268 research outputs found

    3D texture analysis in renal cell carcinoma tissue image grading

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    One of the most significant processes in cancer cell and tissue image analysis is the efficient extraction of features for grading purposes. This research applied two types of three-dimensional texture analysis methods to the extraction of feature values from renal cell carcinoma tissue images, and then evaluated the validity of the methods statistically through grade classification. First, we used a confocal laser scanning microscope to obtain image slices of four grades of renal cell carcinoma, which were then reconstructed into 3D volumes. Next, we extracted quantitative values using a 3D gray level cooccurrence matrix (GLCM) and a 3D wavelet based on two types of basis functions. To evaluate their validity, we predefined 6 different statistical classifiers and applied these to the extracted feature sets. In the grade classification results, 3D Haar wavelet texture features combined with principal component analysis showed the best discrimination results. Classification using 3D wavelet texture features was significantly better than 3D GLCM, suggesting that the former has potential for use in a computer-based grading system.ope

    Improving cancer subtype diagnosis and grading using clinical decision support system based on computer-aided tissue image analysis

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    This research focuses towards the development of a clinical decision support system (CDSS) based on cellular and tissue image analysis and classification system that improves consistency and facilitates the clinical decision making process. In a typical cancer examination, pathologists make diagnosis by manually reading morphological features in patient biopsy images, in which cancer biomarkers are highlighted by using different staining techniques. This process is subjected to pathologist's training and experience, especially when the same cancer has several subtypes (i.e. benign tumor subtype vs. malignant subtype) and the same cancer tissue biopsy contains heterogeneous morphologies in different locations. The variability in pathologist's manual reading may result in varying cancer diagnosis and treatment. This Ph.D. research aims to reduce the subjectivity and variation existing in traditional histo-pathological reading of patient tissue biopsy slides through Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD). Using the CAD, quantitative molecular profiling of cancer biomarkers of stained biopsy images are obtained by extracting and analyzing texture and cellular structure features. In addition, cancer sub-type classification and a semi-automatic grade scoring (i.e. clinical decision making) for improved consistency over a large number of cancer subtype images can be performed. The CAD tools do have their own limitations and in certain cases the clinicians, however, prefer systems which are flexible and take into account their individuality when necessary by providing some control rather than fully automated system. Therefore, to be able to introduce CDSS in health care, we need to understand users' perspectives and preferences on the new information technology. This forms as the basis for this research where we target to present the quantitative information acquired through the image analysis, annotate the images and provide suitable visualization which can facilitate the process of decision making in a clinical setting.PhDCommittee Chair: Dr. May D. Wang; Committee Member: Dr. Andrew N. Young; Committee Member: Dr. Anthony J. Yezzi; Committee Member: Dr. Edward J. Coyle; Committee Member: Dr. Paul Benkese

    Recent Advances in Morphological Cell Image Analysis

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    This paper summarizes the recent advances in image processing methods for morphological cell analysis. The topic of morphological analysis has received much attention with the increasing demands in both bioinformatics and biomedical applications. Among many factors that affect the diagnosis of a disease, morphological cell analysis and statistics have made great contributions to results and effects for a doctor. Morphological cell analysis finds the cellar shape, cellar regularity, classification, statistics, diagnosis, and so forth. In the last 20 years, about 1000 publications have reported the use of morphological cell analysis in biomedical research. Relevant solutions encompass a rather wide application area, such as cell clumps segmentation, morphological characteristics extraction, 3D reconstruction, abnormal cells identification, and statistical analysis. These reports are summarized in this paper to enable easy referral to suitable methods for practical solutions. Representative contributions and future research trends are also addressed

    Deep Learning for Classification of Brain Tumor Histopathological Images

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    Histopathological image classification has been at the forefront of medical research. We evaluated several deep and non-deep learning models for brain tumor histopathological image classification. The challenges were characterized by an insufficient amount of training data and identical glioma features. We employed transfer learning to tackle these challenges. We also employed some state-of-the-art non-deep learning classifiers on histogram of gradient features extracted from our images, as well as features extracted using CNN activations. Data augmentation was utilized in our study. We obtained an 82% accuracy with DenseNet-201 as our best for the deep learning models and an 83.8% accuracy with ANN for the non-deep learning classifiers. The average of the diagonals of the confusion matrices for each model was calculated as their accuracy. The performance metrics criteria in this study are our model’s precision in classifying each class and their average classification accuracy. Our result emphasizes the significance of deep learning as an invaluable tool for histopathological image studies

    Computer Vision for Tissue Characterization and Outcome Prediction in Cancer

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    The aim of this dissertation was to investigate the use of computer vision for tissue characterization and patient outcome prediction in cancer. This work focused on analysis of digitized tissue specimens, which were stained only for basic morphology (i.e. hematoxylin and eosin). The applicability of texture analysis and convolutional neural networks was evaluated for detection of biologically and clinically relevant features. Moreover, novel approaches to guide ground-truth annotation and outcome-supervised learning for prediction of patient survival directly from the tumor tissue images without expert guidance was investigated. We first studied quantification of tumor viability through segmentation of necrotic and viable tissue compartments. We developed a regional texture analysis method, which was trained and tested on whole sections of mouse xenograft models of human lung cancer. Our experiments showed that the proposed segmentation was able to discriminate between viable and non-viable tissue regions with high accuracy when compared to human expert assessment. We next investigated the feasibility of pre-trained convolutional neural networks in analysis of breast cancer tissue, aiming to quantify tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in the specimens. Interestingly, our results showed that pre-trained convolutional neural networks can be adapted for analysis of histological image data, outperforming texture analysis. The results also indicated that the computerized assessment was on par with pathologist assessments. Moreover, the study presented an image annotation technique guided by specific antibody staining for improved ground-truth labeling. Direct outcome prediction in breast cancer was then studied using a nationwide patient cohort. A computerized pipeline, which incorporated orderless feature aggregation and convolutional image descriptors for outcome-supervised classification, resulted in a risk grouping that was predictive of both disease-specific and overall survival. Surprisingly, further analysis suggested that the computerized risk prediction was also an independent prognostic factor that provided information complementary to the standard clinicopathological factors. This doctoral thesis demonstrated how computer-vision methods can be powerful tools in analysis of cancer tissue samples, highlighting strategies for supervised characterization of tissue entities and an approach for identification of novel prognostic morphological features.Kudosnäytteiden mikroskooppisten piirteiden visuaalinen tarkastelu on yksi tärkeimmistä määrityksistä syöpäpotilaiden diagnosoinnissa ja hoidon suunnittelussa. Edistyneet kuvantamisteknologiat ovat mahdollistaneet histologisten kasvainkudosnäytteiden digitalisoinnin tarkalla resoluutiolla. Näytteiden digitalisoinnin seurauksena niiden analysointiin voidaan soveltaa edistyneitä koneoppimiseen perustuvia konenäön menetelmiä. Tämä väitöskirja tutkii konenäön menetelmien soveltamista syöpäkudosnäytteiden laskennalliseen analyysiin. Työssä tutkitaan yksittäisten histologisten entiteettien, kuten nekroottisen kudoksen ja immuunisolujen automaattista kvantifiointia. Lisäksi työssä esitellään menetelmä potilaan selviytymisen ennustamiseen pelkkään kudosmorfologiaan perustuen