1,752 research outputs found

    Thermal-Aware Compilation for Register Window-Based Embedded Processors

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    The development of compiler-based mechanisms to optimize the thermal profile of large register files to improve the processor reliability has become an important issue. Thermal hotspots have been known to cause severe reliability issues, while the thermal profile of the devices is also related to the leakage power consumption and the cooling cost. Register window-based architectures provide a relatively large register files. However, such large register files are not designed or utilized for thermal balancing or reliability enhancement. In this paper, we propose a compilation flow that utilizes the register windows to reduce optimize the thermal profile and to reduce the hotspots. As a result, the thermal profile and reliability of the device is clearly improved. Simulation results show that the proposed flow achieves up to 91% reduction of hotspots and 11% reduction of the peak temperature in embedded processors

    Thermal-Aware Compilation for System-on-Chip Processing Architectures

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    The development of compiler-based mechanisms to reduce the percentage of hotspots and optimize the thermal profile of large register files has become an important issue. Thermal hotspots have been known to cause severe reliability issues, while the thermal profile of the devices is also related to the leakage power consumption and the cooling cost. In this paper we propose several compilation techniques that, based on an efficient register allocation mechanism, reduce the percentage of hotspots in the register file and uniformly distribute the heat. As a result, the thermal profile and reliability of the device is clearly improved. Simulation results show that the proposed flow achieved 91% reduction of hotspots and 11% reduction of the peak temperature

    Thermal-aware compilation for system-on-chip processing architectures

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    Memory and compiler optimizations for low-power and -energy.

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    ICOOOLPS'2006 was co-located with the 20th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'2006).International audienceEmbedded systems become more and more widespread, especially autonomous ones, and clearly tend to be ubiquitous. In such systems, low-power and low-energy usage get ever more crucial. Furthermore, these issues also become paramount in (massively) multi-processors systems, either in one machine or more widely in a grid. The various problems faced pertain to autonomy, power supply possibilities, thermal dissipation, or even sheer energy cost. Although it has since long been studied in harware, energy optimization is more recent in software. In this paper, we thus aim at raising awareness to low-power and low-energy issues in the language and compilation community. We thus broadly but briefly survey techniques and solutions to this energy issue, focusing on a few specific aspects in the context of compiler optimizations and memory management

    Processor reliability enhancement through compiler-directed register file peak temperature reduction

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    Abstract—Each semiconductor technology generation brings us closer to the imminent processor architecture heat wall, with all its associated adverse effects on system performance and reliability. Temperature hotspots not only accelerate the physical failure mechanisms such as electromigration and di-electric breakdown, but furthermore make the system more vulnerable to timing-related intermittent failures. Traditional thermal management techniques suffer from considerable per-formance overhead as the entire processor needs to be stalled or slowed down to preclude heat accumulation. Given the significant temporal and spatial variations of the chip-wide temperature, we propose in this paper a technique that directly targets one of the resources that is most likely to overheat in current processors, namely, the register files. Instead of duplicating or physically distributing the register file, we suggest to attain power density control through exploiting the extant spatial slack associated with register file accesses. Based on application-specific access profiles, a compiler-directed register shuffling strategy is proposed to deterministically construct the logical to physical register map-ping in a rotating manner. Simulation results confirm that the proposed technique attains, within a limited hardware budget and negligible performance degradation, effective reduction in peak temperature and hence in the expected fault rates for the entire chip. I

    Wearout-Aware Compiler-Directed Register Assignment for Embedded Systems

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    Although constant technology scaling has resulted in considerable benefits, smaller device dimensions, higher operating temperatures and electric fields have also contributed to faster device aging due to wearout. Not only does this result in the shortening of processor lifetimes, it leads to faster wearout resultant performance degradation with operating time. Instead of taking a reactive approach towards reliability awareness, we propose a pre-emptive route toward wearout mitigation. Given the significant thermal and stress variation across the components of microprocessors, in this work we focus on one of the most likely candidates for overheating and hence reliability failures, the register file. We propose different wearout-aware compiler-directed register assignment techniques that distribute the stress induced wearout throughout the register file, with the aim of improving the lifetime of the register file, with negligible performance overhead. We compare our results with a state-of-the-art thermal-aware compilation scheme to show the clear advantage our proposed wearout-aware scheme has over thermal-aware schemes in terms of lifetime improvement that can reach up to 20% for Bias Temperature Instability

    Caracterización y optimización térmica de sistemas en chip mediante emulación con FPGAs

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadores y Automática, leída el 15/06/2012Tablets and smartphones are some of the many intelligent devices that dominate the consumer electronics market. These systems are complex to design as they must execute multiple applications (e.g.: real-time video processing, 3D games, or wireless communications), while meeting additional design constraints, such as low energy consumption, reduced implementation size and, of course, a short time-to-market. Internally, they rely on Multi-processor Systems on Chip (MPSoCs) as their main processing cores, to meet the tight design constraints: performance, size, power consumption, etc. In a bad design, the high logic density may generate hotspots that compromise the chip reliability. This thesis introduces a FPGA-based emulation framework for easy exploration of SoC design alternatives. It provides fast and accurate estimations of performance, power, temperature, and reliability in one unified flow, to help designers tune their system architecture before going to silicon.El estado del arte, en lo que a diseño de chips para empotrados se refiere, se encuentra dominado por los multi-procesadores en chip, o MPSoCs. Son complejos de diseñar y presentan problemas de disipación de potencia, de temperatura, y de fiabilidad. En este contexto, esta tesis propone una nueva plataforma de emulación para facilitar la exploración del enorme espacio de diseño. La plataforma utiliza una FPGA de propósito general para acelerar la emulación, lo cual le da una ventaja competitiva frente a los simuladores arquitectónicos software, que son mucho más lentos. Los datos obtenidos de la ejecución en la FPGA son enviados a un PC que contiene bibliotecas (modelos) SW para calcular el comportamiento (e.g.: la temperatura, el rendimiento, etc...) que tendría el chip final. La parte experimental está enfocada a dos puntos: por un lado, a verificar que el sistema funciona correctamente y, por otro, a demostrar la utilidad del entorno para realizar exploraciones que muestren los efectos a largo plazo que suceden dentro del chip, como puede ser la evolución de la temperatura, que es un fenómeno lento que normalmente requiere de costosas simulaciones software.Depto. de Arquitectura de Computadores y AutomáticaFac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Chapter One – An Overview of Architecture-Level Power- and Energy-Efficient Design Techniques

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    Power dissipation and energy consumption became the primary design constraint for almost all computer systems in the last 15 years. Both computer architects and circuit designers intent to reduce power and energy (without a performance degradation) at all design levels, as it is currently the main obstacle to continue with further scaling according to Moore's law. The aim of this survey is to provide a comprehensive overview of power- and energy-efficient “state-of-the-art” techniques. We classify techniques by component where they apply to, which is the most natural way from a designer point of view. We further divide the techniques by the component of power/energy they optimize (static or dynamic), covering in that way complete low-power design flow at the architectural level. At the end, we conclude that only a holistic approach that assumes optimizations at all design levels can lead to significant savings.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Reliable Software for Unreliable Hardware - A Cross-Layer Approach

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    A novel cross-layer reliability analysis, modeling, and optimization approach is proposed in this thesis that leverages multiple layers in the system design abstraction (i.e. hardware, compiler, system software, and application program) to exploit the available reliability enhancing potential at each system layer and to exchange this information across multiple system layers

    Techniques for Aging, Soft Errors and Temperature to Increase the Reliability of Embedded On-Chip Systems

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    This thesis investigates the challenge of providing an abstracted, yet sufficiently accurate reliability estimation for embedded on-chip systems. In addition, it also proposes new techniques to increase the reliability of register files within processors against aging effects and soft errors. It also introduces a novel thermal measurement setup that perspicuously captures the infrared images of modern multi-core processors