271 research outputs found

    The unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT): a literature review

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    YesPurpose – The purpose of this paper is to perform a systematic review of articles that have used the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). Design/methodology/approach – The results produced in this research are based on the literature analysis of 174 existing articles on the UTAUT model. This has been performed by collecting data including demographic details, methodological details, limitations, and significance of relationships between the constructs from the available articles based on the UTAUT. Findings – The findings indicated that general purpose systems and specialized business systems were examined in the majority of the articles using the UTAUT. The analysis also indicated that crosssectional approach, survey methods, and structural equation modelling analysis techniques were the most explored research methodologies whereas SPSS was found to be the largely used analysis tools. Moreover, the weight analysis of independent variables indicates that variables such as performance expectancy and behavioural intention qualified for the best predictor category. Moreover, the analysis also suggested that single subject or biased sample as the most explored limitation across all studies. Research limitations/implications – The search activities were centered on occurrences of keywords to avoid tracing a large number of publications where these keywords might have been used as casual words in the main text. However, we acknowledge that there may be a number of studies, which lack keywords in the title, but still focus upon UTAUT in some form. Originality/value – This is the first research of its type which has extensively examined the literature on the UTAUT and provided the researchers with the accumulative knowledge about the model


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    The purpose of this study were to determine the factors that influence pet owners' intentions to use telemedicine applications for their pets. Based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), in order to gather information, a survey of pet owners in Indonesia a random sampling method was used. Respondents filled out a total of 400  questionnaires, which were gathered. Using Smart Partial Least Squares (PLS) version 3.0, an analysis was done on the data that was collected. Positive factors included performance and effort expectations, attitude toward use, facilitating conditions, subjective norm, and intention to use. According to the findings, future development strategies should prioritize factors that positively influence pet owners' intentions to use telemedicine apps for pets

    The Perceived Important Factors Influencing Mobile Payment Adoption among Generation Z in Bandung

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    Abstract. Mobile Payment is expected to be the next forefront e-payment type in Indonesia. The basis of this judgment is based on high smartphone penetration in Indonesia and generation Z population domination in Indonesia demography. Therefore, explaining their adoption factor of mobile payment will be highly valuable in the industry player’s eyes and government. The research found that the only factors that matter influencing generation Z adoption are Social Influence, Performance Expectancy, and Effort Expectancy with 50.4% R-Square. Those factors show a positive correlation with the adoption of mobile payment for Generation Z. The sample number in research is 430 respondents processed with Structural Equation Modelling. The model used in explaining the adoption is UTAUT combined with Perceived cost, Perceived Risk. Risk factors are important additional variable since the concern of privacy is high. Based on the research, the researcher suggests that mobile payment industry players only need to focus on quality, simplicity and referral effect to have a better adoption rate among generation Z in Indonesia.Keyword: Mobile payment; adoption; UTAUT; Generation Z; Perceived risk; Perceived cost; and PLS-SEM

    UTAUT: Analysis of Usage Level of Android Applications as Learning Media in Indonesian Educational Institutions

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    This study aims to analyze the application of android applications as a medium of mathematics learning in Indonesian educational institutions using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) method both among teachers in delivering mathematical material and students in experimenting or completing school assignments. The research method used was descriptive quantitative with a four option Likert Scale questionnaire as a research instrument. Surveys were deployed using the Google Form-based Black Box system throughout Indonesia through Social Media. Based on the results of data analysis obtained information that the application of android applications as a learning media for mathematics in Indonesia is still below 50%. The effect of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence on behavioral intention is illustrated by the regression equation Y1 while facilitating the regression equation Y2 represents conditions and behavioral intention towards use behavior

    Tinjauan Literatur: Penerimaan Teknologi Model UTAUT

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi pada berbagai bidang kehidupan menimbulkan hubungan interaksi yang terikat antara pengguna dan teknologi, sehingga menghasilkan model penelitian yang dapat mengidentifikasi hubungan antar keduanya. Model Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) merupakan salah satu pengembangan pada bidang model penerimaan suatu teknologi, yang didapat dari menggabungkan model penerimaan teknologi terdahulu. Model UTAUT menjelaskan bahwa terdapat empat konstruk utama pada model penelitian yang dapat mempengaruhi niat perilaku (behavioral intention) dan perilaku pengguna (use behavior) yaitu, harapan kinerja (performance expectancy), harapan usaha (effort expectancy), pengaruh sosial (social influence), dan kondisi fasilitas (facilitating conditions). Selain dari konstruk utama tersebut terdapat faktor moderator yang dapat mempengaruhi konstruk utama, yaitu jenis kelamin, usia, pengalaman, dan kesukarelaan. Kegunaan dan fleksibilitas model UTAUT dapat digunakan pada berbagai bidang seperti, perbankan, pendidikan, kesehatan, perdagangan, dan manajamen


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    Information communication technologies have added a tremendous amount of impetus to the concept of crowdsourcing and as a result organizations all over the world are able to find the solution to the most current and significant problems through the general public. In this study, the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) has been used to find user intention to use crowdsourcing applications and their acceptance of wearable devices for collaborative innovation and logistics performance. Data has been collected from China through survey method. Results have empirically supported the conceptual model. The implication of this study will enhance the crowdsourcing in logistics


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    Teknologi informasi dapat meingkatkan kinerja suatu organisasi, tetapi kurangnya penerimaan atau kepuasan pengguna pada suatu sistem dapat menjadi faktor penghambat. Dalam dunia pendidikan, hal-hal lain seperti pembiayaan juga ikut berperan aktif dalam meningkatkan pelayanan dan kinerja organisasi. Dibutuhkan sistem yang baik agar dapat menyediakan sistem pembayaran yang mudah, efektif, dan efisien. Salah satu yayasan pendidikan yang menaungi unit KB/TK, SD, SMP, dan SMA telah mempunyai sistem aplikasi ESCOLA yang khusus menangani pengelolaan keuangan. Supaya tujuan yayasan dapat tercapai, diperlukan evaluasi kepuasan pengguna terhadap aplikasi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menggunakan metode UTAUT dan EUCS untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan pengguna. Hasilnya, 68,8% pengguna menyatakan puas dengan adanya aplikasi ESCOLA. Namun, pengembangan tetap diharapkan oleh pengguna, khususnya dalam hal integrasi dengan aplikasi pendukung lainnya


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    Information communication technologies have added a tremendous amount of impetus to the concept of crowdsourcing and as a result organizations all over the world are able to find the solution to the most current and significant problems through the general public. In this study, the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) has been used to find user intention to use crowdsourcing applications and their acceptance of wearable devices for collaborative innovation and logistics performance. Data has been collected from China through survey method. Results have empirically supported the conceptual model. The implication of this study will enhance the crowdsourcing in logistics


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    This study aims to find out what factors determine student decisions to use digital wallets. This study uses a qualitative approach to identify variables and a quantitative to classify variables into factors. This study took students studying in Indonesia as a sample, and 11 students underwent interviews and 309 students who became questionnaire respondents. After conducting the interview, 36 variables appear. Only 18 variables meet the value of communalities for further analysis to determine the factors determining the decision using the Exploratory Factor Analysis technique. The results of this study found that six factors determine the decision to use digital wallets by students, namely Primary Needs, Utilities Spending, Convenience, Education, E-Commerce, and Behavioral Shifting. The factor that most influences students' decisions to use digital wallets is the Primary Needs.   Keywords : Behavioral Shifting, College Student, Convenience, Digital Wallets, E-Commerce, Education, Primary Needs, Utilities Spending                   &nbsp

    A Framework to Assess the Critical Success Factors for Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning Adoption in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

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    Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a well-known business management system used for improving effectiveness in organisations. In the current digital era, cloud ERP systems have evolved which are taking precedence over the traditional ERP due to convenience of remote information access in real-time with benefits of cost saving, flexibility and scalability. These systems are especially helpful to SMEs which usually are constrained in resources. However, there have not been many studies that look at the critical success factors for cloud ERP adoption in SMEs. This paper develops an integrative framework using technology-organisation-environment (TOE) and unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) models to investigate the individual, environmental, technological and organisational levels of cloud ERP adoption in SMEs for identifying factors for success. The findings will provide new insights on cloud ERP adoption and will help both academia and practitioners increase understanding for future research and implementatio
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