166 research outputs found

    Outage performance of underlay cognitive radio networks over mix fading environment

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    In this paper, the underlay cognitive radio network over mix fading environment is presented and investigated. A cooperative cognitive system with a secondary source node S, a secondary destination node D, secondary relay node Relay, and a primary node P are considered. In this model system, we consider the mix fading environment in two scenarios as Rayleigh/Nakagami-m and Nakagami-m/Rayleigh Fading channels. For system performance analysis, the closed-form expression of the system outage probability (OP) and the integral-formed expression of the ergodic capacity (EC) are derived in connection with the system's primary parameters. Finally, we proposed the Monte Carlo simulation for convincing the correctness of the system performance

    Performance Analysis of Improved Technique for Optimal Frequency Spectrum Utilization Considering Energy and Eigenvalue Detectors

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    Recently, exponential rise in the demand of wireless communication has led to gross reduction in the availability of wireless frequency spectrum to meet the proliferation of demands. Overlay and underlay cognitive radio used to address this problem is characterized with poor management of the assigned spectrum. The basic and essential mechanism of cognitive Radio (CR) to find unused spectrum is called Spectrum Sensing. This is important in optimizing frequency allocation for the increasing wireless communication system. Hence, this paper developed an energy efficient spectrum sensing technique for detection of white and brown space using energy and eigenvalue detector. Based on a predefined switching algorithm, the developed spectrum sensing system switches between overlay and underlay approach when there is presence of white space and brown space respectively. During the underlay approach, the cognitive user (CU) signal is coded using a Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) to prevent primary users (PU) receiver from hearing CU signal and thereby improve the security of CU. Also, Hybrid Decode Amplify and Forward (H-DAF) cooperative relay technique is incorporated to enhance the coverage area of the cognitive user. However, during the overlay approach, H-DAF cooperative relay technique will be in sleep mode since CU can transmit with the maximum transmitting power. During the underlay approach, the received signal at the relay node is decoded, amplified, and coded using CDMA before forwarding to the CU receiver. The paper compared the performance of the two detectors by simulating the developed algorithm using MATLAB R2021a. Evaluation was based on Throughput, Spectrum Utilization Efficiency, and Spectral Efficiency by comparing Energy detector and Eigen Value detector. Keywords: Energy Detector (ED), Eigenvalue Detector (EVD), White Space, Brown Space, Spectrum Sensing (SS), Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). DOI: 10.7176/ISDE/13-2-04 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Performance Analysis of Cooperative Hybrid Cognitive Radio Network with Various Diversity Techniques

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    The extensive growth in wireless communications leads to spectrum scarcity. Since the spectrum is limited spectrum usage is clogged. The best possible solution is usage of cognitive radio. A cognitive radio network with sender, receiver and intermediate devices as relays is analyzed. The channel is modelled with noise considerations, path loss and variance. The system is defined with one primary sender and one primary receiver, in between them five secondary users and two active users. The signals from all these paths are estimated and analyzed to draw the best signal with good signal to noise ratio (SNR). To improve the channel efficiency and quality, we have considered various diversity techniques for which the fading problem of channel can be eliminated. In view of this, we concentrated on improving the system performance with various diversity techniques and optimum weight adaptation concept

    Joint Spatial and Spectrum Cooperation in Wireless Network.

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    PhDThe sky-rocketing growth of multimedia infotainment applications and broadband-hungry mobile devices exacerbate the stringent demand for ultra high data rate and more spectrum resources. Along with it, the unbalanced temporal and geographical variations of spectrum usage further inspires those spectral-efficient networks, namely, cognitive radio and heterogeneous cellular networks (HCNs). This thesis focuses on the system design and performance enhancement of cognitive radio (CR) and HCNs. Three different aspects of performance improvement are considered, including link reliability of cognitive radio networks (CNs), security enhancement of CNs, and energy efficiency improvement of CNs and HCNs. First, generalized selection combining (GSC) is proposed as an effective receiver design for interference reduction and reliability improvement of CNs with outdated CSI. A uni- ed way for deriving the distribution of received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is developed in underlay spectrum sharing networks subject to interference from the primary trans- mitter (PU-Tx) to the secondary receiver (SU-Rx), maximum transmit power constraint at the secondary transmitter (SU-Tx), and peak interference power constraint at the PU receiver (PU-Rx), is developed. Second, transmit antenna selection with receive generalized selection combining (TAS/GSC) in multi-antenna relay-aided communica- tion is introduced in CNs under Rayleigh fading and Nakagami-m fading. Based on newly derived complex statistical properties of channel power gain of TAS/GSC, exact ergodic capacity and high SNR ergodic capacity are derived over Nakagami-m fading. Third, beamforming and arti cial noise generation (BF&AN) is introduced as a robust scheme to enhance the secure transmission of large-scale spectrum sharing networks with multiple randomly located eavesdroppers (Eves) modeled as homogeneous Poisson Point Process (PPP). Stochastic geometry is applied to model and analyze the impact of i BF&AN on this complex network. Optimal power allocation factor for BF&AN which maximizes the average secrecy rate is further studied under the outage probability con- straint of primary network. Fourth, a new wireless energy harvesting protocol is proposed for underlay cognitive relay networks with the energy-constrained SU-Txs. Exact and asymptotic outage probability, delay-sensitive throughput, and delay-tolerant through- put are derived to explore the tradeoff between the energy harvested from the PU-Txs and the interference caused by the PU-Txs. Fifth, a harvest-then-transmit protocol is proposed in K-tier HCNs with randomly located multiple-antenna base stations (BSs) and single antenna mobile terminals (MTs) modeled as homogeneous PPP. The average received power at MT, the uplink (UL) outage probability, and the UL average ergodic rate are derived to demonstrate the intrinsic relationship between the energy harvested from BSs in the downlink (DL) and the MT performance in the UL. Throughout the thesis, it is shown that link reliability, secrecy performance, and energy efficiency of CNs and HCNs can be signi cantly leveraged by taking advantage of multiple antennas, relays, and wireless energy harvesting

    Energy efficient multi channel packet forwarding mechanism for wireless sensor networks in smart grid applications

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    Multichannel Wireless Sensor Networks (MWSNs) paradigm provides an opportunity for the Power Grid (PG) to be upgraded into an intelligent power grid known as the Smart Grid (SG) for efficiently managing the continuously growing energy demand of the 21st century. However, the nature of the intelligent grid environments is affected by the equipment noise, electromagnetic interference, and multipath effects, which pose significant challenges in existing schemes to find optimal vacant channels for MWSNs-based SG applications. This research proposed three schemes to address these issues. The first scheme was an Energy Efficient Routing (ERM) scheme to select the best-optimized route to increase the network performance between the source and the sink in the MWSNs. Secondly, an Efficient Channel Detection (ECD) scheme to detect vacant channels for the Primary Users (PUs) with improved channel detection probability and low probability of missed detection and false alarms in the MWSNs. Finally, a Dynamic Channel Assignment (DCA) scheme that dealt with channel scarcities by dynamically switching between different channels that provided higher data rate channels with longer idle probability to Secondary Users (SUs) at extremely low interference in the MWSNs. These three schemes were integrated as the Energy Efficient Multichannel Packet Forwarding Mechanism (CARP) for Wireless Sensor Networks in Smart Grid Applications. The extensive simulation studies were carried through an EstiNet software version 9.0. The obtained experimental simulation facts exhibited that the proposed schemes in the CARP mechanism achieved improved network performance in terms of packets delivery ratio (26%), congestion management (15%), throughput (23%), probability of channel detection (21%), reduces packet error rate (22%), end-to-end delay (25%), probability of channel missed-detection (25%), probability of false alarms (23.3%), and energy consumption (17%); as compared to the relevant schemes in both EQSHC and G-RPL mechanisms. To conclude, the proposed mechanism significantly improves the Quality of Service (QoS) data delivery performance for MWSNs in SG

    From MANET to people-centric networking: Milestones and open research challenges

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    In this paper, we discuss the state of the art of (mobile) multi-hop ad hoc networking with the aim to present the current status of the research activities and identify the consolidated research areas, with limited research opportunities, and the hot and emerging research areas for which further research is required. We start by briefly discussing the MANET paradigm, and why the research on MANET protocols is now a cold research topic. Then we analyze the active research areas. Specifically, after discussing the wireless-network technologies, we analyze four successful ad hoc networking paradigms, mesh networks, opportunistic networks, vehicular networks, and sensor networks that emerged from the MANET world. We also present an emerging research direction in the multi-hop ad hoc networking field: people centric networking, triggered by the increasing penetration of the smartphones in everyday life, which is generating a people-centric revolution in computing and communications

    D13.1 Fundamental issues on energy- and bandwidth-efficient communications and networking

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    Deliverable D13.1 del projecte europeu NEWCOM#The report presents the current status in the research area of energy- and bandwidth-efficient communications and networking and highlights the fundamental issues still open for further investigation. Furthermore, the report presents the Joint Research Activities (JRAs) which will be performed within WP1.3. For each activity there is the description, the identification of the adherence with the identified fundamental open issues, a presentation of the initial results, and a roadmap for the planned joint research work in each topic.Preprin

    Robust Schemes to Enhance Energy Consumption Efficiency for Millimeter Wave-Based Microcellular Network in Congested Urban Environments

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    Future wireless communication networks will be largely characterized by small cell deployments, typically on the order of 200 meters of radius/cell, at most. Meanwhile, recent studies show that base stations (BS) account for about 80 to 95 % of the total network power. This simply implies that more energy will be consumed in the future wireless network since small cell means massive deployment of BS. This phenomenon makes energy-efficient (EE) control a central issue of critical consideration in the design of future wireless networks. This paper proposes and investigates (the performance of) two different energy-saving approaches namely, adaptive-sleep sectorization (AS), adaptive hybrid partitioning schemes (AH) for small cellular networks using smart antenna technique. We formulated a generic base-model for the above-mentioned schemes and applied the spatial Poisson process to reduce the system complexity and to improve flexibility in the beam angle reconfiguration of the adaptive antenna, also known as a smart antenna (SA). The SA uses the scalable algorithms to track active users in different segments/sectors of the microcell, making the proposed schemes capable of targeting specific users or groups of users in periods of sparse traffic, and capable of performing optimally when the network is highly congested. The capabilities of the proposed smart/adaptive antenna approaches can be easily adapted and integrated into the massive MIMO for future deployment. Rigorous numerical analysis at different orders of sectorization shows that among the proposed schemes, the AH strategy outperforms the AS in terms of energy saving by about 52 %. Generally, the proposed schemes have demonstrated the ability to significantly increase the power consumption efficiency of micro base stations for future generation cellular systems, over the traditional design methodologies

    Robust Schemes to Enhance Energy Consumption Efficiency for Millimeter Wave-Based Microcellular Network in Congested Urban Environments

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    Future wireless communication networks will be largely characterized by small cell deployments, typically on the order of 200 meters of radius/cell, at most. Meanwhile, recent studies show that base stations (BS) account for about 80 to 95 % of the total network power. This simply implies that more energy will be consumed in the future wireless network since small cell means massive deployment of BS. This phenomenon makes energy-efficient (EE) control a central issue of critical consideration in the design of future wireless networks. This paper proposes and investigates (the performance of) two different energy-saving approaches namely, adaptive-sleep sectorization (AS), adaptive hybrid partitioning schemes (AH) for small cellular networks using smart antenna technique. We formulated a generic base-model for the above-mentioned schemes and applied the spatial Poisson process to reduce the system complexity and to improve flexibility in the beam angle reconfiguration of the adaptive antenna, also known as a smart antenna (SA). The SA uses the scalable algorithms to track active users in different segments/sectors of the microcell, making the proposed schemes capable of targeting specific users or groups of users in periods of sparse traffic, and capable of performing optimally when the network is highly congested. The capabilities of the proposed smart/adaptive antenna approaches can be easily adapted and integrated into the massive MIMO for future deployment. Rigorous numerical analysis at different orders of sectorization shows that among the proposed schemes, the AH strategy outperforms the AS in terms of energy saving by about 52 %. Generally, the proposed schemes have demonstrated the ability to significantly increase the power consumption efficiency of micro base stations for future generation cellular systems, over the traditional design methodologies