64 research outputs found

    Relationship virtual learning environment and student learning experience: What are the mediating variables?

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    Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) tools as a web based digital technology and software facilitate teaching activities and student learning experience. It is increasingly becoming an innovative way of learning and an essential part of courses in the Higher Education sector. Although the speedy explosion and increased recognition of virtual learning, little is known how VLE diffusion rate and innovative attributes affect module delivery and student learning experience through the mediating role of virtual collaboration. Using an usable response of 209 university students from the online self-administered survey, our results indicates that there are direct and indirect significant relationships between innovative attributes, module virtual collaboration and learning experience. As a result, lecturers should actively encourage and support students to virtually collaborate with each other around key issues related to VLE in order to enhance their learning experience. The senior management teams of the university should equip academic and support staff with VLE for being able to fully use VLE its full capacity

    An empirical study on behavioural intention to reuse e-learning systems in rural China

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    The learner’s acceptance of e-learning systems has received extensive attention in prior studies, but how their experience of using e-learning systems impacts on their behavioural intention to reuse those systems has attracted limited research. As the applications of e-learning are still gaining momentum in developing countries, such as China, it is necessary to examine the relationships between e-learners’ experience and perceptions and their behavioural intention to reuse, because it is argued that system reuse is an important indicator of the system’s success. Therefore, a better understanding of the multiple factors affecting the e-learner’s intention to reuse could help e-learning system researchers and providers to develop more effective and acceptable e-learning systems. Underpinned by the information system success model, technology acceptance model and self-efficacy theory, a theoretical framework was developed to investigate the learner’s behavioural intention to reuse e-learning systems. A total of 280 e-learners were surveyed to validate the measurements and proposed research model. The results demonstrated that e-learning service quality, course quality, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and self-efficacy had direct effects on users’ behavioural intention to reuse. System functionality and system response have an indirect effect, but system interactivity had no significant effect. Furthermore, self-efficacy affected perceived ease of use that positively influenced perceived usefulness

    Diffusion of Innovation, Consumer Attitudes and Intentions to use Mobile Banking

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    This study discusses the effect of diffusion of innovation (relative advantage, compatibility and trial-ability) toward intention to use mobile banking through the consumer attitudes. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is influence between Diffusion of Innovations (relative advantage, compatibility and trial-ability) toward the intention to use mobile banking through the consumer attitudes. The respondents of this study are the Bank Mobile Banking users in Banda Aceh. The sampling method used in this study is purposive sampling and the data were analyzed using path analysis technique. The results found that relative advantage, compatibility and trial-ability directly had significant effect on consumer attitudes in a positive way; relative advantage and trial-ability significant toward intention to use; compatibility effect not significant toward the intention to use in a positive way; consumer attitudes is significant towards intention to use positively; and relative advantage, compatibility and trial-ability significant toward intention to use through consumer attitudes. Keywords: Relative advantage, Compatibility, Trial-ability, Intention to use, Consumer’s attitud

    De la enseñanza digital al aprendizaje indexado

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    Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación están transformando los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. La adaptación de los instrumentos tecnológicos como recursos pedagógicos facilita la racionalización del trabajo educativo de alumnado y profesorado desencadenando nuevas formas de comunicación, nuevos estilos de aprendizaje. Interesa saber cómo aprenden los estudiantes con estas herramientas. De esta manera se podrá ajustar la oferta educativa a los modos de recepción de la información que poseen los alumnos digitales.The Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are transforming the teaching and learning processes. The adaptation of technological tools as educational resources facilitates the streamlining of the educational work of students and teachers unleashing new forms of communication, new learning styles. In this way may be adjust the education supply to the ways of receiving information that digital students have

    Comparison of websites and mobile applications for e-learning

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    Information and communication technology (ICT) applied in the field of education is diverse in nature, and it is progressing continually. Advances in the development of smart phones in terms of both software and hardware capabilities have been considerable, and have provided new opportunities for e-learning. It can be argued that a key goal of companies is to produce applications that are productive, and more importantly, user friendly in nature so that they can deliver the best user experience to their customers. This paper reports on an investigation of user preferences when using an e-learning application designed to meet the needs of e-learners. Data was collected to gather evidence of their preferences with respect to both web and mobile applications. This study is part of a large research project, which aim to investigate the potential of e-learning within higher education using multiple e-learning applications. This paper undertakes the first phase of this research project. In the first phase, two user groups with a relatively similar age group (21-30 years) were asked to experiment the use of two different interfaces: one of a mobile application and the second of a web application. Both applications include information that aim to support international students. The information provided was based on one of the universities located in the USA. The information was obtained from the international office, which included facilities available, directions, events and workshops, important contacts, etc. Feedback on the use of both mobile and web applications was gathered using semi-structured interviews. Four interviews were conducted with two participants from each of the user groups within this study. The results indicate that both background and experience of using ICT applications highly influenced how both (web and mobile) applications were perceived. The analysis show that type of information and its representation play an important role in determining its efficiency and usefulness for the user. This study draws an important insight into the future of both web and mobile applications within the higher education environment. The next phase following this study aims to examine the results gathered in this study on a wider audience. This study provides an important foundation towards support understanding potentials and limitations for both web and mobile applications

    Choice Anxiety in Decision Making: Why People Turn to Strangers for Information

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    This research-in-progress paper examines the conditions that cause individuals to rely on electronic word of mouth (eWoM) when making purchasing decisions. I theorize that, paradoxically, turning to strangers for information gives individuals a sense of control in a decision environment characterized by overwhelming amounts of alternatives and prevailing information asymmetries. Building on information systems (IS) literature examining questions of usage from both intentional (conscious) and automatic (subconscious) prisms, I introduce the notion of choice anxiety. I propose and test a model of how subconscious choice anxiety, together with adverse selection avoidance is associated with an individual’s sense of control based on eWoM information. I further speculate that the emergence of choice anxiety and its successful resolution triggers a classical conditioning that reinforces an individual’s reliance on eWoM information sources, thereby contributing to its institutionalization

    Technology Adoption in Education-Based Business Services

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    The objectives of this study are two folds. Firstly is to identify the advantages and disadvantages factors of electronic learning’s adoption. Secondly is to measure the influence of innovation adoption components toward users’ attitude in using electronic learning. A mixed method of study was carried out in response to the research’s objectives. The qualitative approach was conducted by means of interviewing 25 participants of users to identify e-learning advantages and disadvantages. The quantitative approach was used to test the hypotheses. A questionnaire was distributed to 313 e-learning system users. The results show that the three advantages and disadvantages of e-learning adoption factors were formed. SEM-Smart PLS was used to test the hypothetical relationships. The results indicate that three dimensions of innovation diffusion significantly influenced the attitude toward e-learning, while two dimensions were not significant. The findings suggest that education-based business services should use the advantages factors and influential dimensions to promote their teaching-learning services delivery and eliminate weaknesses and insignificant dimensions

    Do the instructors differ in their behavioral intention to adopt e-learning based on age, gender, and Internet Experience?

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    The aim of this research is to examine if there differences of the age, gender, and internet experience on behavioural intention to adopt e-learning of the instructors in Jordanian universities. The paper takes a social, and technical approach in its investigation by using a research model based on the ANOVA and t-test Analysis to identify if there differences or not. stratified random sampling method was used to select instructors. 245 from 360 instructors which response (68.1%) at three public and three private universities in Jordan. The paper presents some findings on e-learning adoption intention determinants. It also discusses some of the implications of the findings Keywords:, age, gender, Internet Experience, Behavioural intentions, e-learning

    Determinants of Freshmen’ Use Behavior of DingTalk Learning Platform to Study Mental Health Course in Chengdu, China

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the influencing factors of DingTalk learning platform on the learning behavior of mental health course of students in Vocational Colleges in Chengdu, China. There are seven variables and nine hypotheses in the conceptual framework of this study, including perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitude, self-efficacy, subjective norm, behavioral intention, and use behavior. Research design, data, and methodology: The researcher conducted this study based on quantitative research methods. The researchers used a self-administered questionnaire as a research tool. The target group is 500 first-year students who have experienced using DingTalk Learning Platform in Chengdu, China. This study uses the sampling procedure, including judgmental, stratified random, and convenience sampling. This study focuses on confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling as a statistical tool to check the data, the accuracy of the model, and the impact of key variables. Results: Most hypotheses are supported except the significant influence of subjective norm on attitude. Furthermore, behavioral intention has the strongest influence on use behavior. Conclusions: This study contributes to the ongoing improvement and development of online learning platforms, ensuring their effectiveness and relevance in enhancing students' learning experiences and outcomes in mental health courses

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Broadband Adoption: Telaah pada Calon Pelanggan Layanan Fixed Broadband MyRepublic

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    Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan internet yang pesat membuat aktivitas manusia tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan peran penting internet. Hal ini tercermin dari penggunaan internet di Indonesia yang terus mengalami peningkatan dan pertumbuhan dari tahun ke tahun termasuk penggunaan internet rumah tangga. Oleh karena itu, Indonesia menjadi salah satu negara yang memiliki peluang besar untuk bisnis fixed broadband. Melihat peluang yang ada, menjadikan para pemain fixed broadband di Indonesia berlomba untuk memberikan pelayanan dan kualitas terbaik kepada pelanggan salah satunya adalah MyRepublic. Namun, jika dilihat dari peta persaingan fixed broadband di Indonesia, MyRepublic berada di posisi kelima dengan jumlah pelanggan yang masih sangat jauh dibandingkan dengan Indihome dan First Media. Hal ini menjadi tantangan bagi MyRepublic untuk bisa meningkatkan dan mengembangkan bisnisnya di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memiliki pengaruh terhadap broadband adoption. Penelitian ini menggunakan survei online dengan menyebarkan kuesioner untuk mendapatkan responden yang sesuai kriteria. Sebanyak 140 responden didapatkan lalu diuji dengan menggunakan metode regresi linier berganda melalui software SPSS versi 25. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa facilitating conditions, self-efficacy dan prior knowledge memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap broadband adoption, sedangkan relative advantage, utility outcomes dan hedonic outcomes tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap broadband adoption