36 research outputs found

    Reviews of Virtual Reality and Virtual Environment and It's Applications Particularly in Education

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    Tulisan ini membahas tentang teknologi realitas maya (virtual reality) atau lingkungan maya (virtual environment) serta penggunaannya terutama dalam bidang pendidikan. Realitas maya menjadi teknologi yang berkembang pesat dan terjangkau dengan potensi luas dalam berbagai aplikasi termasuk pendidikan, kedokteran dan industri. Realitas maya memungkinkan pengguna untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan yang disimulasikan oleh komputer. Peneliti yang dikutip dalam tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa teknologi realitas dan lingkungan maya dapat diaplikasikan dalam pendidikan dengan memperhatikan 3 hal sebelum menjalankannya, yaitu biaya yang dikeluarkan dan keahlian pengajar dan responden dalam hal ini siswa terkait pengoperasian teknologi tersebut, kedua, aksesibilitas yang memudahkan pengajar dan responden untuk mengakses teknologi ini dimanapun berada dan terakhir yang paling penting adalah dalam menyiapkan lingkungan maya (virtual environment) agar responden mendapatkan pengalaman belajar yang efektif.Keywords: Virtual Reality (VR), Virtual Environment, Education

    Virtual Domotic Systems: a 3D Interaction Technique to Control Virtual Building Devices Using Residential Gateways

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    Residential gateways are systems based on different control technologies that provide a unified way of communication for various devices and appliances present in homes and buildings (sensors, control systems, electronic devices, etc.). The massive introduction of residential gateways in the market is often hindered by the lack of intuitive configuration and visualization interfaces. Moreover, users frequently obtain very limited feedback about the status of the building after the actions carried out by the residential gateway, what reduces the confidence in such systems. This paper presents a Virtual Domotic System (VDS), an innovative solution to provide a Virtual Reality interface to manage residential gateways. VDS comprises three main blocks. The first of them is the residential gateway and the associated control devices of the building. The second element is an advanced 3D Virtual Environment that reliably represents the building, the state of control devices and the environmental characteristics (such as lighting or temperature). Finally, the system includes the software that enables the communication and synchronization between the virtual environment and the control technologies and appliances of the building. The VDS introduces a new 3D interaction technique, where the inputs that modify and configure the 3D virtual environment come directly from the sensors and actuators installed in the buildin

    Virtual environment as aids in persuading user in learning process

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    With the advent of computing technologies, a plethora of computer applications were developed to solve simple to complex human and organization problems. Computer applications cover variety of fields and have been known to be powerful tools in changing person‘s attitudes, behaviours, feelings and actions. This paper investigates the use of virtual environment technology as aids in persuading users in learning process. It explains the concept of persuasive and virtual environment technologies and the integration of both technologies in persuading learners to learn. It elaborates on the design of persuasion and explains the benefits of integrating persuasive and virtual environment technologies in the learning process. Finally, it gives an overview of a proposed approach in utilizing virtual environment as aids in persuasive design for learning

    Virtual Hajj (V-Hajj): A Persuasive Hajj Learning Procedures Courseware

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    This study focuses on an attempt to develop a supplementary learning material for the procedures to perform the Hajj. From the preliminary studies, the existing supplementary materials and learning methods were found to be less effective in giving a clear understanding to the users, whether they are youngsters or elders. Moreover, most of the current supplementary materials are based on passive learning mode. To provide a better supplementary learning material which supports active learning and self-directed learning, this study incorporates virtual environments (VE) and Multimedia (MM) technologies to develop Virtual Hajj (V-Hajj) prototype. Certain persuasive design guidelines were also adapted to persuade users particularly the elders to change their view in using computer-based material. By employing certain important elements, a conceptual model of persuasive Hajj learning environment was constructed. It consists of MM learning principle, Cognitive Theory of MM Learning, VE constructivist theory, persuasive technology principles, MM authoring processes, VE authoring processes and persuasive design guidelines. The model and its courseware prototype are the major contributions of this study. The methodology used in this study is an adaptation of the research design used by Vaishnavi and Kuechler in 2008. It combines the processes and methods used for VE authoring and MM authoring to produce V-Hajj prototype. The expert evaluation revealed some limitations of the prototype and the limitations have been fixed. Meanwhile, the user evaluation results revealed that the V-Hajj prototype provided good indication of the applicability and usability as well as the persuasive effect of the V-Hajj prototype as a supplementary Hajj learning material to the users. In conclusion, an integration of multimedia, virtual environment and persuasive technology in designing and developing a supplementary Hajj learning material has helped users to learn better. However, certain limitations do remain, such as the number of respondents involved in this study. This will be rectified in the future

    Teaching and Learning Immersion and Presence

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    User-centered virtual environment design for virtual rehabilitation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>As physical and cognitive rehabilitation protocols utilizing virtual environments transition from single applications to comprehensive rehabilitation programs there is a need for a new design cycle methodology. Current human-computer interaction designs focus on usability without benchmarking technology within a user-in-the-loop design cycle. The field of virtual rehabilitation is unique in that determining the efficacy of this genre of computer-aided therapies requires prior knowledge of technology issues that may confound patient outcome measures. Benchmarking the technology (e.g., displays or data gloves) using healthy controls may provide a means of characterizing the "normal" performance range of the virtual rehabilitation system. This standard not only allows therapists to select appropriate technology for use with their patient populations, it also allows them to account for technology limitations when assessing treatment efficacy.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An overview of the proposed user-centered design cycle is given. Comparisons of two optical see-through head-worn displays provide an example of benchmarking techniques. Benchmarks were obtained using a novel vision test capable of measuring a user's stereoacuity while wearing different types of head-worn displays. Results from healthy participants who performed both virtual and real-world versions of the stereoacuity test are discussed with respect to virtual rehabilitation design.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The user-centered design cycle argues for benchmarking to precede virtual environment construction, especially for therapeutic applications. Results from real-world testing illustrate the general limitations in stereoacuity attained when viewing content using a head-worn display. Further, the stereoacuity vision benchmark test highlights differences in user performance when utilizing a similar style of head-worn display. These results support the need for including benchmarks as a means of better understanding user outcomes, especially for patient populations.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The stereoacuity testing confirms that without benchmarking in the design cycle poor user performance could be misconstrued as resulting from the participant's injury state. Thus, a user-centered design cycle that includes benchmarking for the different sensory modalities is recommended for accurate interpretation of the efficacy of the virtual environment based rehabilitation programs.</p

    Virtual Helicopter Landing Platform (V-HELP)

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    The research project focused on how virtual reality (VR) could create a non-immersive environment and improve in increasing safety awareness at offshore platform. The main problem is the typical training talk usually use video and audio presentation which cannot provide the walkthrough movement. The aim of this project is to develop and design Virtual Helicopter Landing Platform (V-HELP) application which allows users to explore the virtual platform environment. The objectives of this project are to design and develop helicopter landing platform; to visualize movement and facilitate understanding in VR; and at the same time identify components and characteristics of the virtual environment for adequate realism. In completion the project, the framework used is based on part of the waterfall "modeling theory. The phases involved in the framework used for project development is the analysis phase, design and development phase, integration and testing phase and lastly evaluation phase. Developments tools have been used in the project are 3D Maya 5..0.1 and Macromedia Flash MX software. As a result from the evaluation conducted, shows that most of the evaluators are satisfied with the project. They think that the realism of the prototype can be improved in virtual environment through enhancement on chosen the suitable textures materials and enable user control during walkthrough. As a conclusion, the research project show that Virtual Environment are very useful and more effective for the offshore safety training compared to the conventional method

    Analysis of the Level of Immersion of 360º Video Features Produced by Spanish Media

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    This paper offers the results of a content analysis on the level of immersion in 360º video features produced by Spanish media. Unlike other conventional ways of storytelling, this new modality provides the viewer with a sensation of being really immerse in a reality that is only being represented, which favors a deeper and more meaningful understanding of it. Our study is divided in three sections. Firstly, we develop a brief theoretical framework that includes the definition and foundations on which immersive feature is based. From this theoretical foundation, we draw a scale to measure the immersion level of these pieces and we confront our proposal to the qualified assessment of 10 experts. Finally we apply this scale on a sample of 148 360º video features produced by Spanish media between January 2015 and December 2017. The aim is to analyze its use and also to infer some good practices that can be useful not only for scholars researching on this new format but also for practitioners producing it.El presente trabajo ofrece los resultados de un análisis de contenido sobre el nivel de inmersión en los vídeos en 360º producidos por medios periodísticos españoles. A diferencia de otras maneras convencionales de contar, esta nueva modalidad genera en el espectador la sensación de encontrarse realmente presente en una realidad que está siendo solo representada. Esto favorece una comprensión más profunda y significativa de ella. Nuestro estudio está dividido en tres secciones. En primer lugar, desarrollamos un breve marco teórico en el que recogemos la definición y fundamentos sobre los que se sostiene el periodismo inmersivo en general y el reportaje en vídeo en 360º en particular. A partir de esta fundamentación, proponemos una escala para medir el nivel de inmersión que hace posible este tipo de piezas y la validamos mediante la evaluación cualificada de un grupo de 10 expertos. Finalmente, aplicamos esta escala sobre una muestra de 148 reportajes en vídeo en 360º publicados por medios periodísticos españoles durante el período comprendido entre enero de 2015 y diciembre de 2017. El objetivo es analizar su uso e inferir una serie de buenas prácticas que puedan resultar de utilidad tanto a académicos que investigan este nuevo formato como a los profesionales que lo producen

    Virtual Heritage: Audio design for immersive virtual environments using researched spatializers.

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    This thesis work is based on a Virtual Heritage project being developed by the Systems of Representation research group. The objective of the project is to create a showcase demonstration on how the virtual reality (VR) could be used as an application for tourism in the heritage sector. In this context, my task was to develop a concept and prototype of how 'spatialized' sound could be used in a VR application. The initial location chosen for the concept was the ancient heritage burial site of Sammallahdenmäki, one of the Finnish heritage sites listed in the UNESCO register of World Heritage Sites. The thesis, that is written from an audio designer's perspective, focuses on three aspects of this project. First is the sound design for the Virtual Heritage project and the second is the quality of currently available 'spatializer' plug-ins used for headphone listening. In order to evaluate the process of designing 3D audio for virtual environments, the methods and principles within binaural rendering, sound design and immersion must be understood. Therefore, functions and theories within audio spatialization and 3D audio design are reviewed. Audio designers working on virtual reality content need the best possible solutions for creating believable 3D audio experiences. However, while working on the Virtual Heritage project, we did not find any comparative studies made about commercially available spatializer plug-ins for Unity. Thus, it was unknown what plug-in would have been the best possible solution for 3D audio spatialization. Consequently, two tests were conducted during this thesis work. First was an online test measuring which spatializer would be the most highly rated, in terms of perceived directional precision when utilizing head-related transfer functions without reverb or room simulations. The second was a comparative test studying if a spatialized audio rendering would increase immersion compared to non-spatialized audio rendering, when tested with the Virtual Heritage demonstration. The central aim in the showcase demonstration was to create an immersive virtual environment where users would feel as if they were travelling from the present, back to the Bronze Age, in order to understand and learn about the location’s unique history via auditory storytelling. The project was implemented utilising the Unity game engine. The research on music and other sound content used in the project’s sonic environment is explained. Finally, results of the project work are discussed.Tämä opinnäytetyö perustuu Virtual Heritage projektityöhön, joka on tehty Systems of Representation tutkimusryhmälle. Projektin tavoite on luoda malliesimerkki siitä, miten virtuaalitodellisuutta voitaisiin käyttää hyväksi turismisovelluksissa. Esimerkkikohteeksi projektille oli valittu Sammallahdenmäen hautaröykkiöt, joka on hyväksytty mukaan UNESCON maailmanperintöluetteloon. Tehtäväni oli toteuttaa Unity pelimoottorilla prototyyppi, jossa kartoitetaan virtuaalisen tilaäänen käyttömahdollisuuksia kyseisen teeman ympärillä. Opinnäyte on kirjoitettu äänisuunnittelijan näkökulmasta keskittyen kolmeen projektityöhön liittyvään keskeiseen osaan: prototyypin äänisuunnitteluun, immersion käsitteeseen sekä spatialisointi liitännäisten (plug-in) toimintaan ja laatuun. Virtuaalitodellisuuksiin sisältöä tuottavana äänisuunnittelijana tarvitsin parhaat mahdolliset työkalut uskottavan 3D äänimaailman luomiseen. Virtual Heritage projektia työstettäessä kävi kuitenkin ilmi, että ajankohtaista vertailevaa tutkimusta spatialisointi liitännäisten laatueroista ei ollut löydettävissä. Oli mahdotonta määritellä yksilöllisesti, mikä liitännäisistä on toimivin ratkaisu suurimmalle käyttäjäkunnalle. Täten oli tarpeellista toteuttaa kaksi tutkimusta. Ensimmäinen oli empiirinen verkkotutkimus, jolla arvioitiin spatialisointi liitännäisten suorituskykyä, kun mitataan subjektiivisesti äänen tilallisen sijoittumisen tarkkuutta kuulokekuuntelussa ilman kaikuprosessointeja. Tutkimuksessa parhaiten suoriutunut liitännäinen implementoitiin prototyyppiin. Toisessa kokeessa tutkittiin kuinka paljon implementoidun spatialisointi liitännäisen käyttäminen lisää virtuaalitodellisuuden immersiota verrattaessa spatialisoimattomaan ääneen, kun testialustana toimii Virtual Heritage prototyyppi. Projektin keskeisin tavoite oli luoda immersiivinen virtuaalitodellisuus, jossa käyttäjä voi kokea matkaavansa nykyajasta pronssikautiselle Sammallahdenmäelle ja oppia tällä tavoin kohteen ainutlaatuisesta historiasta äänikerronnan keinoin. Opinnäytetyössä esitellään äänikerronnan sisältöön ja toteutustapaan johtavat tutkimukset, tuotanto sekä ajatukset lopputuloksesta

    Tics y difusión del patrimonio cultural. Realidad aumentada y virtual en el área fundacional de Bahía Blanca /

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    La ciudad de Bahía Blanca cuenta con áreas de valor patrimonial, de las cuales se destaca su casco fundacional. Las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al turismo, son  herramientas alternativas que permiten un acceso interactivo al patrimonio. El objetivo del trabajo es: contribuir a la difusión del patrimonio cultural del área fundacional de Bahía Blanca, mediante la Realidad Aumentada y Virtual. Con la propuesta desarrollada, orientada a los visitantes, se pretende dar respuesta a la inquietud de ¿cómo contribuir a una mayor valorización del patrimonio local, ampliando la accesibilidad, información y contacto de los usuarios para con los bienes patrimoniales