1,462 research outputs found

    Multi-viewpoint clustering analysis

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    In this paper, we address the feasibility of partitioning rule-based systems into a number of meaningful units to enhance the comprehensibility, maintainability and reliability of expert systems software. Preliminary results have shown that no single structuring principle or abstraction hierarchy is sufficient to understand complex knowledge bases. We therefore propose the Multi View Point - Clustering Analysis (MVP-CA) methodology to provide multiple views of the same expert system. We present the results of using this approach to partition a deployed knowledge-based system that navigates the Space Shuttle's entry. We also discuss the impact of this approach on verification and validation of knowledge-based systems

    Proportional sampling strategy: A compendium and some insights

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    There have been numerous studies on the effectiveness of partition and random testing. In particular, the proportional sampling (PS) strategy has been proved, under certain conditions, to be the only form of partition testing that outperforms random testing regardless of where the failure-causing inputs are. This paper provides an integrated synthesis and overview of our recent studies on the PS strategy and its related work. Through this synthesis, we offer a perspective that properly interprets the results obtained so far, and present some of the interesting issues involved and new insights obtained during the course of this research. © 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.postprin

    Understanding and Enforcing Opacity

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    Abstract—This paper puts a spotlight on the specification and enforcement of opacity, a security policy for protecting sensitive properties of system behavior. We illustrate the fine granularity of the opacity policy by location privacy and privacy-preserving aggregation scenarios. We present a frame-work for opacity and explore its key differences and formal connections with such well-known information-flow models as noninterference, knowledge-based security, and declassifica-tion. Our results are machine-checked and parameterized in the observational power of the attacker, including progress-insensitive, progress-sensitive, and timing-sensitive attackers. We present two approaches to enforcing opacity: a whitebox monitor and a blackbox sampling-based enforcement. We report on experiments with prototypes that utilize state-of-the-art Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers and the random testing tool QuickCheck to establish opacity for the location and aggregation-based scenarios. I

    PopArt: Ranked Testing Efficiency

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    Too often, programmers are under pressure to maximize their confidence in the correctness of their code with a tight testing budget. Should they spend some of that budget on finding “interesting” inputs or spend their entire testing budget on test executions? Work on testing efficiency has explored two competing approaches to answer this question: systematic partition testing (ST), which defines a testing partition and tests its parts, and random testing (RT), which directly samples inputs with replacement. A consensus as to which is better when has yet to emerge. We present Probability Ordered Partition Testing (POPART), a new systematic partition-based testing strategy that visits the parts of a testing partition in decreasing probability order and in doing so leverages any non-uniformity over that partition. We show how to construct a homogeneous testing partition, a requirement for systematic testing, by using an executable oracle and the path partition. A program’s path partition is a naturally occurring testing partition that is usually skewed for the simple reason that some paths execute more frequently than others. To confirm this conventional wisdom, we instrument programs from the Codeflaws repository and find that 80% of them have a skewed path probability distribution. POPART visits the parts of a testing partition in decreasing probability order. We then compare POPART with RT to characterise the configuration space in which each is more efficient. We show that, when simulating Codeflaws, POPART outperforms RT after 100;000 executions. Our results reaffirm RT’s power for very small testing budgets but also show that for any application requiring high (above 90%) probability-weighted coverage POPART should be preferred. In such cases, despite paying more for each test execution, we prove that POPART outperforms RT: it traverses parts whose cumulative probability bounds that of random testing, showing that sampling without replacement pays for itself, given a nonuniform probability over a testing partition

    Measuring gender norms about relationships in early adolescence : results from the global early adolescent study

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    Introduction: Gender norms are increasingly recognized as drivers of health and wellbeing. While early adolescence constitutes a critical window of development, there is limited understanding about how adolescents perceive gender relations across different cultural settings. This study used a mixed-method approach, grounded in the voices of young people around the world, to construct and test a cross-cultural scale assessing the perceptions of gender norms regulating romantic relationships between boys and girls in early adolescence. Methods: The study draws on the Global Early Adolescent study (GEAS), a study focusing on gender norms and health related outcomes over the course of adolescence in urban poor settings worldwide. In-depth interviews were first conducted among approximately 200 adolescents between 10-14 years in seven sites across 4 continents to identify common scripts guiding romantic relations in early adolescence. These scripts were then transformed into a multidimensional scale. The scale was tested among 120 adolescents in each of 14 GEAS sites, followed by a second pilot among 75 adolescents in six sites. We evaluated the psychometric criteria of each subscale using principal component analysis, and parallel analysis, followed by exploratory factor analysis to guide the selection of a more parsimonious set of items. Results: Results suggested a two-factor structure, consisting of an "adolescent romantic expectations" subscale and a "Sexual Double Standard" subscale. Both subscales yielded high internal validity in each site, with polychoric Cronbach alpha values above 0.70 with the exception of Kinshasa for the adolescent romantic expectations scale (0.64) and Hanoi for the sexual double standard scale (0.61). Conclusion: This study reveals common perceptions of gendered norms about romantic engagement in early adolescence, normative for both sexes, but socially valued for boys while devaluated for girls. The findings illustrate that social hierarchies of power in romantic relationships form early in adolescence, regardless of cultural setting

    A supportive environment for the management of software testing

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    This dissertation describes research undertaken on the management of software testing. A support environment for the management of software testing, entitled SEMST, is presented. The research approach involves the investigation of software configuration management and its application to the testing process; the study of software testing techniques and methods; the exploration of the significance of software testing management; a survey of related work; the development and analysis of the requirements for SEMST; its implementation and an assessment. The current version of SEMST is a prototype built on the top of Unix and RCS on a Sun workstation. It is able to maintain all versions of specifications, test cases and programs, as well as to manage the relationships between these components