649 research outputs found

    Tight Lower Bounds for Greedy Routing in Higher-Dimensional Small-World Grids

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    We consider Kleinberg's celebrated small world graph model (Kleinberg, 2000), in which a D-dimensional grid {0,...,n-1}^D is augmented with a constant number of additional unidirectional edges leaving each node. These long range edges are determined at random according to a probability distribution (the augmenting distribution), which is the same for each node. Kleinberg suggested using the inverse D-th power distribution, in which node v is the long range contact of node u with a probability proportional to ||u-v||^(-D). He showed that such an augmenting distribution allows to route a message efficiently in the resulting random graph: The greedy algorithm, where in each intermediate node the message travels over a link that brings the message closest to the target w.r.t. the Manhattan distance, finds a path of expected length O(log^2 n) between any two nodes. In this paper we prove that greedy routing does not perform asymptotically better for any uniform and isotropic augmenting distribution, i.e., the probability that node u has a particular long range contact v is independent of the labels of u and v and only a function of ||u-v||. In order to obtain the result, we introduce a novel proof technique: We define a budget game, in which a token travels over a game board, while the player manages a "probability budget". In each round, the player bets part of her remaining probability budget on step sizes. A step size is chosen at random according to a probability distribution of the player's bet. The token then makes progress as determined by the chosen step size, while some of the player's bet is removed from her probability budget. We prove a tight lower bound for such a budget game, and then obtain a lower bound for greedy routing in the D-dimensional grid by a reduction

    A new model for coalition formation games

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    We present two broad categories of games, namely, group matching games and bottleneck routing games on grids. Borrowing ideas from coalition formation games, we introduce a new category of games which we call group matching games. We investigate how these games perform when agents are allowed to make selfish decisions that increase their individual payoffs versus when agents act towards the social benefit of the game as a whole. The Price of Anarchy (PoA) and Price of Stability (PoS) metrics are used to quantify these comparisons. We show that the PoA for a group matching game is at most kα and the PoS is at most k/α where k is the maximum size of a group and α is a switching cost. Furthermore we show that the PoA and PoS of the games do not change significantly even if we increase γ, the number of groups that an agent is allowed to join. We also consider routing games on grid network topologies. The social cost is the worst congestion in any of the network edges (bottleneck congestion). Each player\u27s objective is to find a path that minimizes the bottleneck congestion in its path. We show that the price of anarchy in bottleneck games in grids is proportional to the number of bends β that the paths are allowed to take in the grids\u27 space. We present games where the PoA is O(β). We also give a respective lower bound of Ω(β) which shows that our upper bound is within only a poly-log factor from the best achievable price of anarchy. A significant impact of our analysis is that there exist bottleneck routing games with small number of bends which give a poly-log approximation to the optimal coordinated solution that may use an arbitrary number of bends. To our knowledge, this is the first tight analysis of bottleneck games on grids

    Kleinberg's Grid Reloaded

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    International audienceOne of the key features of small-worlds is the ability to route messages with few hops only using local knowledge of the topology. In 2000, Kleinberg proposed a model based on an augmented grid that asymptotically exhibits such property. In this paper, we propose to revisit the original model from a simulation-based perspective. Our approach is fueled by a new algorithm that uses dynamic rejection sampling to draw augmenting links. The speed gain offered by the algorithm enables a detailed numerical evaluation. We show for example that in practice, the augmented scheme proposed by Kleinberg is more robust than predicted by the asymptotic behavior, even for very large finite grids. We also propose tighter bounds on the performance of Kleinberg's routing algorithm. At last, we show that fed with realistic parameters, the model gives results in line with real-life experiments

    Kleinberg's grid unchained

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    International audienceOne of the key features of small-world networks is the ability to route messages in a few hops, using a decentralized algorithm in which each node has a limited knowledge of the topology. In 2000, Kleinberg proposed a model based on an augmented grid that asymptotically exhibits such a property. In this paper, we revisit the original model with the help of numerical simulations. Our approach is fueled by a new algorithm that can sample augmenting links in an almost constant time. The speed gain allows us to perform detailed numerical evaluations. We first observe that, in practice, the augmented scheme proposed by Kleinberg is more robust than what is predicted by the asymptotic behavior, even in very large finite grids. We also propose tighter bounds on the asymtotic performance of Kleinberg's greedy routing algorithm. We finally show that, if the model is fed with realistic parameters, the results are in line with real-life experiments

    Modeling the Small-World Phenomenon with Road Networks

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    Dating back to two famous experiments by the social-psychologist, Stanley Milgram, in the 1960s, the small-world phenomenon is the idea that all people are connected through a short chain of acquaintances that can be used to route messages. Many subsequent papers have attempted to model this phenomenon, with most concentrating on the "short chain" of acquaintances rather than their ability to efficiently route messages. In this paper, we study the small-world navigability of the U.S. road network, with the goal of providing a model that explains how messages in the original small-world experiments could be routed along short paths using U.S. roads. To this end, we introduce the Neighborhood Preferential Attachment model, which combines elements from Kleinberg's model and the Barab\'asi-Albert model, such that long-range links are chosen according to both the degrees and (road-network) distances of vertices in the network. We empirically evaluate all three models by running a decentralized routing algorithm, where each vertex only has knowledge of its own neighbors, and find that our model outperforms both of these models in terms of the average hop length. Moreover, our experiments indicate that similar to the Barab\'asi-Albert model, networks generated by our model are scale-free, which could be a more realistic representation of acquaintanceship links in the original small-world experiment

    On the Memory Requirement of Hop-by-hop Routing: Tight Bounds and Optimal Address Spaces

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    Routing in large-scale computer networks today is built on hop-by-hop routing: packet headers specify the destination address and routers use internal forwarding tables to map addresses to next-hop ports. In this paper we take a new look at the scalability of this paradigm. We define a new model that reduces forwarding tables to sequential strings, which then lend themselves readily to an information-theoretical analysis. Contrary to previous work, our analysis is not of worst-case nature, but gives verifiable and realizable memory requirement characterizations even when subjected to concrete topologies and routing policies. We formulate the optimal address space design problem as the task to set node addresses in order to minimize certain network-wide entropy-related measures. We derive tight space bounds for many well-known graph families and we propose a simple heuristic to find optimal address spaces for general graphs. Our evaluations suggest that in structured graphs, including most practically important network topologies, significant memory savings can be attained by forwarding table compression over our optimized address spaces. According to our knowledge, our work is the first to bridge the gap between computer network scalability and information-theory

    Deterministic 1-k routing on meshes with applications to worm-hole routing

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    In 11-kk routing each of the n2n^2 processing units of an n×nn \times n mesh connected computer initially holds 11 packet which must be routed such that any processor is the destination of at most kk packets. This problem reflects practical desire for routing better than the popular routing of permutations. 11-kk routing also has implications for hot-potato worm-hole routing, which is of great importance for real world systems. We present a near-optimal deterministic algorithm running in \sqrt{k} \cdot n / 2 + \go{n} steps. We give a second algorithm with slightly worse routing time but working queue size three. Applying this algorithm considerably reduces the routing time of hot-potato worm-hole routing. Non-trivial extensions are given to the general ll-kk routing problem and for routing on higher dimensional meshes. Finally we show that kk-kk routing can be performed in \go{k \cdot n} steps with working queue size four. Hereby the hot-potato worm-hole routing problem can be solved in \go{k^{3/2} \cdot n} steps