instantiations of the framework in practice make use of totally ordered scales. The present paper focuses on the use of partially ordered scales and examines how such scales can be cast in the Shafer-Shenoy framework and thus benefit from local computation algorithms. It also provides several examples of such scales, thus showing that each of the algebraic structures explored here is of interest

    A logic of soft constraints based on partially ordered preferences

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    Representing and reasoning with an agent's preferences is important in many applications of constraints formalisms. Such preferences are often only partially ordered. One class of soft constraints formalisms, semiring-based CSPs, allows a partially ordered set of preference degrees, but this set must form a distributive lattice; whilst this is convenient computationally, it considerably restricts the representational power. This paper constructs a logic of soft constraints where it is only assumed that the set of preference degrees is a partially ordered set, with a maximum element 1 and a minimum element 0. When the partially ordered set is a distributive lattice, this reduces to the idempotent semiring-based CSP approach, and the lattice operations can be used to define a sound and complete proof theory. A generalised possibilistic logic, based on partially ordered values of possibility, is also constructed, and shown to be formally very strongly related to the logic of soft constraints. It is shown how the machinery that exists for the distributive lattice case can be used to perform sound and complete deduction, using a compact embedding of the partially ordered set in a distributive lattice

    Amalgamating Knowledge Bases, II - Distributed Mediators

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    Integrating knowledge from multiple sources is an important aspect of automated reasoning systems.In previous work, we presented a uniform declarative and operational framework, based on annotated logics, for amalgamating multiple knowledge bases and data structures (e.g. relational, object-oriented, spatial, and temporal structures) when these knowledge bases (possibly) contain inconsistencies, uncertainties, and non-monotonic modes of negation. We showed that annotated logics may be used, with some modifications, to mediate between different knowledge bases. The multiple knowledge bases are amalgamated by embedding the individual knowledge bases into a lattice. In this paper, we describe how, given a network of sites where the different databases reside, it is possible to define a distributed semantics for amalgamated knowledge bases. More importantly, we study how the mediator may be distributed across multiple sites so that when certain conditions are satisfied, network failures do not affect the end results of queries that a user may pose. We specify different ways of distributing the mediator to protect against different types of network link failures and develop alternative soundness and completeness results. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-93-81