589 research outputs found

    Engineering education for mechatronics

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    This paper defines mechatronics, explains mechatronics philosophy, and describes characteristics of mechatronics products and systems. It reviews some aspects of education and training for mechatronics and compares the two different approaches to engineering education: generalist engineering versus specialist engineering. It also examines the Japanese approach to product development strategies and mechatronics education and training. It also gives a bird's eye view of the mechatronics education in higher education institutions across the world with a specific reference to a typical mechatronics engineering degree program. Finally it concludes that, there will be an increasing need in the future for discipline-based mechatronics engineers

    Re-Design of a Packaging Machine Employing Linear Servomotors: a Description of Modelling Methods and Engineering Tools

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    open4noPosition-controlled servo-systems mostly make use of electric rotary motors and gearboxes and, if necessary, a transmission mechanism to convert rotary into linear motion. Even so, especially in the field of automatic machines for packaging, it should be highlighted that most of the required movements are usually linear, so that Linear Electric Motors (LEM) should somehow represent a more convenient solution for designers. LEM can directly generate the required trajectory avoiding any intermediate mechanism, thus potentially minimizing the number of linkages/mechanical parts and, therefore, the undesired backlash and compliance that come along. On the other hand, particularly within small-medium enterprises, LEM may be rarely employed despite obvious advantages, mostly due to their high-cost as compared to rotary actuators and the lack of knowledge of the achievable performance. In light of these considerations, the present paper reports an industrial case study where an automatic machine for packaging, comprising distributed actuation and several tasks requiring a linear motion, has been completely redesigned employing different kind of LEM (i.e. iron-core and iron-less). Such machine architecture is compared to a “traditional” design where brushless gear-motors are coupled to linkage systems. The paper mainly focuses on the selection criteria for the LEM system and on the engineering tools employed during the different design stages. Qualitative and quantitative conclusions are finally drawn, which may provide useful hints for designers that are willing to actually employ LEM-based solutions in an industrial scenarioopenBerselli, Giovanni; Bilancia, Pietro; Bruzzone, Luca; Fanghella, PietroBerselli, Giovanni; Bilancia, Pietro; Bruzzone, Luca; Fanghella, Pietr

    Smart Product Design Methodology

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    The noticeable emergence of new technological advances, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT), and their continuous developments in today’s market, have paved the way for an apparent transformation from conventional products to smart connected products. Smart products are Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) that provide services to users through Internet and Communication capabilities. The use of smart products offers exceptional potential for the users to meet their expectations and needs intelligently and effectively. Hence, designers and manufacturers are encouraged to cope with constantly changing consumers’ requirements and help in satisfying their needs. It is necessary to achieve a high level of awareness when interacting with smart products, where in some cases, ambiguity and uncertainty may lead to an undesired outcome. Thus, the objective of this research thesis is to introduce a novel smart product design methodology that reveals a new design dimension that was found by conducting an extensive literature review. Smart product design methodology uses integration between existing Design Theory and Methodologies (DTM), both Systematic Design Approach (SDA) and Axiomatic Design Theory (ADT) which are integrated through the features and functions of smart products. The proposed design methodology concentrates on reducing the complexity of the product and raising its affordances for the users to perceive. This research includes a case study on smart speakers and voice-initiated virtual assistants specifically on Amazon’s Alexa, where the methodology proposed was applied. As a result, the complexity was reduced by achieving an uncoupled design, and affordances’ measures were discussed using the guidelines and recommendations concerning both visual and voice design perspectives for designers and developers of virtual assistants in order to maximize the affordances for the user to perceive with the least amount of ambiguity and doubtfulness

    Communicating Conceptual Design of Mechatronic Systems

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    Today\u27s engineering designers must adapt to a changing model of product development. In the past, a single engineer could design, develop and deploy competitive systems --this is often no longer the case. Designing a mechanical system with integrated microprocessor control requires the collaboration of a cross-disciplinary team of engineers and, in many cases, no single member of the team understands the workings of the entire system. Consequently, as systems become increasingly complex, the ability to collaborate and reliably communicate design information becomes more and more crucial. Effective communication 1s particularly critical in conceptual design, where a poor decision has the highest potential cost. Efficiently exchanging conceptual design information requires a medium that can encapsulate complex, domain-specific concepts and yet be generically readable and concise. This thesis surveys recent work in the area of engineering design and the communication of conceptual design information. Research in these areas is contrasted with the current practices of Mechatronics Engineering, and potential gaps in the literature are identified. This work suggests that the integration of systems architecture and the mechatronic concept could provide an incremental step towards improving the design of mechatronic products. Chapter 1 presents a short introduction to the concepts of mechatronics and conceptual design. A brief history of the evolution of mechatronics is also presented. Chapter 2 reviews recent work in engineering processes, with a focus on how recent developments relate to mechatronics engmeermg. In this chapter, quality functional deployment, concurrent engineering, object-oriented methods and systems architecture are discussed. Chapter 3 focuses on specific processes and tools for the development of mechatronic systems, including integrated design and simulation, the mechatronic design process, and current issues in mechatronics engineering. Chapter 4 discusses current work in the area of conceptual design, with a focus on the communication of conceptual design information. Chapter 5 reviews the previous chapters to identify areas of mechatronics that are in the most need of additional research. Finally, in Chapter 6, conclusions are drawn and recommendations are made

    Mechatronics challenge for the higher education world

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    Mechatronics engineering courses at undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as vocational training courses are rapidly increasing across the world. Philosophy and structure of such courses divert from the classical single-discipline engineering programmes and induce a challenge for the higher education institutions. Different institutions in various countries are reacting differently to this challenge but, all aiming at educating mechatronics engineers. This paper reviews the mechatronics education at various centres in the world. It also analyses the structure and contents of a number of selected mechatronics programmes in various higher education institutions. Furthermore, it proposes a list of features that a sound mechatronics engineering programme should contain

    Development and Implementation of Mechatronics Education at Kettering University

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    The Mechanical Engineering Department at Kettering University has completed development of a significant new component of education in mechatronics. The work began in the fall of 1997 as the principal part of an award for “Instrumentation and Laboratory Improvement” by the Division of Undergraduate Education of the National Science Foundation. It has culminated with the successful implementation of two undergraduate courses in mechatronics, two mechatronics laboratories and a website to support the educational endeavors of the mechatronics students. As will be described in this paper, the first course and its laboratory exercises are designed specifically to provide the students with meaningful experiences in the applications of mechatronics design principles. The knowledge gained in this first course will be applied in the second course, where the fundamental focus is to provide a complete experience in the innovation, design and fabrication of a new mechatronic product. This is all done in a team environment. The long-term goal is to integrate business management students into the product development team to provide marketing support

    Industrial Design

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    A new breed of modern designers is on the way. These non-traditional industrial designers work across disciplines, understand human beings, as well as business and technology thus bridging the gap between customer needs and technological advancement of tomorrow. This book uncovers prospective designer techniques and methods of a new age of industrial design, whose practitioners strive to construct simple and yet complex products of the future. The novel frontiers of a new era of industrial design are exposed, in what concerns the design process, in illustrating the use of new technologies in design and in terms of the advancement of culturally inspired design. The diverse perspectives taken by the authors of this book ensure stimulating reading and will assist readers in leaping forward in their own practice of industrial design, and in preparing new research that is relevant and aligned with the current challenges of this fascinating field

    Примена виртуелних светова у истраживању теорије агената и инжењерском образовању

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    The focus of this doctoral dissertation is on exploring the potentials of virtual worlds, for applications in research and education. Regarding this, there are two central aspects that are explored in the dissertation. The first one considers the concept of autonomous agents, and agent theory in general, in the context of virtual worlds. The second aspect is related to the educational applications of virtual worlds, while especially focusing on the concept of virtual laboratories. An introduction to basic terminology related to the subject is given at the start of the dissertation. After that, a thorough analysis of the role of agents in virtual worlds is presented. This, among others, includes the analysis of the techniques that shape the agent’s behavior. The development of the virtual gamified educational system, specially dedicated to agents is then presented in the dissertation, along with a thorough description. While, in the end, analysis of the concept of virtual laboratories in STE (Science, Technology, and Engineering) disciplines is performed, and existing solutions are evaluated according to the criteria defined in the dissertation.Фокус ове докторске дисертације је на истраживању потенцијала виртуелних светова за примене у истраживањима и образовању. У вези са тим, постоје два главна аспекта која су обрађена у дисертацији. Први аспект се тиче концепта аутономних агената, као и теорије агената у целини, а у контексту виртуелних светова. Други аспект је везан за примену виртуелних светова у образовању, при чему је посебан акценат стављен на виртуелне лабораторије. На почетку дисертације је дат кратак увод који се тиче терминологије и појединих појмова везаних за област којом се ова дисертција бави. Након тога је представљена систематична и темељна анализа улоге агената у виртуелним световима. Између осталог, ово укључује и анализу техника потребних за обликовање понашања агената. Потом је у дисертацији детаљно представљен развој оригиналног виртуелног образовног система посвећеног агентима. На крају, анализиран је концепт виртуелних лабораторија у НТИ (наука, технологија, инжењерство) дисциплинама и извршена је евалуација постојећих решења у складу са критеријумима који су дефинисани у дисертацији