7 research outputs found

    Manajemen Risiko Tradisi Kirab Pusaka Malam 1 Suro Keraton Surakarta

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    Abstrak Jurnal ilmiah ini menganalisis manajemen risiko dalam tradisi kirab pusaka Malam 1 Suro di Keraton Surakarta, Jawa Tengah. Tradisi ini memiliki nilai-nilai keunggulan yang sesuai dengan Pancasila serta memiliki relasi dengan alam. Tetapi, tradisi ini juga rentan terhadap ancaman bencana fisik maupun nonfisik, sehingga membutuhkan manajemen risiko yang baik untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan wawancara dan studi pustaka. Strategi manajemen risiko terkait dengan pengelolaan dan pelestarian bisa melibatkan banyak pihak. Respons berbagai pihak sangat dibutuhkan dalam menanggulangi risiko tersebut. Selain itu, ada potensi yang ditemukan untuk mengembangkan manajemen tradisi ini dan berdampak untuk ekonomi yang berkelanjutan. Abstract This scientific journal analyzes the risk management in Malam 1 Suro heritage procession in Surakarta Palace, Central Java. This tradition has values of excellence that are in accordance with Pancasila values and it has relations with nature. However, this tradition is also vulnerable to the threat of physical and non-physical disasters so it requires good risk management to overcome this problem. The author uses qualitative methods with making interviews and literature. Risk management strategies related to management and preservation can involve many divisions. The response of various divisions is needed in overcoming these risks. In addition, there is a potentiality which is found in developing the management of this tradition and it has an impact on a sustainable economy

    The Commodification of Religious Tourism in the Tomb of Sunan Kudus

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    The tomb of Sunan Kudus is one of the walisongo monuments. The development of tourism caused a shift in the function and value of the tomb. The purpose of the study was conducted to explain the commodification of religious tourism in the Sunan Kudus Grave with research problems including: (1) the causes of commodification of the Sunan Kudus tomb, (2) the role of stakeholders in the commodification process, and (3) the impact of the Sunan Kudus tomb commodification on the surrounding community tomb. The purpose of this research: to explain the commodification of religious tourism in the Sunan Kudus grave. This study uses a qualitative method. The research location is in Kauman Village, which focuses along the entrance to the tomb. The results of the study note that economic motives motivate : (1) the causes of commodification, changes in regional potential, active working time, strategic business locations, high number of pilgrims and service delivery to pilgrims, (2) The Role of Stakeholders in the Process of Commodification of Religious Tourism The Tomb of Sunan Kudus, among others, there are 5 stakeholders namely: the government, the Menara Mosque Foundation and the Tomb of Sunan Kudus (YM3SK), the mass media, the community, and entrepreneurs. (3) the existence of the tomb brings a positive impact, especially in the socio-economic field

    Virtual Environments and Augmented Reality Applied to Heritage Education. An Evaluative Study

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    Technological advancements have provided heritage with new learning environments via the use of virtual and augmented reality, which can foster the accessibility and understanding of culture and propose new ways of interacting with heritage. Therefore, in this study, a systematic evaluation is carried out of n=197 heritage education programs listed in the database of the Observatorio de Educación patrimonial en España (OEPE) (the Spanish Heritage Education Observatory–SHEO) which, in their descriptions, integrate the use of virtual environments and/or augmented reality to promote learning on the part of the user. The objectives of this study are: (1) to analyse the state of the art, (2) to evaluate the quality of their educational designs via the “analysis and assessment sequential method for heritage education programs” (SAEPEP-OEPE) and (3) to identify variables which can be improved or which have a significant influence on the quality of the programs. Highlights of the results include: (a) the increasing implementation of these technologies in heritage education programs, with the greater presence of virtual resources than of learning environments, (b) the low level of the scope of educational quality in their designs, particularly their assessment, and (c) the inclusion of advanced technologies slightly decreases the specificity of the educational design.This research was carried out with the aid of funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, and was co-funded by ERDF funds from the European Union for the research projects EDU2015-65716-C2-1-R, EDU2015-65716-C2-2-R, and PGC2018-094491-B-C33. It has also been made possible by funding from the Fundación Séneca of the Region of Murcia for the project 20638/JLI/18 and the Education Department of the Regional Government of the Basque Country (IT1193-19)

    Is it a smart city a creative place?

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    Along this article we share our research in the field of urban creativity, in particular on how smart cities are becoming more and more independent and developing a spirit of sustainable autonomy that somehow creates creative opportunities in terms of memory and cultural identity. Our current article raises the issue of how can smart cities affect the creative process? We believe that creativity becomes a process linked into a digital world and becomes much more interactive. That is why new ways of artistic and digital expression can be welcomed by those who are used to new technologies, which daily influence human activity in the space of the city. In other words, with the use of the existing technology inside the cities and their interconnections with other cities we can conceive creative strategies that will contribute to preserve the memory as well as the cultural and creative identity of a people. Video-mapping is precisely one of those creative strategies, once it will directly interact between the real dimension and the virtual dimension. The use of video-mapping, as an element of covering the facades of buildings, can somehow help to make the streets more dynamic and transform them into other atmospheres. The city becomes part of the third dimension and people are interacting between the real and the virtual. The management of the urban space has been gradually changing and following the technological advance. Mobility and sustainability is one of the key factors in which a smart city has invested the most. Now is the time to invest in a relationship between the city and the people, making it more humane and giving space for creativity. Santrauka Šiame straipsnyje skelbiame tyrimus, susijusius su miesto kūrybiškumo sritimi, daugiausia dėmesio skirdami tam, kaip išmanieji miestai vis labiau ir labiau tampa savarankiškesni ir kuria tvaraus autonomiškumo dvasią, kuri tam tikru būdu lemia kūrybinių galimybių atsiradimą atminties ir kultūrinio tapatumo prasme. Šiame straipsnyje keliamas klausimas – kaip išmanieji miestai gali paveikti kūrybinį procesą? Manome, kad kūrybiškumas tampa procesu, susijusiu su skaitmeniniu pasauliu, ir darosi kur kas interaktyvesnis. Štai kodėl naujus meninės ir skaitmeninės išraiškos būdus palankiai priima tie, kurie yra įpratę prie naujųjų technologijų, o šios kasdien daro įtaką žmogaus aktyvumui miesto erdvėje. Kitaip tariant, naudojantis turimomis technologijomis miestuose ir pajungiant jų tarpusavio ryšius su kitais miestais, kūrybines strategijas galima suvokti kaip tai, kas padės išsaugoti žmonių atmintį, taip pat jų kultūrinį ir kūrybinį tapatumą. Vaizdo žemėlapių sudarymas yra viena iš tų kūrybinių strategijų, kuri sukurs tiesioginę realumo ir virtualumo dimensijų sąveiką. Vaizdo žemėlapiai kaip elementas, paslepiantis pastatų fasadus, tam tikru būdu gali padėti gatvėms tapti dinamiškesnėms ir paversti jas kita aplinka. Miestas tampa trečiosios dimesnsijos dalimi, o žmonės sąveikauja tarp to, kas yra realu, ir to, kas virtualu. Miesto erdvės valdymas pamažu kinta, atsižvelgiant į technologinę pažangą. Mobilumas ir tvarumas – vieni pagrindinių veiksnių, į kuriuos išmanusis miestas investavo daugiausia. Dabar yra metas investuoti į miesto ir žmonių santykį, paverčiant jį žmogiškesniu ir suteikiant erdvės kūrybiškumui. Reikšminiai žodžiai: kūrybinis miestas, skaitmeninės technologijos, žmogus, informacijos ir komunikacijos technologijos, valdymas, išmanusis miestas

    The strategy of digital scenic area planning from the perspective of intangible cultural heritage protection

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    Abstract Intangible cultural heritage has the characteristics of regionality, uniqueness, and liveness. Its protection and inheritance are faced with many challenges, and can be resolved by integrating with the scenic areas. The construction of digital scenic areas is an effective way to achieve a win-win situation. Based on resource characteristics and market positioning analysis of the Celadon Cultural Industrial Park, the construction objectives and coping strategies of the scenic area are proposed by systematically introducing the digital technology in the scenic area planning, project initiation, tourism management model, and other aspects to create a culture-first, three-dimensional virtual reality scenic area

    A rua como uma marca no tecido urbano da Baixa Pombalina : caso de estudo da Rua da Madalena

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    Tese de doutoramento em Arquitectura, Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, 2020Exame público realizado em 25 de Junho de 2021Esta investigação relaciona os aspetos intangíveis associados aos significados emocionais que as cores e as formas induzem no observador, e ainda, ao valor cultural de um lugar, relacionando-o com o valor patrimonial e imobiliário. Com base nas informações recolhidas a partir de inquéritos e workshops, realizados ao longo dos últimos 3 anos, obtiveram-se algumas respostas que serviram de base para a construção de uma aplicação para telemóveis. Esta aplicação irá medir o tipo de atmosfera arquitetónica que um determinado ambiente proporciona. Esta atmosfera relaciona-se diretamente com as questões estéticas e emocionais que as formas e as cores induzem no observador, aliando-as ao valor cultural do lugar. Neste caso, escolheu-se a Rua da Madalena, em plena Baixa Pombalina, para, com base nestas informações, dinamizar-se a referida rua, atraindo mais pessoas e ao mesmo tempo protegendo a sua própria identidade. Como conceito dinamizador, foi proposto que a rua servisse de base para que o vinho da região de Lisboa, elemento marcante da identidade nacional, fosse ao mesmo tempo dado a conhecer, atraindo assim mais turismo e mais turistas para aquela rua. A dinamização deste lugar, levou em conta os vários aspetos intangíveis, analisados nos workshops e inquéritos, que foram posteriormente traduzidos em alguns layouts tipo, para a arquitetura de interiores e a serem aplicados nos vários espaços comerciais, existentes na rua. Para além de tudo isto, foi ainda proposto o recurso ao vídeo-mapping, como técnica de projeção de imagens associadas a alguns elementos característicos da arquitetura Pombalina e do vinho, transformando os edifícios ali existentes, durante o período noturno, numa realidade virtual que irá interagir com o real e alterando essa realidade para um cenário urbano, que irá proporcionar uma experiência única ao observador. Com esta investigação, fica a expetativa de que as autoridades possam, por um lado, olhar para a Rua da Madalena de um modo diferente, com uma identidade própria, uma vez que até este momento pouco tem sido a atenção dispensada a este local, e, por outro lado, possam aplicar um conceito idêntico em muitas outras ruas, dinamizando-as, de uma forma clara e prática, mantendo as evidencias arquitetónicas e o património cultural existente. Transformando a rua como uma marca da cidade.This research relates the intangible aspects associated with the emotional meanings that colors and shapes induce in the observer those intangible aspects associated with the memory and the cultural value of the place, by linking it with the heritage and the real estate value. Based on data collected from surveys and workshops conducted over the last 3 years, we have obtained some answers which served as a basis for the construction of a mobile phone application. This application will measure the type of architectural atmosphere that a specific ambient provides. This architectural atmosphere is directly related to the aesthetic and intangible issues that shapes and colours induce to the observer, combining them with the cultural value that memories of the place carry. In this case, the Madalena Street was chosen, in the middle of Baixa Pombalina, in order to, on the basis of those informations, make the street more dynamic, attracting more people and at the same time preserving its own identity. As a dynamic concept, it was proposed that the street should serve as a platform for the Lisbon region wine, a remarkable element of Portuguese identity, at the same time, attracting more tourism and more tourists to that street. The promotion of this place took into account various intangible aspects, which were analysed during the workshops and surveys and were later translated, in some standard layouts, for the interior architecture design and to be used in the different commercial spaces that exist in that street. In addition to all these, video-mapping was also chosen as a technology for the projection of images associated with some typical elements from Pombaline architecture and from wine, which will transform all the buildings there during the evening into a virtual reality, linked to the real interaction with the urban scenario, providing a unique experience to the observer. With this research, it is intended that the authorities will be able, on one side, to look at the Madalena Street in a different way, with its own identity, since the attention focused on this place has so far been very low, and, on the other side, they will be able to apply an identical concept to many others streets, making them more attractive in a clear and practical way, maintaining the architectural and cultural heritage. Transforming the street like a city brand