48 research outputs found

    On Time-optimal Trajectories for a Car-like Robot with One Trailer

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    In addition to the theoretical value of challenging optimal control problmes, recent progress in autonomous vehicles mandates further research in optimal motion planning for wheeled vehicles. Since current numerical optimal control techniques suffer from either the curse of dimens ionality, e.g. the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, or the curse of complexity, e.g. pseudospectral optimal control and max-plus methods, analytical characterization of geodesics for wheeled vehicles becomes important not only from a theoretical point of view but also from a prac tical one. Such an analytical characterization provides a fast motion planning algorithm that can be used in robust feedback loops. In this work, we use the Pontryagin Maximum Principle to characterize extremal trajectories, i.e. candidate geodesics, for a car-like robot with one trailer. We use time as the distance function. In spite of partial progress, this problem has remained open in the past two decades. Besides straight motion and turn with maximum allowed curvature, we identify planar elastica as the third piece of motion that occurs along our extr emals. We give a detailed characterization of such curves, a special case of which, called \emph{merging curve}, connects maximum curvature turns to straight line segments. The structure of extremals in our case is revealed through analytical integration of the system and adjoint equations

    Path Planning of Airplane with Obstacles

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    Cílem této diplomové práce je implementace plánování optimální trajektorie letadla letícího v nižších výškách, které se musí vyhýbat překážkám. Pro metodu plánování se předpokládá statické a předem známé prostředí. V této práci jsou popsány principy, optimálnost a složitost vybraných metod plánování. Na základě vlastností metod je vybrána metoda nejvhodnější k implementaci.The aim of this master's thesis is the implementation of optimal trajectory planning for an airplane flying in lower altitudes, which has to avoid collision with obstacles. For the planning we assume static and fully known environment. There are described principals, optimality and complexity for some chosen methods of planning in this thesis. And based on the methods' characteristics it's chosen the best method for implementation.


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    Motivation: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) is an aircraft that is controlled without the use of human beings crew. One of main problem of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle’s (UAV) flight is guide. UAV need a guide who can direct the movement of aircraft to arrive at the destination, so it takes planning trajectory (path planning) appropriate to the aircraft can be controlled in accordance with the objectives and can pass the desired trajectory. Given two points on a 2-dimensional plane, the two points are coordinates the initial and final coordinates to be taken by UAV. And between the two points is given a obstacle in the form circle. Planning algorithm trajectory using Dubins geometry. Results obtained from this paper are path planning to produce path between two points with the shortest distance and shortest time. The first track is the track without a obstacle and the second path is the path to the obstacle. Differences in distance on the second track is provided

    Inverse Optimal Planning for Air Traffic Control

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    We envision a system that concisely describes the rules of air traffic control, assists human operators and supports dense autonomous air traffic around commercial airports. We develop a method to learn the rules of air traffic control from real data as a cost function via maximum entropy inverse reinforcement learning. This cost function is used as a penalty for a search-based motion planning method that discretizes both the control and the state space. We illustrate the methodology by showing that our approach can learn to imitate the airport arrival routes and separation rules of dense commercial air traffic. The resulting trajectories are shown to be safe, feasible, and efficient

    Navigasi dan Kendali pada Pesawat Udara Nir Awak (Puna) untuk Menghindari Halangan

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    Pesawat udara nir awak(PUNA) adalah pesawat udara multifungsi yang dikendalikan tanpa menggunakan awak manusia. PUNA dapat bergerak sampai ke tempat tujuan jika diterapkan sebuah navigasi dan kendali. Masalah yang muncul pada pernerbangan PUNA diantaranya masalah jalur tempuh dan halangan pada lintasan. Navigasi penerbangan adalah proses mengarahkan posisi pesawat dari satu titik ke titik yang lain dengan selamat dan lancar untuk menghindari rintangan penerbangan. Navigasi yang digunakan adalah dengan merancang Algoritma perencanaan lintasan menggunakan geometri Dubins. Agar PUNA tetap pada lintasan yang dibangun maka diperlukan suau kendali optimal. Kendali yang digunakan adalah Prin- sip Minimum Pontryagin(PMP) yang berguna untuk meminimumkan atau memaksimumkan fungsi tujuan. Kasus yang diteliti dalam paper ini, yaitu PUNA bergerak mengikuti lintasan yang dibangun dengan metode geometri dubins. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam paper ini adalah mendapatkan suatu lintasan optimal untuk menghindari halangan berupa lingkaran

    Waypoint planning with Dubins Curves using Genetic Algorithms

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    Navigasi dan Kendali pada Pesawat Udara Nir Awak (Puna) untuk Menghindari Halangan

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    Pesawat udara nir awak(PUNA) adalah pesawat udara multifungsi yang dikendalikan tanpa menggunakan awak manusia. PUNA dapat bergerak sampai ke tempat tujuan jika diterapkan sebuah navigasi dan kendali. Masalah yang muncul pada pernerbangan PUNA diantaranya masalah jalur tempuh dan halangan pada lintasan. Navigasi penerbangan adalah proses mengarahkan posisi pesawat dari satu titik ke titik yang lain dengan selamat dan lancar untuk menghindari rintangan penerbangan. Navigasi yang digunakan adalah dengan merancang Algoritma perencanaan lintasan menggunakan geometri Dubins. Agar PUNA tetap pada lintasan yang dibangun maka diperlukan suau kendali optimal. Kendali yang digunakan adalah Prin- sip Minimum Pontryagin(PMP) yang berguna untuk meminimumkan atau memaksimumkan fungsi tujuan. Kasus yang diteliti dalam paper ini, yaitu PUNA bergerak mengikuti lintasan yang dibangun dengan metode geometri dubins. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam paper ini adalah mendapatkan suatu lintasan optimal untuk menghindari halangan berupa lingkaran

    A New Algorithm for Optimizing Dubins Paths to Intercept a Moving Target

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    This paper is concerned with determining the shortest path for a pursuer aiming to intercept a moving target travelling at a constant speed. We introduce an intuitive and efficient mathematical model outlined as an optimal control problem to address this challenge. The proposed model is based on Dubins path where we concatenate two possible paths: a left-circular curve or a right-circular curve followed by a straight line. We develop and explore this model, providing a comprehensive geometric interpretation, and design an algorithm tailored to implement the proposed mathematical approach efficiently. Extensive numerical experiments involving diverse target positions highlight the strength of the model. The method exhibits a remarkably high convergence rate in finding solutions. For experiment purposes, we utilized the modelling software AMPL, employing a range of solvers to solve the problem. Subsequently, we simulated the obtained solutions using MATLAB, demonstrating the efficiency of the model in intercepting a moving target. The proposed model distinguishes itself by employing fewer parameters and making fewer assumptions, setting the model simplifies the complexities, and thus, makes it easier for experts to design optimal path plans