593 research outputs found

    Network Topology Mapping from Partial Virtual Coordinates and Graph Geodesics

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    For many important network types (e.g., sensor networks in complex harsh environments and social networks) physical coordinate systems (e.g., Cartesian), and physical distances (e.g., Euclidean), are either difficult to discern or inapplicable. Accordingly, coordinate systems and characterizations based on hop-distance measurements, such as Topology Preserving Maps (TPMs) and Virtual-Coordinate (VC) systems are attractive alternatives to Cartesian coordinates for many network algorithms. Herein, we present an approach to recover geometric and topological properties of a network with a small set of distance measurements. In particular, our approach is a combination of shortest path (often called geodesic) recovery concepts and low-rank matrix completion, generalized to the case of hop-distances in graphs. Results for sensor networks embedded in 2-D and 3-D spaces, as well as a social networks, indicates that the method can accurately capture the network connectivity with a small set of measurements. TPM generation can now also be based on various context appropriate measurements or VC systems, as long as they characterize different nodes by distances to small sets of random nodes (instead of a set of global anchors). The proposed method is a significant generalization that allows the topology to be extracted from a random set of graph shortest paths, making it applicable in contexts such as social networks where VC generation may not be possible.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1712.1006

    Storytelling Security: User-Intention Based Traffic Sanitization

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    Malicious software (malware) with decentralized communication infrastructure, such as peer-to-peer botnets, is difficult to detect. In this paper, we describe a traffic-sanitization method for identifying malware-triggered outbound connections from a personal computer. Our solution correlates user activities with the content of outbound traffic. Our key observation is that user-initiated outbound traffic typically has corresponding human inputs, i.e., keystroke or mouse clicks. Our analysis on the causal relations between user inputs and packet payload enables the efficient enforcement of the inter-packet dependency at the application level. We formalize our approach within the framework of protocol-state machine. We define new application-level traffic-sanitization policies that enforce the inter-packet dependencies. The dependency is derived from the transitions among protocol states that involve both user actions and network events. We refer to our methodology as storytelling security. We demonstrate a concrete realization of our methodology in the context of peer-to-peer file-sharing application, describe its use in blocking traffic of P2P bots on a host. We implement and evaluate our prototype in Windows operating system in both online and offline deployment settings. Our experimental evaluation along with case studies of real-world P2P applications demonstrates the feasibility of verifying the inter-packet dependencies. Our deep packet inspection incurs overhead on the outbound network flow. Our solution can also be used as an offline collect-and-analyze tool

    Secure entity authentication

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    According to Wikipedia, authentication is the act of confirming the truth of an attribute of a single piece of a datum claimed true by an entity. Specifically, entity authentication is the process by which an agent in a distributed system gains confidence in the identity of a communicating partner (Bellare et al.). Legacy password authentication is still the most popular one, however, it suffers from many limitations, such as hacking through social engineering techniques, dictionary attack or database leak. To address the security concerns in legacy password-based authentication, many new authentication factors are introduced, such as PINs (Personal Identification Numbers) delivered through out-of-band channels, human biometrics and hardware tokens. However, each of these authentication factors has its own inherent weaknesses and security limitations. For example, phishing is still effective even when using out-of-band-channels to deliver PINs (Personal Identification Numbers). In this dissertation, three types of secure entity authentication schemes are developed to alleviate the weaknesses and limitations of existing authentication mechanisms: (1) End user authentication scheme based on Network Round-Trip Time (NRTT) to complement location based authentication mechanisms; (2) Apache Hadoop authentication mechanism based on Trusted Platform Module (TPM) technology; and (3) Web server authentication mechanism for phishing detection with a new detection factor NRTT. In the first work, a new authentication factor based on NRTT is presented. Two research challenges (i.e., the secure measurement of NRTT and the network instabilities) are addressed to show that NRTT can be used to uniquely and securely identify login locations and hence can support location-based web authentication mechanisms. The experiments and analysis show that NRTT has superior usability, deploy-ability, security, and performance properties compared to the state-of-the-art web authentication factors. In the second work, departing from the Kerb eros-centric approach, an authentication framework for Hadoop that utilizes Trusted Platform Module (TPM) technology is proposed. It is proven that pushing the security down to the hardware level in conjunction with software techniques provides better protection over software only solutions. The proposed approach provides significant security guarantees against insider threats, which manipulate the execution environment without the consent of legitimate clients. Extensive experiments are conducted to validate the performance and the security properties of the proposed approach. Moreover, the correctness and the security guarantees are formally proved via Burrows-Abadi-Needham (BAN) logic. In the third work, together with a phishing victim identification algorithm, NRTT is used as a new phishing detection feature to improve the detection accuracy of existing phishing detection approaches. The state-of-art phishing detection methods fall into two categories: heuristics and blacklist. The experiments show that the combination of NRTT with existing heuristics can improve the overall detection accuracy while maintaining a low false positive rate. In the future, to develop a more robust and efficient phishing detection scheme, it is paramount for phishing detection approaches to carefully select the features that strike the right balance between detection accuracy and robustness in the face of potential manipulations. In addition, leveraging Deep Learning (DL) algorithms to improve the performance of phishing detection schemes could be a viable alternative to traditional machine learning algorithms (e.g., SVM, LR), especially when handling complex and large scale datasets

    A Catalog of Architectural Tactics for Cyber-Foraging

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    Mobile devices have become for many the preferred way of interacting with the Internet, social media and the enterprise. However, mobile devices still do not have the computing power or battery life that will allow them to perform effectively over long periods of time or for executing applications that require extensive communication or computation, or low latency. Cyber-foraging is a technique enabling mobile devices to extend their computing power and storage by offloading computation or data to more powerful servers located in the cloud or in single-hop proximity. This paper presents a catalog of architectural tactics for cyber-foraging that was derived from the results of a systematic literature review on architectures for cyber-foraging systems. Elements of the architectures identified in the primary studies were codified in the form of Architectural Tactics for Cyber-Foraging. These tactics will help architects extend their design reasoning towards cyber-foraging as a way to support the mobile applications of the present and the future

    Development of a multi-hop wireless sensor system for the dynamic event monitoring of civil infrastructure and its extension for seismic response monitoring

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    The dynamic response of civil infrastructures under transient dynamic events is of particular interests for structural engineers, because these event-induced responses usually provide useful insights into the real dynamic behavior of civil infrastructures under extreme conditions. Monitoring these dynamic event induced vibrations are among the most frequently conducted measurements and experiments in the structural engineering field, and a cheaper, simpler and more flexible monitoring system is always under pursuit of civil engineers. One particular such request comes from the seismic response monitoring applications. Seismic response monitoring for general civil infrastructure is critical in high-risk earthquake areas like Japan. It contributes to earthquake safety by providing quantitative measurement that enables improved understanding and predictive modeling of the earthquake response of these engineered systems. However, due to the limitations of the current monitoring systems, such seismic response records of general civil infrastructure are usually not available. Therefore, this research describes a novel development of an autonomous dynamic event monitoring system using Wireless Smart Sensor Network(WSSN), which is further extended to support the purpose of long-term seismic response monitoring. This developed WSSN monitoring system is portable and low-cost, it has a potential to provide long-term seismic response monitoring for a wide range of civil infrastructure. This system can run on existing power sources readily available in common civil infrastructure and thus is able to perform long-term continuous sensing as demanded by the seismic response monitoring applications. A quick and stable event detection method is developed to trigger the recording of the complete seismic response and also eliminate possible false alerts caused by unexpected disturbance. Long-term network-wide time synchronization is guaranteed by a customized long-term Flooding Time Synchronization Protocol(FTSP) so that the all sensor nodes in the network can provide consistent time records of their captured seismic response. An efficient multi-hop service module is also incorporated into the system to disseminate commands and accommodate the need of collecting data in a reliable and prompt manner after major earthquakes, the integrated multi-hop data collection protocol provides a theoretically optimum data collection efficiency. Various experiments have been done to validate the developed programs. Suggestions are also given towards the final realization of successful long-term implementation of the developed monitoring system.報告番号: ; 学位授与年月日: 2012-09-27 ; 学位の種別: 修士 ; 学位の種類: 修士(工学) ; 学位記番号: ; 研究科・専攻: 工学系研究科社会基盤学専