122 research outputs found

    Collaborative Spectrum Sensing from Sparse Observations in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Spectrum sensing, which aims at detecting spectrum holes, is the precondition for the implementation of cognitive radio (CR). Collaborative spectrum sensing among the cognitive radio nodes is expected to improve the ability of checking complete spectrum usage. Due to hardware limitations, each cognitive radio node can only sense a relatively narrow band of radio spectrum. Consequently, the available channel sensing information is far from being sufficient for precisely recognizing the wide range of unoccupied channels. Aiming at breaking this bottleneck, we propose to apply matrix completion and joint sparsity recovery to reduce sensing and transmitting requirements and improve sensing results. Specifically, equipped with a frequency selective filter, each cognitive radio node senses linear combinations of multiple channel information and reports them to the fusion center, where occupied channels are then decoded from the reports by using novel matrix completion and joint sparsity recovery algorithms. As a result, the number of reports sent from the CRs to the fusion center is significantly reduced. We propose two decoding approaches, one based on matrix completion and the other based on joint sparsity recovery, both of which allow exact recovery from incomplete reports. The numerical results validate the effectiveness and robustness of our approaches. In particular, in small-scale networks, the matrix completion approach achieves exact channel detection with a number of samples no more than 50% of the number of channels in the network, while joint sparsity recovery achieves similar performance in large-scale networks.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Sparse Signal Processing Concepts for Efficient 5G System Design

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    As it becomes increasingly apparent that 4G will not be able to meet the emerging demands of future mobile communication systems, the question what could make up a 5G system, what are the crucial challenges and what are the key drivers is part of intensive, ongoing discussions. Partly due to the advent of compressive sensing, methods that can optimally exploit sparsity in signals have received tremendous attention in recent years. In this paper we will describe a variety of scenarios in which signal sparsity arises naturally in 5G wireless systems. Signal sparsity and the associated rich collection of tools and algorithms will thus be a viable source for innovation in 5G wireless system design. We will discribe applications of this sparse signal processing paradigm in MIMO random access, cloud radio access networks, compressive channel-source network coding, and embedded security. We will also emphasize important open problem that may arise in 5G system design, for which sparsity will potentially play a key role in their solution.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in IEEE Acces

    Compressive Acquisition and Processing of Sparse Analog Signals

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    Since the advent of the first digital processing units, the importance of digital signal processing has been steadily rising. Today, most signal processing happens in the digital domain, requiring that analog signals be first sampled and digitized before any relevant data can be extracted from them. The recent explosion of the demands for data acquisition, storage and processing, however, has pushed the capabilities of conventional acquisition systems to their limits in many application areas. By offering an alternative view on the signal acquisition process, ideas from sparse signal processing and one of its main beneficiaries compressed sensing (CS), aim at alleviating some of these problems. In this thesis, we look into the ways the application of a compressive measurement kernel impacts the signal recovery performance and investigate methods to infer the current signal complexity from the compressive observations. We then study a particular application, namely that of sub-Nyquist sampling and processing of sparse analog multiband signals in spectral, angular and spatial domains.Seit dem Aufkommen der ersten digitalen Verarbeitungseinheiten hat die Bedeutung der digitalen Signalverarbeitung stetig zugenommen. Heutzutage findet die meiste Signalverarbeitung im digitalen Bereich statt, was erfordert, dass analoge Signale zuerst abgetastet und digitalisiert werden, bevor relevante Daten daraus extrahiert werden können. Jahrzehntelang hat die herkömmliche äquidistante Abtastung, die durch das Nyquist-Abtasttheorem bestimmt wird, zu diesem Zweck ein nahezu universelles Mittel bereitgestellt. Der kürzliche explosive Anstieg der Anforderungen an die Datenerfassung, -speicherung und -verarbeitung hat jedoch die Fähigkeiten herkömmlicher Erfassungssysteme in vielen Anwendungsbereichen an ihre Grenzen gebracht. Durch eine alternative Sichtweise auf den Signalerfassungsprozess können Ideen aus der sparse Signalverarbeitung und einer ihrer Hauptanwendungsgebiete, Compressed Sensing (CS), dazu beitragen, einige dieser Probleme zu mindern. Basierend auf der Annahme, dass der Informationsgehalt eines Signals oft viel geringer ist als was von der nativen Repräsentation vorgegeben, stellt CS ein alternatives Konzept für die Erfassung und Verarbeitung bereit, das versucht, die Abtastrate unter Beibehaltung des Signalinformationsgehalts zu reduzieren. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir einige der Grundlagen des endlichdimensionalen CSFrameworks und seine Verbindung mit Sub-Nyquist Abtastung und Verarbeitung von sparsen analogen Signalen. Obwohl es seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt ein Schwerpunkt aktiver Forschung ist, gibt es noch erhebliche Lücken beim Verständnis der Auswirkungen von komprimierenden Ansätzen auf die Signalwiedergewinnung und die Verarbeitungsleistung, insbesondere bei rauschbehafteten Umgebungen und in Bezug auf praktische Messaufgaben. In dieser Dissertation untersuchen wir, wie sich die Anwendung eines komprimierenden Messkerns auf die Signal- und Rauschcharakteristiken auf die Signalrückgewinnungsleistung auswirkt. Wir erforschen auch Methoden, um die aktuelle Signal-Sparsity-Order aus den komprimierten Messungen abzuleiten, ohne auf die Nyquist-Raten-Verarbeitung zurückzugreifen, und zeigen den Vorteil, den sie für den Wiederherstellungsprozess bietet. Nachdem gehen wir zu einer speziellen Anwendung, nämlich der Sub-Nyquist-Abtastung und Verarbeitung von sparsen analogen Multibandsignalen. Innerhalb des Sub-Nyquist-Abtastung untersuchen wir drei verschiedene Multiband-Szenarien, die Multiband-Sensing in der spektralen, Winkel und räumlichen-Domäne einbeziehen.Since the advent of the first digital processing units, the importance of digital signal processing has been steadily rising. Today, most signal processing happens in the digital domain, requiring that analog signals be first sampled and digitized before any relevant data can be extracted from them. For decades, conventional uniform sampling that is governed by the Nyquist sampling theorem has provided an almost universal means to this end. The recent explosion of the demands for data acquisition, storage and processing, however, has pushed the capabilities of conventional acquisition systems to their limits in many application areas. By offering an alternative view on the signal acquisition process, ideas from sparse signal processing and one of its main beneficiaries compressed sensing (CS), have the potential to assist alleviating some of these problems. Building on the premise that the signal information rate is often much lower than what is dictated by its native representation, CS provides an alternative acquisition and processing framework that attempts to reduce the sampling rate while preserving the information content of the signal. In this thesis, we explore some of the basic foundations of the finite-dimensional CS framework and its connection to sub-Nyquist sampling and processing of sparse continuous analog signals with application to multiband sensing. Despite being a focus of active research for over a decade, there still remain signi_cant gaps in understanding the implications that compressive approaches have on the signal recovery and processing performance, especially against noisy settings and in relation to practical sampling problems. This dissertation aims at filling some of these gaps. More specifically, we look into the ways the application of a compressive measurement kernel impacts signal and noise characteristics and the relation it has to the signal recovery performance. We also investigate methods to infer the current complexity of the signal scene from the reduced-rate compressive observations without resorting to Nyquist-rate processing and show the advantage this knowledge offers to the recovery process. Having considered some of the universal aspects of compressive systems, we then move to studying a particular application, namely that of sub-Nyquist sampling and processing of sparse analog multiband signals. Within the sub-Nyquist sampling framework, we examine three different multiband scenarios that involve multiband sensing in spectral, angular and spatial domains. For each of them, we provide a sub-Nyquist receiver architecture, develop recovery methods and numerically evaluate their performance

    Algorithm Development and VLSI Implementation of Energy Efficient Decoders of Polar Codes

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    With its low error-floor performance, polar codes attract significant attention as the potential standard error correction code (ECC) for future communication and data storage. However, the VLSI implementation complexity of polar codes decoders is largely influenced by its nature of in-series decoding. This dissertation is dedicated to presenting optimal decoder architectures for polar codes. This dissertation addresses several structural properties of polar codes and key properties of decoding algorithms that are not dealt with in the prior researches. The underlying concept of the proposed architectures is a paradigm that simplifies and schedules the computations such that hardware is simplified, latency is minimized and bandwidth is maximized. In pursuit of the above, throughput centric successive cancellation (TCSC) and overlapping path list successive cancellation (OPLSC) VLSI architectures and express journey BP (XJBP) decoders for the polar codes are presented. An arbitrary polar code can be decomposed by a set of shorter polar codes with special characteristics, those shorter polar codes are referred to as constituent polar codes. By exploiting the homogeneousness between decoding processes of different constituent polar codes, TCSC reduces the decoding latency of the SC decoder by 60% for codes with length n = 1024. The error correction performance of SC decoding is inferior to that of list successive cancellation decoding. The LSC decoding algorithm delivers the most reliable decoding results; however, it consumes most hardware resources and decoding cycles. Instead of using multiple instances of decoding cores in the LSC decoders, a single SC decoder is used in the OPLSC architecture. The computations of each path in the LSC are arranged to occupy the decoder hardware stages serially in a streamlined fashion. This yields a significant reduction of hardware complexity. The OPLSC decoder has achieved about 1.4 times hardware efficiency improvement compared with traditional LSC decoders. The hardware efficient VLSI architectures for TCSC and OPLSC polar codes decoders are also introduced. Decoders based on SC or LSC algorithms suffer from high latency and limited throughput due to their serial decoding natures. An alternative approach to decode the polar codes is belief propagation (BP) based algorithm. In BP algorithm, a graph is set up to guide the beliefs propagated and refined, which is usually referred to as factor graph. BP decoding algorithm allows decoding in parallel to achieve much higher throughput. XJBP decoder facilitates belief propagation by utilizing the specific constituent codes that exist in the conventional factor graph, which results in an express journey (XJ) decoder. Compared with the conventional BP decoding algorithm for polar codes, the proposed decoder reduces the computational complexity by about 40.6%. This enables an energy-efficient hardware implementation. To further explore the hardware consumption of the proposed XJBP decoder, the computations scheduling is modeled and analyzed in this dissertation. With discussions on different hardware scenarios, the optimal scheduling plans are developed. A novel memory-distributed micro-architecture of the XJBP decoder is proposed and analyzed to solve the potential memory access problems of the proposed scheduling strategy. The register-transfer level (RTL) models of the XJBP decoder are set up for comparisons with other state-of-the-art BP decoders. The results show that the power efficiency of BP decoders is improved by about 3 times

    Algorithm Development and VLSI Implementation of Energy Efficient Decoders of Polar Codes

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    With its low error-floor performance, polar codes attract significant attention as the potential standard error correction code (ECC) for future communication and data storage. However, the VLSI implementation complexity of polar codes decoders is largely influenced by its nature of in-series decoding. This dissertation is dedicated to presenting optimal decoder architectures for polar codes. This dissertation addresses several structural properties of polar codes and key properties of decoding algorithms that are not dealt with in the prior researches. The underlying concept of the proposed architectures is a paradigm that simplifies and schedules the computations such that hardware is simplified, latency is minimized and bandwidth is maximized. In pursuit of the above, throughput centric successive cancellation (TCSC) and overlapping path list successive cancellation (OPLSC) VLSI architectures and express journey BP (XJBP) decoders for the polar codes are presented. An arbitrary polar code can be decomposed by a set of shorter polar codes with special characteristics, those shorter polar codes are referred to as constituent polar codes. By exploiting the homogeneousness between decoding processes of different constituent polar codes, TCSC reduces the decoding latency of the SC decoder by 60% for codes with length n = 1024. The error correction performance of SC decoding is inferior to that of list successive cancellation decoding. The LSC decoding algorithm delivers the most reliable decoding results; however, it consumes most hardware resources and decoding cycles. Instead of using multiple instances of decoding cores in the LSC decoders, a single SC decoder is used in the OPLSC architecture. The computations of each path in the LSC are arranged to occupy the decoder hardware stages serially in a streamlined fashion. This yields a significant reduction of hardware complexity. The OPLSC decoder has achieved about 1.4 times hardware efficiency improvement compared with traditional LSC decoders. The hardware efficient VLSI architectures for TCSC and OPLSC polar codes decoders are also introduced. Decoders based on SC or LSC algorithms suffer from high latency and limited throughput due to their serial decoding natures. An alternative approach to decode the polar codes is belief propagation (BP) based algorithm. In BP algorithm, a graph is set up to guide the beliefs propagated and refined, which is usually referred to as factor graph. BP decoding algorithm allows decoding in parallel to achieve much higher throughput. XJBP decoder facilitates belief propagation by utilizing the specific constituent codes that exist in the conventional factor graph, which results in an express journey (XJ) decoder. Compared with the conventional BP decoding algorithm for polar codes, the proposed decoder reduces the computational complexity by about 40.6%. This enables an energy-efficient hardware implementation. To further explore the hardware consumption of the proposed XJBP decoder, the computations scheduling is modeled and analyzed in this dissertation. With discussions on different hardware scenarios, the optimal scheduling plans are developed. A novel memory-distributed micro-architecture of the XJBP decoder is proposed and analyzed to solve the potential memory access problems of the proposed scheduling strategy. The register-transfer level (RTL) models of the XJBP decoder are set up for comparisons with other state-of-the-art BP decoders. The results show that the power efficiency of BP decoders is improved by about 3 times

    Intelligent Sensor Networks

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    In the last decade, wireless or wired sensor networks have attracted much attention. However, most designs target general sensor network issues including protocol stack (routing, MAC, etc.) and security issues. This book focuses on the close integration of sensing, networking, and smart signal processing via machine learning. Based on their world-class research, the authors present the fundamentals of intelligent sensor networks. They cover sensing and sampling, distributed signal processing, and intelligent signal learning. In addition, they present cutting-edge research results from leading experts

    Robust and Scalable Data Representation and Analysis Leveraging Isometric Transformations and Sparsity

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    The main focus of this doctoral thesis is to study the problem of robust and scalable data representation and analysis. The success of any machine learning and signal processing framework relies on how the data is represented and analyzed. Thus, in this work, we focus on three closely related problems: (i) supervised representation learning, (ii) unsupervised representation learning, and (iii) fault tolerant data analysis. For the first task, we put forward new theoretical results on why a certain family of neural networks can become extremely deep and how we can improve this scalability property in a mathematically sound manner. We further investigate how we can employ them to generate data representations that are robust to outliers and to retrieve representative subsets of huge datasets. For the second task, we will discuss two different methods, namely compressive sensing (CS) and nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF). We show that we can employ prior knowledge, such as slow variation in time, to introduce an unsupervised learning component to the traditional CS framework and to learn better compressed representations. Furthermore, we show that prior knowledge and sparsity constraint can be used in the context of NMF, not to find sparse hidden factors, but to enforce other structures, such as piece-wise continuity. Finally, for the third task, we investigate how a data analysis framework can become robust to faulty data and faulty data processors. We employ Bayesian inference and propose a scheme that can solve the CS recovery problem in an asynchronous parallel manner. Furthermore, we show how sparsity can be used to make an optimization problem robust to faulty data measurements. The methods investigated in this work have applications in different practical problems such as resource allocation in wireless networks, source localization, image/video classification, and search engines. A detailed discussion of these practical applications will be presented for each method

    Terahertz Communications and Sensing for 6G and Beyond: A Comprehensive View

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    The next-generation wireless technologies, commonly referred to as the sixth generation (6G), are envisioned to support extreme communications capacity and in particular disruption in the network sensing capabilities. The terahertz (THz) band is one potential enabler for those due to the enormous unused frequency bands and the high spatial resolution enabled by both short wavelengths and bandwidths. Different from earlier surveys, this paper presents a comprehensive treatment and technology survey on THz communications and sensing in terms of the advantages, applications, propagation characterization, channel modeling, measurement campaigns, antennas, transceiver devices, beamforming, networking, the integration of communications and sensing, and experimental testbeds. Starting from the motivation and use cases, we survey the development and historical perspective of THz communications and sensing with the anticipated 6G requirements. We explore the radio propagation, channel modeling, and measurements for THz band. The transceiver requirements, architectures, technological challenges, and approaches together with means to compensate for the high propagation losses by appropriate antenna and beamforming solutions. We survey also several system technologies required by or beneficial for THz systems. The synergistic design of sensing and communications is explored with depth. Practical trials, demonstrations, and experiments are also summarized. The paper gives a holistic view of the current state of the art and highlights the issues and challenges that are open for further research towards 6G.Comment: 55 pages, 10 figures, 8 tables, submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorial