27 research outputs found

    Domination Cover Pebbling: Structural Results

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    This paper continues the results of "Domination Cover Pebbling: Graph Families." An almost sharp bound for the domination cover pebbling (DCP) number for graphs G with specified diameter has been computed. For graphs of diameter two, a bound for the ratio between the cover pebbling number of G and the DCP number of G has been computed. A variant of domination cover pebbling, called subversion DCP is introducted, and preliminary results are discussed.Comment: 15 page

    Extensions of Graph Pebbling

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    My thesis will consist of extensions to results that I proved at the 2004 East Tennessee State REU. Most of these results have to do with graph pebbling and various probabilistic extensions. Specifically, in Chapter 2 we compute the cover pebbling number for complete multipartite graphs and prove upper bounds for cover pebbling numbers for graphs of a specified diameter and order. We also prove that the cover pebbling decision problem is NP complete. In Chapters 3 and 4 we examine domination cover pebbling. In Chapter 5, we obtain structural and probabilistic results for deep graphs, and in Chapter 6 we compute cover pebbling probability thresholds for the complete graph

    Two-Player Graph Pebbling

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    Given a graph G with pebbles on the vertices, we define a pebbling move as removing two pebbles from a vertex u, placing one pebble on a neighbor v, and discarding the other pebble, like a toll. The pebbling number n(G) is the least number of pebbles needed so that every arrangement of n(G) pebbles can place a pebble on any vertex through a sequence of pebbling moves. We introduce a new variation on graph pebbling called two-player pebbling. In this, players called the mover and the defender alternate moves, with the stipulation that the defender cannot reverse the previous move. The mover wins only if they can place a pebble on a specified vertex and the defender wins if the mover cannot. We define n(G), analogously, as the minimum number of pebbles such that given every configuration of the n(G) pebbles and every specified vertex r, the mover has a winning strategy. First, we will investigate upper bounds for n(G) on various classes of graphs and find a certain structure for which the defender has a winning strategy, no matter how many pebbles are in a configuration. Then, we characterize winning configurations for both players on a special class of diameter 2 graphs. Finally, we show winning configurations for the mover on paths using a recursive argument

    Roman Domination Cover Rubbling

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    In this thesis, we introduce Roman domination cover rubbling as an extension of domination cover rubbling. We define a parameter on a graph GG called the \textit{Roman domination cover rubbling number}, denoted ρR(G)\rho_{R}(G), as the smallest number of pebbles, so that from any initial configuration of those pebbles on GG, it is possible to obtain a configuration which is Roman dominating after some sequence of pebbling and rubbling moves. We begin by characterizing graphs GG having small ρR(G)\rho_{R}(G) value. Among other things, we also obtain the Roman domination cover rubbling number for paths and give an upper bound for the Roman domination cover rubbling number of a tree

    Automating Weight Function Generation in Graph Pebbling

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    Graph pebbling is a combinatorial game played on an undirected graph with an initial configuration of pebbles. A pebbling move consists of removing two pebbles from one vertex and placing one pebble on an adjacent vertex. The pebbling number of a graph is the smallest number of pebbles necessary such that, given any initial configuration of pebbles, at least one pebble can be moved to a specified root vertex. Recent lines of inquiry apply computational techniques to pebbling bound generation and improvement. Along these lines, we present a computational framework that produces a set of tree strategy weight functions that are capable of proving pebbling number upper bounds on a connected graph. Our mixed-integer linear programming approach automates the generation of large sets of such functions and provides verifiable certificates of pebbling number upper bounds. The framework is capable of producing verifiable pebbling bounds on any connected graph, regardless of its structure or pebbling properties. We apply the model to the 4th weak Bruhat to prove Ο€(B4)≀66\pi(B_4) \leq 66 and to the Lemke square graph to produce a set of certificates that verify Ο€(LxL)≀96\pi(L x L) \leq 96

    On t-Restricted Optimal Rubbling of Graphs

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    For a graph G = (V;E), a pebble distribution is defined as a mapping of the vertex set in to the integers, where each vertex begins with f(v) pebbles. A pebbling move takes two pebbles from some vertex adjacent to v and places one pebble on v. A rubbling move takes one pebble from each of two vertices that are adjacent to v and places one pebble on v. A vertex x is reachable under a pebbling distribution f if there exists some sequence of rubbling and pebbling moves that places a pebble on x. A pebbling distribution where every vertex is reachable is called a rubbling configuration. The t-restricted optimal rubbling number of G is the minimum number of pebbles required for a rubbling configuration where no vertex is initially assigned more than t pebbles. Here we present results on the 1-restricted optimal rubbling number and the 2- restricted optimal rubbling number

    Extremal Results for Peg Solitaire on Graphs

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    In a 2011 paper by Beeler and Hoilman, the game of peg solitaire is generalized to arbitrary boards. These boards are treated as graphs in the combinatorial sense. An open problem from that paper is to determine the minimum number of edges necessary for a graph with a fixed number of vertices to be solvable. This thesis provides new bounds on this number. It also provides necessary and sufficient conditions for two families of graphs to be solvable, along with criticality results, and the maximum number of pegs that can be left in each of the two graph families