45 research outputs found

    Laplacian Distribution and Domination

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    Let mG(I)m_G(I) denote the number of Laplacian eigenvalues of a graph GG in an interval II, and let γ(G)\gamma(G) denote its domination number. We extend the recent result mG[0,1)γ(G)m_G[0,1) \leq \gamma(G), and show that isolate-free graphs also satisfy γ(G)mG[2,n]\gamma(G) \leq m_G[2,n]. In pursuit of better understanding Laplacian eigenvalue distribution, we find applications for these inequalities. We relate these spectral parameters with the approximability of γ(G)\gamma(G), showing that γ(G)mG[0,1)∉O(logn)\frac{\gamma(G)}{m_G[0,1)} \not\in O(\log n). However, γ(G)mG[2,n](c+1)γ(G)\gamma(G) \leq m_G[2, n] \leq (c + 1) \gamma(G) for cc-cyclic graphs, c1c \geq 1. For trees TT, γ(T)mT[2,n]2γ(G)\gamma(T) \leq m_T[2, n] \leq 2 \gamma(G)

    The Ratio of the Irredundance Number and the Domination Number for Block-Cactus Graphs

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    Let γ(G) and ir(G) denote the domination number and the irredundance number of a graph G, respectively. Allan and Laskar [Proc. 9th Southeast Conf. on Combin., Graph Theory & Comp. (1978) 43-56] and Bollobás and Cockayne [J. Graph Theory (1979) 241-249] proved independently that γ(G) < 2ir(G) for any graph G. For a tree T, Damaschke [Discrete Math. (1991) 101-104] obtained the sharper estimation 2γ(T) < 3ir(T). Extending Damaschke's result, Volkmann [Discrete Math. (1998) 221-228] proved that 2γ(G) ≤ 3ir(G) for any block graph G and for any graph G with cyclomatic number μ(G) ≤ 2. Volkmann also conjectured that 5γ(G) < 8ir(G) for any cactus graph. In this article we show that if G is a block-cactus graph having π(G) induced cycles of length 2 (mod 4), then γ(G)(5π(G) + 4) ≤ ir(G)(8π(G) + 6). This result implies the inequality 5γ(G) ≤ 8ir(G) for a block-cactus graph G, thus proving the above conjecture. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc


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    Durante los últimos treinta años, el concepto de dominación en grafos ha levantado un interés impresionante. Una bibliografía reciente sobre el tópico contiene más de 1200 referencias y el número de definiciones nuevas está creciendo continuamente. En vez de intentar dar un catálogo de todas ellas, examinamos las nociones más clásicas e importantes (tales como dominación independiente, dominación irredundante, k-cubrimientos, conjuntos k-dominantes, conjuntos Vecindad Perfecta, ...) y algunos de los resultados más significativos.   PALABRAS CLAVES: Teoría de grafos, Dominación.   ABSTRACT During the last thirty years, the concept of domination in graphs has generated an impressive interest. A recent bibliography on the subject contains more than 1200 references and the number of new definitions is continually increasing. Rather than trying to give a catalogue of all of them, we survey the most classical and important notions (as independent domination, irredundant domination, k-coverings, k-dominating sets, Perfect Neighborhood sets, ...) and some of the most significant results.   KEY WORDS: Graph theory, Domination

    A Greedy Partition Lemma for Directed Domination

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    A directed dominating set in a directed graph DD is a set SS of vertices of VV such that every vertex uV(D)Su \in V(D) \setminus S has an adjacent vertex vv in SS with vv directed to uu. The directed domination number of DD, denoted by γ(D)\gamma(D), is the minimum cardinality of a directed dominating set in DD. The directed domination number of a graph GG, denoted Γd(G)\Gamma_d(G), which is the maximum directed domination number γ(D)\gamma(D) over all orientations DD of GG. The directed domination number of a complete graph was first studied by Erd\"{o}s [Math. Gaz. 47 (1963), 220--222], albeit in disguised form. In this paper we prove a Greedy Partition Lemma for directed domination in oriented graphs. Applying this lemma, we obtain bounds on the directed domination number. In particular, if α\alpha denotes the independence number of a graph GG, we show that αΓd(G)α(1+2ln(n/α))\alpha \le \Gamma_d(G) \le \alpha(1+2\ln(n/\alpha)).Comment: 12 page