17 research outputs found

    Tecnologia e educação: novos (velhos) desafios

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    A pandemia covid19 trouxe adicionais desafios. Muito se tem escrito sobre o forçamento circunstancial que generalizou práticas de mediação digital e permitiu a muitos superar o rubicão tecnológico (Oliveira, Teixeira, Torres e Morais, 2021). O certo é que se aprendeu pouco. Os treinos e lastros de interação informática que poderiam ser vulgarizados e ter impacto nas organizações sociais e laborais, com preservação da qualidade de vida das cidades e até com contribuições verdes de sustentabilidade, constituem-se hoje como oportunidades perdidas. Vou mais longe: uma compreensível traumatização pós-covid trouxe a saudade nostálgica do presencial, do físico, do analógico, na escola. Esta lógico sentimento global acarreta uma certa “digitalfobia” na escola, que pode não estar a ajudar a educação digital

    The knowledge transfer openness matrix facilitating accessibility in UK management education teaching

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    This is an empirical investigation considering how the Knowledge Transfer Openness Matrix (KTOM) could facilitate accessibility and Knowledge Transfer (KT) for the UK Higher Education (HE) Management Education Teaching when utilising learning technologies. Its focus is where learning technologies applications currently assist the KT process and support accessibility for the HE teacher and learner. It considers the philosophy of openness, focussing on its usefulness to support accessibility within UK HE Management Education Teaching. It discusses how the openness philosophy may assist the KT process for the HE teacher and learners using learning technologies. In particular, the potential to support accessibility within HE Management Education Teaching environments is appraised. There appear several implications for both teachers and learners. These are characterized in the proposed KTOM. The matrix organises KT events based on the principles of the openness philosophy. The role of learning technologies in events is illustrated with regard to teaching and learning accessibility

    Cognitive Analysis of Meaning and Acquired Mental Representations as an Alternative Measurement Method Technique to Innovate E-Assessment

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    Empirical directions to innovate e-assessments and to support the theoretical development of e-learning are discussed by presenting a new learning assessment system based on cognitive technology. Specifically, this system encompassing trained neural nets that can discriminate between students who successfully integrated new knowledge course content from students who did not successfully integrate this new knowledge (either because they tried short-term retention or did not acquire new knowledge). This neural network discrimination capacity is based on the idea that once a student has integrated new knowledge into long-term memory, this knowledge will be detected by computer-implemented semantic priming studies (before and after a course) containing schemata-related words from course content (which are obtained using a natural semantic network technique). The research results demonstrate the possibility of innovating e-assessments by implementing mutually constrained responsive and constructive cognitive techniques to evaluate online knowledge acquisition

    Acercamiento a la Neuroeducación II (Neuroeducación y TIC).

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    El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) trata de analizar diferentes aspectos de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje y sus consecuencias educativas en los contextos en que hoy se llevan a la práctica. Estas prácticas vienen determinadas por aspectos muy variados, entre ellos la integración crítica de la tecnología en el aula, los cambios que el uso de esas tecnologías introducen en las configuraciones del cerebro o los efectos que tienen en el desarrollo de la personalidad y las relaciones sociales del alumnado. Además en tiempos de pandemia, como la que vivimos, es probable que los efectos que estas circunstancias producirán serán un conjunto de cambios y trasformaciones difíciles de evaluar (inmediatamente) pero que trataremos de apuntar las tendencias que atisbamos en el horizonte. Asimismo, analiza los usos de la neurotecnología, los peligros a los que se enfrenta el cerebro (cómo lo están modificando) con la utilización primordial de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (ahora en adelante TICs), haciéndonos preguntas como: ¿el ser humano es el que controla a la maquina o la maquina al ser humano?, ¿puede el uso de la tecnología de consumo ser útil a nivel escolar?, ¿las TICs potencian o debilitan las habilidades del alumnado como son: la responsabilidad personal y social, la capacidad de comunicación e interacción, el pensamiento crítico, la creatividad, la toma de decisiones. En suma, de qué estamos hablando cuando nos referimos a la brecha digital, a la ausencia de conocimientos y manejo por parte de los docentes y alumno/as, de las desigualdades económicas, de acceso o de todas en general. Estos interrogantes son los que nos llevarán a exponer una reflexión lo más cercana a la realidad, al panorama actual teniendo como base la neuroeducación y la neurotecnología inmiscuidas ambas en el proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje en los tiempos que corren. Este contexto que nos toca vivir, se presenta con una pandemia mundial sin escalas, experimentando, a su vez, los cambios y adaptaciones que se deben realizar en los colegios para no perecer a esta situación. Esto se encamina a dotar a la educación (y con esta palabra no solo se hace referencia a los contenidos, sino a los procedimientos, actitudes, metodologías, recursos y espacios) de esa transformación necesaria para que se adapte a las circunstancias de cada estudiante, docente y a la comunidad educativa en general. 2 Este es un nuevo hito en la educación, que se presenta como un recurso indispensable, dejando en un segundo plano a los libros y a las clases magistrales, las cuales, en este último periodo, han sido reemplazadas (abruptamente) por ordenadores, conexiones en red y demás artilugios electrónicos. Sin embargo, se debe ser consecuente que si esto perdura en el tiempo, solo obtendrá éxito en la medida que educadores, estudiantes y aquellos que diseñan los planes y propuestas educativas opten por incluir a las TICs de una forma consciente y realmente necesaria en el proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje

    Mobile learning for corporate training in Portugal: current challenges and future directions

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    Currently, the workforce is becoming more and more global and diversified, raising new challenges to the corporate training area. Technological progress has created new opportunities to tackle these challenges, one of them, the diffusion of mobile-learning. However, academic research has been focused on studying this type of learning only for educational purposes. This dissertation approaches how Portuguese managers perceive mobile-learning for corporate training and identifies best practices to maximize the effectiveness of these initiatives. This study applies the qualitative method, with a content analysis to seven interviews to managers of diversified activity sectors. Conclusions are presented under four main categories: General perceptions on mobile-learning; Current practices; Advantages; Limitations; Opportunities. Results show that mobile-learning is perceived as an extension of e-learning, with clear divergencies from managers on the underlined learning theories and the role of the trainee in this learning context. Nevertheless, some companies are investing in selecting adjusted technological platforms, integration new functionalities, adapting content, and processes for this specific learning context. Managers recognize the existence of several benefits and limitations associated with mobile-learning. Lastly, managers perceive possible improvements with a focus on reinforcing relationships between trainees and the creation of customized content. Additionally, they foresee the integration of new technological advancements, like augmented reality. The conclusions of the performed analysis set guidelines that describe pedagogical improvements and reinforce the need to suppress social necessities of trainees to maximize the effectiveness of existing and future mobile-learning initiatives.Atualmente, a força de trabalho é cada vez mais global e diversificada, criando desafios para área de formação empresarial. O progresso tecnológico fomentou novas oportunidades para ultrapassar estes desafios, entre elas, a disseminação de mobile-learning. Contudo, a literatura científica foca esta forma de aprendizagem para fins educacionais. Esta dissertação aborda a forma como gestores portugueses percecionam mobile-learning na formação empresarial e identifica boas práticas para maximizar a eficácia destas iniciativas. Este estudo aplica o método qualitativo, com uma análise de conteúdo a sete entrevistas a gestores de sectores de atividade diversificados. Nesse sentido, as conclusões são apresentadas sob quatro categorias principais: Perceções gerais sobre mobile-learning; Práticas atuais; Vantagens; Limitações; e Oportunidades. Os resultados indicam que mobile-learning é percecionado como uma extensão do e-learning, com divergências sobre as correntes de aprendizagem associadas ao conceito e o papel do formando nesse contexto. Todavia, algumas empresas estão a investir na seleção de plataformas tecnológicas ajustadas, integração de novas funcionalidades, adaptação dos conteúdos, e processos para este contexto de aprendizagem. Os gestores reconhecem a existência de benefícios associados a mobile-learning, assim como realçam as suas limitações. Por fim, os gestores enunciaram possíveis melhorias com foco em fomentar relação entre os formandos e na criação de conteúdo. Adicionalmente, anteveem a integração de novos avanços tecnológicos, como a realidade aumentada. As conclusões da análise realizada estabelecem linhas orientadoras ao descrever melhorias pedagógicas e reforçar a necessidade de suprimir as necessidades sociais dos formandos para maximizar eficácia de iniciativas de mobile-learning existentes e futuras nas organizações

    Eesti üldhariduskoolide loodusainete õpetajate ajendid ja põhjused arvutisimulatsioonide valimiseks õppetöösse

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    Käesoleva uurimistöö eesmärgiks on uurida, millised on põhjused, mis ajendavad Eesti üldhariduskoolide loodusainete õpetajaid arvutisimulatsioone otsima ning milliste kriteeriumite alusel nad sobivad arvutisimulatsioonid välja valivad. Analüüsiks vajalikud andmed koguti sajalt füüsika-, keemia-, bioloogia-, geograafia- ja loodusõpetuse õpetajalt. Uurimistöö tulemustest selgus, et arvutisimulatsioonide otsimise põhjusteks on valdavalt õppemetoodikate mitmekesistamine, eesmärk tõsta õpimotivatsiooni ja ainet tulemuslikumalt selgitada. Selgus ka, et Eesti üldhariduskoolide loodusainetes kasutatakse arvutisimulatsioone pigem näitlikustava vahendina loengu tüüpi tundides, praktikumides ja iseseisva töö abivahendina ning õpetajad väärtustavad arvutisimulatsioonide rolli loodusainete õpetamisel kõrgelt. Arvutisimulatsioone hinnates on õpetajad kriitilised, kasutamiseks sobivad simulatsioonid valitakse välja ise ja pigem isiklike eelistuste põhjal, mitte hindamismudelitele toetudes

    Knowledge Transfer Openness Matrix facilitating accessibility in UK management education teaching

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    This is an empirical investigation considering how the Knowledge Transfer Openness Matrix (KTOM) could facilitate accessibility and Knowledge Transfer (KT) for the UK Higher Education (HE) Management Education Teaching when utilising learning technologies. Its focus is where learning technologies applications currently assist the KT process and support accessibility for the HE teacher and learner. It considers the philosophy of openness, focusing on its usefulness to support accessibility within UK HE Management Education Teaching. It discusses how the openness philosophy may assist the KT process for the HE teacher and learners using learning technologies. In particular, the potential to support accessibility within HE Management Education Teaching environments is appraised. There appear several implications for both teachers and learners. These are characterized in the proposed KTOM. The matrix organises KT events based on the principles of the openness philosophy. The role of learning technologies in events is illustrated with regard to teaching and learning accessibility

    Ensino online da olaria da roda baixa - um estudo das representações sociais

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    Esta investigação tem como objetivo o estudo das representações sociais do ensino online da olaria da roda baixa, tendo por base as técnicas dos oleiros do barro negro, de Bisalhães (Vila Real) e Gondar (Amarante). Muita da arte popular mais típica, tradicional, chegou aos nossos dias através da passagem de testemunho do mestre ao aprendiz, mas atualmente há um risco de grande parte desaparecer, por não haver quem se queira dedicar a ela. Por outro lado, o ensino online tem vindo a crescer, quer devido às potencialidades das tecnologias móveis, quer pela importância que a formação contínua e não formal tem assumido na vida das pessoas. Neste projeto foram realizados dois estudos. Um deles baseou-se em entrevistas empíricas, num total de cinco, sendo que três foram a oleiros (dois de Bisalhães, em Vila Real e um de Gondar, em Amarante) e duas a professores de artes, uma do ensino superior e um do ensino secundário. As entrevistas tiveram uma duração média de 35 minutos, tendo variado entre 15 e 52 minutos. O segundo estudo, de estatísticas descritivas, consistiu num questionário que foi preenchido por 42 alunos, 28 deles de um curso de Artes Gráficas do ensino secundário (12º ano) e 14 do ensino superior (Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto). Os resultados do questionário foram analisados por meio do software de análise estatística SPSS.Depois de analisadas as respostas às entrevistas, verificamos que há consenso relativamente à necessidade de preservar as técnicas tradicionais de produção de arte popular. Quanto à análise dos questionários, verifica-se que há pouca experiência no ensino online (apenas 17% dos inquiridos frequentaram cursos a distância), apesar de reconhecerem a pertinência deste tipo de formação.Relativamente à pertinência e funcionalidade do curso online do ensino das técnicas da olaria da roda baixa, o carácter antropológico surge como uma vantagem, mas apenas 17% dos inquiridos manifestou vontade em frequentar um curso a distância online de ensino de técnicas usadas na olaria nos próximos doze meses. 45% afirmaram não ter a certeza, tendo a possibilidade de frequência do curso sido rejeitada por 26% dos alunos inquiridos.The main goal of this research is the study of a social representations of online teaching of low wheel pottery, based on the techniques of potters of black clay from Bisalhães (Vila Real) and Gondar (Amarante). Most of the folk art, more traditional and typical has reached recent days through the passage of the witness from the master to the apprentice. However, nowadays there is the risk of extinction due to the fact that there is no one willing to devote to it. On the hand, online teaching has been developing not only because of the potential of Mobile technologies but also because of the growing importance of life-long and non-formal learning that has been taking a leading role in people's lives.Two studies have been performed in this project. One of them was based in empirical interviews in a total amount of five. Two were made to potters (two from Bisalhães from Vila Real and one from Gondar in Amarante) and two to two teachers of arts, one form university and the other from secondary teaching. The interviews took about 35 minutes, ranging from 15 to 52 minutes. The second study, of descriptive statistics, consisted in a questionnaire to 42 students, 28 attending the course of graphic arts in secondary school (12.º year) and 14 attending university (Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto). The findings of this questionnaire were reviewed by means of the SPSS statistics analysis software.Having analyzed the answers to the interviews, it was concluded that there is a consensus on the need to preserve the traditional techniques of the production of folk arts. Regarding the analysis of the questionnaires, little experience on the online teaching (only seventeen percent of the surveyed attended long distant courses) was observed despite the recognition of the relevancy of this kind of learning. Regarding the importance and function of the online course of the teaching of low wheel pottery techniques, the anthropological character appears as an advantage, but only 17% of the surveyed revealed the will to attend an online long distance course of the teaching of pottery techniques used in the following 12 months. 45% said they were not sure. 26% of the students surveyed rejected the possibility of attending the course

    Online Education and the Pandemic: A Narrative of the Experiences of First-Time Online Instructors During the Spring 2020 Semester

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    The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore faculty members’ accounts of their experiences as first-time online instructors during the Spring 2020 academic semester as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting mandatory shift to online instruction. The rapid and widespread nature of the outbreak created an unprecedented phenomenon that significantly impacted instructors with no prior experience teaching courses in a fully online fashion. I interviewed 10 professors from various disciplines with at least three years of teaching experience in the traditional classroom. Each instructor was asked to express how the pandemic affected them personally as well as how the mandatory shift to online instruction affected their teaching style. They were also asked to describe the role that institutional support played in their experiences during the pandemic and to share their feelings regarding how COVID-19 has altered the future of higher education. The analysis of this data identified the following common themes: the instructor, the discipline, the students, survival and adaptation, innovation and evolution, on-camera presence and etiquette, synchronous versus asynchronous, administrative leadership, technical support, the new normal and the lasting effects, the balance between in-person and remote instruction, and the notion that higher education is moving forward to a new reality rather than backward to a pre-COVID-19 atmosphere. These results can benefit institutional leadership and faculty in the development of hybrid and online courses