9 research outputs found

    Learning Deep Similarity Metric for 3D MR-TRUS Registration

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    Purpose: The fusion of transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) and magnetic resonance (MR) images for guiding targeted prostate biopsy has significantly improved the biopsy yield of aggressive cancers. A key component of MR-TRUS fusion is image registration. However, it is very challenging to obtain a robust automatic MR-TRUS registration due to the large appearance difference between the two imaging modalities. The work presented in this paper aims to tackle this problem by addressing two challenges: (i) the definition of a suitable similarity metric and (ii) the determination of a suitable optimization strategy. Methods: This work proposes the use of a deep convolutional neural network to learn a similarity metric for MR-TRUS registration. We also use a composite optimization strategy that explores the solution space in order to search for a suitable initialization for the second-order optimization of the learned metric. Further, a multi-pass approach is used in order to smooth the metric for optimization. Results: The learned similarity metric outperforms the classical mutual information and also the state-of-the-art MIND feature based methods. The results indicate that the overall registration framework has a large capture range. The proposed deep similarity metric based approach obtained a mean TRE of 3.86mm (with an initial TRE of 16mm) for this challenging problem. Conclusion: A similarity metric that is learned using a deep neural network can be used to assess the quality of any given image registration and can be used in conjunction with the aforementioned optimization framework to perform automatic registration that is robust to poor initialization.Comment: To appear on IJCAR

    Meta-Learning Initializations for Interactive Medical Image Registration

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    We present a meta-learning framework for interactive medical image registration. Our proposed framework comprises three components: a learning-based medical image registration algorithm, a form of user interaction that refines registration at inference, and a meta-learning protocol that learns a rapidly adaptable network initialization. This paper describes a specific algorithm that implements the registration, interaction and meta-learning protocol for our exemplar clinical application: registration of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to interactively acquired, sparsely-sampled transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) images. Our approach obtains comparable registration error (4.26 mm) to the best-performing non-interactive learning-based 3D-to-3D method (3.97 mm) while requiring only a fraction of the data, and occurring in real-time during acquisition. Applying sparsely sampled data to non-interactive methods yields higher registration errors (6.26 mm), demonstrating the effectiveness of interactive MR-TRUS registration, which may be applied intraoperatively given the real-time nature of the adaptation process.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures. Paper accepted to IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (October 26 2022

    Toward optimization of target planning for magnetic resonance image-targeted, 3D transrectal ultrasound-guided fusion prostate biopsy

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    The current clinical standard for diagnosis of prostate cancer (PCa) is 2D transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)-guided biopsy. However, this procedure has a false negative rate of 21-47% and therefore many patients return for repeat biopsies. A potential solution for improving upon this problem is “fusion” biopsy, where magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used for PCa detection and localization prior to biopsy. In this procedure, tumours are delineated on pre-procedural MRI and registered to the 3D TRUS needle guidance modality. However, fusion biopsy continues to yield false negative results and there remains a gap in knowledge regarding biopsy needle target selection. Within-tumour needle targets are currently chosen ad hoc by the operating clinician without accounting for guidance system and registration errors. The objective of this thesis was to investigate how the choice of target selection strategy and number of biopsy attempts made per lesion may affect PCa diagnosis in the presence of needle delivery error. A fusion prostate biopsy simulation software platform was developed, which allowed for the investigation of how needle delivery error affects PCa diagnosis and cancer burden estimation. Initial work was conducted using 3D lesions contoured on MRI by collaborating radiologists. The results indicated that more than one core must be taken from the majority of lesions to achieve a sampling probability 95% for a biopsy system with needle delivery error ≥ 3.5 mm. Furthermore, it was observed that the optimal targeting scheme depends on the relative levels of systematic and random needle delivery errors inherent to the specific fusion biopsy system. Lastly, PCa tumours contoured on digital histology images by genitourinary pathologists were used to conduct biopsy simulations. The results demonstrated that needle delivery error has a substantial impact on the biopsy core involvement observed, and that targeting of high-grade lesions may result in higher core involvement variability compared with lesions of all grades. This work represents a first step toward improving the manner in which lesions are targeted using fusion biopsy. Successful integration of these findings into current fusion biopsy system operation could lead to earlier PCa diagnosis with the need for fewer repeat biopsy procedures

    Real-time multimodal image registration with partial intraoperative point-set data

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    We present Free Point Transformer (FPT) - a deep neural network architecture for non-rigid point-set registration. Consisting of two modules, a global feature extraction module and a point transformation module, FPT does not assume explicit constraints based on point vicinity, thereby overcoming a common requirement of previous learning-based point-set registration methods. FPT is designed to accept unordered and unstructured point-sets with a variable number of points and uses a "model-free" approach without heuristic constraints. Training FPT is flexible and involves minimizing an intuitive unsupervised loss function, but supervised, semi-supervised, and partially- or weakly-supervised training are also supported. This flexibility makes FPT amenable to multimodal image registration problems where the ground-truth deformations are difficult or impossible to measure. In this paper, we demonstrate the application of FPT to non-rigid registration of prostate magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and sparsely-sampled transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) images. The registration errors were 4.71 mm and 4.81 mm for complete TRUS imaging and sparsely-sampled TRUS imaging, respectively. The results indicate superior accuracy to the alternative rigid and non-rigid registration algorithms tested and substantially lower computation time. The rapid inference possible with FPT makes it particularly suitable for applications where real-time registration is beneficial

    Three-Dimensional Nonrigid MR-TRUS Registration Using Dual Optimization

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    3D-3D Deformable Registration and Deep Learning Segmentation based Neck Diseases Analysis in MRI

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    Whiplash, cervical dystonia (CD), neck pain and work-related upper limb disorder (WRULD) are the most common diseases in the cervical region. Headaches, stiffness, sensory disturbance to the legs and arms, optical problems, aching in the back and shoulder, and auditory and visual problems are common symptoms seen in patients with these diseases. CD patients may also suffer tormenting spasticity in some neck muscles, with the symptoms possibly being acute and persisting for a long time, sometimes a lifetime. Whiplash-associated disorders (WADs) may occur due to sudden forward and backward movements of the head and neck occurring during a sporting activity or vehicle or domestic accident. These diseases affect private industries, insurance companies and governments, with the socio-economic costs significantly related to work absences, long-term sick leave, early disability and disability support pensions, health care expenses, reduced productivity and insurance claims. Therefore, diagnosing and treating neck-related diseases are important issues in clinical practice. The reason for these afflictions resulting from accident is the impairment of the cervical muscles which undergo atrophy or pseudo-hypertrophy due to fat infiltrating into them. These morphological changes have to be determined by identifying and quantifying their bio-markers before applying any medical intervention. Volumetric studies of neck muscles are reliable indicators of the proper treatments to apply. Radiation therapy, chemotherapy, injection of a toxin or surgery could be possible ways of treating these diseases. However, the dosages required should be precise because the neck region contains some sensitive organs, such as nerves, blood vessels and the trachea and spinal cord. Image registration and deep learning-based segmentation can help to determine appropriate treatments by analyzing the neck muscles. However, this is a challenging task for medical images due to complexities such as many muscles crossing multiple joints and attaching to many bones. Also, their shapes and sizes vary greatly across populations whereas their cross-sectional areas (CSAs) do not change in proportion to the heights and weights of individuals, with their sizes varying more significantly between males and females than ages. Therefore, the neck's anatomical variabilities are much greater than those of other parts of the human body. Some other challenges which make analyzing neck muscles very difficult are their compactness, similar gray-level appearances, intra-muscular fat, sliding due to cardiac and respiratory motions, false boundaries created by intramuscular fat, low resolution and contrast in medical images, noise, inhomogeneity and background clutter with the same composition and intensity. Furthermore, a patient's mode, position and neck movements during the capture of an image create variability. However, very little significant research work has been conducted on analyzing neck muscles. Although previous image registration efforts form a strong basis for many medical applications, none can satisfy the requirements of all of them because of the challenges associated with their implementation and low accuracy which could be due to anatomical complexities and variabilities or the artefacts of imaging devices. In existing methods, multi-resolution- and heuristic-based methods are popular. However, the above issues cause conventional multi-resolution-based registration methods to be trapped in local minima due to their low degrees of freedom in their geometrical transforms. Although heuristic-based methods are good at handling large mismatches, they require pre-segmentation and are computationally expensive. Also, current deformable methods often face statistical instability problems and many local optima when dealing with small mismatches. On the other hand, deep learning-based methods have achieved significant success over the last few years. Although a deeper network can learn more complex features and yields better performances, its depth cannot be increased as this would cause the gradient to vanish during training and result in training difficulties. Recently, researchers have focused on attention mechanisms for deep learning but current attention models face a challenge in the case of an application with compact and similar small multiple classes, large variability, low contrast and noise. The focus of this dissertation is on the design of 3D-3D image registration approaches as well as deep learning-based semantic segmentation methods for analyzing neck muscles. In the first part of this thesis, a novel object-constrained hierarchical registration framework for aligning inter-subject neck muscles is proposed. Firstly, to handle large-scale local minima, it uses a coarse registration technique which optimizes a new edge position difference (EPD) similarity measure to align large mismatches. Also, a new transformation based on the discrete periodic spline wavelet (DPSW), affine and free-form-deformation (FFD) transformations are exploited. Secondly, to avoid the monotonous nature of using transformations in multiple stages, affine registration technique, which uses a double-pushing system by changing the edges in the EPD and switching the transformation's resolutions, is designed to align small mismatches. The EPD helps in both the coarse and fine techniques to implement object-constrained registration via controlling edges which is not possible using traditional similarity measures. Experiments are performed on clinical 3D magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the neck, with the results showing that the EPD is more effective than the mutual information (MI) and the sum of squared difference (SSD) measures in terms of the volumetric dice similarity coefficient (DSC). Also, the proposed method is compared with two state-of-the-art approaches with ablation studies of inter-subject deformable registration and achieves better accuracy, robustness and consistency. However, as this method is computationally complex and has a problem handling large-scale anatomical variabilities, another 3D-3D registration framework with two novel contributions is proposed in the second part of this thesis. Firstly, a two-stage heuristic search optimization technique for handling large mismatches,which uses a minimal user hypothesis regarding these mismatches and is computationally fast, is introduced. It brings a moving image hierarchically closer to a fixed one using MI and EPD similarity measures in the coarse and fine stages, respectively, while the images do not require pre-segmentation as is necessary in traditional heuristic optimization-based techniques. Secondly, a region of interest (ROI) EPD-based registration framework for handling small mismatches using salient anatomical information (AI), in which a convex objective function is formed through a unique shape created from the desired objects in the ROI, is proposed. It is compared with two state-of-the-art methods on a neck dataset, with the results showing that it is superior in terms of accuracy and is computationally fast. In the last part of this thesis, an evaluation study of recent U-Net-based convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is performed on a neck dataset. It comprises 6 recent models, the U-Net, U-Net with a conditional random field (CRF-Unet), attention U-Net (A-Unet), nested U-Net or U-Net++, multi-feature pyramid (MFP)-Unet and recurrent residual U-Net (R2Unet) and 4 with more comprehensive modifications, the multi-scale U-Net (MS-Unet), parallel multi-scale U-Net (PMSUnet), recurrent residual attention U-Net (R2A-Unet) and R2A-Unet++ in neck muscles segmentation, with analyses of the numerical results indicating that the R2Unet architecture achieves the best accuracy. Also, two deep learning-based semantic segmentation approaches are proposed. In the first, a new two-stage U-Net++ (TS-UNet++) uses two different types of deep CNNs (DCNNs) rather than one similar to the traditional multi-stage method, with the U-Net++ in the first stage and the U-Net in the second. More convolutional blocks are added after the input and before the output layers of the multi-stage approach to better extract the low- and high-level features. A new concatenation-based fusion structure, which is incorporated in the architecture to allow deep supervision, helps to increase the depth of the network without accelerating the gradient-vanishing problem. Then, more convolutional layers are added after each concatenation of the fusion structure to extract more representative features. The proposed network is compared with the U-Net, U-Net++ and two-stage U-Net (TS-UNet) on the neck dataset, with the results indicating that it outperforms the others. In the second approach, an explicit attention method, in which the attention is performed through a ROI evolved from ground truth via dilation, is proposed. It does not require any additional CNN, as does a cascaded approach, to localize the ROI. Attention in a CNN is sensitive with respect to the area of the ROI. This dilated ROI is more capable of capturing relevant regions and suppressing irrelevant ones than a bounding box and region-level coarse annotation, and is used during training of any CNN. Coarse annotation, which does not require any detailed pixel wise delineation that can be performed by any novice person, is used during testing. This proposed ROI-based attention method, which can handle compact and similar small multiple classes with objects with large variabilities, is compared with the automatic A-Unet and U-Net, and performs best

    A Novel System and Image Processing for Improving 3D Ultrasound-guided Interventional Cancer Procedures

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    Image-guided medical interventions are diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that focus on minimizing surgical incisions for improving disease management and reducing patient burden relative to conventional techniques. Interventional approaches, such as biopsy, brachytherapy, and ablation procedures, have been used in the management of cancer for many anatomical regions, including the prostate and liver. Needles and needle-like tools are often used for achieving planned clinical outcomes, but the increased dependency on accurate targeting, guidance, and verification can limit the widespread adoption and clinical scope of these procedures. Image-guided interventions that incorporate 3D information intraoperatively have been shown to improve the accuracy and feasibility of these procedures, but clinical needs still exist for improving workflow and reducing physician variability with widely applicable cost-conscience approaches. The objective of this thesis was to incorporate 3D ultrasound (US) imaging and image processing methods during image-guided cancer interventions in the prostate and liver to provide accessible, fast, and accurate approaches for clinical improvements. An automatic 2D-3D transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) registration algorithm was optimized and implemented in a 3D TRUS-guided system to provide continuous prostate motion corrections with sub-millimeter and sub-degree error in 36 ± 4 ms. An automatic and generalizable 3D TRUS prostate segmentation method was developed on a diverse clinical dataset of patient images from biopsy and brachytherapy procedures, resulting in errors at gold standard accuracy with a computation time of 0.62 s. After validation of mechanical and image reconstruction accuracy, a novel 3D US system for focal liver tumor therapy was developed to guide therapy applicators with 4.27 ± 2.47 mm error. The verification of applicators post-insertion motivated the development of a 3D US applicator segmentation approach, which was demonstrated to provide clinically feasible assessments in 0.246 ± 0.007 s. Lastly, a general needle and applicator tool segmentation algorithm was developed to provide accurate intraoperative and real-time insertion feedback for multiple anatomical locations during a variety of clinical interventional procedures. Clinical translation of these developed approaches has the potential to extend the overall patient quality of life and outcomes by improving detection rates and reducing local cancer recurrence in patients with prostate and liver cancer