62 research outputs found

    Functional Mapping of Three-Dimensional Electrical Activation in Ventricles

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. 2010. Major: Biomedical Engineering. Advisor: Bin He. 1 computer file (PDF); 139 pages.Ventricular arrhythmias account for nearly 400,000 deaths per year in the United States alone. Electrical mapping of the ventricular activation could facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias, e.g. guiding catheter ablation. To date, both direct mapping and non-contact mapping techniques have been routinely used in electrophysiology labs for obtaining the electrical activity on the endocardial surface. Non-invasive functional mapping methods are also developed to estimate the electrical activity on the epicardium or on both epicardium and endocardium from the body surface measurements. Though successful, the results using above methods are all limited on the surface of the heart and thus cannot directly characterize the cardiac events originating within the myocardial wall. Our group's goal is to develop a functional mapping method to estimate the three-dimensional cardiac electrical activity from either non-invasive body surface potential maps or minimally-invasive intracavitary potential maps, by solving the so-called "inverse problem". Hence the information under the surface of the heart could be revealed to better characterize the cardiac activation. In the present thesis study, the previously developed three-dimensional cardiac electrical imaging (3DCEI) approach has been further investigated. Its function is expanded for not only estimating the global activation sequence but also reconstructing the potential at any myocardial site throughout the ventricle. New algorithms under the 3DCEI scheme are also explored for more powerful mapping capability. The performance of the enhanced 3DCEI approach is rigorously evaluated in both control and diseased swine models when the clinical settings are mimicked. The promising results validate the feasibility of estimating detailed three-dimensional cardiac activation by using the 3DCEI approach, and suggest that 3DCEI has great potential of guiding the clinical management of cardiac arrhythmias in a more efficient way

    Ventricular Extrasystole Ablation: electrophysiological characterization according to its origin

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    Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Biomèdica. Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut. Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2020-2021. Tutor: Paz Garre Anguera de SojoIntroduction. Premature Ventricular Complexes (PVCs) are a frequent nonsevere cardiac condition that in some cases can be malignant, as they may result in structural cardiomyopathies or even sudden death, and need treatment. For pharmacoresistant PVCs, catheter ablation is used with a success rate between 50-90% for PVC burden reduction. The catheter used has a set of electrodes used to measure intracavitary signals. Hypothesis and objectives. Electrophysiological characteristics of the PVCs could be used to characterize the signals expected at different ventricular structures and assess the outcome of the ablation in real-time. Material and methods. Using CARTO3 (Remote Magnetic Navigation) we studied 29 PVCs (24 patients), from the Arrhythmia Unit of the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona. We characterized unipolar and bipolar electrograms by measuring amplitudes, precocities and unipolar negative deflections, and the most precocious isochrone at different cardiac points: Left ventricle (LV), Right ventricle (RV), Pulmonary artery (AP), Summit(S) and cusps (C). Results. Bipolar signals: the most precocious locations were RV and S, differences between RV-S (24.2 ms vs 43.3 p=0.0017) and C-S (26.6 vs 43.3 p=0.0104). LV showed the largest bipolar amplitude (5.65 mV), S the lowest (0.26). Areas showing largest number of unipolar negative deflections were RV (n=1.43), C (n=1.53) and AP (n=1.65), being significantly different form S (n=0.95, p= 0.0445, 0.0092, 0.00119, respectively). The steepest slope at LV (0.3 mV/ms), flattest at S (0.0297), finding significant differences LV-RV (p=0.0493). Unipolar precocities were significantly different between RV (26.9 ms) and LV (16.2, p=0.0002). Conclusion. Relations can be found between intracavitary ablation signals and ventricular structures. Differences in precocities between ventricles could be used as a marker to assess the state of intervention. More studies are needed to characterize ventricular substructures and to assess the long-term outcome of the procedure

    Non-invasive identification of atrial fibrillation drivers

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the most common cardiac arrhythmias. Nowadays the fibrillatory process is known to be provoked by the high-frequency reentrant activity of certain atrial regions that propagates the fibrillatory activity to the rest of the atrial tissue, and the electrical isolation of these key regions has demonstrated its effectiveness in terminating the fibrillatory process. The location of the dominant regions represents a major challenge in the diagnosis and treatment of this arrhythmia. With the aim to detect and locate the fibrillatory sources prior to surgical procedure, non-invasive methods have been developed such as body surface electrical mapping (BSPM) which allows to record with high spatial resolution the electrical activity on the torso surface or the electrocardiographic imaging (ECGI) which allows to non-invasively reconstruct the electrical activity in the atrial surface. Given the novelty of these systems, both technologies suffer from a lack of scientific knowledge about the physical and technical mechanisms that support their operation. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to increase that knowledge, as well as studying the effectiveness of these technologies for the localization of dominant regions in patients with AF. First, it has been shown that BSPM systems are able to noninvasively identify atrial rotors by recognizing surface rotors after band-pass filtering. Furthermore, the position of such surface rotors is related to the atrial rotor location, allowing the distinction between left or right atrial rotors. Moreover, it has been found that the surface electrical maps in AF suffer a spatial smoothing effect by the torso conductor volume, so the surface electrical activity can be studied with a relatively small number of electrodes. Specifically, it has been seen that 12 uniformly distributed electrodes are sufficient for the correct identification of atrial dominant frequencies, while at least 32 leads are needed for non-invasive identification of atrial rotors. Secondly, the effect of narrowband filtering on the effectiveness of the location of reentrant patterns was studied. It has been found that this procedure allows isolating the reentrant electrical activity caused by the rotor, increasing the detection rate for both invasive and surface maps. However, the spatial smoothing caused by the regularization of the ECGI added to the temporal filtering causes a large increase in the spurious reentrant activity, making it difficult to detect real reentrant patterns. However, it has been found that maps provided by the ECGI without temporal filtering allow the correct detection of reentrant activity, so narrowband filtering should be applied for intracavitary or surface signal only. Finally, we studied the stability of the markers used to detect dominant regions in ECGI, such as frequency maps or the rotor presence. It has been found that in the presence of alterations in the conditions of the inverse problem, such as electrical or geometrical noise, these markers are significantly more stable than the ECGI signal morphology from which they are extracted. In addition, a new methodology for error reduction in the atrial spatial location based on the curvature of the curve L has been proposed. The results presented in this thesis showed that BSPM and ECGI systems allows to non-invasively locate the presence of high-frequency rotors, responsible for the maintenance of AF. This detection has been proven to be unambiguous and robust, and the physical and technical mechanisms that support this behavior have been studied. These results indicate that both non-invasive systems provide information of great clinical value in the treatment of AF, so their use can be helpful for selecting and planning atrial ablation procedures.La fibrilación auricular (FA) es una de las arritmias cardiacas más frecuentes. Hoy en día se sabe que el proceso fibrilatorio está provocado por la actividad reentrante a alta frecuencia de ciertas regiones auriculares que propagan la actividad fibrilatoria en el resto del tejido auricular, y se ha demostrado que el aislamiento eléctrico de estas regiones dominantes permite detener el proceso fibrilatorio. La localización de las regiones dominantes supone un gran reto en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la FA. Con el objetivo de poder localizar las fuentes fibrilatorias con anterioridad al procedimiento quirúrgico, se han desarrollado métodos no invasivos como la cartografía eléctrica de superficie (CES) que registra con gran resolución espacial la actividad eléctrica en la superficie del torso o la electrocardiografía por imagen (ECGI) que permite reconstruir la actividad eléctrica en la superficie auricular. Dada la novedad de estos sistemas, existe una falta de conocimiento científico sobre los mecanismos físicos y técnicos que sustentan su funcionamiento. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de esta tesis es aumentar dicho conocimiento, así como estudiar la eficacia de ambas tecnologías para la localización de regiones dominantes en pacientes con FA. En primer lugar, ha visto que los sistemas CES permiten identificar rotores auriculares mediante el reconocimiento de rotores superficiales tras el filtrado en banda estrecha. Además, la posición de los rotores superficiales está relacionada con la localización de dichos rotores, permitiendo la distinción entre rotores de aurícula derecha o izquierda. Por otra parte, se ha visto que los mapas eléctricos superficiales durante FA sufren una gran suavizado espacial por el efecto del volumen conductor del torso, lo que permite que la actividad eléctrica superficial pueda ser estudiada con un número relativamente reducido de electrodos. Concretamente, se ha visto que 12 electrodos uniformemente distribuidos son suficientes para una correcta identificación de frecuencias dominantes, mientras que son necesarios al menos 32 para una correcta identificación de rotores auriculares. Por otra parte, también se ha estudiado el efecto del filtrado en banda estrecha sobre la eficacia de la localización de patrones reentrantes. Así, se ha visto que este procedimiento permite aislar la actividad eléctrica reentrante provocada por el rotor, aumentando la tasa de detección tanto para señal obtenida de manera invasiva como para los mapas superficiales. No obstante, este filtrado temporal sobre la señal de ECGI provoca un gran aumento de la actividad reentrante espúrea que dificulta la detección de patrones reentrantes reales. Sin embargo, los mapas ECGI sin filtrado temporal permiten la detección correcta de la actividad reentrante, por lo el filtrado debería ser aplicado únicamente para señal intracavitaria o superficial. Por último, se ha estudiado la estabilidad de los marcadores utilizados en ECGI para detectar regiones dominantes, como son los mapas de frecuencia o la presencia de rotores. Se ha visto que en presencia de alteraciones en las condiciones del problema inverso, como ruido eléctrico o geométrico, estos marcadores son significativamente más estables que la morfología de la propia señal ECGI. Además, se ha propuesto una nueva metodología para la reducción del error en la localización espacial de la aurícula basado en la curvatura de la curva L. Los resultados presentados en esta tesis revelan que los sistemas de CES y ECGI permiten localizar de manera no invasiva la presencia de rotores de alta frecuencia. Esta detección es univoca y robusta, y se han estudiado los mecanismos físicos y técnicos que sustentan dicho comportamiento. Estos resultados indican que ambos sistemas no invasivos proporcionan información de gran valor clínico en el tratamiento de la FA, por lo que su uso puede ser de gran ayuda para la selección y planificaciLa fibril·lació auricular (FA) és una de les arítmies cardíaques més freqüents. Hui en dia es sabut que el procés fibrilatori està provocat per l'activitat reentrant de certes regions auriculars que propaguen l'activitat fibril·latoria a la resta del teixit auricular, i s'ha demostrat que l'aïllament elèctric d'aquestes regions dominants permet aturar el procés fibrilatori. La localització de les regions dominants suposa un gran repte en el diagnòstic i tractament d'aquesta arítmia. Amb l'objectiu de poder localitzar fonts fibril·latories amb anterioritat al procediment quirúrgic s'han desenvolupat mètodes no invasius com la cartografia elèctrica de superfície (CES) que registra amb gran resolució espacial l'activitat elèctrica en la superfície del tors o l'electrocardiografia per imatge (ECGI) que permet obtenir de manera no invasiva l'activitat elèctrica en la superfície auricular. Donada la relativa novetat d'aquests sistemes, existeix una manca de coneixement científic sobre els mecanismes físics i tècnics que sustenten el seu funcionament. Per tant, l'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és augmentar aquest coneixement, així com estudiar l'eficàcia d'aquestes tecnologies per a la localització de regions dominants en pacients amb FA. En primer lloc, s'ha vist que els sistemes CES permeten identificar rotors auriculars mitjançant el reconeixement de rotors superficials després del filtrat en banda estreta. A més, la posició dels rotors superficials està relacionada amb la localització d'aquests rotors, permetent la distinció entre rotors de aurícula dreta o esquerra. També s'ha vist que els mapes elèctrics superficials durant FA pateixen un gran suavitzat espacial per l'efecte del volum conductor del tors, el que permet que l'activitat elèctrica superficial pugui ser estudiada amb un nombre relativament reduït d'elèctrodes. Concretament, s'ha vist que 12 elèctrodes uniformement distribuïts són suficients per a una correcta identificació de freqüències dominants auriculars, mentre que són necessaris almenys 32 per a una correcta identificació de rotors auriculars. D'altra banda, també s'ha estudiat l'efecte del filtrat en banda estreta sobre l'eficàcia de la localització de patrons reentrants. Així, s'ha vist que aquest procediment permet aïllar l'activitat elèctrica reentrant provocada pel rotor, augmentant la taxa de detecció tant pel senyal obtingut de manera invasiva com per als mapes superficials. No obstant això, aquest filtrat temporal sobre el senyal de ECGI provoca un gran augment de l'activitat reentrant espúria que dificulta la detecció de patrons reentrants reals. A més, els mapes proporcionats per la ECGI sense filtrat temporal permeten la detecció correcta de l'activitat reentrant, per la qual cosa el filtrat hauria de ser aplicat únicament per a senyal intracavitària o superficial. Per últim, s'ha estudiat l'estabilitat dels marcadors utilitzats en ECGI per a detectar regions auriculars dominants, com són els mapes de freqüència o la presència de rotors. S'ha vist que en presència d'alteracions en les condicions del problema invers, com soroll elèctric o geomètric, aquests marcadors són significativament més estables que la morfologia del mateix senyal ECGI. A més, s'ha proposat una nova metodologia per a la reducció de l'error en la localització espacial de l'aurícula basat en la curvatura de la corba L. Els resultats presentats en aquesta tesi revelen que els sistemes de CES i ECGI permeten localitzar de manera no invasiva la presència de rotors d'alta freqüència. Aquesta detecció és unívoca i robusta, i s'han estudiat els mecanismes físics i tècnics que sustenten aquest comportament. Aquests resultats indiquen que els dos sistemes no invasius proporcionen informació de gran valor clínic en el tractament de la FA, pel que el seu ús pot ser de gran ajuda per a la selecció i planificació de procediments d'ablació auricular.Rodrigo Bort, M. (2016). Non-invasive identification of atrial fibrillation drivers [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/75346TESISPremios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorale

    Contact and Noncontact Mapping Systems in the Electrophysiology Laboratory

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    The most important step for the operator to perform a successful radiofrequency ablation procedure for the treatment of cardiac tachyarrhythmias is to accurately identify the origin of and localize the arrhythmia focus and to determine the sequence of electrical activity. Intracardiac mapping techniques came a long distance from single catheter recordings to three dimensional voltage and morphology reconstructing systems. The aim of this review is to summarize the benefits and disadvantages of the existing cardiac mapping systems

    Rotor detection in atrial fibrillation

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the most common arrhythmias in the clinical practice. Catheter ablation method was developed more than 20 years ago as an approach to terminate this rhythm disorder. Since its outbreak, this technique obtained international acceptance among the clinicians, and technological advances in this field increased its safety while reducing the procedure duration. However, there is no perfect AF treatment procedure described yet, since the understanding of the driving and sustaining AF mechanisms remains poor, with pulmonary vein isolation being the most common ablation strategy. Several theories try to explain the initiating and maintenance mechanisms of the AF, ranging from multiple wavelets propagating at random in the atria to ectopic focus fired from the pulmonary veins. Alternatively, spatiotemporal stable sources (rotors) have been proposed as the maintenance mechanism of AF. The most representative characteristic of a rotor is the re-entry spiral-like propagation pattern that the electrical wavefront exhibits as it propagates. The assessment of its presence and posterior ablation of the sites where rotors anchor might improve the success of AF ablation. Technical solutions emerged focusing on the rotor assessment problem. They base their methods on the reconstruction of the atrial activity using multi-electrode catheters and phase maps, in which they detect singularity points, the sites where rotors spin. The ablation of these sites showed promising results, but the difficulty to reproduce the results by other authors increased the controversy on this technique. In this Thesis we address the rotor detection problem in the time domain as opposed to current methods based on the phase domain of the signals. We develop a new method to identify local activation times (LATs) in unipolar electrograms (EGMs) recorded with multi-electrode catheters. We propose a new filtering scheme to enhance the activation component of the EGM while considerably reducing the presence of noise in the signal. This signal processing method reects the real activity of the tissue in contact with the electrode. It opposes the Hilbert transform (HT) used to extract the phase component of the signal, that do not correlate well with the temporal activations. With the EGM LATs we perform a spatial interpolation translating the electrode positions of the catheter into a regular 2D grid. This way we generate isochronal maps revealing the electrical wavefronts in the atrium. What is more, this step guarantees compatibility with multi-electrode catheters, not restricting the method to specific models. With the isochronal maps, we develop a new rotor detection algorithm based on the optical flow of the wavefront dynamics, and a rotation pattern match. Additionally, we develop a new method based on Granger's causality to estimate the directionality of the wavefronts, that provides an additional indicator for rotational patterns. We validate the methods using in silico and real AF signals. We implement these methods into a system that can assess the presence of rotational activation sites in the atrium. Our system is able to operate in realtime with multi-electrode catheters of different topologies in contact with the atrial wall. We integrate signal acquisition and processing in our system, allowing direct acquisition of the signals without requiring signal exportation from a recording device, which delays the clinical procedure. We address the computational time handicap by designing parallelizable signal processing steps. We employ multi-core processors and GPU based code to distribute the computations and minimize the processing times, achieving near real-time results. The results presented in this Thesis provide a new technical solution to detect the presence of rotational activity (rotors) in AF patients in real-time. Although the presence of rotational activity is itself controversial, we individually validate each of the steps of the procedure and obtain evidence of the presence of rotational activity in AF patients. The system has been also found useful to characterize the atrial sites where rotational activity was found in terms of spatial and voltage distribution. The results of this Thesis provide a new alternative to existing methods based on phase analysis and open a new research line in the detection of the mechanisms sustaining AF.La fibrilación auricular (FA) es una de las arritmias más comunes en la práctica clínica. Para tratar de terminar esta fibrilación en pacientes se desarrollo el método de ablación con catéter hace ya más de 20 años. Desde su puesta en marchar esta técnica ha ido ganando aceptación internacional por parte de la comunidad médica, y los avances tecnológicos desarrollados en esta línea han aumentado la seguridad y disminuido la duración del procedimiento. Sin embargo todavía no existe un tratamiento perfecto para tratar la FA, debido en parte a que el conocimiento de los mecanismos que inician y sostienen la fibrilación son limitados. Como método de ablación el aislamiento de las venas pulmonares prevalece como el más empleado en la práctica, pero se hace necesario el desarrollo de nuevos métodos para hacer frente al problema de la FA. Distintas teorías tratan de explicar los mecanismos de inicio y mantenimiento de la FA, desde unas basadas en la propagación de múltiples frentes de onda aleatorios en las aurículas, hasta las que basan su hipótesis en focos ectópicos disparados principalmente desde las venas pulmonares, entre otras teorías. Recientemente, una de estas teorías basada en fuentes espacio-temporalmente estables (rotores) se propuso como mecanismo de mantenimiento de la FA. La característica más representativa de un rotor es su patrón de reentrada en forma de espiral que realiza el frente de onda eléctrico en el tejido auricular. La evaluación de la presencia de rotores y la posterior de los sitios en los que se encuentren puede mejorar el éxito de la ablación en pacientes con FA. En vista de esta tendencia por la búsqueda de rotores se desarrollaron soluciones técnicas para la evaluación de zonas que alberguen actividad rotacional. Sus técnicas se basan en la reconstrucción de la actividad auricular empleando catéteres multi-electrodo y detectando puntos de singularidad en mapas de phase, esto es la posición en la aurícula en la que el rotor gira. La ablación de estos puntos mostró resultados prometedores, pero la dificultad por replicar los resultados por parte de otros autores incremento la controversia con respecto a esta técnica. En esta Tesis abordamos el problema de la detección de rotores en el dominio del tiempo, oponiéndonos a las técnicas actuales basadas en el dominio de la fase de las señales. Para ello hemos desarrollado un nuevo para identificar tiempos de activación local en electrogramas unipolares registrados con catéteres multi-electrodo. Para ello proponemos un nuevo método de filtrado para realzar la activación del electrograma reduciendo considerablemente la presencia de ruido en la señal. Con este procesado de la señal extraemos y reflejamos la actividad real del tejido en contacto con el electrodo. Al mismo tiempo nos oponemos a la transformada de Hilbert empleada para calcular la componente de fase de la señal, que es sabido no tiene una buena correlación con las activaciones temporales. Con los electrogramas y los tiempos de activación locales aplicamos una interpolación espacial logrando trasladar la posición de los electrodos en el catéter a una rejilla regular en 2D. Mediante este paso generamos mapas isócronos que reconstruyen los frentes de onda eléctricos que se propagan en la aurícula. Además, la interpolación nos permite garantizar una compatibilidad con otros catéteres multi-electrodos, no restringiendo el uso de nuestro método a modelos específicos. Con los mapas isócronos hemos desarrollado un nuevo algoritmo de detección de rotores basado en el flujo óptico de la dinámica del frente de onda que hacemos coincidir con un patrón de rotación. Adicionalmente hemos desarrollado un nuevo método basad en la causalidad propuesta por Granger para estimar la dirección de los frentes de propagación, que sirve como indicador adicional para encontrar patrones de activación rotacional. Hemos validado todos y cada uno de los métodos empleando señales in silico así como señales reales de pacientes con FA. En la parte de aplicación, hemos implementado los métodos en un sistema que evalúa la presencia de actividad rotacional en la aurícula. Nuestro sistema opera en tiempo real siendo compatible con catéteres multi-electrodo de diferentes topologías asegurando contacto con la pared auricular. Para evitar sobreextender el procedimiento clínico, hemos integrado las partes de adquisición y procesado de señal conjuntamente, lo que nos permite un registro de las señales directo sin viii necesidad de requerir un exportado adicional desde un sistema de registro. Para hacer frente al objetivo de presentar los resultados en tiempo real hemos diseñado todos los pasos de procesado de señal para que sean paralelizables. Para ello empleamos procesadores multinúcleo y código para ejecutar en tarjetas gráficas (GPUs) para distribuir las computaciones y minimizar el tiempo de procesado, logrando resultados en quasi tiempo real. Hemos empleado el sistema de detección de rotores para estudiar la distribución espacial y de voltaje de los sitios que muestran actividad rotacional en la aurícula. Aunque la presencia de actividad rotacional es en sí misma controvertida, hemos validad individualmente todos y cada uno de los pasos descritos obteniendo evidencia de la presencia de actividad rotacional en pacientes con FA.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Multimedia y ComunicacionesPresidente: Pablo Laguna Lasaosa.- Secretario: Pablo Martínez Olmos.- Vocal: Batiste Andreu Martínez Climen

    Subject index: Abstracts

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    Study protocol: MyoFit46-the cardiac sub-study of the MRC National Survey of Health and Development

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    BACKGROUND: The life course accumulation of overt and subclinical myocardial dysfunction contributes to older age mortality, frailty, disability and loss of independence. The Medical Research Council National Survey of Health and Development (NSHD) is the world's longest running continued surveillance birth cohort providing a unique opportunity to understand life course determinants of myocardial dysfunction as part of MyoFit46-the cardiac sub-study of the NSHD. METHODS: We aim to recruit 550 NSHD participants of approximately 75 years+ to undertake high-density surface electrocardiographic imaging (ECGI) and stress perfusion cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR). Through comprehensive myocardial tissue characterization and 4-dimensional flow we hope to better understand the burden of clinical and subclinical cardiovascular disease. Supercomputers will be used to combine the multi-scale ECGI and CMR datasets per participant. Rarely available, prospectively collected whole-of-life data on exposures, traditional risk factors and multimorbidity will be studied to identify risk trajectories, critical change periods, mediators and cumulative impacts on the myocardium. DISCUSSION: By combining well curated, prospectively acquired longitudinal data of the NSHD with novel CMR-ECGI data and sharing these results and associated pipelines with the CMR community, MyoFit46 seeks to transform our understanding of how early, mid and later-life risk factor trajectories interact to determine the state of cardiovascular health in older age. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Prospectively registered on ClinicalTrials.gov with trial ID: 19/LO/1774 Multimorbidity Life-Course Approach to Myocardial Health- A Cardiac Sub-Study of the MCRC National Survey of Health and Development (NSHD)

    Study protocol: MyoFit46—the cardiac sub-study of the MRC National Survey of Health and Development

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    Background The life course accumulation of overt and subclinical myocardial dysfunction contributes to older age mortality, frailty, disability and loss of independence. The Medical Research Council National Survey of Health and Development (NSHD) is the world’s longest running continued surveillance birth cohort providing a unique opportunity to understand life course determinants of myocardial dysfunction as part of MyoFit46–the cardiac sub-study of the NSHD. Methods We aim to recruit 550 NSHD participants of approximately 75 years+ to undertake high-density surface electrocardiographic imaging (ECGI) and stress perfusion cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR). Through comprehensive myocardial tissue characterization and 4-dimensional flow we hope to better understand the burden of clinical and subclinical cardiovascular disease. Supercomputers will be used to combine the multi-scale ECGI and CMR datasets per participant. Rarely available, prospectively collected whole-of-life data on exposures, traditional risk factors and multimorbidity will be studied to identify risk trajectories, critical change periods, mediators and cumulative impacts on the myocardium. Discussion By combining well curated, prospectively acquired longitudinal data of the NSHD with novel CMR–ECGI data and sharing these results and associated pipelines with the CMR community, MyoFit46 seeks to transform our understanding of how early, mid and later-life risk factor trajectories interact to determine the state of cardiovascular health in older age. Trial registration: Prospectively registered on ClinicalTrials.gov with trial ID: 19/LO/1774 Multimorbidity Life-Course Approach to Myocardial Health- A Cardiac Sub-Study of the MCRC National Survey of Health and Development (NSHD).Sources of funding used for staff salaries, CMR scan costs, consumables and relevant travel costs required for data collection, analysis and interpretation: British Heart Foundation special project grant (to G.C. SP/20/2/34841). This study has undergone peer-review by the funding body. Medical Research Council (Core Unit Level Funding:—MC UU 00019/1).Peer Reviewed"Article signat per 30 autors/es: Matthew Webber, Debbie Falconer, Mashael AlFarih, George Joy, Fiona Chan, Clare Davie, Lee Hamill Howes, Andrew Wong, Alicja Rapala, Anish Bhuva, Rhodri H. Davies, Christopher Morton, Jazmin Aguado-Sierra, Mariano Vazquez, Xuyuan Tao, Gunther Krausz, Slobodan Tanackovic, Christoph Guger, Hui Xue, Peter Kellman, Iain Pierce, Jonathan Schott, Rebecca Hardy, Nishi Chaturvedi, Yoram Rudy, James C. Moon, Pier D. Lambiase, Michele Orini, Alun D. Hughes & Gabriella Captur"Postprint (published version

    Internship in arrhythmology

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    The arrhythmology focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of heart rhythm disorders and their complications, and has undergone a dramatic evolution over the past two decades. The widespread use of catheter ablation, the introduction of implantable cardioverter defibrillators for the prevention of sudden cardiac death and, finally, the development of cardiac resynchronization therapy led to a gradual loss of the impact of antiarrhythmic drugs as a therapeutic approach. This report was performed as a result of an internship performed in Cardiac Physiology with the duration of 400 hours. The main goal of the internship was to strengthen theoretical knowledge and acquire practical experience in the varied fields of arrhythmology, especially in the areas of Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology. During the internship were performed 41 electrophysiologic studies, where Atrioventricular Node Reentrant Tachycardia and Atrial Fibrillation were the most observed arrhythmias. New technologies such as three-dimensional mapping for electrophysiology studies are developing quickly and being use on a daily basis, as they prove to have safe and higher success rates. The proof is that in approximately half of the studies, one of the two mapping systems available, Carto or NavX, was used. In addition, were interrogated 283 pacemakers during the pacing clinics, being the dual chamber with DDD pacing mode the most encountered device. A large number of devices with Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy and/or Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators were also observed. This report is divided into three chapters. Chapter I is constituted by a revision of the literature and includes concepts such as definition and mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias; a brief description of the varied diagnostic tools and its recommendations; and a presentation of the different therapeutic approaches available and its indications. The second chapter is a descriptive drawing of the activity performed in the modules of Electrophysiology and Pacing. Lastly, the chapter III presents two clinical cases in Electrophysiology considered interesting from a clinical point of view