557 research outputs found

    Identification of Tourism Scenarios in Turkey Based on Futures Study Approach

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    This study aims to identify the plausible scenarios of tourism in Antalya, Turkey. For this purpose, the drivers and key factors of the research were first identified by reviewing the literature and interviewing Turkish tourism experts. Then these factors were screened using binomial nonparametric test and eight factors were eliminated from the 19 key factors. Two key factors of government policy in the tourism field and value of country currency were selected using cross impact analysis technique in order to write plausible scenarios. Based on these two uncertainties, four scenarios of luxury tourism, cheap tourism, tourism deterioration and unplanned tourism were identified

    Impact-focused enterprises, the BOP and the future : the case of East Africa

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    O future é incerto, é expectável que algumas vozes estejam a pronunciar-se sobre o sector privado a intervir em mais esferas da sociedade para além da coleção de capital. No entanto serão as companhias tradicionais capazes de responder? A tese foca-se em alternativas de modelos de negócios, companhias com foco em impacto, que estão presentemente a ser exploradas para aliviar as preocupações derivadas do capitalismo do século 21 numa das camadas mais afetadas, discutir a sua viabilidade e como chegar ao futuro que essas alternativas propõem. Para este propósito, a tese encarou a problemática de duas formas: a análise de documentos em relação ao crescimento destas companhias e várias entrevistas com profissionais e especialistas presentes nas indústrias desta alternativa. O estudo sugere que as multinacionais não estão preparadas um futuro lucrativo e benéfico com as camadas pobres da população, apesar do potencial destas últimas. No entanto, há tipos de organizações que estão a ter sucesso relativo; a tese tenta perceber o seu trabalho para perceber que lições podem ser retiradas, se eles são capazes de responder às preocupações ambientais e socias e se conseguem contribuir para um futuro nestas camadas populacionais. O que foi encontrado sugere um aumento no crescimento e na atenção face a companhias com foco no impacto e como o seu ethos é similar às ideias defendidas pela teoria do BOP. Sugere adições às noções contemporâneas do mercado do BOP e como ser uma companhia bem-sucedida dentro deste.The future is uncertain, it is expected that some voices are asking the private sector to intervene in more spheres of society than collecting capital. However, are traditional businesses capable of answering these calls? This thesis focuses on the business-alternatives, impact focused enterprises, which are presently being explored to alleviate the concerns of 21st century capitalism in the most affected layer of all, to discuss its viability and how to reach the future this alternative proposes. For this purpose, the thesis approached the problematic in two ways: analysis of reports regarding the growth of these enterprises and several interviews to experts in the industries of these businesses were conducted. The study suggests that multinational companies are unfit to perpetuate a lucrative and benefic future with poor layers of the population, despite its potential. However, there are types of organizations that are having mild success at it; the thesis tries to understand their work and perceptions in order to understand what can be the lessons retained, and contribute for a better future at these layers. The findings suggest an increased growth and attention regarding impact-focused enterprises and how their ethos is similar to the ideas defended by the BOP theory. It adds to the contemporaneous notions of how to approach the BOP market and how to be a successful enterprise amongst it. This thesis also addresses the need to study individual characteristics of BOP layers and provides insights to managers and investors

    Corporate foresight: A bibliometric analysis on research trends

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    The pressure on companies, influenced by the rapid dissemination of technological innovations increased the volatility of business environments making difficult for companies to decide and act when faced with market uncertainties. Corporate foresight (CF) is a fundamental management tool, which has been object of study in recent decades. CF enables companies to achieve better market position, sustainable profits and ultimately provides competitive advantages in the medium/long term, while also dealing positively with uncertainty. This research aims to identify investigate trends in CF based on previous studies. From a query created in Web of Science (WoS), we obtained our initial data sample, comprised between the period 2001 to 2021. Thus, allowing us to study the frequency of publications and total citations, as well as descriptively study journals, authors, keywords, and references. We then carried out a bibliometric analysis using CiteSpace software to study research patterns and trends. The results of the bibliometric analysis suggest a progressive interest in open foresight and the opportunity for new explanatory research as a method for understanding and validating corporate foresight.A pressão influenciada pela célere disseminação das inovações tecnológicas aumentou a imprevisibilidade dos ambientes de negócio dificultando as capacidades de decisão e de atuação das empresas, quando confrontadas com incertezas de mercado. Corporate foresight (CF) é um instrumento de gestão fundamental, que tem sido objeto de estudo nas últimas décadas. O CF capacita as empresas com melhores posições de mercado e lucros sustentáveis lidando também com a incerteza o que e proporciona vantagens competitivas a médio-longo prazo. Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar tendências de investigação sobre CF tendo como base estudos anteriores. A partir de uma query criada no Web of Science (WoS) obtivemos a nossa amostra inicial de dados, compreendida entre o período de 2001 a 2021. Assim foi-nos permitido estudar a frequência de publicações e citações totais bem como, analisar descritivamente jornais, autores, palavras-chaves e referências. Posteriormente realizámos uma análise bibliométrica utilizando o software CiteSpace para examinar padrões e tendências de investigação. Os resultados da análise bibliométrica sugerem um progressivo interesse em open foresight e a oportunidade de novas investigações explanatórias como instrumento de compreensão e validação do corporate foresight

    Trends and Future of Sustainable Development : Proceedings of the Conference "Trends and Future of Sustainable Development", 9–10 June 2011, Tampere, Finland

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    Inclusive business through partnerships

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    Academic and policy thought on economic growth and sustainable development in the 21st century represents a breach with traditional thinking. Traditional development approaches are getting replaced by new and more modern development thinking that adopts a contingency approach towards development. In addition to governments, multilateral organizations and NGOs, (multinational) enterprises are considered relevant agents of international development and change. This paper argues that at this stage of the discussion, managers of multinational enterprises as well as academics are in need of more sophisticated business models that can establish the link between the micro level of corporate strategies (‘inclusive business’) and macro models of development (‘inclusive growth’)

    The Mediating Effect of Dynamic Capabilities on the Relationship Between Strategic Foresight and Strategic Renewal: Evidence from Islamic Banks in Jordan

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    Purpose: The present study aimed to examine the mediating effect that dynamic capabilities may have on the relationship between strategic foresight and strategic renewal.   Design/methodology/ approach: The present study relied on quantitative and qualitative methods. More specifically, the authors used a cross-sectional design and survey strategy. Three hundred and three participants were selected randomly from four Islamic banks operating in Jordan completed the study questionnaire. A structural equation modeling technique was employed to test the study hypotheses by using SmartPLS 3 software package.   Findings: The results demonstrated that strategic foresight and dynamic capabilities have a significant and positive effect on strategic renewal. Also, the results illustrated that the dynamic capabilities have a partial mediating effect on the relationship between strategic foresight and strategic renewal.   Research limitations: The results of the present study relate to Islamic banks in Jordan; hence the ability to generalize the findings to other sectors is limited. Another limitation is respondent bias because the study design relies heavily on the participants’ perceptions.   Practical implementation: Used properly, strategic foresight allows managers to see how events in the external environment influence their organizations’ performance. Thus, managers can use strategic foresight for making corrections in plans, policies, strategies, and objectives to get performance back on track using their organizations’ dynamic capabilities.   Originality: Despite the amount of research and studies that have been devoted to understanding strategic foresight, dynamic capabilities, and strategic renewal over the last decades, the relationship between these three constructs has never been studied collectively. Therefore, the present study fills this gap in the literature

    Research landscape and trends in corporate foresight

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    Corporate Foresight (СF) gains increasing research interest as an efficient decision-making tool in the face of growing market uncertainty. We carried out a bibliometric analysis of the CF literature published between 2001 and 2021. The results of bibliometric analysis propose in which journals researchers should publish their papers to obtain more citations, which to cite, which keywords to use, and which references to explore. This allows managers, researchers, and practitioners to gain in-depth knowledge of CF literature.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    International development cooperation and innovation promotion: a discussion paper for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Finland

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    In commissioning this study on innovation and development cooperation, the Department of International Development Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland has made an important contribution to the ongoing discussion of the role, nature and opportunities that innovation could have in enhancing the current practice and instruments of international development cooperation