872 research outputs found

    Adaptive morphological filters based on a multiple orientation vector field dependent on image local features

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    This paper addresses the formulation of adaptive morphological filters based on spatially-variant structuring elements. The adaptivity of these filters is achieved by modifying the shape and orientation of the structuring elements according to a multiple orientation vector field. This vector field is provided by means of a bank of directional openings which can take into account the possible multiple orientations of the contours in the image. After reviewing and formalizing the definition of the spatially-variant dilation, erosion, opening and closing, the proposed structuring elements are described. These spatially-variant structuring elements are based on ellipses which vary over the image domain adapting locally their orientation according to the multiple orientation vector field and their shape (the eccentricity of the ellipses) according to the distance to relevant contours of the objects. The proposed adaptive morphological filters are used on gray-level images and are compared with spatially-invariant filters, with spatially-variant filters based on a single orientation vector field, and with adaptive morphological bilateral filters. Results show that the morphological filters based on a multiple orientation vector field are more adept at enhancing and preserving structures which contains more than one orientation

    Detection of Defects in Fabric by Morphological Image Processing

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    Image morphological processing

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    Mathematical Morphology with applications in image processing and analysis has been becoming increasingly important in today\u27s technology. Mathematical Morphological operations, which are based on set theory, can extract object features by suitably shaped structuring elements. Mathematical Morphological filters are combinations of morphological operations that transform an image into a quantitative description of its geometrical structure based on structuring elements. Important applications of morphological operations are shape description, shape recognition, nonlinear filtering, industrial parts inspection, and medical image processing. In this dissertation, basic morphological operations, properties and fuzzy morphology are reviewed. Existing techniques for solving corner and edge detection are presented. A new approach to solve corner detection using regulated mathematical morphology is presented and is shown that it is more efficient in binary images than the existing mathematical morphology based asymmetric closing for corner detection. A new class of morphological operations called sweep mathematical morphological operations is developed. The theoretical framework for representation, computation and analysis of sweep morphology is presented. The basic sweep morphological operations, sweep dilation and sweep erosion, are defined and their properties are studied. It is shown that considering only the boundaries and performing operations on the boundaries can substantially reduce the computation. Various applications of this new class of morphological operations are discussed, including the blending of swept surfaces with deformations, image enhancement, edge linking and shortest path planning for rotating objects. Sweep mathematical morphology is an efficient tool for geometric modeling and representation. The sweep dilation/erosion provides a natural representation of sweep motion in the manufacturing processes. A set of grammatical rules that govern the generation of objects belonging to the same group are defined. Earley\u27s parser serves in the screening process to determine whether a pattern is a part of the language. Finally, summary and future research of this dissertation are provided

    Characteristics of a detail preserving nonlinear filter.

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    by Lai Wai Kuen.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1993.Includes bibliographical references (leaves [119-125]).Abstract --- p.iAcknowledgement --- p.iiTable of Contents --- p.iiiChapter Chapter 1 --- IntroductionChapter 1.1 --- Background - The Need for Nonlinear Filtering --- p.1.1Chapter 1.2 --- Nonlinear Filtering --- p.1.2Chapter 1.3 --- Goal of the Work --- p.1.4Chapter 1.4 --- Organization of the Thesis --- p.1.5Chapter Chapter 2 --- An Overview of Robust Estimator Based Filters Morphological FiltersChapter 2.1 --- Introduction --- p.2.1Chapter 2.2 --- Signal Representation by Sets --- p.2.2Chapter 2.3 --- Robust Estimator Based Filters --- p.2.4Chapter 2.3.1 --- Filters based on the L-estimators --- p.2.4Chapter --- The Median Filter and its Derivations --- p.2.5Chapter --- Rank Order Filters and Derivations --- p.2.9Chapter 2.3.2 --- Filters based on the M-estimators (M-Filters) --- p.2.11Chapter 2.3.3 --- Filter based on the R-estimators --- p.2.13Chapter 2.4 --- Filters based on Mathematical Morphology --- p.2.14Chapter 2.4.1 --- Basic Morphological Operators --- p.2.14Chapter 2.4.2 --- Morphological Filters --- p.2.18Chapter 2.5 --- Chapter Summary --- p.2.20Chapter Chapter 3 --- Multi-Structuring Element Erosion FilterChapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.3.1Chapter 3.2 --- Problem Formulation --- p.3.1Chapter 3.3 --- Description of Multi-Structuring Element Erosion Filter --- p.3.3Chapter 3.3.1 --- Definition of Structuring Element for Multi-Structuring Element Erosion Filter --- p.3.4Chapter 3.3.2 --- Binary multi-Structuring Element Erosion Filter --- p.3.9Chapter 3.3.3 --- Selective Threshold Decomposition --- p.3.10Chapter 3.3.4 --- Multilevel Multi-Structuring Element Erosion Filter --- p.3.15Chapter 3.3.5 --- A Combination of Multilevel Multi-Structuring Element Erosion Filter and its Dual --- p.3.21Chapter 3.4 --- Chapter Summary --- p.3.21Chapter Chapter 4 --- Properties of Multi-Structuring Element Erosion FilterChapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.4.1Chapter 4.2 --- Deterministic Properties --- p.4.2Chapter 4.2.1 --- Shape of Invariant Signal --- p.4.3Chapter --- Binary Multi-Structuring Element Erosion Filter --- p.4.5Chapter --- Multilevel Multi-Structuring Element Erosion Filter --- p.4.16Chapter 4.2.2 --- Rate of Convergence of Multi-Structuring Element Erosion Filter --- p.4.25Chapter --- Convergent Rate of Binary Multi-Structuring Element Erosion Filter --- p.4.25Chapter --- Convergent Rate of Multilevel Multi-Structuring Element Erosion Filter --- p.4.28Chapter 4.3 --- Statistical Properties --- p.4.30Chapter 4.3.1 --- Output Distribution of Multi-Structuring Element Erosion Filter --- p.4.30Chapter --- One-Dimensional Statistical Analysis of Multilevel Multi-Structuring Element Erosion Filter --- p.4.31Chapter --- Two-Dimensional Statistical Analysis of Multilevel Multi-Structuring Element Erosion Filter --- p.4.32Chapter 4.3.2 --- Discussions on Statistical Properties --- p.4.36Chapter 4.4 --- Chapter Summary --- p.4.40Chapter Chapter 5 --- Performance EvaluationChapter 5.1 --- Introduction --- p.5.1Chapter 5.2 --- Performance Criteria --- p.5.2Chapter 5.2.1 --- Noise Suppression --- p.5.5Chapter 5.2.2 --- Subjective Criterion --- p.5.16Chapter 5.2.3 --- Computational Requirement --- p.5.20Chapter 5.3 --- Chapter Summary --- p.5.23Chapter Chapter 6 --- Recapitulation and Suggestions for Further WorkChapter 6.1 --- Recapitulation --- p.6.1Chapter 6.2 --- Suggestions for Further Work --- p.6.4Chapter 6.2.1 --- Probability Measure Function for the Two-Dimensional Filter --- p.6.4Chapter 6.2.2 --- Hardware Implementation --- p.6.5ReferencesAppendice

    Digital Morphometry : A Taxonomy Of Morphological Filters And Feature Parameters With Application To Alzheimer\u27s Disease Research

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    In this thesis the expression digital morphometry collectively describes all those procedures used to obtain quantitative measurements of objects within a two-dimensional digital image. Quantitative measurement is a two-step process: the application of geometrical transformations to extract the features of interest, and then the actual measurement of these features. With regard to the first step the morphological filters of mathematical morphology provide a wealth of suitable geometric transfomations. Traditional radiometric and spatial enhancement techniques provide an additional source of transformations. The second step is more classical (e.g. Underwood, 1970; Bookstein, 1978; and Weibull, 1980); yet here again mathematical morphology is applicable - morphologically derived feature parameters. This thesis focuses on mathematical morphology for digital morphometry. In particular it proffers a taxonomy of morphological filters and investigates the morphologically derived feature parameters (Minkowski functionals) for digital images sampled on a square grid. As originally conceived by Georges Matheron, mathematical morphology concerns the analysis of binary images by means of probing with structuring elements [typically convex geometric shapes] (Dougherty, 1993, preface). Since its inception the theory has been extended to grey-level images and most recently to complete lattices. It is within the very general framework of the complete lattice that the taxonomy of morphological filters is presented. Examples are provided to help illustrate the behaviour of each type of filter. This thesis also introduces DIMPAL (Mehnert, 1994) - a PC-based image processing and analysis language suitable for researching and developing algorithms for a wide range of image processing applications. Though DIMPAL was used to produce the majority of the images in this thesis it was principally written to provide an environment in which to investigate the application of mathematical morphology to Alzheimer\u27s disease research. Alzheimer\u27s disease is a form of progressive dementia associated with the degeneration of the brain. It is the commonest type of dementia and probably accounts for half the dementia of old age (Forsythe, 1990, p. 21 ). Post mortem examination of the brain reveals the presence of characteristic neuropathologic lesions; namely neuritic plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. They occur predominantly in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Quantitative studies of the distribution of plaques and tangles in normally aged and Alzheimer brains are hampered by the enormous amount of time and effort required to count and measure these lesions. Here in a morphological algorithm is proposed for the automatic segmentation and measurement of neuritic plaques from light micrographs of post mortem brain tissue

    Estimación de la orientación múltiple mediante un banco de filtros y su uso en el desarrollo de aplicaciones de procesado de imagen

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    Mención Europeo / Mención Internacional: Concedido.[SPA] Esta tesis doctoral se presenta bajo la modalidad de compendio de publicaciones. En las últimas décadas, la estimación de orientación se ha convertido en una tarea clave del procesado de imagen, dada su capacidad para extraer características de bajo nivel y su aplicación en el análisis de datos. Existen un gran número de aplicaciones donde la estimación de orientación juega un papel fundamental como son: el análisis de huellas dactilares, extracción de puntos característicos, bifurcaciones, esquinas o intersecciones, filtrado adaptativo o seguimiento de objetos, entre otras. Sin embargo, con el paso del tiempo han aparecido diferentes problemas asociados a la estimación de orientación que pueden complicar este proceso. Los más importantes a destacar son los siguientes: las limitaciones que presentan muchos de los métodos de estimación en estructuras complejas, por ejemplo, estructuras con varias orientaciones asociadas, el incremento de la complejidad computacional de los métodos más modernos o la dependencia de éstos a solo unas determinadas aplicaciones. Resulta en estos momentos, por tanto, una tarea clave conseguir métodos de estimación que sean lo más globales y genéricos posibles, en otras palabras, lo más independientes del tipo de imagen con la que se trabaje y del campo de aplicación. En esta Tesis doctoral, en primer lugar, se aborda una revisión de los conceptos más importantes de la estimación de orientación, como es el concepto de estructura, orientación y sus propiedades principales. También se describen los métodos de estimación de orientaciones más importantes: tensor estructural, bancos de filtros, gradiente al cuadrado promediado, etc. Y las aplicaciones más importantes como la detección de texturas, extracción de características, análisis de huellas dactilares, filtrado variante o seguimiento de objetos, entre otras. Las contribuciones principales a esta Tesis son dos. En primer lugar, la propuesta de un marco de trabajo (de estimación de orientaciones) capaz de sistematizar el proceso de estimación de orientaciones, independientemente del tipo de estructuras o el tipo de aplicación. El marco propuesto está basado en una de las técnicas de estimación de orientación más usadas, los bancos de filtros. Durante este trabajo, éstos han sido probados en multitud de escenarios mientras se consideraban diferentes familias de filtros para su aplicación. En segundo lugar, se abordan casos prácticos de aplicación del marco de trabajo propuesto con el objetivo de mostrar sus excelentes capacidades en aplicaciones muy dispares, mostrando su potencial en multitud de posibilidades. Dado que el método de presentación de la presente Tesis doctoral es mediante un compendio de artículos, la organización de esta memoria constará de un primer capítulo de introducción y estado del arte. Seguidamente se mostrarán, de forma coherente y organizada, los artículos con los resultados obtenidos durante el periodo de investigación de la Tesis, con una introducción para cada uno de los artículos incluidos en este compendio. Finalmente, el capítulo de conclusiones y trabajo futuro cierra la Tesis.[ENG] This doctoral dissertation has been presented in the form of thesis by publication. In the last decades, image orientation estimation has become in a fundamental task of image processing, due to its ability to extract low level features and its application to data analysis. There are a wide number of applications where the image orientation estimation plays and important role, some of these are: fingerprint analysis, feature extractions such as bifurcation, junction and corner, adaptive filtering or tracking applications. However, with the pass of time, different problems related to orientation estimation have appeared and they can complicate this process. The most important problems to highlight are: difficult of a wide number of methods to estimate the orientation of complex object structures, for example, structures with multiple orientations associated, high computational cost of modern methods or dependence on the application framework. Therefore, nowadays, the obtention of global and generics methods, in other words, methods as independent as possible from the image and the application, has become in a important task. In this Thesis, firstly, a review of main concepts of image orientation have been carried out, such as the concept of structure, orientation and their main properties. The most important methods have been described, as e.g., structural tensor, bank of filters, average square gradient, etc. And the most important applications based on image orientation estimation as texture analysis, feature extraction, fingerprint analysis, object tracking and space variant filtering, among others. The main contributions to this Thesis are two. First one is the proposal of a new framework for image orientation estimation, which can systematize this process, making it independent of image type and application. The proposed framework is based on one of the most used estimation orientation techniques, the bank of filters. Throughout this work, it have been tested in a wide variety of scenarios, considering different families of filters for their application. Secondly, the proposed framework has been evaluated in practical applications to show its ability and potential. This Thesis has been carried out by the method of compendium of publications, it has been organized as follows. Chapter one shows an introduction and a review of the state of art. Chapter two shows the journal papers and other contributions done during the research period of this Thesis. Finally, Chapter three shows the conclusion and future work.El trabajo de esta Tesis ha estado financiado parcialmente por el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Proyecto PI17/00771) y la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia - Instituto Interuniversitario de Investigación en Bioingeniería y Tecnología Orientada al Ser Humano. Labhuman- conjuntamente con la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (Proyectos 4106/15TIC y 3626/13TIC).Los artículos y capítulos de libros que forman la tesis son los siguientes: Artículo 1: A.G. Legaz-Aparicio, R. Verdú-Monedero, J. Angulo, “Multiscale Estimation of Multiple Orientations based on Morphological Directional Openings”, Signal, Image and Video Processing, 2018, Accepted, (doi:10.1007/s11760-018-1276-y). ISI-JCR(2017): 1.643, Posición 163 de 260 (T2, Q3), cat ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC. Artículo 2: Álvar-Ginés Legaz-Aparicio, Rafael Verdú-Monedero, Juan Morales-Sanchez, Jorge Larrey- Ruiz, Jesús Angulo, “Detection of Retinal Vessel Bifurcation by Means of Multiple Orientation Estimation Based on Regularized Morphological Openings”. XIII Medierranean Confe-rence on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, Sevilla, 2013. Artículo 3: S. Morales, Á. Legaz-Aparicio, V. Naranjo, R. Verdú-Monedero, “Determination of Bifurcation Angles of the Retinal Vascular Tree through Multiple Orientation Estimation ba-sed on Regularized Morphological Openings”, International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS 2015), Lisbon (Portugal), January 2015. Artículo 4: S. Morales, V. Naranjo, J. Angulo, A.G. Legaz-Aparicio, R. Verdú-Monedero, “Retinal network characterization through fundus image processing: signicant point identication on vessel centerline”, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 59, pp. 50-64, November 2017. ISI-JCR(2017): 2.073, Posición 118 de 260 (T2, Q2), cat ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELEC-TRONIC. Artículo 5: A.G. Legaz-Aparicio, R. Verdú-Monedero, K. Engan, “Noise Robust and Ro-tation Invariant Framework for Texture Analysis and Classification”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 335, pp. 124 a 132, October 2018. ISI-JCR(2017): 2.300, Posición 21 de 252 (T1, Q1), cat MATHEMATICS, APPLIED. Artículo 6: Álvar-Ginés Legaz-Aparicio, Rafael Verdú-Monedero, Jesús Angulo, “Adaptive spatially variant morphological filters based on a multiple orientation vector field”, Mathematical modelling in Engineering & Human Behaviour 2016. Artículo 7: A.G. Legaz-Aparicio, R. Verdú-Monedero, J. Angulo, “Adaptive morphological filters based on a multiple orientation vector field dependent on image local features”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 330, pp. 965-981, March 2018. ISI-JCR(2017): 1.632, Posición 49 de 252 (T1, Q1), cat MATHEMATICS, APPLIED.Escuela Internacional de Doctorado de la Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaUniversidad Politécnica de CartagenaPrograma de Doctorado en Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones por la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Towards an efficient, unsupervised and automatic face detection system for unconstrained environments

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    Nowadays, there is growing interest in face detection applications for unconstrained environments. The increasing need for public security and national security motivated our research on the automatic face detection system. For public security surveillance applications, the face detection system must be able to cope with unconstrained environments, which includes cluttered background and complicated illuminations. Supervised approaches give very good results on constrained environments, but when it comes to unconstrained environments, even obtaining all the training samples needed is sometimes impractical. The limitation of supervised approaches impels us to turn to unsupervised approaches. In this thesis, we present an efficient and unsupervised face detection system, which is feature and configuration based. It combines geometric feature detection and local appearance feature extraction to increase stability and performance of the detection process. It also contains a novel adaptive lighting compensation approach to normalize the complicated illumination in real life environments. We aim to develop a system that has as few assumptions as possible from the very beginning, is robust and exploits accuracy/complexity trade-offs as much as possible. Although our attempt is ambitious for such an ill posed problem-we manage to tackle it in the end with very few assumptions.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    State-of-the-Art and Trends in Scalable Video Compression with Wavelet Based Approaches

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    3noScalable Video Coding (SVC) differs form traditional single point approaches mainly because it allows to encode in a unique bit stream several working points corresponding to different quality, picture size and frame rate. This work describes the current state-of-the-art in SVC, focusing on wavelet based motion-compensated approaches (WSVC). It reviews individual components that have been designed to address the problem over the years and how such components are typically combined to achieve meaningful WSVC architectures. Coding schemes which mainly differ from the space-time order in which the wavelet transforms operate are here compared, discussing strengths and weaknesses of the resulting implementations. An evaluation of the achievable coding performances is provided considering the reference architectures studied and developed by ISO/MPEG in its exploration on WSVC. The paper also attempts to draw a list of major differences between wavelet based solutions and the SVC standard jointly targeted by ITU and ISO/MPEG. A major emphasis is devoted to a promising WSVC solution, named STP-tool, which presents architectural similarities with respect to the SVC standard. The paper ends drawing some evolution trends for WSVC systems and giving insights on video coding applications which could benefit by a wavelet based approach.partially_openpartially_openADAMI N; SIGNORONI. A; R. LEONARDIAdami, Nicola; Signoroni, Alberto; Leonardi, Riccard

    A framework based on Gaussian mixture models and Kalman filters for the segmentation and tracking of anomalous events in shipboard video

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    Anomalous indications in monitoring equipment on board U.S. Navy vessels must be handled in a timely manner to prevent catastrophic system failure. The development of sensor data analysis techniques to assist a ship\u27s crew in monitoring machinery and summon required ship-to-shore assistance is of considerable benefit to the Navy. In addition, the Navy has a large interest in the development of distance support technology in its ongoing efforts to reduce manning on ships. In this thesis, algorithms have been developed for the detection of anomalous events that can be identified from the analysis of monochromatic stationary ship surveillance video streams. The specific anomalies that we have focused on are the presence and growth of smoke and fire events inside the frames of the video stream. The algorithm consists of the following steps. First, a foreground segmentation algorithm based on adaptive Gaussian mixture models is employed to detect the presence of motion in a scene. The algorithm is adapted to emphasize gray-level characteristics related to smoke and fire events in the frame. Next, shape discriminant features in the foreground are enhanced using morphological operations. Following this step, the anomalous indication is tracked between frames using Kalman filtering. Finally, gray level shape and motion features corresponding to the anomaly are subjected to principal component analysis and classified using a multilayer perceptron neural network. The algorithm is exercised on 68 video streams that include the presence of anomalous events (such as fire and smoke) and benign/nuisance events (such as humans walking the field of view). Initial results show that the algorithm is successful in detecting anomalies in video streams, and is suitable for application in shipboard environments