3,174 research outputs found

    Giving in Transition and Transitions in Giving: Philanthropy in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia 2011-2013

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    This publication explores how shifts in the sociopolitical environment in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia manifested themselves in the philanthropic realm during an uncertain mid-point in the transitions. To what extent have both institutional and informal philanthropy evolved to keep up with the pace of escalating needs and expectations of the people? As those shifts continue in all three countries, with variations to be explored in each country chapter, the report encourages actors in the sector to take bolder steps from diagnostics to action

    Will China Continue to Hold Together?

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    The recent Bo Xilai affair has created strains in the Chinese political system and has intensified the power struggle concerning the new leadership appointments due to take place at the 18th Party Congress. The pressure on the political system is intensified by a number of social phenomena such as increased fragmentation, vested interests, corruption, social unrest, increased income and social inequalities and a de facto reform stop since 2009. Some scholars believe that we now see the end of ‘resilient authoritarianism’ and that China either will experience a political and social collapse or move towards a democratic system. However, developments since 1989 show the regime’s amazing ability to revitalize its organizational capabilities and regain its Mandate of Heaven. It may be too early to declare the Party over

    782nd Tank Batallion

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    This little history from 1 February 1943 up to the time of arrival in the ETO has been prepared so that present and former members of the battalion may have a few notes to recall some of the humorous, routine and sometimes serious moments of their days in the 782nd Tank Battalion. All facts and figures are obtained from the official Battalion History which is filed in the Historical Section of the War Department, Washington, D. C. What is to follow has been reworded slightly to make easier reading and if possible to add a laugh, give credit or to add a few bits of information that would ordinarily be lacking from an official communique.https://digicom.bpl.lib.me.us/ww_reg_his/1008/thumbnail.jp

    The Princeton Leader, January 3, 1946

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    The BG News October 18, 2006

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    The BGSU campus student newspaper October 18, 2006. Volume 97 - Issue 41https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/8658/thumbnail.jp

    The Crusaders: a history of the 42nd Bombardment Group (M)

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    From Chapter 1: The birth and the early creeping of the 42nd Bombardment Group, Medium, may well seem lost in the mists of antiquity that hung over the United States before World War II. Indeed to many of our members, veterans of 60 or 70 missions in the Solomons or in the Indies and Philippines, veterans of the long road home via New Caledonia, Guadalcanal, the Russells, Stirling, New Guinea --- whether in the air or on the ground -- the early history of the Group is an unknown quantity save for shreds and scraps of information gathered from the casual remarks of old oldtimers. But if this history is to be a complete narrative of your Group it is necessary to go back almost beyond the memory of the oldest member. To go back, in fact, to January 15, 1941, when according to the official record, The 42nd Bombardment Group (M) was activated from the 7th Bombardment Group (H), G.H.Q. Air Force, at Fort Douglas, Utah, under the jurisdiction of G.H.Q. Air Force, with cadre furnished by the 7th Bombardment Group (H).https://digicom.bpl.lib.me.us/ww_reg_his/1113/thumbnail.jp

    Influencing mechanisms of institutional changes on the organizational culture of SOEs in China: The case of Dongfang Turbine Co., Ltd

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    This thesis takes Dongfang Turbine Co., Ltd. (abbreviated as DTC) as a typical case of Chinese state-owned enterprises (abbreviated as SOEs). Case study is used as the research method, combining qualitative and quantitative analysis. Data was collected from different sources including public reports, newspapers, journals, a questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews so as to explore how the mechanisms of the institutional environment and change influence organizational culture. Through deep analysis, four stages of institutional change of SOEs, as well as the relevant basic characteristics of institutional environment, organizational culture and management style in each period have been identified. It was also found that the different institutional environments always required corresponding management styles fitting the specific characteristics of that period of time, and that the organizational culture enhanced the formation of this kind of management style through the core values historically formed across those periods of time. As the main theoretical contribution, a theoretical model was set up to analyse the connections among institutional environment, organizational culture, management style and organizational performance. The findings of this research have a significant practical value for SOEs, to assist them in their endeavours on how to create and change organizational culture to support their own development in today’s China.Esta tese analisa o caso da empresa Dongfang Turbine Co., Ltd. (DTC) enquanto caso típico de uma empresa estatal chinesa. O método do estudo de caso é adotado na investigação utilizando-se análise quantitativa e qualitativa. A informação foi recolhida a partir de diferentes fontes incluindo documentos internos da empresa, relatórios, artigos na imprensa, estatísticas oficiais, bem como através de um questionário administrado às chefias intermédias da empresa e entrevistas a dez gestores de topo com a intenção de explorar a forma como os mecanismos da envolvente institucional atuam sobre a cultura organizacional e a influenciam. A análise permitiu identificar quatro fases de mudança institucional que afetaram as empresas estatais chinesas desde a implantação da República Popular da China bem como as características principais da envolvente institucional, da cultura organizacional e do estilo de gestão em cada um desses períodos. O estudo revelou também que as diferenças na envolvente institucional exigem diferentes estilos de gestão de acordo com as características de cada período e que é a cultura organizacional que promove o tipo de estilo de gestão através dos valores que historicamente se formaram na empresa através do tempo. Em termos de contribuição teórica, a tese propõe um modelo que permite analisar as interligações entre a envolvente institucional, a cultura organizacional, o estilo de gestão e o desempenho organizacional. Os resultados deste estudo têm importância prática significativa para as empresas estatais chinesas na medida em que as pode ajudar a criar e/ou a mudar uma cultura organizacional que as apoie nos seus objetivos de contribuição para o desenvolvimento da China de hoje

    Lashkar-I-Taiba: The Fallacy of Subservient Proxies and the Future of Islamist Terrorism in India

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    A discussion of the foundation of Lashkar-i-Taiba (LeT), the development of its modus operandi, and engages in an investigation of LeT’s activities in India, Pakistan, and the Kashmir region are discussed. Further, LeT’s fundraising methods are touched upon, and LeT’s relationships with regional state and nonstate actors such as Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and Dawood Ibrahim’s D-Company are analyzed. Also, the impact that these developments have on domestic Islamist terrorism in India are addressed. The author argues that although LeT has been a vital component of Islamabad’s regional strategy in the past, the organization has grown beyond the control of its former patron, is largely self-sufficient and operates independently of the political process, and has expanded its agenda well beyond Kashmir. These developments challenge the long-held notion that irregulars can be sustainably used to achieve limited objectives in an asymmetric conflict and should serve as a clear warning to other state sponsors of terrorism. However, contrary to many analyses, LeT is not likely to sacrifice its independence and come under Al-Qaeda’s umbrella. Rather, LeT will continue to evolve into a distinctive, South Asia-centric terrorist actor in its own right while still receiving aid from fringe elements in Pakistan’s security and intelligence apparatus and elsewhere. This will not only allow LeT to continue to plan future Mumbai-style terrorist attacks in India from safe havens in Pakistan, but will also allow LeT to guide and assist the predominantly indigenous Indian Mujahideen (IM).https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1347/thumbnail.jp

    Panther - November 1969- Vol. XLIV, NO. 4

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