21,243 research outputs found

    Tight bounds for distributed functional monitoring

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    We resolve several fundamental questions in the area of distributed functional monitoring, initiated by Cormode, Muthukrishnan, and Yi (SODA, 2008), and receiving recent attention. In this model there are k sites each tracking their input streams and communicating with a central coordinator. The coordinator’s task is to continuously maintain an approximate output to a function computed over the union of the k streams. The goal is to minimize the number of bits communicated. Let the p-th frequency moment be defined as Fp = ∑ f p i, where fi is the frequency of element i. i We show the randomized communication complexity of estimating the number of distinct elements (that is, F0) up to a 1 + ε factor is Ω(k/ε2), improving upon the previous Ω(k + 1/ε2) bound and matching known upper bounds. For Fp, p> 1, we improve the previous Ω(k + 1/ε2) communication bound to Ω(kp−1 /ε2). We obtain similar improvements for heavy hitters, empirical entropy, and other problems

    Some Communication Complexity Results and their Applications

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    Communication Complexity represents one of the premier techniques for proving lower bounds in theoretical computer science. Lower bounds on communication problems can be leveraged to prove lower bounds in several different areas. In this work, we study three different communication complexity problems. The lower bounds for these problems have applications in circuit complexity, wireless sensor networks, and streaming algorithms. First, we study the multiparty pointer jumping problem. We present the first nontrivial upper bound for this problem. We also provide a suite of strong lower bounds under several restricted classes of protocols. Next, we initiate the study of several non-monotone functions in the distributed functional monitoring setting and provide several lower bounds. In particular, we give a generic adversarial technique and show that when deletions are allowed, no nontrivial protocol is possible. Finally, we study the Gap-Hamming-Distance problem and give tight lower bounds for protocols that use a constant number of messages. As a result, we take a well-known lower bound for one-pass streaming algorithms for a host of problems and extend it so it applies to streaming algorithms that use a constant number of passes

    Towards Optimal Moment Estimation in Streaming and Distributed Models

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    One of the oldest problems in the data stream model is to approximate the p-th moment ||X||_p^p = sum_{i=1}^n X_i^p of an underlying non-negative vector X in R^n, which is presented as a sequence of poly(n) updates to its coordinates. Of particular interest is when p in (0,2]. Although a tight space bound of Theta(epsilon^-2 log n) bits is known for this problem when both positive and negative updates are allowed, surprisingly there is still a gap in the space complexity of this problem when all updates are positive. Specifically, the upper bound is O(epsilon^-2 log n) bits, while the lower bound is only Omega(epsilon^-2 + log n) bits. Recently, an upper bound of O~(epsilon^-2 + log n) bits was obtained under the assumption that the updates arrive in a random order. We show that for p in (0, 1], the random order assumption is not needed. Namely, we give an upper bound for worst-case streams of O~(epsilon^-2 + log n) bits for estimating |X |_p^p. Our techniques also give new upper bounds for estimating the empirical entropy in a stream. On the other hand, we show that for p in (1,2], in the natural coordinator and blackboard distributed communication topologies, there is an O~(epsilon^-2) bit max-communication upper bound based on a randomized rounding scheme. Our protocols also give rise to protocols for heavy hitters and approximate matrix product. We generalize our results to arbitrary communication topologies G, obtaining an O~(epsilon^2 log d) max-communication upper bound, where d is the diameter of G. Interestingly, our upper bound rules out natural communication complexity-based approaches for proving an Omega(epsilon^-2 log n) bit lower bound for p in (1,2] for streaming algorithms. In particular, any such lower bound must come from a topology with large diameter

    Weighted Reservoir Sampling from Distributed Streams

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    We consider message-efficient continuous random sampling from a distributed stream, where the probability of inclusion of an item in the sample is proportional to a weight associated with the item. The unweighted version, where all weights are equal, is well studied, and admits tight upper and lower bounds on message complexity. For weighted sampling with replacement, there is a simple reduction to unweighted sampling with replacement. However, in many applications the stream has only a few heavy items which may dominate a random sample when chosen with replacement. Weighted sampling \textit{without replacement} (weighted SWOR) eludes this issue, since such heavy items can be sampled at most once. In this work, we present the first message-optimal algorithm for weighted SWOR from a distributed stream. Our algorithm also has optimal space and time complexity. As an application of our algorithm for weighted SWOR, we derive the first distributed streaming algorithms for tracking \textit{heavy hitters with residual error}. Here the goal is to identify stream items that contribute significantly to the residual stream, once the heaviest items are removed. Residual heavy hitters generalize the notion of 1\ell_1 heavy hitters and are important in streams that have a skewed distribution of weights. In addition to the upper bound, we also provide a lower bound on the message complexity that is nearly tight up to a log(1/ϵ)\log(1/\epsilon) factor. Finally, we use our weighted sampling algorithm to improve the message complexity of distributed L1L_1 tracking, also known as count tracking, which is a widely studied problem in distributed streaming. We also derive a tight message lower bound, which closes the message complexity of this fundamental problem.Comment: To appear in PODS 201

    An Optimal Lower Bound on the Communication Complexity of Gap-Hamming-Distance

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    We prove an optimal Ω(n)\Omega(n) lower bound on the randomized communication complexity of the much-studied Gap-Hamming-Distance problem. As a consequence, we obtain essentially optimal multi-pass space lower bounds in the data stream model for a number of fundamental problems, including the estimation of frequency moments. The Gap-Hamming-Distance problem is a communication problem, wherein Alice and Bob receive nn-bit strings xx and yy, respectively. They are promised that the Hamming distance between xx and yy is either at least n/2+nn/2+\sqrt{n} or at most n/2nn/2-\sqrt{n}, and their goal is to decide which of these is the case. Since the formal presentation of the problem by Indyk and Woodruff (FOCS, 2003), it had been conjectured that the naive protocol, which uses nn bits of communication, is asymptotically optimal. The conjecture was shown to be true in several special cases, e.g., when the communication is deterministic, or when the number of rounds of communication is limited. The proof of our aforementioned result, which settles this conjecture fully, is based on a new geometric statement regarding correlations in Gaussian space, related to a result of C. Borell (1985). To prove this geometric statement, we show that random projections of not-too-small sets in Gaussian space are close to a mixture of translated normal variables

    On The Communication Complexity of Linear Algebraic Problems in the Message Passing Model

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    We study the communication complexity of linear algebraic problems over finite fields in the multi-player message passing model, proving a number of tight lower bounds. Specifically, for a matrix which is distributed among a number of players, we consider the problem of determining its rank, of computing entries in its inverse, and of solving linear equations. We also consider related problems such as computing the generalized inner product of vectors held on different servers. We give a general framework for reducing these multi-player problems to their two-player counterparts, showing that the randomized ss-player communication complexity of these problems is at least ss times the randomized two-player communication complexity. Provided the problem has a certain amount of algebraic symmetry, which we formally define, we can show the hardest input distribution is a symmetric distribution, and therefore apply a recent multi-player lower bound technique of Phillips et al. Further, we give new two-player lower bounds for a number of these problems. In particular, our optimal lower bound for the two-player version of the matrix rank problem resolves an open question of Sun and Wang. A common feature of our lower bounds is that they apply even to the special "threshold promise" versions of these problems, wherein the underlying quantity, e.g., rank, is promised to be one of just two values, one on each side of some critical threshold. These kinds of promise problems are commonplace in the literature on data streaming as sources of hardness for reductions giving space lower bounds