43 research outputs found

    Tight Cutoffs for Guarded Protocols with Fairness

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    Guarded protocols were introduced in a seminal paper by Emerson and Kahlon (2000), and describe systems of processes whose transitions are enabled or disabled depending on the existence of other processes in certain local states. We study parameterized model checking and synthesis of guarded protocols, both aiming at formal correctness arguments for systems with any number of processes. Cutoff results reduce reasoning about systems with an arbitrary number of processes to systems of a determined, fixed size. Our work stems from the observation that existing cutoff results for guarded protocols i) are restricted to closed systems, and ii) are of limited use for liveness properties because reductions do not preserve fairness. We close these gaps and obtain new cutoff results for open systems with liveness properties under fairness assumptions. Furthermore, we obtain cutoffs for the detection of global and local deadlocks, which are of paramount importance in synthesis. Finally, we prove tightness or asymptotic tightness for the new cutoffs.Comment: Accepted for publication at VMCAI 2016. Extended version, revised after conference review

    Promptness and Bounded Fairness in Concurrent and Parameterized Systems

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    We investigate the satisfaction of specifications in Prompt Linear Temporal Logic (Prompt-LTL) by concurrent systems. Prompt-LTL is an extension of LTL that allows to specify parametric bounds onthe satisfaction of eventualities, thus adding a quantitative aspect to the specification language. We establish a connection between bounded fairness, bounded stutter equivalence, and the satisfaction of Prompt-LTL\X formulas. Based on this connection, we prove the first cutoff results for different classes of systems with a parametric number of components and quantitative specifications, thereby identifying previously unknown decidable fragments of the parameterized model checking problem

    Parameterized verification and repair of concurrent systems

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    In this thesis, we present novel approaches for model checking, repair and synthesis of systems that may be parameterized in their number of components. The parameterized model checking problem (PMCP) is in general undecidable, and therefore the focus is on restricted classes of parameterized concurrent systems where the problem is decidable. Under certain conditions, the problem is decidable for guarded protocols, and for systems that communicate via a token, a pairwise, or a broadcast synchronization. In this thesis we improve existing results for guarded protocols and we show that the PMCP of guarded protocols and token passing systems is decidable for specifications that add a quantitative aspect to LTL, called Prompt-LTL. Furthermore, we present, to our knowledge, the first parameterized repair algorithm. The parameterized repair problem is to find a refinement of a process implementation p such that the concurrent system with an arbitrary number of instances of p is correct. We show how this algorithm can be used on classes of systems that can be represented as well structured transition systems (WSTS). Additionally we present two safety synthesis algorithms that utilize a lazy approach. Given a faulty system, the algorithms first symbolically model check the system, then the obtained error traces are analyzed to synthesize a candidate that has no such traces. Experimental results show that our algorithm solves a number of benchmarks that are intractable for existing tools. Furthermore, we introduce our tool AIGEN for generating random Boolean functions and transition systems in a symbolic representation.In dieser Arbeit stellen wir neuartige Ans atze für das Model-Checking, die Reparatur und die Synthese von Systemen vor, die in ihrer Anzahl von Komponenten parametrisiert sein können. Das Problem des parametrisierten Model-Checking (PMCP) ist im Allgemeinen unentscheidbar, und daher liegt der Fokus auf eingeschränkten Klassen parametrisierter synchroner Systeme, bei denen das Problem entscheidbar ist. Unter bestimmten Bedingungen ist das Problem für Guarded Protocols und für Systeme, die über ein Token, eine Pairwise oder eine Broadcast-Synchronisation kommunizieren, entscheidbar. In dieser Arbeit verbessern wir bestehende Ergebnisse für Guarded Protocols und zeigen die Entscheidbarkeit des PMCP für Guarded Protocols und Token-Passing Systeme mit Spezifikationen in der temporalen Logik Prompt-LTL, die LTL einen quantitativen Aspekt hinzufügt. Darüber hinaus präsentieren wir unseres Wissens den ersten parametrisierten Reparaturalgorithmus. Das parametrisierte Reparaturproblem besteht darin, eine Verfeinerung einer Prozessimplementierung p zu finden, so dass das synchrone Systeme mit einer beliebigen Anzahl von Instanzen von p korrekt ist. Wir zeigen, wie dieser Algorithmus auf Klassen von Systemen angewendet werden kann, die als Well Structured Transition Systems (WSTS) dargestellt werden können. Außerdem präsentieren wir zwei Safety-Synthesis Algorithmen, die einen "lazy" Ansatz verwenden. Bei einem fehlerhaften System überprüfen die Algorithmen das System symbolisch, dann werden die erhaltenen "Gegenbeispiel" analysiert, um einen Kandidaten zu synthetisieren der keine solchen Fehlerpfade hat. Versuchsergebnisse zeigen, dass unser Algorithmus eine Reihe von Benchmarks löst, die für bestehende Tools nicht lösbar sind. Darüber hinaus stellen wir unser Tool AIGEN zur Erzeugung zufälliger Boolescher Funktionen und Transitionssysteme in einer symbolischen Darstellung vor

    Analyzing Guarded Protocols: Better Cutoffs, More Systems, More Expressivity

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    We study cutoff results for parameterized verification and synthesis of guarded protocols, as introduced by Emerson and Kahlon (2000). Guarded protocols describe systems of processes whose transitions are enabled or disabled depending on the existence of other processes in certain local states. Cutoff results reduce reasoning about systems with an arbitrary number of processes to systems of a determined, fixed size. Our work is based on the observation that existing cutoff results for guarded protocols are often impractical, since they scale linearly in the number of local states of processes in the system. We provide new cutoffs that scale not with the number of local states, but with the number of guards in the system, which is in many cases much smaller. Furthermore, we consider generalizations of the type of guards and of the specifications under consideration, and present results for problems that have not been known to admit cutoffs before

    Parameterized Verification of Systems with Global Synchronization and Guards

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    Inspired by distributed applications that use consensus or other agreement protocols for global coordination, we define a new computational model for parameterized systems that is based on a general global synchronization primitive and allows for global transition guards. Our model generalizes many existing models in the literature, including broadcast protocols and guarded protocols. We show that reachability properties are decidable for systems without guards, and give sufficient conditions under which they remain decidable in the presence of guards. Furthermore, we investigate cutoffs for reachability properties and provide sufficient conditions for small cutoffs in a number of cases that are inspired by our target applications.Comment: Accepted at CAV 202

    Reachability in Networks of Register Protocols under Stochastic Schedulers

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    We study the almost-sure reachability problem in a distributed system obtained as the asynchronous composition of N copies (called processes) of the same automaton (called protocol), that can communicate via a shared register with finite domain. The automaton has two types of transitions: write-transitions update the value of the register, while read-transitions move to a new state depending on the content of the register. Non-determinism is resolved by a stochastic scheduler. Given a protocol, we focus on almost-sure reachability of a target state by one of the processes. The answer to this problem naturally depends on the number N of processes. However, we prove that our setting has a cut-off property: the answer to the almost-sure reachability problem is constant when N is large enough; we then develop an EXPSPACE algorithm deciding whether this constant answer is positive or negative

    Structural Invariants for the Verification of Systems with Parameterized Architectures

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    We consider parameterized concurrent systems consisting of a finite but unknown number of components, obtained by replicating a given set of finite state automata. Components communicate by executing atomic interactions whose participants update their states simultaneously. We introduce an interaction logic to specify both the type of interactions (e.g.\ rendez-vous, broadcast) and the topology of the system (e.g.\ pipeline, ring). The logic can be easily embedded in monadic second order logic of finitely many successors, and is therefore decidable. Proving safety properties of such a parameterized system, like deadlock freedom or mutual exclusion, requires to infer an inductive invariant that contains all reachable states of all system instances, and no unsafe state. We present a method to automatically synthesize inductive invariants directly from the formula describing the interactions, without costly fixed point iterations. We experimentally prove that this invariant is strong enough to verify safety properties of a large number of systems including textbook examples (dining philosophers, synchronization schemes), classical mutual exclusion algorithms, cache-coherence protocols and self-stabilization algorithms, for an arbitrary number of components.Comment: preprint; to be published in the proceedings of TACAS2

    Structural Invariants for the Verification of Systems with Parameterized Architectures

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    We consider parameterized concurrent systems consisting of a finite but unknown number of components, obtained by replicating a given set of finite state automata. Components communicate by executing atomic interactions whose participants update their states simultaneously. We introduce an interaction logic to specify both the type of interactions (e.g. rendezvous , broadcast) and the topology of the system (e.g. pipeline, ring). The logic can be easily embedded in monadic second logic of κ ≥ 1 successors (WSκS), and is therefore decidable. Proving safety properties of such a parameterized system, like deadlock freedom or mutual exclusion, requires to infer an inductive invariant that contains all reachable states of all system instances, and no unsafe state. We present a method to automatically synthesize inductive invariants directly from the formula describing the interactions , without costly fixed point iterations. We experimentally prove that this invariant is strong enough to verify many textbook examples, such as dining philosophers, mutual exclusion protocols, and concurrent systems with preemption and priorities, for an arbitrary number of components