1,496 research outputs found

    Synchronization of Kuramoto oscillators with distance-dependent delay

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    We investigate the synchronization process in a Kuramoto model of phase-coupled oscillators with distance-dependent delay. The oscillators occupy the nodes of a two-dimensional square lattice subjected to periodic boundary conditions. The mean-field interactions with velocity-dependent delays propagate along the lattice sites. This gives rise to a non-uniform distribution of delays and lattice dimensionality dependence, which is not present in mean-field models without delays. We find that the 'coupling strength-delay' phase diagram does not show up reentrant behavior present in models with uniform delay. A number of dynamic patterns, reported earlier for a generalized Kuramoto model with non-mean-field distance-dependent interactions, is also found

    Phase synchronization of coupled bursting neurons and the generalized Kuramoto model

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    Bursting neurons fire rapid sequences of action potential spikes followed by a quiescent period. The basic dynamical mechanism of bursting is the slow currents that modulate a fast spiking activity caused by rapid ionic currents. Minimal models of bursting neurons must include both effects. We considered one of these models and its relation with a generalized Kuramoto model, thanks to the definition of a geometrical phase for bursting and a corresponding frequency. We considered neuronal networks with different connection topologies and investigated the transition from a non-synchronized to a partially phase-synchronized state as the coupling strength is varied. The numerically determined critical coupling strength value for this transition to occur is compared with theoretical results valid for the generalized Kuramoto model.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figure

    Network Structure, Topology and Dynamics in Generalized Models of Synchronization

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    We explore the interplay of network structure, topology, and dynamic interactions between nodes using the paradigm of distributed synchronization in a network of coupled oscillators. As the network evolves to a global steady state, interconnected oscillators synchronize in stages, revealing network's underlying community structure. Traditional models of synchronization assume that interactions between nodes are mediated by a conservative process, such as diffusion. However, social and biological processes are often non-conservative. We propose a new model of synchronization in a network of oscillators coupled via non-conservative processes. We study dynamics of synchronization of a synthetic and real-world networks and show that different synchronization models reveal different structures within the same network

    Hysteretic behavior of spatially coupled phase-oscillators

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    Motivated by phenomena related to biological systems such as the synchronously flashing swarms of fireflies, we investigate a network of phase oscillators evolving under the generalized Kuramoto model with inertia. A distance-dependent, spatial coupling between the oscillators is considered. Zeroth and first order kernel functions with finite kernel radii were chosen to investigate the effect of local interactions. The hysteretic dynamics of the synchronization depending on the coupling parameter was analyzed for different kernel radii. Numerical investigations demonstrate that (1) locally locked clusters develop for small coupling strength values, (2) the hysteretic behavior vanishes for small kernel radii, (3) the ratio of the kernel radius and the maximal distance between the oscillators characterizes the behavior of the network

    Collective Almost Synchronization in Complex Networks

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    This work introduces the phenomenon of Collective Almost Synchronization (CAS), which describes a universal way of how patterns can appear in complex networks even for small coupling strengths. The CAS phenomenon appears due to the existence of an approximately constant local mean field and is characterized by having nodes with trajectories evolving around periodic stable orbits. Common notion based on statistical knowledge would lead one to interpret the appearance of a local constant mean field as a consequence of the fact that the behavior of each node is not correlated to the behaviors of the others. Contrary to this common notion, we show that various well known weaker forms of synchronization (almost, time-lag, phase synchronization, and generalized synchronization) appear as a result of the onset of an almost constant local mean field. If the memory is formed in a brain by minimising the coupling strength among neurons and maximising the number of possible patterns, then the CAS phenomenon is a plausible explanation for it.Comment: 3 figure

    Quantum correlations and synchronization measures

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    The phenomenon of spontaneous synchronization is universal and only recently advances have been made in the quantum domain. Being synchronization a kind of temporal correlation among systems, it is interesting to understand its connection with other measures of quantum correlations. We review here what is known in the field, putting emphasis on measures and indicators of synchronization which have been proposed in the literature, and comparing their validity for different dynamical systems, highlighting when they give similar insights and when they seem to fail.Comment: book chapter, 18 pages, 7 figures, Fanchini F., Soares Pinto D., Adesso G. (eds) Lectures on General Quantum Correlations and their Applications. Quantum Science and Technology. Springer (2017