393 research outputs found

    A Note on Flips in Diagonal Rectangulations

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    Rectangulations are partitions of a square into axis-aligned rectangles. A number of results provide bijections between combinatorial equivalence classes of rectangulations and families of pattern-avoiding permutations. Other results deal with local changes involving a single edge of a rectangulation, referred to as flips, edge rotations, or edge pivoting. Such operations induce a graph on equivalence classes of rectangulations, related to so-called flip graphs on triangulations and other families of geometric partitions. In this note, we consider a family of flip operations on the equivalence classes of diagonal rectangulations, and their interpretation as transpositions in the associated Baxter permutations, avoiding the vincular patterns { 3{14}2, 2{41}3 }. This complements results from Law and Reading (JCTA, 2012) and provides a complete characterization of flip operations on diagonal rectangulations, in both geometric and combinatorial terms

    Computational Framework for Parametric Modeling and Architecture-Energy Assessment of Building Floorplans

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    Modern building systems can be exceedingly complex. In this research we develop a computational framework for the parametric modeling and architecture-energy assessment of building floorplans. Parametric representations of floorplans are formulated as multi-layer hierarchies, with adjacent layers coupled by dependency relationships. Software is developed for two approaches to floorplan specification: (1) scripting, and (2) interactive graphical techniques. Computational procedures are developed for assessment of building code regulations, electricity cost assessment, and simplified HVAC component selection and architecture-energy sensitivity analysis. A case study analysis of a two-apartment building system is presented

    Algorithmic techniques for physical design : macro placement and under-the-cell routing

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    With the increase of chip component density and new manufacturability constraints imposed by modern technology nodes, the role of algorithms for electronic design automation is key to the successful implementation of integrated circuits. Two of the critical steps in the physical design flows are macro placement and ensuring all design rules are honored after timing closure. This thesis proposes contributions to help in these stages, easing time-consuming manual steps and helping physical design engineers to obtain better layouts in reduced turnaround time. The first contribution is under-the-cell routing, a proposal to systematically connect standard cell components via lateral pins in the lower metal layers. The aim is to reduce congestion in the upper metal layers caused by extra metal and vias, decreasing the number of design rule violations. To allow cells to connect by abutment, a standard cell library is enriched with instances containing lateral pins in a pre-selected sharing track. Algorithms are proposed to maximize the numbers of connections via lateral connection by mapping placed cell instances to layouts with lateral pins, and proposing local placement modifications to increase the opportunities for such connections. Experimental results show a significant decrease in the number of pins, vias, and in number of design rule violations, with negligible impact on wirelength and timing. The second contribution, done in collaboration with eSilicon (a leading ASIC design company), is the creation of HiDaP, a macro placement tool for modern industrial designs. The proposed approach follows a multilevel scheme to floorplan hierarchical blocks, composed of macros and standard cells. By exploiting RTL information available in the netlist, the dataflow affinity between these blocks is modeled and minimized to find a macro placement with good wirelength and timing properties. The approach is further extended to allow additional engineer input, such as preferred macro locations, and also spectral and force methods to guide the floorplanning search. Experimental results show that the layouts generated by HiDaP outperforms those obtained by a state-of-the-art EDA physical design software, with similar wirelength and better timing when compared to manually designed tape-out ready macro placements. Layouts obtained by HiDaP have successfully been brought to near timing closure with one to two rounds of small modifications by physical design engineers. HiDaP has been fully integrated in the design flows of the company and its development remains an ongoing effort.A causa de l'increment de la densitat de components en els xip i les noves restriccions de disseny imposades pels últims nodes de fabricació, el rol de l'algorísmia en l'automatització del disseny electrònic ha esdevingut clau per poder implementar circuits integrats. Dos dels passos crucials en el procés de disseny físic és el placement de macros i assegurar la correcció de les regles de disseny un cop les restriccions de timing del circuit són satisfetes. Aquesta tesi proposa contribucions per ajudar en aquests dos reptes, facilitant laboriosos passos manuals en el procés i ajudant als enginyers de disseny físic a obtenir millors resultats en menys temps. La primera contribució és el routing "under-the-cell", una proposta per connectar cel·les estàndard usant pins laterals en les capes de metall inferior de manera sistemàtica. L'objectiu és reduir la congestió en les capes de metall superior causades per l'ús de metall i vies, i així disminuir el nombre de violacions de regles de disseny. Per permetre la connexió lateral de cel·les, estenem una llibreria de cel·les estàndard amb dissenys que incorporen connexions laterals. També proposem modificacions locals al placement per permetre explotar aquest tipus de connexions més sovint. Els resultats experimentals mostren una reducció significativa en el nombre de pins, vies i nombre de violacions de regles de disseny, amb un impacte negligible en wirelength i timing. La segona contribució, desenvolupada en col·laboració amb eSilicon (una empresa capdavantera en disseny ASIC), és el desenvolupament de HiDaP, una eina de macro placement per a dissenys industrials actuals. La proposta segueix un procés multinivell per fer el floorplan de blocks jeràrquics, formats per macros i cel·les estàndard. Mitjançant la informació RTL disponible en la netlist, l'afinitat de dataflow entre els mòduls es modela i minimitza per trobar macro placements amb bones propietats de wirelength i timing. La proposta també incorpora la possibilitat de rebre input addicional de l'enginyer, com ara suggeriments de les posicions de les macros. Finalment, també usa mètodes espectrals i de forçes per guiar la cerca de floorplans. Els resultats experimentals mostren que els dissenys generats amb HiDaP són millors que els obtinguts per eines comercials capdavanteres de EDA. Els resultats també mostren que els dissenys presentats poden obtenir un wirelength similar i millor timing que macro placements obtinguts manualment, usats per fabricació. Alguns dissenys obtinguts per HiDaP s'han dut fins a timing-closure en una o dues rondes de modificacions incrementals per part d'enginyers de disseny físic. L'eina s'ha integrat en el procés de disseny de eSilicon i el seu desenvolupament continua més enllà de les aportacions a aquesta tesi.Postprint (published version

    Algorithmic techniques for physical design : macro placement and under-the-cell routing

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    With the increase of chip component density and new manufacturability constraints imposed by modern technology nodes, the role of algorithms for electronic design automation is key to the successful implementation of integrated circuits. Two of the critical steps in the physical design flows are macro placement and ensuring all design rules are honored after timing closure. This thesis proposes contributions to help in these stages, easing time-consuming manual steps and helping physical design engineers to obtain better layouts in reduced turnaround time. The first contribution is under-the-cell routing, a proposal to systematically connect standard cell components via lateral pins in the lower metal layers. The aim is to reduce congestion in the upper metal layers caused by extra metal and vias, decreasing the number of design rule violations. To allow cells to connect by abutment, a standard cell library is enriched with instances containing lateral pins in a pre-selected sharing track. Algorithms are proposed to maximize the numbers of connections via lateral connection by mapping placed cell instances to layouts with lateral pins, and proposing local placement modifications to increase the opportunities for such connections. Experimental results show a significant decrease in the number of pins, vias, and in number of design rule violations, with negligible impact on wirelength and timing. The second contribution, done in collaboration with eSilicon (a leading ASIC design company), is the creation of HiDaP, a macro placement tool for modern industrial designs. The proposed approach follows a multilevel scheme to floorplan hierarchical blocks, composed of macros and standard cells. By exploiting RTL information available in the netlist, the dataflow affinity between these blocks is modeled and minimized to find a macro placement with good wirelength and timing properties. The approach is further extended to allow additional engineer input, such as preferred macro locations, and also spectral and force methods to guide the floorplanning search. Experimental results show that the layouts generated by HiDaP outperforms those obtained by a state-of-the-art EDA physical design software, with similar wirelength and better timing when compared to manually designed tape-out ready macro placements. Layouts obtained by HiDaP have successfully been brought to near timing closure with one to two rounds of small modifications by physical design engineers. HiDaP has been fully integrated in the design flows of the company and its development remains an ongoing effort.A causa de l'increment de la densitat de components en els xip i les noves restriccions de disseny imposades pels últims nodes de fabricació, el rol de l'algorísmia en l'automatització del disseny electrònic ha esdevingut clau per poder implementar circuits integrats. Dos dels passos crucials en el procés de disseny físic és el placement de macros i assegurar la correcció de les regles de disseny un cop les restriccions de timing del circuit són satisfetes. Aquesta tesi proposa contribucions per ajudar en aquests dos reptes, facilitant laboriosos passos manuals en el procés i ajudant als enginyers de disseny físic a obtenir millors resultats en menys temps. La primera contribució és el routing "under-the-cell", una proposta per connectar cel·les estàndard usant pins laterals en les capes de metall inferior de manera sistemàtica. L'objectiu és reduir la congestió en les capes de metall superior causades per l'ús de metall i vies, i així disminuir el nombre de violacions de regles de disseny. Per permetre la connexió lateral de cel·les, estenem una llibreria de cel·les estàndard amb dissenys que incorporen connexions laterals. També proposem modificacions locals al placement per permetre explotar aquest tipus de connexions més sovint. Els resultats experimentals mostren una reducció significativa en el nombre de pins, vies i nombre de violacions de regles de disseny, amb un impacte negligible en wirelength i timing. La segona contribució, desenvolupada en col·laboració amb eSilicon (una empresa capdavantera en disseny ASIC), és el desenvolupament de HiDaP, una eina de macro placement per a dissenys industrials actuals. La proposta segueix un procés multinivell per fer el floorplan de blocks jeràrquics, formats per macros i cel·les estàndard. Mitjançant la informació RTL disponible en la netlist, l'afinitat de dataflow entre els mòduls es modela i minimitza per trobar macro placements amb bones propietats de wirelength i timing. La proposta també incorpora la possibilitat de rebre input addicional de l'enginyer, com ara suggeriments de les posicions de les macros. Finalment, també usa mètodes espectrals i de forçes per guiar la cerca de floorplans. Els resultats experimentals mostren que els dissenys generats amb HiDaP són millors que els obtinguts per eines comercials capdavanteres de EDA. Els resultats també mostren que els dissenys presentats poden obtenir un wirelength similar i millor timing que macro placements obtinguts manualment, usats per fabricació. Alguns dissenys obtinguts per HiDaP s'han dut fins a timing-closure en una o dues rondes de modificacions incrementals per part d'enginyers de disseny físic. L'eina s'ha integrat en el procés de disseny de eSilicon i el seu desenvolupament continua més enllà de les aportacions a aquesta tesi

    Heurísticas bioinspiradas para el problema de Floorplanning 3D térmico de dispositivos MPSoCs

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadores y Automática, leída el 20-06-2013Depto. de Arquitectura de Computadores y AutomáticaFac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Interconnect Planning for Physical Design of 3D Integrated Circuits

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    Vertical stacking—based on modern manufacturing and integration technologies—of multiple 2D chips enables three-dimensional integrated circuits (3D ICs). This exploitation of the third dimension is generally accepted for aiming at higher packing densities, heterogeneous integration, shorter interconnects, reduced power consumption, increased data bandwidth, and realizing highly-parallel systems in one device. However, the commercial acceptance of 3D ICs is currently behind its expectations, mainly due to challenges regarding manufacturing and integration technologies as well as design automation. This work addresses three selected, practically relevant design challenges: (i) increasing the constrained reusability of proven, reliable 2D intellectual property blocks, (ii) planning different types of (comparatively large) through-silicon vias with focus on their impact on design quality, as well as (iii) structural planning of massively-parallel, 3D-IC-specific interconnect structures during 3D floorplanning. A key concept of this work is to account for interconnect structures and their properties during early design phases in order to support effective and high-quality 3D-IC-design flows. To tackle the above listed challenges, modular design-flow extensions and methodologies have been developed. Experimental investigations reveal the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed techniques, and provide findings on 3D integration with particular focus on interconnect structures. We suggest consideration of these findings when formulating guidelines for successful 3D-IC design automation.:1 Introduction 1.1 The 3D Integration Approach for Electronic Circuits 1.2 Technologies for 3D Integrated Circuits 1.3 Design Approaches for 3D Integrated Circuits 2 State of the Art in Design Automation for 3D Integrated Circuits 2.1 Thermal Management 2.2 Partitioning and Floorplanning 2.3 Placement and Routing 2.4 Power and Clock Delivery 2.5 Design Challenges 3 Research Objectives 4 Planning Through-Silicon Via Islands for Block-Level Design Reuse 4.1 Problems for Design Reuse in 3D Integrated Circuits 4.2 Connecting Blocks Using Through-Silicon Via Islands 4.2.1 Problem Formulation and Methodology Overview 4.2.2 Net Clustering 4.2.3 Insertion of Through-Silicon Via Islands 4.2.4 Deadspace Insertion and Redistribution 4.3 Experimental Investigation 4.3.1 Wirelength Estimation 4.3.2 Configuration 4.3.3 Results and Discussion 4.4 Summary and Conclusions 5 Planning Through-Silicon Vias for Design Optimization 5.1 Deadspace Requirements for Optimized Planning of Through-Silicon Vias 5.2 Multiobjective Design Optimization of 3D Integrated Circuits 5.2.1 Methodology Overview and Configuration 5.2.2 Techniques for Deadspace Optimization 5.2.3 Design-Quality Analysis 5.2.4 Planning Different Types of Through-Silicon Vias 5.3 Experimental Investigation 5.3.1 Configuration 5.3.2 Results and Discussion 5.4 Summary and Conclusions 6 3D Floorplanning for Structural Planning of Massive Interconnects 6.1 Block Alignment for Interconnects Planning in 3D Integrated Circuits 6.2 Corner Block List Extended for Block Alignment 6.2.1 Alignment Encoding 6.2.2 Layout Generation: Block Placement and Alignment 6.3 3D Floorplanning Methodology 6.3.1 Optimization Criteria and Phases and Related Cost Models 6.3.2 Fast Thermal Analysis 6.3.3 Layout Operations 6.3.4 Adaptive Optimization Schedule 6.4 Experimental Investigation 6.4.1 Configuration 6.4.2 Results and Discussion 6.5 Summary and Conclusions 7 Research Summary, Conclusions, and Outlook Dissertation Theses Notation Glossary BibliographyDreidimensional integrierte Schaltkreise (3D-ICs) beruhen auf neuartigen Herstellungs- und Integrationstechnologien, wobei vor allem “klassische” 2D-ICs vertikal zu einem neuartigen 3D-System gestapelt werden. Dieser Ansatz zur Erschließung der dritten Dimension im Schaltkreisentwurf ist nach Expertenmeinung dazu geeignet, höhere Integrationsdichten zu erreichen, heterogene Integration zu realisieren, kürzere Verdrahtungswege zu ermöglichen, Leistungsaufnahmen zu reduzieren, Datenübertragungsraten zu erhöhen, sowie hoch-parallele Systeme in einer Baugruppe umzusetzen. Aufgrund von technologischen und entwurfsmethodischen Schwierigkeiten bleibt jedoch bisher die kommerzielle Anwendung von 3D-ICs deutlich hinter den Erwartungen zurück. In dieser Arbeit werden drei ausgewählte, praktisch relevante Problemstellungen der Entwurfsautomatisierung von 3D-ICs bearbeitet: (i) die Verbesserung der (eingeschränkten) Wiederverwendbarkeit von zuverlässigen 2D-Intellectual-Property-Blöcken, (ii) die komplexe Planung von verschiedenartigen, verhältnismäßig großen Through-Silicion Vias unter Beachtung ihres Einflusses auf die Entwurfsqualität, und (iii) die strukturelle Einbindung von massiv-parallelen, 3D-IC-spezifischen Verbindungsstrukturen während der Floorplanning-Phase. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht darin, Verbindungsstrukturen mit deren wesentlichen Eigenschaften bereits in den frühen Phasen des Entwurfsprozesses zu berücksichtigen. Dies begünstigt einen qualitativ hochwertigen Entwurf von 3D-ICs. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten modularen Entwurfsprozess-Erweiterungen bzw. -Methodiken dienen zur effizienten Lösung der oben genannten Problemstellungen. Experimentelle Untersuchungen bestätigen die Wirksamkeit sowie die Effektivität der erarbeiten Methoden. Darüber hinaus liefern sie praktische Erkenntnisse bezüglich der Anwendung von 3D-ICs und der Planung deren Verbindungsstrukturen. Diese Erkenntnisse sind zur Ableitung von Richtlinien für den erfolgreichen Entwurf von 3D-ICs dienlich.:1 Introduction 1.1 The 3D Integration Approach for Electronic Circuits 1.2 Technologies for 3D Integrated Circuits 1.3 Design Approaches for 3D Integrated Circuits 2 State of the Art in Design Automation for 3D Integrated Circuits 2.1 Thermal Management 2.2 Partitioning and Floorplanning 2.3 Placement and Routing 2.4 Power and Clock Delivery 2.5 Design Challenges 3 Research Objectives 4 Planning Through-Silicon Via Islands for Block-Level Design Reuse 4.1 Problems for Design Reuse in 3D Integrated Circuits 4.2 Connecting Blocks Using Through-Silicon Via Islands 4.2.1 Problem Formulation and Methodology Overview 4.2.2 Net Clustering 4.2.3 Insertion of Through-Silicon Via Islands 4.2.4 Deadspace Insertion and Redistribution 4.3 Experimental Investigation 4.3.1 Wirelength Estimation 4.3.2 Configuration 4.3.3 Results and Discussion 4.4 Summary and Conclusions 5 Planning Through-Silicon Vias for Design Optimization 5.1 Deadspace Requirements for Optimized Planning of Through-Silicon Vias 5.2 Multiobjective Design Optimization of 3D Integrated Circuits 5.2.1 Methodology Overview and Configuration 5.2.2 Techniques for Deadspace Optimization 5.2.3 Design-Quality Analysis 5.2.4 Planning Different Types of Through-Silicon Vias 5.3 Experimental Investigation 5.3.1 Configuration 5.3.2 Results and Discussion 5.4 Summary and Conclusions 6 3D Floorplanning for Structural Planning of Massive Interconnects 6.1 Block Alignment for Interconnects Planning in 3D Integrated Circuits 6.2 Corner Block List Extended for Block Alignment 6.2.1 Alignment Encoding 6.2.2 Layout Generation: Block Placement and Alignment 6.3 3D Floorplanning Methodology 6.3.1 Optimization Criteria and Phases and Related Cost Models 6.3.2 Fast Thermal Analysis 6.3.3 Layout Operations 6.3.4 Adaptive Optimization Schedule 6.4 Experimental Investigation 6.4.1 Configuration 6.4.2 Results and Discussion 6.5 Summary and Conclusions 7 Research Summary, Conclusions, and Outlook Dissertation Theses Notation Glossary Bibliograph

    Energy-aware synthesis for networks on chip architectures

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    The Network on Chip (NoC) paradigm was introduced as a scalable communication infrastructure for future System-on-Chip applications. Designing application specific customized communication architectures is critical for obtaining low power, high performance solutions. Two significant design automation problems are the creation of an optimized configuration, given application requirement the implementation of this on-chip network. Automating the design of on-chip networks requires models for estimating area and energy, algorithms to effectively explore the design space and network component libraries and tools to generate the hardware description. Chip architects are faced with managing a wide range of customization options for individual components, routers and topology. As energy is of paramount importance, the effectiveness of any custom NoC generation approach lies in the availability of good energy models to effectively explore the design space. This thesis describes a complete NoC synthesis flow, called NoCGEN, for creating energy-efficient custom NoC architectures. Three major automation problems are addressed: custom topology generation, energy modeling and generation. An iterative algorithm is proposed to generate application specific point-to-point and packet-switched networks. The algorithm explores the design space for efficient topologies using characterized models and a system-level floorplanner for evaluating placement and wire-energy. Prior to our contribution, building an energy model required careful analysis of transistor or gate implementations. To alleviate the burden, an automated linear regression-based methodology is proposed to rapidly extract energy models for many router designs. The resulting models are cycle accurate with low-complexity and found to be within 10% of gate-level energy simulations, and execute several orders of magnitude faster than gate-level simulations. A hardware description of the custom topology is generated using a parameterizable library and custom HDL generator. Fully reusable and scalable network components (switches, crossbars, arbiters, routing algorithms) are described using a template approach and are used to compose arbitrary topologies. A methodology for building and composing routers and topologies using a template engine is described. The entire flow is implemented as several demonstrable extensible tools with powerful visualization functionality. Several experiments are performed to demonstrate the design space exploration capabilities and compare it against a competing min-cut topology generation algorithm

    A generic housing grammar for the generation of different housing languages: a generic housing shape grammar for Palladian villas, Prairie and Malagueira houses

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    Shape grammars have traditionally described a design language and replicated it using a procedure. In the majority of existing studies, one language corresponded to one grammar and vice versa; the generative procedure was univocal and language specific. Generic grammars, which are capable of describing multiple design languages, potentially allow greater flexibility and help describe not only languages but relationships between languages. This study proposes a generic housing process based on a parametric shape grammar, and uses this to investigate relationships between several grammars or families of designs. A study case of three single housing grammars was selected using the Palladian villas, Prairie and Malagueira houses. Specific parameterisation confers the sense of style required to define a language. From the generated corpora two methods were exercised to explore two research questions: 1. A qualitative method tested how the parametric space of a shape grammar corresponded with our intuition of similarities and differences amongst designs. This was performed using a set of questionnaires posed to both laymen and expert observers. 2. A quantitative method was used to test how well the parametric space of a shape grammar coincided with the design space expressed by the different corpora. Principal Components Analysis was used to inform if the set of parameters used to design the solutions would group into clusters. Results indicate that the expected relationships between individual designs are captured by the generic grammar. The design solutions generated by the generic grammar were also naturally perceived by observers and clustering was identified amongst language related design solutions. A tool such as a generic shape grammar captures the principles of design as described by the generative shape rules and its parameterisation, which can be used in academia, practice or analysis to explore design

    Forum Bildverarbeitung 2022

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    Bildverarbeitung verknüpft das Fachgebiet die Sensorik von Kameras – bildgebender Sensorik – mit der Verarbeitung der Sensordaten – den Bildern. Daraus resultiert der besondere Reiz dieser Disziplin. Der vorliegende Tagungsband des „Forums Bildverarbeitung“, das am 24. und 25.11.2022 in Karlsruhe als Veranstaltung des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie und des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Optronik, Systemtechnik und Bildauswertung stattfand, enthält die Aufsätze der eingegangenen Beiträge

    Forum Bildverarbeitung 2022

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