14 research outputs found

    Розвиток екосистеми підтримки науки,освіти та інновацій

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    У статті розглянуто питання створення Національного репозитарію академічних текстів (НРАТ). Описано загальну концепцію формування та окремі аспекти діяльності Національного репозитарію відповідно до проголошеної в нормативних документах мети та місії НРАТ. Визначено його роль у розвитку наукової, освітньої та інноваційної діяльності, а також щодо утвердження на вітчизняному ґрунті принципів академічної доброчесності.В статье рассматриваются вопросы создания Национального репозитария академических текстов (НРАТ). Описана общая концепция формирования и отдельные аспекты деятельности Национального репозитария в соответствии с провозглашенной в нормативных документах целью и миссией НРАТ. Определена его роль в развитии научной, образовательной и инновационной деятельности, а также в части утверждения на отечественной почве принципов академической добропорядочности.The article discusses the creation of the National Repository of Academic Texts (NRAT). The general concept of the formation and certain aspects of the activities of the National Repository are described in accordance with the goal and mission of the NRAT proclaimed in regulatory documents. Its role in the development of scientific, educational and innovative activities, as well as in terms of the establishment of principles of academic integrity on a domestic basis, is determined

    Can Microsoft Academic be used for citation analysis of preprint archives? The case of the Social Science Research Network

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Springer in Scientometrics on 07/03/2018, available online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-018-2704-z The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.Preprint archives play an important scholarly communication role within some fields. The impact of archives and individual preprints are difficult to analyse because online repositories are not indexed by the Web of Science or Scopus. In response, this article assesses whether the new Microsoft Academic can be used for citation analysis of preprint archives, focusing on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). Although Microsoft Academic seems to index SSRN comprehensively, it groups a small fraction of SSRN papers into an easily retrievable set that has variations in character over time, making any field normalisation or citation comparisons untrustworthy. A brief parallel analysis of arXiv suggests that similar results would occur for other online repositories. Systematic analyses of preprint archives are nevertheless possible with Microsoft Academic when complete lists of archive publications are available from other sources because of its promising coverage and citation results

    Citations to arXiv Preprints by Indexed Journals and their Impact on Research Evaluation

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    [EN] This article shows an approach to the study of two fundamental aspects of the prepublication of scientific manuscripts in specialized repositories (arXiv). The first refers to the size of the interaction of ¿standard papers¿ in journals appearing in the Web of Science (WoS) ¿ now Clarivate Analytics ¿ and ¿non-standard papers¿ (manuscripts appearing in arXiv). Specifically, we analyze the citations found in the WoS to articles in arXiv. The second aspect is how publication in arXiv affects the citation count of authors. The question is whether or not prepublishing in arXiv benefits authors from the point of view of increasing their citations, or rather produces a dispersion, which would diminish the relevance of their publications in evaluation processes. Data have been collected from arXiv, the websites of the journals, Google Scholar, and WoS following a specific ad hoc procedure. The number of citations in journal articles published in WoS to preprints in arXiv is not large. We show that citation counts from regular papers and preprints using different sources (arXiv, the journal¿s website, WoS) give completely different results. This suggests a rather scattered picture of citations that could distort the citation count of a given article against the author¿s interest. However, the number of WoS references to arXiv preprints is small, minimizing this potential negative effect.The work of the first, second, and third author was supported by Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Spain, under Research Grant CSO2015-65594-C2-1R Y 2R (MINECO/FEDER, UE). The work of the fourth author was supported by Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Spain, and FEDER, under Research Grant MTM2016-77054-C2-1-P. The authors would also like to thank the referees for their useful comments and references, which helped them to improve the work, especially in Section 5.Ferrer-Sapena, A.; Aleixandre-Benavent, R.; Peset Mancebo, MF.; Sánchez Pérez, EA. (2018). Citations to arXiv Preprints by Indexed Journals and their Impact on Research Evaluation. Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice (Online). 6(4):14-24. https://doi.org/10.1633/JISTaP.2018.6.4.2S14246

    Journal copyright restrictions and actual open access availability - a study of articles published in eight top information systems journals (2010-2014)

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    Most scholarly journals have explicit copyright restrictions for authors outlining how published articles, or earlier manuscript versions of such articles, may be distributed on the open web. Empirical research on the development of open access (OA) is still scarce and methodologically fragmented, and research on the relationship between journal copyright restrictions and actual free online availability is non-existent. In this study the free availability of articles published in eight top journals within the field of Information Systems (IS) is analyzed by observing the availability of all articles published in the journals during 2010-2014 (1515 articles in total) through the use of Google and Google Scholar. The web locations and document versions of retrieved articles for up to three OA copies per published article were categorized manually. The web findings were contrasted to journal copyright information and augmented with citation data for each article. Around 60% of all published articles were found to have an OA copy available. The findings suggest that copyright restrictions weakly regulate actual author-side dissemination practice. The use of academic social networks (ASNs) for enabling online availability of research publications has grown increasingly popular, an avenue of research dissemination that most of the studied journal copyright agreements failed to explicitly accommodate.peerReviewe

    The Types, Frequencies, and Findability of Disciplinary Grey Literature within Prominent Subject Databases and Academic Institutional Repositories

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    INTRODUCTION In many disciplines grey literature, or works that are more ephemeral in nature and are not typically published through traditional scholarly channels, are heavily used alongside traditional materials and sources. We were interested in the type and frequency of grey literature in subject databases and in North American institutional repositories (IRs) as well as what disciplines use grey literature. METHODS Over 100 subject databases utilized by academic researchers and the IRs of over 100 academic institutions were studied. Document type, search capabilities, and level of curation were noted. RESULTS Grey literature was present in the majority (68%) of the literature databases and almost all IRs (95%) contained grey literature. DISCUSSION Grey literature was present in the subject databases across all broad disciplines including arts and humanities. In these resources the most common types of grey literature were conference papers, technical reports, and theses and dissertations. The findability of the grey literature in IRs varied widely as did evidence of active collection development. CONCLUSION Recommendations include the development of consistent metadata standards for grey literature to enhance searching within individual resources as well as supporting future interoperability. An increased level of collection development of grey literature in institutional repositories would facilitate preservation and increase the findability and reach of grey literature

    The role of arXiv, RePEc, SSRN and PMC in formal scholarly communication

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    Scheinverlage in der wissenschaftlichen Kommunikation : Verbreitung von Predatory Publishing und Lösungsansätze

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    Wissenschaft fußt auf glaubwürdigkeit. Diese wiederum wird gesichert durch die Regeln guter wissenschaftlicher praxis und Veröffentlichungen von Forschungsergebnissen in wissen-schaftlichen Fachzeitschriften unter Anwendung strenger Qua-litätskriterien. Aber auch in der Wissenschaft wird getäuscht. Verlage mit dubiosen geschäftsmodellen umgehen die gängigen Qualitätsmechanismen und veröffentlichen Artikel in vermeintlich wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften, jedoch ohne jegliche Qualitäts-prüfung. Modelle dieser Raubverleger (Predatory Publisher) werden im vorliegenden Beitrag vorgestellt und ihr Anteil am publikationsmarkt untersucht. Darüber hinaus werden Maßnah-men gegen derartige geschäftsmodelle vorgeschlagen. Dazu gehört ein Ausblick auf eine transparente Wissenschaft und das Aufzeigen der Rolle, die Bibliotheken im Kampf gegen diese praktiken einnehmen könnten

    Scheinverlage in der wissenschaftlichen Kommunikation. Verbreitung von Predatory Publishing und Lösungsansätze

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    Wissenschaft fußt auf glaubwürdigkeit. Diese wiederum wird gesichert durch die Regeln guter wissenschaftlicher praxis und Veröffentlichungen von Forschungsergebnissen in wissen-schaftlichen Fachzeitschriften unter Anwendung strenger Qua-litätskriterien. Aber auch in der Wissenschaft wird getäuscht. Verlage mit dubiosen geschäftsmodellen umgehen die gängigen Qualitätsmechanismen und veröffentlichen Artikel in vermeintlich wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften, jedoch ohne jegliche Qualitäts-prüfung. Modelle dieser Raubverleger (Predatory Publisher) werden im vorliegenden Beitrag vorgestellt und ihr Anteil am publikationsmarkt untersucht. Darüber hinaus werden Maßnah-men gegen derartige geschäftsmodelle vorgeschlagen. Dazu gehört ein Ausblick auf eine transparente Wissenschaft und das Aufzeigen der Rolle, die Bibliotheken im Kampf gegen diese praktiken einnehmen könnte