12 research outputs found

    Tiling problems in edge-ordered graphs

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    Note on bipartite graph tilings

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    Let s<t be two fixed positive integers. We study what are the minimum degree conditions for a bipartite graph G, with both color classes of size n=k(s+t), which ensure that G has a K_{s,t}-factor. Exact result for large n is given. Our result extends the work of Zhao, who determined the minimum degree threshold which guarantees that a bipartite graph has a K_{s,s}-factor.Comment: 6 pages, no figures; statement of the main theorem corrected (thanks to Andrzej Czygrinow and Louis DeBiasio); to appear in SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematic

    Tilings in randomly perturbed graphs: Bridging the gap between Hajnal‐SzemerĂ©di and Johansson‐Kahn‐Vu

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    A perfect Kr-tiling in a graph G is a collection of vertex-disjoint copies of Kr that together cover all the vertices in G. In this paper we consider perfect Kr-tilings in the setting of randomly perturbed graphs; a model introduced by Bohman, Frieze, and Martin [7] where one starts with a dense graph and then adds m random edges to it. Specifically, given any fixed 0 < < 1 − 1∕r we determine how many random edges one must add to an n-vertex graph G of minimum degree (G) ≄ n to ensure that, asymptotically almost surely, the resulting graph contains a perfect Kr-tiling. As one increases we demonstrate that the number of random edges required “jumps” at regular intervals, and within these intervals our result is best-possible. This work therefore closes the gap between the seminal work of Johansson, Kahn and Vu [25] (which resolves the purely random case, that is, = 0) and that of Hajnal and SzemerĂ©di [18] (which demonstrates that for ≄ 1 − 1∕r the initial graph already houses the desired perfect Kr-tiling)

    Covering and tiling hypergraphs with tight cycles

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    Given 3≀k≀s3 \leq k \leq s, we say that a kk-uniform hypergraph CskC^k_s is a tight cycle on ss vertices if there is a cyclic ordering of the vertices of CskC^k_s such that every kk consecutive vertices under this ordering form an edge. We prove that if k≄3k \ge 3 and s≄2k2s \ge 2k^2, then every kk-uniform hypergraph on nn vertices with minimum codegree at least (1/2+o(1))n(1/2 + o(1))n has the property that every vertex is covered by a copy of CskC^k_s. Our result is asymptotically best possible for infinitely many pairs of ss and kk, e.g. when ss and kk are coprime. A perfect CskC^k_s-tiling is a spanning collection of vertex-disjoint copies of CskC^k_s. When ss is divisible by kk, the problem of determining the minimum codegree that guarantees a perfect CskC^k_s-tiling was solved by a result of Mycroft. We prove that if k≄3k \ge 3 and s≄5k2s \ge 5k^2 is not divisible by kk and ss divides nn, then every kk-uniform hypergraph on nn vertices with minimum codegree at least (1/2+1/(2s)+o(1))n(1/2 + 1/(2s) + o(1))n has a perfect CskC^k_s-tiling. Again our result is asymptotically best possible for infinitely many pairs of ss and kk, e.g. when ss and kk are coprime with kk even.Comment: Revised version, accepted for publication in Combin. Probab. Compu

    Rooted structures in graphs: a project on Hadwiger's conjecture, rooted minors, and Tutte cycles

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    Hadwigers Vermutung ist eine der anspruchsvollsten Vermutungen fĂŒr Graphentheoretiker und bietet eine weitreichende Verallgemeinerung des Vierfarbensatzes. Ausgehend von dieser offenen Frage der strukturellen Graphentheorie werden gewurzelte Strukturen in Graphen diskutiert. Eine Transversale einer Partition ist definiert als eine Menge, welche genau ein Element aus jeder Menge der Partition enthĂ€lt und sonst nichts. FĂŒr einen Graphen G und eine Teilmenge T seiner Knotenmenge ist ein gewurzelter Minor von G ein Minor, der T als Transversale seiner Taschen enthĂ€lt. Sei T eine Transversale einer FĂ€rbung eines Graphen, sodass es ein System von kanten-disjunkten Wegen zwischen allen Knoten aus T gibt; dann stellt sich die Frage, ob es möglich ist, die Existenz eines vollstĂ€ndigen, in T gewurzelten Minors zu gewĂ€hrleisten. Diese Frage ist eng mit Hadwigers Vermutung verwoben: Eine positive Antwort wĂŒrde Hadwigers Vermutung fĂŒr eindeutig fĂ€rbbare Graphen bestĂ€tigen. In dieser Arbeit wird ebendiese Fragestellung untersucht sowie weitere Konzepte vorgestellt, welche bekannte Ideen der strukturellen Graphentheorie um eine Verwurzelung erweitern. Beispielsweise wird diskutiert, inwiefern hoch zusammenhĂ€ngende Teilmengen der Knotenmenge einen hoch zusammenhĂ€ngenden, gewurzelten Minor erzwingen. Zudem werden verschiedene Ideen von HamiltonizitĂ€t in planaren und nicht-planaren Graphen behandelt.Hadwiger's Conjecture is one of the most tantalising conjectures for graph theorists and offers a far-reaching generalisation of the Four-Colour-Theorem. Based on this major issue in structural graph theory, this thesis explores rooted structures in graphs. A transversal of a partition is a set which contains exactly one element from each member of the partition and nothing else. Given a graph G and a subset T of its vertex set, a rooted minor of G is a minor such that T is a transversal of its branch set. Assume that a graph has a transversal T of one of its colourings such that there is a system of edge-disjoint paths between all vertices from T; it comes natural to ask whether such graphs contain a minor rooted at T. This question of containment is strongly related to Hadwiger's Conjecture; indeed, a positive answer would prove Hadwiger's Conjecture for uniquely colourable graphs. This thesis studies the aforementioned question and besides, presents several other concepts of attaching rooted relatedness to ideas in structural graph theory. For instance, whether a highly connected subset of the vertex set forces a highly connected rooted minor. Moreover, several ideas of Hamiltonicity in planar and non-planar graphs are discussed

    Proceedings of the 17th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization

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