7 research outputs found

    Performance visualizations using XML representations

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    The intermediate representation (IR)forms the information exchanged among different passes of program compilation. The intermediate format proposed for extensibility and persistence is written in XML. In this way, the program transformations that were internal to the compiler become visible. The hierarchical structure of XML makes a natural representation for the abstract syntax tree (AST). A compiler can parse the program source into an IR, then output it as an XML document. Separated by orthogonal namespaces, other IRs are also presented in the same XML document, gathering program information such as dependence vectors, transforming matrices, iteration spaces dependence graphs and cache reuse distances. This XML document can be exchanged between the compiler and program visualizers for parallelism and locality

    Recursos anchos: una técnica de bajo coste para explotar paralelismo agresivo en códigos numéricos

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    Els bucles son la part que més temps consumeix en les aplicacions numèriques. El rendiment dels bucles està limitat tant pels recursos oferts per l'arquitectura com per les recurrències del bucle en la computació. Per executar més operacions per cicle, els processadors actuals es dissenyen amb graus creixents de replicació de recursos (tècnica de replicació) para ports de memòria i unitats funcionals. En canvi, el gran cost en termes d'àrea i temps de cicle d'aquesta tècnica limita tenir alts graus de replicació: alts valors en temps de cicle contraresten els guanys deguts al decrement en el nombre de cicles, mentre que alts valors en l'àrea requerida poden portar a configuracions impossibles d'implementar. Una alternativa a la replicació de recursos, és fer los més amples (tècnica que anomenem "widening"), i que ha estat usada en alguns dissenys recents. Amb aquesta tècnica, l'amplitud dels recursos s'amplia, fent una mateixa operació sobre múltiples dades. Per altra banda, alguns microprocessadors escalars de propòsit general han estat implementats amb unitats de coma flotants que implementen la instrucció sumar i multiplicar unificada (tècnica de fusió), el que redueix la latència de la operació combinada, tanmateix com el nombre de recursos utilitzats. A aquest treball s'avaluen un ampli conjunt d'alternatives de disseny de processadors VLIW que combinen les tres tècniques. S'efectua una projecció tecnològica de les noves generacions de processadors per predir les possibles alternatives implementables. Com a conclusió, demostrem que tenint en compte el cost, combinar certs graus de replicació i "widening" als recursos hardware és més efectiu que aplicar únicament replicació. Així mateix, confirmem que fer servir unitats que fusionen multiplicació i suma pot tenir un impacte molt significatiu en l'increment de rendiment en futures arquitectures de processadors a un cost molt raonable.Loops are the main time-consuming part of numerical applications. The performance of the loops is limited either by the resources offered by the architecture or by recurrences in the computation. To execute more operations per cycle, current processors are designed with growing degrees of resource replication (replication technique) for memory ports and functional units. However, the high cost in terms of area and cycle time of this technique precludes the use of high degrees of replication. High values for the cycle time may clearly offset any gain in terms of number of execution cycles. High values for the area may lead to an unimplementable configuration. An alternative to resource replication is resource widening (widening technique), which has also been used in some recent designs in which the width of the resources is increased (i.e., a single operation is performed over multiple data). Moreover, several general-purpose superscalar microprocessors have been implemented with multiply-add fused floating point units (fusion technique), which reduces the latency of the combined operation and the number of resources used. On this thesis, we evaluate a broad set of VLIW processor design alternatives that combine the three techniques. We perform a technological projection for the next processor generations in order to foresee the possible implementable alternatives. From this study, we conclude that if the cost is taken into account, combining certain degrees of replication and widening in the hardware resources is more effective than applying only replication. Also, we confirm that multiply-add fused units will have a significant impact in raising the performance of future processor architectures with a reasonable increase in cost

    Hybrid analysis of memory references and its application to automatic parallelization

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    Executing sequential code in parallel on a multithreaded machine has been an elusive goal of the academic and industrial research communities for many years. It has recently become more important due to the widespread introduction of multicores in PCs. Automatic multithreading has not been achieved because classic, static compiler analysis was not powerful enough and program behavior was found to be, in many cases, input dependent. Speculative thread level parallelization was a welcome avenue for advancing parallelization coverage but its performance was not always optimal due to the sometimes unnecessary overhead of checking every dynamic memory reference. In this dissertation we introduce a novel analysis technique, Hybrid Analysis, which unifies static and dynamic memory reference techniques into a seamless compiler framework which extracts almost maximum available parallelism from scientific codes and incurs close to the minimum necessary run time overhead. We present how to extract maximum information from the quantities that could not be sufficiently analyzed through static compiler methods, and how to generate sufficient conditions which, when evaluated dynamically, can validate optimizations. Our techniques have been fully implemented in the Polaris compiler and resulted in whole program speedups on a large number of industry standard benchmark applications

    The Polaris Internal Representation

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    The Polaris Program Manipulation System is a production quality tool for source-to-source transformations and complex analysis of Fortran code. In this paper we describe the motivations for and the design of Polaris' internal representation. The internal representation is composed of a basic abstract syntax tree on top of which exist many layers of functionality. This functionality allows complex operations on the data structure as well as allowing it to emulate other internal representations. Further, the internal representation is designed to enforce the consistency of the state of the internal structure in terms of both the correctness of the data structure and the correctness of the Fortran code being manipulated. In addition, operations on the internal representation result in the automatic updating of affected data structures such as flow information. We describe how the system's philosophies developed from its predecessor, the Delta prototyping system, and how they were implemen..