49 research outputs found

    Multicast Connections in Wireless Sensor Networks with Topology Control, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2016, nr 1

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    The article explores the quality of multicast trees constructed by heuristic routing algorithms in wireless sensor networks where topology control protocols operate. Network topology planning and performance analysis are crucial challenges for wire and wireless network designers. They are also involved in the research on routing algorithms, and protocols for these networks. In addition, it is worth to emphasize that the generation of realistic network topologies makes it possible to construct and study routing algorithms, protocols and traffic characteristics for WSN networks

    Mixed-integer programming based techniques for resource allocation in underlay cognitive radio networks : a survey

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    For about the past decade and a half research efforts into cognitive radio networks (CRNs) have increased dramatically. This is because CRN is recognized as a technology that has the potential to squeeze the most out of the existing spectrum and hence virtually increase the effective capacity of a wireless communication system. The resulting increased capacity is still a limited resource and its optimal allocation is a critical requirement in order to realize its full benefits. Allocating these additional resources to the secondary users (SUs) in a CRN is an extremely challenging task and integer programming based optimization tools have to be employed to achieve the goals which include, among several aspects, increasing SUs throughput without interfering with the activities of primary users (PUs). The theory of the optimization tools that can be used for resource allocations (RA) in CRN have been well established in the literature; convex programming is one of them, in fact the major one. However when it comes to application and implementation, it is noticed that the practical problems do not fit exactly into the format of well established tools and researchers have to apply approximations of different forms to assist in the process. In this survey paper, the optimization tools that have been applied to RA in CRNs are reviewed. In some instances the limitations of techniques used are pointed out and creative tools developed by researchers to solve the problems are identified. Some ideas of tools to be considered by researchers are suggested, and direction for future research in this area in order to improve on the existing tools are presented.http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?reload=true&punumber=5449605hb2017Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineerin

    Joint Downlink Beamforming and Discrete Resource Allocation Using Mixed-Integer Programming

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    Multi-antenna processing is widely adopted as one of the key enabling technologies for current and future cellular networks. Particularly, multiuser downlink beamforming (also known as space-division multiple access), in which multiple users are simultaneously served with spatial transmit beams in the same time and frequency resource, achieves high spectral efficiency with reduced energy consumption. To harvest the potential of multiuser downlink beamforming in practical systems, optimal beamformer design shall be carried out jointly with network resource allocation. Due to the specifications of cellular standards and/or implementation constraints, resource allocation in practice naturally necessitates discrete decision makings, e.g., base station (BS) association, user scheduling and admission control, adaptive modulation and coding, and codebook-based beamforming (precoding). This dissertation focuses on the joint optimization of multiuser downlink beamforming and discrete resource allocation in modern cellular networks. The problems studied in this thesis involve both continuous and discrete decision variables and are thus formulated as mixed-integer programs (MIPs). A systematic MIP framework is developed to address the problems. The MIP framework consists of four components: (i) MIP formulations that support the commercial solver based approach for computing the optimal solutions, (ii) analytic comparisons of the MIP formulations, (iii) customizing techniques for speeding up the MIP solvers, and (iv) low-complexity heuristic algorithms for practical applications. We consider first joint network topology optimization and multi-cell downlink beamforming (JNOB) for coordinated multi-point transmission. The objective is to minimize the overall power consumption of all BSs while guaranteeing the quality-of-service (QoS) requirements of the mobile stations (MSs). A standard mixed-integer second-order cone program (MISOCP) formulation and an extended MISOCP formulation are developed, both of which support the branch-and-cut (BnC) method. Analysis shows that the extended formulation admits tighter continuous relaxations (and hence less computational complexity) than that of the standard formulation. Effective strategies are proposed to customize the BnC method in the MIP solver CPLEX when applying it to the JNOB problem. Low-complexity inflation and deflation procedures are devised for large-scale applications. The simulations show that our design results in sparse network topologies and partial BS cooperation. We study next the joint optimization of discrete rate adaptation and downlink beamforming (DRAB), in which rate adaptation is carried out via modulation and coding scheme (MCS) assignment and admission control is embedded in the MCS assignment procedure. The objective is to achieve the maximum sum-rate with the minimum transmitted BS power. As in the JNOB problem, a standard and an extended MISOCP formulations are developed, and analytic comparisons of the two formulations are carried out. The analysis also leads to efficient customizing strategies for the BnC method in CPLEX. We also develop fast inflation and deflation procedures for applications in large-scale networks. Our numerical results show that the heuristic algorithms yield sum-rates that are very close to the optimal ones. We then turn our attention to codebook-based downlink beamforming. Codebook-based beamforming is employed in the latest cellular standards, e.g., in long-term evolution advanced (LTE-A), to simplify the signaling procedure of beamformers with reduced signaling overhead. We consider first the standard codebook-based downlink beamforming (SCBF) problem, in which precoding vector assignment and power allocation are jointly optimized. The objective is to minimize the total transmitted BS power while ensuring the prescribed QoS targets of the MSs. We introduce a virtual uplink (VUL) problem, which is proved to be equivalent to the SCBF problem. A customized power iteration method is developed to solve optimally the VUL problem and hence the SCBF problem. To improve the performance of codebook-based downlink beamforming, we propose a channel predistortion mechanism that does not introduce any additional signalling overhead or require modification of the mobile receivers. The joint codebook-based downlink beamforming and channel predistortion (CBCP) problem represents a non-convex MIP. An alternating optimization algorithm and an alternating feasibility search algorithm are devised to approximately solve the CBCP problem. The simulation results confirm the efficiency of the channel predistortion scheme, e.g., achieving significant reductions of the total transmitted BS power. We study finally the worst-case robust codebook-based downlink beamforming when only estimated channel covariance matrices are available at the BS. Similar to the DRAB problem, user admission control is embedded in the precoding vector assignment procedure. In the robust codebook-based downlink beamforming and admission control (RCBA) problem, the objective is to achieve the maximum number of admitted MSs with the minimum transmitted BS power. We develop a conservative mixed-integer linear program (MILP) approximation and an exact MISOCP formulation of the RCBA problem. We further propose a low-complexity inflation procedure. Our simulations show that the three approaches yield almost the same average number of admitted MSs, while the MILP based approach requires much more transmitted BS power than the other two to support the admitted MSs. The MIP framework developed in this thesis can be applied to address various discrete resource allocation problems in interference limited cellular networks. Both optimal solutions, i.e., performance benchmarks, and low-complexity practical algorithms are considered in our MIP framework. Conventional approaches often did not adopt the exact discrete models and approximated the discrete variables by (quantized) continuous ones, which could lead to highly suboptimal solutions or infeasible problem instances

    Delay-sensitive Communications Code-Rates, Strategies, and Distributed Control

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    An ever increasing demand for instant and reliable information on modern communication networks forces codewords to operate in a non-asymptotic regime. To achieve reliability for imperfect channels in this regime, codewords need to be retransmitted from receiver to the transmit buffer, aided by a fast feedback mechanism. Large occupancy of this buffer results in longer communication delays. Therefore, codewords need to be designed carefully to reduce transmit queue-length and thus the delay experienced in this buffer. We first study the consequences of physical layer decisions on the transmit buffer occupancy. We develop an analytical framework to relate physical layer channel to the transmit buffer occupancy. We compute the optimal code-rate for finite-length codewords operating over a correlated channel, under certain communication service guarantees. We show that channel memory has a significant impact on this optimal code-rate. Next, we study the delay in small ad-hoc networks. In particular, we find out what rates can be supported on a small network, when each flow has a certain end-to-end service guarantee. To this end, service guarantee at each intermediate link is characterized. These results are applied to study the potential benefits of setting up a network suitable for network coding in multicast. In particular, we quantify the gains of network coding over classic routing for service provisioned multicast communication over butterfly networks. In the wireless setting, we study the trade-off between communications gains achieved by network coding and the cost to set-up a network enabling network coding. In particular, we show existence of scenarios where one should not attempt to create a network suitable for coding. Insights obtained from these studies are applied to design a distributed rate control algorithm in a large network. This algorithm maximizes sum-utility of all flows, while satisfying per-flow end-to-end service guarantees. We introduce a notion of effective-capacity per communication link that captures the service requirements of flows sharing this link. Each link maintains a price and effective-capacity, and each flow maintains rate and dissatisfaction. Flows and links update their respective variables locally, and we show that their decisions drive the system to an optimal point. We implemented our algorithm on a network simulator and studied its convergence behavior on few networks of practical interest

    Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2005, nr 3

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    Efficient Learning Machines

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    Computer scienc