10 research outputs found

    The Largest Laplacian and Signless Laplacian H-Eigenvalues of a Uniform Hypergraph

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    In this paper, we show that the largest Laplacian H-eigenvalue of a kk-uniform nontrivial hypergraph is strictly larger than the maximum degree when kk is even. A tight lower bound for this eigenvalue is given. For a connected even-uniform hypergraph, this lower bound is achieved if and only if it is a hyperstar. However, when kk is odd, it happens that the largest Laplacian H-eigenvalue is equal to the maximum degree, which is a tight lower bound. On the other hand, tight upper and lower bounds for the largest signless Laplacian H-eigenvalue of a kk-uniform connected hypergraph are given. For a connected kk-uniform hypergraph, the upper (respectively lower) bound of the largest signless Laplacian H-eigenvalue is achieved if and only if it is a complete hypergraph (respectively a hyperstar). The largest Laplacian H-eigenvalue is always less than or equal to the largest signless Laplacian H-eigenvalue. When the hypergraph is connected, the equality holds here if and only if kk is even and the hypergraph is odd-bipartite.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figure

    Mysteries around the graph Laplacian eigenvalue 4

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    We describe our current understanding on the phase transition phenomenon of the graph Laplacian eigenvectors constructed on a certain type of unweighted trees, which we previously observed through our numerical experiments. The eigenvalue distribution for such a tree is a smooth bell-shaped curve starting from the eigenvalue 0 up to 4. Then, at the eigenvalue 4, there is a sudden jump. Interestingly, the eigenvectors corresponding to the eigenvalues below 4 are semi-global oscillations (like Fourier modes) over the entire tree or one of the branches; on the other hand, those corresponding to the eigenvalues above 4 are much more localized and concentrated (like wavelets) around junctions/branching vertices. For a special class of trees called starlike trees, we obtain a complete understanding of such phase transition phenomenon. For a general graph, we prove the number of the eigenvalues larger than 4 is bounded from above by the number of vertices whose degrees is strictly higher than 2. Moreover, we also prove that if a graph contains a branching path, then the magnitudes of the components of any eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue greater than 4 decay exponentially from the branching vertex toward the leaf of that branch.Comment: 22 page

    On the spectral radii of graphs without given cycles

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    Bounds for the Laplacian Spectral Radius of Graphs

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    This paper is a survey on the upper and lower bounds for the largest eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix, known as the Laplacian spectral radius, of a graph. The bounds are given as functions of graph parameters like the number of vertices, the number of edges, degree sequence, average 2-degrees, diameter, covering number, domination number, independence number and other parameters

    New bounds for the signless Laplacian spread

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    Let GG be an undirected simple graph. The signless Laplacian spread of GG is defined as the maximum distance of pairs of its signless Laplacian eigenvalues. This paper establishes some new bounds, both lower and upper, for the signless Laplacian spread. Several of these bounds depend on invariant parameters of the graph. We also use a minmax principle to find several lower bounds for this spectral invariant.publishe

    Majorantes para a ordem de subgrafos induzidos k-regulares

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    Doutoramento em MatemáticaMuitos dos problemas de otimização em grafos reduzem-se à determinação de um subconjunto de vértices de cardinalidade máxima que induza um subgrafo k-regular. Uma vez que a determinação da ordem de um subgrafo induzido k-regular de maior ordem é, em geral, um problema NP-difícil, são deduzidos novos majorantes, a determinar em tempo polinomial, que em muitos casos constituam boas aproximações das respetivas soluções ótimas. Introduzem-se majorantes espetrais usando uma abordagem baseada em técnicas de programação convexa e estabelecem-se condições necessárias e suficientes para que sejam atingidos. Adicionalmente, introduzem-se majorantes baseados no espetro das matrizes de adjacência, laplaciana e laplaciana sem sinal. É ainda apresentado um algoritmo não polinomial para a determinação de umsubconjunto de vértices de umgrafo que induz umsubgrafo k-regular de ordem máxima para uma classe particular de grafos. Finalmente, faz-se um estudo computacional comparativo com vários majorantes e apresentam-se algumas conclusões.Many optimization problems on graphs are reduced to the determination of a subset of vertices of maximum cardinality inducing a k-regular subgraph. Since the determination of the order of a k-regular induced subgraph of highest order is in general a NP-hard problem, new upper bounds, determined in polynomial time which in many cases are good approximations of the respective optimal solutions are deduced. Using convex programming techniques, spectral upper boundswere introduced jointly with necessary and sufficient conditions for those upper bounds be achieved. Additionally, upper bounds based on adjacency, Laplacian and signless Laplacian spectrum are introduced. Furthermore, a nonpolynomial time algorithm for determining a subset of vertices of a graph which induces a maximum k-regular induced subgraph for a particular class is presented. Finally, a comparative computational study is provided jointly with a few conclusions