41 research outputs found

    Multiobjective Transmission Network Planning considering the Uncertainty and Correlation of Wind Power

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    In order to consider the uncertainty and correlation of wind power in multiobjective transmission network expansion planning (TNEP), this paper presents an extended point-estimation method to calculate the probabilistic power flow, based on which the correlative power outputs of wind farm are sampled and the uncertain multiobjective transmission network planning model is transformed into a solvable deterministic model. A modified epsilon multiobjective evolutionary algorithm is used to solve the above model and a well-distributed Pareto front is achieved, and then the final planning scheme can be obtained from the set of nondominated solutions by a fuzzy satisfied method. The proposed method only needs the first four statistical moments and correlation coefficients of the output power of wind farms as input information; the modeling of wind power is more precise by considering the correlation between wind farms, and it can be easily combined with the multiobjective transmission network planning model. Besides, as the self-adaptive probabilities of crossover and mutation are adopted, the global search capabilities of the proposed algorithm can be significantly improved while the probability of being stuck in the local optimum is effectively reduced. The accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method are validated by IEEE 24 as well as a real system

    An adaptive multi-population differential artificial bee colony algorithm for many-objective service composition in cloud manufacturing

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    Several conflicting criteria must be optimized simultaneously during the service composition and optimal selection (SCOS) in cloud manufacturing, among which tradeoff optimization regarding the quality of the composite services is a key issue in successful implementation of manufacturing tasks. This study improves the artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm by introducing a synergetic mechanism for food source perturbation, a new diversity maintenance strategy, and a novel computing resources allocation scheme to handle complicated many-objective SCOS problems. Specifically, differential evolution (DE) operators with distinct search behaviors are integrated into the ABC updating equation to enhance the level of information exchange between the foraging bees, and the control parameters for reproduction operators are adapted independently. Meanwhile, a scalarization based approach with active diversity promotion is used to enhance the selection pressure. In this proposal, multiple size adjustable subpopulations evolve with distinct reproduction operators according to the utility of the generating offspring so that more computational resources will be allocated to the better performing reproduction operators. Experiments for addressing benchmark test instances and SCOS problems indicate that the proposed algorithm has a competitive performance and scalability behavior compared with contesting algorithms

    Self Organized Multi Agent Swarms (SOMAS) for Network Security Control

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    Computer network security is a very serious concern in many commercial, industrial, and military environments. This paper proposes a new computer network security approach defined by self-organized agent swarms (SOMAS) which provides a novel computer network security management framework based upon desired overall system behaviors. The SOMAS structure evolves based upon the partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) formal model and the more complex Interactive-POMDP and Decentralized-POMDP models, which are augmented with a new F(*-POMDP) model. Example swarm specific and network based behaviors are formalized and simulated. This paper illustrates through various statistical testing techniques, the significance of this proposed SOMAS architecture, and the effectiveness of self-organization and entangled hierarchies

    Regularized model learning in EDAs for continuous and multi-objective optimization

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    Probabilistic modeling is the de�ning characteristic of estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs) which determines their behavior and performance in optimization. Regularization is a well-known statistical technique used for obtaining an improved model by reducing the generalization error of estimation, especially in high-dimensional problems. `1-regularization is a type of this technique with the appealing variable selection property which results in sparse model estimations. In this thesis, we study the use of regularization techniques for model learning in EDAs. Several methods for regularized model estimation in continuous domains based on a Gaussian distribution assumption are presented, and analyzed from di�erent aspects when used for optimization in a high-dimensional setting, where the population size of EDA has a logarithmic scale with respect to the number of variables. The optimization results obtained for a number of continuous problems with an increasing number of variables show that the proposed EDA based on regularized model estimation performs a more robust optimization, and is able to achieve signi�cantly better results for larger dimensions than other Gaussian-based EDAs. We also propose a method for learning a marginally factorized Gaussian Markov random �eld model using regularization techniques and a clustering algorithm. The experimental results show notable optimization performance on continuous additively decomposable problems when using this model estimation method. Our study also covers multi-objective optimization and we propose joint probabilistic modeling of variables and objectives in EDAs based on Bayesian networks, speci�cally models inspired from multi-dimensional Bayesian network classi�ers. It is shown that with this approach to modeling, two new types of relationships are encoded in the estimated models in addition to the variable relationships captured in other EDAs: objectivevariable and objective-objective relationships. An extensive experimental study shows the e�ectiveness of this approach for multi- and many-objective optimization. With the proposed joint variable-objective modeling, in addition to the Pareto set approximation, the algorithm is also able to obtain an estimation of the multi-objective problem structure. Finally, the study of multi-objective optimization based on joint probabilistic modeling is extended to noisy domains, where the noise in objective values is represented by intervals. A new version of the Pareto dominance relation for ordering the solutions in these problems, namely �-degree Pareto dominance, is introduced and its properties are analyzed. We show that the ranking methods based on this dominance relation can result in competitive performance of EDAs with respect to the quality of the approximated Pareto sets. This dominance relation is then used together with a method for joint probabilistic modeling based on `1-regularization for multi-objective feature subset selection in classi�cation, where six di�erent measures of accuracy are considered as objectives with interval values. The individual assessment of the proposed joint probabilistic modeling and solution ranking methods on datasets with small-medium dimensionality, when using two di�erent Bayesian classi�ers, shows that comparable or better Pareto sets of feature subsets are approximated in comparison to standard methods


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    Enhanced Harris's Hawk algorithm for continuous multi-objective optimization problems

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    Multi-objective swarm intelligence-based (MOSI-based) metaheuristics were proposed to solve multi-objective optimization problems (MOPs) with conflicting objectives. Harris’s hawk multi-objective optimizer (HHMO) algorithm is a MOSIbased algorithm that was developed based on the reference point approach. The reference point is determined by the decision maker to guide the search process to a particular region in the true Pareto front. However, HHMO algorithm produces a poor approximation to the Pareto front because lack of information sharing in its population update strategy, equal division of convergence parameter and randomly generated initial population. A two-step enhanced non-dominated sorting HHMO (2SENDSHHMO) algorithm has been proposed to solve this problem. The algorithm includes (i) a population update strategy which improves the movement of hawks in the search space, (ii) a parameter adjusting strategy to control the transition between exploration and exploitation, and (iii) a population generating method in producing the initial candidate solutions. The population update strategy calculates a new position of hawks based on the flush-and-ambush technique of Harris’s hawks, and selects the best hawks based on the non-dominated sorting approach. The adjustment strategy enables the parameter to adaptively changed based on the state of the search space. The initial population is produced by generating quasi-random numbers using Rsequence followed by adapting the partial opposition-based learning concept to improve the diversity of the worst half in the population of hawks. The performance of the 2S-ENDSHHMO has been evaluated using 12 MOPs and three engineering MOPs. The obtained results were compared with the results of eight state-of-the-art multi-objective optimization algorithms. The 2S-ENDSHHMO algorithm was able to generate non-dominated solutions with greater convergence and diversity in solving most MOPs and showed a great ability in jumping out of local optima. This indicates the capability of the algorithm in exploring the search space. The 2S-ENDSHHMO algorithm can be used to improve the search process of other MOSI-based algorithms and can be applied to solve MOPs in applications such as structural design and signal processing

    Modelo de computación evolutivo para redes sostenibles, eficientes y resistentes.

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    We present a new approach to adapt the differential evolution (DE) algorithm so that it can be applied in combinatorial optimization problems. The differential evolution algorithm has been proposed as an optimization algorithm for the continuous domain, using real numbers to encode the solutions, and its main operator, the mutation, uses a arithmetic operations to create a mutant using three different random solutions. This mutation operator cannot be used in combinatorial optimization problems, which have a domain of a discrete and finite set of objects. Based on this concept, we present an idea of representing each solution as a set, and replace the arithmetic operators in the classic DE genetic operators by set operators. Using a well known NP-hard problem, the traveling salesman problem (TSP), as an example of a combinatorial optimization problem, we study different possibilities for the mutation operator, presenting the advantages and disadvantages of each, before setting with the best one. We also explain the modifications made to adapt the algorithm for a multiobjective optimization algorithm. Some of these modifications are inherent to the different type of problems, other modification are proposed to improve the algorithm. Amongst the later modification are using more than one population in the evolution process. We also present a new self-adaptive variation of the multiobjective optimization algorithm, although this is not limited to the multi-objective case, and can be used also in the single-objective


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