82 research outputs found

    A Review on Quantitative Approaches for Dock Door Assignment in Cross-Docking

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    Cross docking is a relatively new technique in supply chain operations. It offers limited storage time to maximize the efficiency of goods transshipment. Efficient operation of a cross docking system requires an appropriate coordination of inbound and outbound flows, accurate planning and dynamic scheduling.  The planning strategies at cross docking terminals, which are receiving growing attention today, are the truck-to-door assignment and destination to door assignment problems. This paper provides a comprehensive literature review of quantitative approaches in dock door assignment problems of cross docking planning. The contributions of this paper are to identify the gap of knowledge in operational levels mainly in dock door assignment and to point out the future research direction in cross docking

    Performance Improvement Through Benchmarking for Small and Medium Manufacturers (SMM)

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    Die wichtigsten Kostenfaktoren innerhalb einer Lieferkette lassen sich drei Kategorien zuordnen: Produktions-, Transport-und Lagerkosten. Die Strukturen dieser operativen Kosten im Hinblick auf die Gesamtkosten variieren stark je nach Industriesektor. Produktionskosten stellen dennoch die höchste Kostenart in fast allen Branchen dar, weniger bedeutend folgen danach jeweils die Transport- und Lagerkosten. Die Optimierung einer dieser Kategorien ohne Rücksicht auf die anderen kann zur Erhöhung der Gesamtkosten sowie der allgemeinen Leistungsfähigkeit führen. Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit dem „production distribution problem“ wobei synchronisierte Strategien entwickelt werden können, um die Leistung der Supply Chain zu verbessern und gleichzeitig die Gesamtkosten zu minimieren. Dazu wurde eine Fallstudie aus der Realität untersucht, nämlich das Praxisbeispiel eines Herstellers von Waschmitteln. Zwei Hauptszenarien werden bewertet. Das erste Szenario ist der konventionelle Plan, wobei die Hersteller dominieren. Dies bedeutet, dass der Hersteller findet seinen eigenen optimalen Job-Scheduling-Plan, während die Distribution versucht mit Hilfe dessen ihren optimalen Plan zu finden. Dadurch erhöhen sich die Distributionskosten. Das zweite Szenario betrifft die Synchronisation der Produktions-, Lagerhaltungs- und Transportzeitpläne. Ein zu diesem Zweck entwickeltes Java-Programm und die Job-Scheduling-Software Simal wurden für die Modellierung der konventionellen und integrierten Szenarien verwendet. Beide Szenarien wurden verglichen und validiert. Die Fallstudie betrachtet mehrere Produkte sowie ein schwer zu planendes flowshop- System. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Gesamtkosten, einschließlich der Einrichtungs-, Lager- und Transportkosten, minimiert werden können, wenn das synchronisierte System angewendet wird.The main cost factors within a supply chain can be put into the categories of production, transportation, and inventory costs. The composition of these operational costs relative to total costs varies largely by industry. However, production cost is the largest of all in almost all the industries, followed by transportation and inventory costs. Optimizing one of these categories without consideration of the others may increase the total cost and reduce the overall performance. This dissertation deals with the production distribution problem of developing synchronized strategies to improve the supply chain performance and to minimize the total cost. A real case study is investigated. This real-life case study is a powder detergent plant located in Libya. There are two main scenarios evaluated. The first scenario is the conventional plan, where the manufacturer dominates. This means the manufacturer finds his own optimum job-scheduling plan, and the distributor tries to find the optimum plan according to it. This will increase the distribution cost. The second scenario involves synchronizing the production, inventory and transportation schedules. A Java program and SimAl (job-schedulingsoftware) were constructed for modelling conventional and integrated scenarios. The two scenarios were compared and validated. The case study considered multiple products and a flowshop system which is difficult to schedule. The results show that the total costs, including setup, inventory and transportation, can be minimized when the synchronized system is applied

    Penjadwalan Flow Shop untuk Meminimasi Total Tardiness Menggunakan Algoritma Cross Entropy–Algoritma Genetika

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    Flow shop scheduling problems much studied by several researchers. One problem with scheduling is the tardiness. Total tardiness is the performance to minimize tardiness jobs. it is the right performance if there is a due date. This study proposes the Cross-Entropy Genetic Algorithm (CEGA) method to minimize the mean tardiness in the flow shop problem. In some literature, the CEGA algorithm is used in the case of minimizing the makespan. However, CEGA not used in the case of minimizing total tardiness. CEGA algorithm is a combination of the Cross-Entropy Algorithm which has a function to provide optimal sampling distribution and Genetic Algorithms that have functions to get new solutions. In some numeric experiments, the proposed algorithm provides better performance than some algorithms. For computing time, it is affected by the number of iterations. The higher the iteration, computing requires high time

    A Polyhedral Study of Mixed 0-1 Set

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    We consider a variant of the well-known single node fixed charge network flow set with constant capacities. This set arises from the relaxation of more general mixed integer sets such as lot-sizing problems with multiple suppliers. We provide a complete polyhedral characterization of the convex hull of the given set

    Two-Stage Vehicle Routing Problems with Profits and Buffers: Analysis and Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms

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    This thesis considers the Two-Stage Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) with Profits and Buffers, which generalizes various optimization problems that are relevant for practical applications, such as the Two-Machine Flow Shop with Buffers and the Orienteering Problem. Two optimization problems are considered for the Two-Stage VRP with Profits and Buffers, namely the minimization of total time while respecting a profit constraint and the maximization of total profit under a budget constraint. The former generalizes the makespan minimization problem for the Two-Machine Flow Shop with Buffers, whereas the latter is comparable to the problem of maximizing score in the Orienteering Problem. For the three problems, a theoretical analysis is performed regarding computational complexity, existence of optimal permutation schedules (where all vehicles traverse the same nodes in the same order) and potential gaps in attainable solution quality between permutation schedules and non-permutation schedules. The obtained theoretical results are visualized in a table that gives an overview of various subproblems belonging to the Two-Stage VRP with Profits and Buffers, their theoretical properties and how they are connected. For the Two-Machine Flow Shop with Buffers and the Orienteering Problem, two metaheuristics 2BF-ILS and VNSOP are presented that obtain favorable results in computational experiments when compared to other state-of-the-art algorithms. For the Two-Stage VRP with Profits and Buffers, an algorithmic framework for Iterative Search Algorithms with Variable Neighborhoods (ISAVaN) is proposed that generalizes aspects from 2BF-ILS as well as VNSOP. Various algorithms derived from that framework are evaluated in an experimental study. The evaluation methodology used for all computational experiments in this thesis takes the performance during the run time into account and demonstrates that algorithms for structurally different problems, which are encompassed by the Two-Stage VRP with Profits and Buffers, can be evaluated with similar methods. The results show that the most suitable choice for the components in these algorithms is dependent on the properties of the problem and the considered evaluation criteria. However, a number of similarities to algorithms that perform well for the Two-Machine Flow Shop with Buffers and the Orienteering Problem can be identified. The framework unifies these characteristics, providing a spectrum of algorithms that can be adapted to the specifics of the considered Vehicle Routing Problem.:1 Introduction 2 Background 2.1 Problem Motivation 2.2 Formal Definition of the Two-Stage VRP with Profits and Buffers 2.3 Review of Literature on Related Vehicle Routing Problems 2.3.1 Two-Stage Vehicle Routing Problems 2.3.2 Vehicle Routing Problems with Profits 2.3.3 Vehicle Routing Problems with Capacity- or Resource-based Restrictions 2.4 Preliminary Remarks on Subsequent Chapters 3 The Two-Machine Flow Shop Problem with Buffers 3.1 Review of Literature on Flow Shop Problems with Buffers 3.1.1 Algorithms and Metaheuristics for Flow Shops with Buffers 3.1.2 Two-Machine Flow Shop Problems with Buffers 3.1.3 Blocking Flow Shops 3.1.4 Non-Permutation Schedules 3.1.5 Other Extensions and Variations of Flow Shop Problems 3.2 Theoretical Properties 3.2.1 Computational Complexity 3.2.2 The Existence of Optimal Permutation Schedules 3.2.3 The Gap Between Permutation Schedules an Non-Permutation 3.3 A Modification of the NEH Heuristic 3.4 An Iterated Local Search for the Two-Machine Flow Shop Problem with Buffers 3.5 Computational Evaluation 3.5.1 Algorithms for Comparison 3.5.2 Generation of Problem Instances 3.5.3 Parameter Values 3.5.4 Comparison of 2BF-ILS with other Metaheuristics 3.5.5 Comparison of 2BF-OPT with NEH 3.6 Summary 4 The Orienteering Problem 4.1 Review of Literature on Orienteering Problems 4.2 Theoretical Properties 4.3 A Variable Neighborhood Search for the Orienteering Problem 4.4 Computational Evaluation 4.4.1 Measurement of Algorithm Performance 4.4.2 Choice of Algorithms for Comparison 4.4.3 Problem Instances 4.4.4 Parameter Values 4.4.5 Experimental Setup 4.4.6 Comparison of VNSOP with other Metaheuristics 4.5 Summary 5 The Two-Stage Vehicle Routing Problem with Profits and Buffers 5.1 Theoretical Properties of the Two-Stage VRP with Profits and Buffers 5.1.1 Computational Complexity of the General Problem 5.1.2 Existence of Permutation Schedules in the Set of Optimal Solutions 5.1.3 The Gap Between Permutation Schedules an Non-Permutation Schedules 5.1.4 Remarks on Restricted Cases 5.1.5 Overview of Theoretical Results 5.2 A Metaheuristic Framework for the Two-Stage VRP with Profits and Buffers 5.3 Experimental Results 5.3.1 Problem Instances 5.3.2 Experimental Results for O_{max R, Cmax≤B} 5.3.3 Experimental Results for O_{min Cmax, R≥Q} 5.4 Summary Bibliography List of Figures List of Tables List of Algorithm

    Models and Algorithms for Inbound and Outbound Truck to Door Scheduling

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    Cross-docking is a logistic strategy that facilitates rapid movement of consolidated products between suppliers and retailers within a supply chain. It is also a warehousing strategy that aims at reducing or eliminating storage and order picking, two of which are known to be major costly operations of any typical warehouse. This strategy has been used in the retailing, manufacturing, and automotive industries. In a cross-dock, goods are unloaded from incoming trucks, consolidated according to their destinations, and then, loaded into outgoing trucks with little or no storage in between. In this thesis, we address an integrated cross-dock door assignment and truck scheduling problem in which the assignment and sequencing of incoming trucks to strip doors and outgoing trucks to stack doors is optimized to minimize the total time to process all trucks. We present a mixed integer programming formulation to model this problem and some valid inequalities to strengthen the formulation. We also present two metaheuristics to obtain high quality solutions in reasonable CPU times. These algorithms use a mix of composite dispatching rules, constructive heuristics, local search heuristics which are embedded into a greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP) and an iterated local search (ILS). Results of computational experiments are presented to assess the performance of the proposed algorithms, in comparison with a general purpose solver

    Minimization of the Total Traveling Distance and Maximum Distance by Using a Transformed-Based Encoding EDA to Solve the Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem

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    [[abstract]]Estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs) have been used to solve numerous hard problems. However, their use with in-group optimization problems has not been discussed extensively in the literature. A well-known in-group optimization problem is the multiple traveling salesmen problem (mTSP), which involves simultaneous assignment and sequencing procedures and are shown in different forms. This paper presents a new algorithm, named EDAMLA, which is based on self-guided genetic algorithm with a minimum loading assignment (MLA) rule.This strategy uses the transformed-based encoding approach instead of direct encoding. The solution space of the proposed method is only ??!. We compare the proposed algorithm against the optimal direct encoding technique, the two-part encoding genetic algorithm, and, in experiments on 34 TSP instances drawn from the TSPLIB, find that its solution space is ??! ( ??−1 ??−1 ). The scale of the experiments exceeded that presented in prior studies. The results show that the proposed algorithm was superior to the two-part encoding genetic algorithm in terms of minimizing the total traveling distance. Notably, the proposed algorithm did not cause a longer traveling distance when the number of salesmen was increased from 3 to 10. The results suggest that EDA researchers should employ the MLA rule instead of direct encoding in their proposed algorithms.[[notice]]補正完