9 research outputs found

    The Web as an Adaptive Network: Coevolution of Web Behavior and Web Structure

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    Much is known about the complex network structure of the Web, and about behavioral dynamics on the Web. A number of studies address how behaviors on the Web are affected by different network topologies, whilst others address how the behavior of users on the Web alters network topology. These represent complementary directions of influence, but they are generally not combined within any one study. In network science, the study of the coupled interaction between topology and behavior, or state-topology coevolution, is known as 'adaptive networks', and is a rapidly developing area of research. In this paper, we review the case for considering the Web as an adaptive network and several examples of state-topology coevolution on the Web. We also review some abstract results from recent literature in adaptive networks and discuss their implications for Web Science. We conclude that adaptive networks provide a formal framework for characterizing processes acting 'on' and 'of' the Web, and offers potential for identifying general organizing principles that seem otherwise illusive in Web Scienc

    Social Media Technologies' Use for the Competitive Information and Knowledge Sharing, and Its Effects on Industrial SMEs' Innovation

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    The effective use of technologies supporting decision making is essential to companies? survival. Recent studies analyzed social media technologies (SMT) in the context of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), contributing to the discussion on SMT benefits from the marketing perspective. This article focuses on the effects of SMT use on innovation. Our findings provide empirical evidence on the positive effects of SMT use for acquiring external information and for sharing knowledge and innovation performance

    Faktor yang mempengaruhi sikap pengguna terhadap pemasaran media sosial

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the about factors that influence the attitude of the consumers about marketing through the social media. These factors are reliability on information, privacy concerns, the perceptual reliability on online advertising and the security control against social media. This research involved students from School of Business Management, College of Business Universiti Utara Malaysia. A total of 340 questionnaires were distributed and 315 questionnaires were returned and used for analysis. In this study, correlation and regression analysis has been used to analyze the data using SPSS version 21.0. The findings showed that there is a significant relationship between reliability on information, privacy concerns, and the perceptual reliability on online advertising and the security control on attitude of consumers towards marketing on social media. In addition, it was found that security control has the strongest influence on consumers’ attitude towards marketing on social media. As a conclusion, social media is one of the marketing methods that is effective but the management of social media marketing should implement it effectively and meticulously

    How to use social media to promote portuguese soccer club benfica: social media communication plan season 2013/2014

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    Classificação: M31,L83O principal objetivo desta Tese é estudar como usar a internet e, mais especificamente, as plataformas de Social Media, para promover o clube de futebol “Sport Lisboa e Benfica”, elaborando um Plano de Comunicação de Social Media para a época 2013/2014, de modo a melhorar a comunicação online feita atualmente pelo Benfica. Estas plataformas de Social Media proporcionam uma excelente oportunidade para os clubes de futebol promoverem os seus produtos/serviços e para manterem uma relação permanente com os seus adeptos. Comparativamente com outros tipos de Media como a televisão, estas plataformas apresentam várias vantagens: são gratuitos, fáceis de usar, estão em permanente evolução e desenvolvimento e permitem comunicar em tempo real com utilizadores em todo mundo. Inicialmente foi feita uma análise teórica sobre três grandes temas fundamentais à realização deste trabalho: Marketing Desportivo, Internet e Social Media e Desporto na Internet. Depois, foi realizada uma análise sobre a comunicação feita atualmente pelo Benfica nestas plataformas e um questionário para perceber a opinião dos adeptos sobre o que está a ser feito pelo Benfica nessa área. Finalmente foi elaborado um novo Plano de Comunicação de Social Media com um conjunto de ações que visam otimizar a comunicação com os adeptos nestas plataformas no futuro. Com a realização desta Tese foi detetado que, apesar de o Benfica já estar presente nestas plataformas de Social Media, há ainda vários fatores que podem ser melhorados de modo a otimizar a sua comunicação e a sua relação com os adeptos.The main objective of this Thesis is to study how to use internet and, more specifically, Social Media Platforms to promote “Sport Lisboa e Benfica” soccer club, elaborating a Social Media Communication Plan for the season 2013/2014, in order to improve the online communication made presently by Benfica. These Social Media platforms provide an excellent opportunity for soccer clubs to promote their products/services and to maintain an ongoing relationship with their fans. Compared with other types of media like television, these platforms have several advantages: they are free, easy to use, are in constant evolution and development and allow communicating in real time with users around the world. Initially, it was made a theoretical analysis on three essential subjects for this work: Sports Marketing, Internet and Social Media and Sports in the Web. Then, it was performed an analysis about the communication made today by Benfica on these platforms and a questionnaire to understand the views of fans about what is being done in this area by Benfica. Finally it was designed a new Social Media Communication Plan with a set of actions that aim to optimize the communication with fans on these platforms in the future. With the elaboration of this thesis it has been detected that, although Benfica is already present on these Social Media platforms, there are still several factors that can be improved in order to optimize its communication and its relationship with the fans

    Plano de comunicação : APICCAPS

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    Este relatório de estágio foi realizado no âmbito de um estágio curricular decorrido na instituição IAPMEI, I.P., em que um dos objetivos propostos no plano de estágio consistia na elaboração de um plano de comunicação para uma pequena e média empresa, neste caso, a APICCAPS. O principal objetivo do plano de comunicação elaborado para a APICCAPS consistiu em melhorar a sua comunicação atual, mais concretamente a sua comunicação nas redes sociais, a fim de aumentar a notoriedade da marca Portuguese Shoes e do calçado português. No âmbito deste trabalho, utilizou-se o método investigação-ação e foi realizado um estudo quantitativo assente na administração de questionários, cujo intuito foi avaliar a perceção dos consumidores pela organização, e dados secundários que permitiram colmatar lacunas referentes à análise interna e externa da instituição. Para se cumprirem os objetivos identificados, foram desenvolvidas ações de comunicação nos social media, apostando-se na utilização de influencers e na criação de parcerias.This report was conducted based on a curricular internship that took place in the institution IAPMEI, I.P., in which one of the proposed objectives consisted in the elaboration of a communication plan for a small and medium-sized company, in this case, APICCAPS. The composition of this communication plan for APICCAPS has as main goal to improve their current communication, mainly in social media with the aim of increasing the notoriety and visibility of the brand Portuguese Shoes and of the portuguese footwear. This study was based on the action-research method and it was collected primary data, through the execution of a survey with the aim of evaluating the consumer’s perception of the organization, and secondary data allowed to fill in the gaps related to the internal and external analysis of the institution. In order to meet the identified objectives, communication actions were developed in social media, through the use of influencers and the creation of partnerships

    The structural evolution of the Web 2.0 service network

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    Purpose - The purpose of this research is to empirically analyse the structure of the Web 2.0 service network and the mechanism behind its evolution over time. Design/methodology/approach - Based on the list of Web 2.0 services and their mashups that is provided on Programmableweb, a network of Web 2.0 services was constructed. Within this network a node represents a Web 2.0 service with an open API, and a link between two nodes represents the existence of a mashup service that uses the two nodes. Findings - The findings suggest that the evolution of the Web 2.0 service network; follows the preferential attachment rule although the exponent of the preferential attachment is lower than for other networks following a preferential attachment rule. Additionally the results indicate that the Web 2.0 service network evolves to a scale-free network but the exponent of the power law distribution is lower than for other networks. Originality/value - The research applied social network analysis to the Web 2.0 service network. It showed that its network structure and the evolution mechanism are different from those found in similar areas, e.g. the world wide web (WWW). The findings imply that there are factors which lower the exponent of the preferential attachment equation and the power law distribution of the degree centralities. Research limitation/implications - This paper did not investigate the factors responsible for the low values of the exponent of the preferential attachment equation and the exponent of the power law distribution. However, it is suggested that it could be correlated with the fact that the interconnection between nodes depends on the property of the nodes.Kapetanios E, 2008, DATA KNOWL ENG, V67, P286, DOI 10.1016/j.datak.2008.05.003Lai LSL, 2008, GROUP DECIS NEGOT, V17, P387, DOI 10.1007/s10726-008-9113-2Rodan S, 2008, COMPUT MQTH ORGAN TH, V14, P222, DOI 10.1007/s10588-008-9028-0Wang F, 2008, COMPUT INTELL, V24, P213Hendler J, 2008, COMMUN ACM, V51, P60, DOI 10.1145/1364782.1364798Fu F, 2008, PHYSICA A, V387, P675, DOI 10.1016/j.physa.2007.10.006Angus E, 2008, ONLINE INFORM REV, V32, P89, DOI 10.1108/14684520810866001EIJKMAN H, 2008, CAMPUS WIDE INFORM S, V25, P93, DOI 10.1108/10650740810866567Monsuur H, 2007, EUR J OPER RES, V183, P432, DOI 10.1016/j.ejor.2006.09.083Valverde S, 2007, PHYS REV E, V76, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.76.046118Kujawski B, 2007, PHYS REV E, V76, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.76.036103Schnegg M, 2007, INT J BIFURCAT CHAOS, V17, P2399Smart P, 2007, INT J OPER PROD MAN, V27, P1069, DOI 10.1108/01443570710820639OREILLY T, 2007, COMMUNICATIONS STRAT, V65, P17ROUSE LJ, 2007, GEOSPATIAL WEB GEOBR, P153ZAMMETTI F, 2007, PRACTICAL JAVASCRIPTFLOYD IR, 2007, 40 HAW INT C SYST SCKorfiatis NT, 2006, ONLINE INFORM REV, V30, P252, DOI [10.1108/14684520610675780, 10.1108/14694520610675780]XU J, 2006, EC OPEN SOURCE SOFTW, P247Stefancic H, 2005, PHYS REV E, V72, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.72.036105Park K, 2005, PHYS REV E, V72, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.72.026131WEISS A, 2005, NETWORKER, V9, P16, DOI [10.1145/1086762.1086763, 10.1145/1065368.1065369]ROUSH W, 2005, TECHNOLOGY REV OCT, P54HOLYST JA, 2004, PHYS REV E, V70BARABASI AL, 2003, LINKED EVERYTHING COALBERT R, 2002, REV MOD PHYS, V74, P1EVERARD A, 2002, ELECTRON COMMER R A, V1, P225DAVIDSEN J, 2002, PHYS REV LETT, V88, P12701von Hippel E, 2001, MIT SLOAN MANAGE REV, V42, P82NEWMAN MEJ, 2001, PHYS REV E, V64, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.64.025102BARABASI AL, 2001, EVOLUTION SOCIAL NETDorogovtsev SN, 2000, PHYS REV LETT, V85, P4633Krapivsky PL, 2000, PHYS REV LETT, V85, P4629Tu YH, 2000, NATURE, V406, P353ALBERT R, 2000, NATURE, V406, P6794BROWN P, 2000, SOCIAL CAPITAL CRITI, P226Barabasi AL, 1999, SCIENCE, V286, P509Huberman BA, 1999, NATURE, V401, P131Watts DJ, 1998, NATURE, V393, P440WASSERMAN S, 1994, SOCIAL NETWORK ANALDEBRESSON C, 1991, RES POLICY, V20, P363FREEMAN C, 1991, RES POLICY, V20, P5BRASS DJ, 1984, ADMIN SCI QUART, V29, P518JEONG H, MEASURING PREFERENTI