8 research outputs found

    Device specialization in heterogeneous multi-GPU environments

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    In the last few years there have been many activities towards coupling CPUs and GPUs in order to get the most from CPU-GPU heterogeneous systems. One of the main problems that prevent these systems to be exploited in a device-aware manner is the CPU-GPU communication bottleneck, which often doesn\u27t allow to produce code more efficient than the GPU-only and the CPU-only counterparts. As a consequence, most of the heterogeneous scheduling systems treat CPUs and GPUs as homogeneous nodes, electing map-like data partitioning to employ both these processing resources. We propose to study how the radical change in the connection between GPU, CPU and memory characterizing the APUs (Accelerated Processing Units) affect the architecture of a compiler and if it is possible to use all these computing resources in a device-aware manner. We investigate on a methodology to analyze the devices that populate heterogeneous multi-GPU systems and to classify general purpose algorithms in order to perform near-optimal control flow and data partitioning

    Exploiting Nested Parallelism on Heterogeneous Processors

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    Heterogeneous computing systems have become common in modern processor architectures. These systems, such as those released by AMD, Intel, and Nvidia, include both CPU and GPU cores on a single die available with reduced communication overhead compared to their discrete predecessors. Currently, discrete CPU/GPU systems are limited, requiring larger, regular, highly-parallel workloads to overcome the communication costs of the system. Without the traditional communication delay assumed between GPUs and CPUs, we believe non-traditional workloads could be targeted for GPU execution. Specifically, this thesis focuses on the execution model of nested parallel workloads on heterogeneous systems. We have designed a simulation flow which utilizes widely used CPU and GPU simulators to model heterogeneous computing architectures. We then applied this simulator to non-traditional GPU workloads using different execution models. We also have proposed a new execution model for nested parallelism allowing users to exploit these heterogeneous systems to reduce execution time

    Architecture--Performance Interrelationship Analysis In Single/Multiple Cpu/Gpu Computing Systems: Application To Composite Process Flow Modeling

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    Current developments in computing have shown the advantage of using one or more Graphic Processing Units (GPU) to boost the performance of many computationally intensive applications but there are still limits to these GPU-enhanced systems. The major factors that contribute to the limitations of GPU(s) for High Performance Computing (HPC) can be categorized as hardware and software oriented in nature. Understanding how these factors affect performance is essential to develop efficient and robust applications codes that employ one or more GPU devices as powerful co-processors for HPC computational modeling. The present work analyzes and understands the intrinsic interrelationship of both hardware and software categories on computational performance for single and multiple GPU-enhanced systems using a computationally intensive application that is representative of a large portion of challenges confronting modern HPC. The representative application uses unstructured finite element computations for transient composite resin infusion process flow modeling as the computational core, characteristics and results of which reflect many other HPC applications via the sparse matrix system used for the solution of linear system of equations. This work describes these various software and hardware factors and how they interact to affect performance of computationally intensive applications enabling more efficient development and porting of High Performance Computing applications that includes current, legacy, and future large scale computational modeling applications in various engineering and scientific disciplines

    Applications of Emerging Memory in Modern Computer Systems: Storage and Acceleration

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    In recent year, heterogeneous architecture emerges as a promising technology to conquer the constraints in homogeneous multi-core architecture, such as supply voltage scaling, off-chip communication bandwidth, and application parallelism. Various forms of accelerators, e.g., GPU and ASIC, have been extensively studied for their tradeoffs between computation efficiency and adaptivity. But with the increasing demand of the capacity and the technology scaling, accelerators also face limitations on cost-efficiency due to the use of traditional memory technologies and architecture design. Emerging memory has become a promising memory technology to inspire some new designs by replacing traditional memory technologies in modern computer system. In this dissertation, I will first summarize my research on the application of Spin-transfer torque random access memory (STT-RAM) in GPU memory hierarchy, which offers simple cell structure and non-volatility to enable much smaller cell area than SRAM and almost zero standby power. Then I will introduce my research about memristor implementation as the computation component in the neuromorphic computing accelerator, which has the similarity between the programmable resistance state of memristors and the variable synaptic strengths of biological synapses to simplify the realization of neural network model. At last, a dedicated interconnection network design for multicore neuromorphic computing system will be presented to reduce the prominent average latency and power consumption brought by NoC in a large size neuromorphic computing system

    Parallel Run-Time Verification

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    Run-time verification is a technique to reason about a program correctness. Given a set of desirable properties and a program trace from the inspected program as an input, the monitor module verifies that properties hold on this trace. As this process is taking place at a run time, one of the major drawbacks of run-time verification is the execution overhead caused by a monitoring activity. In this thesis, we intend to minimize this overhead by presenting a collection of parallel verification algorithms. The algorithms verify properties correctness in a parallel fashion, decreasing the verification time by dispersion of computationally intensive calculations over multiple cores (first level of parallelism). We designed the algorithms with the intention to exploit a data-level parallelism, thus specifically suitable to run on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), although can be utilized on multi-core platforms as well. Running the inspected program and the monitor module on separate platforms (second level of parallelism) results in several advantages: minimization of interference between the monitor and the program, faster processing for non-trivial computations, and even significant reduction in power consumption (when the monitor is running on GPU). This work also aims to provide a solution to automated run-time verification of C programs by implementing the aforementioned set of algorithms in the monitoring tool called GPU-based online and offline Monitoring Framework (GooMF). The ultimate goal of GooMF is to supply developers with an easy-to-use and flexible verification API that requires minimal knowledge of formal languages and techniques

    Reducing the Complexity of Heterogeneous Computing: A Unified Approach for Application Development and Runtime Optimization

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    Heterogeneous systems with accelerators promise considerable performance improvements at a lower cost than homogeneous CPU-only systems. However, to benefit from this potential, considerable work is required from developers to integrate them efficiently in an application. This work contributes a new framework implemented with an online-learning runtime system that simplifies development and makes applications more portable, efficient and reliable across different systems