85,408 research outputs found

    Causal mapping as a teaching tool for reflecting on causation in human evolution (advance online)

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    Стратегия концептуального картирования в учебной деятельности студентов по изучению иностранных языков

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    The article is devoted to theoretical and practical considerations as for the use of Legitimation Code Theory in concept mapping which allows the evaluating the mapper’s ability in academic performance. This raises the map above the assessment of factual data review and proves the higher organized network of thinking skills that are required for students to achieve proficiency in foreign language learning.Стаття присвячена теоретичним і практичним міркуванням щодо використання теорії коду легітимації задля оцінки стратегій концептуального мапування, що дозволяє оптимально визначити рівень опанування студентами навчальною діяльністю. Концептуальна мапа охоплює не лише рівень володіння фактичними даними, а доводить сформованість більш організованої мережі навичок когнітивного мислення, необхідних студентам для досягнення професійного рівня володіння іноземною мовою.Статья посвящена теоретическим и практическим наблюдениям относительно использования теории кода легитимации для оценки стратегий концептуального картирования, что позволяет оптимально определить уровень освоения студентами учебной деятельности. Концептуальная карта охватывает не только уровень владения фактическими данными, а доказывает сформированность более организованной сети навыков когнитивного мышления, необходимых студентам для достижения профессионального уровня владения иностранным языком

    Materiality and human cognition

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    In this paper, we examine the role of materiality in human cognition. We address issues such as the ways in which brain functions may change in response to interactions with material forms, the attributes of material forms that may cause change in brain functions, and the spans of time required for brain functions to reorganize when interacting with material forms. We then contrast thinking through materiality with thinking about it. We discuss these in terms of their evolutionary significance and history as attested by stone tools and writing, material forms whose interaction endowed our lineage with conceptual thought and meta-awareness of conceptual domains

    The view from elsewhere: perspectives on ALife Modeling

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    Many artificial life researchers stress the interdisciplinary character of the field. Against such a backdrop, this report reviews and discusses artificial life, as it is depicted in, and as it interfaces with, adjacent disciplines (in particular, philosophy, biology, and linguistics), and in the light of a specific historical example of interdisciplinary research (namely cybernetics) with which artificial life shares many features. This report grew out of a workshop held at the Sixth European Conference on Artificial Life in Prague and features individual contributions from the workshop's eight speakers, plus a section designed to reflect the debates that took place during the workshop's discussion sessions. The major theme that emerged during these sessions was the identity and status of artificial life as a scientific endeavor

    The Metacognitive and Exploratory Use of the Concept Map for Thematic Art History Papers in the Survey Course

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    This article examines how the introduction of pedagogical interventions in the art history survey class, made by using concept maps beyond an initial brainstorming phase and rather as an active-learning strategy in aid to developing thematic papers, impacts students’ perception of their usefulness. The qualitative and quantitative data gathered included two questionnaires, one submitted periodically throughout the semester and one after the concept map and term paper were completed. Additionally, this study presents a visual analysis of three sample sets of students’ concept maps to illustrate the levels of deep, surface, and non-learning. The results reveal that assigning students the task of developing the concept map and the paper in tandem throughout the semester presents some pros and cons. By using concept maps, students reflect more deeply on the nature of connections between two ideas, on the process of narrowing down the main theme, and on the overall structure of the concept map. However, students’ perception of the concept map’s usefulness beyond an initial brainstorming phase is diversified, and the sets of concept maps developed produce mixed results relative to surface learning, deep learning, and non-learning. The limitations of such use of concept maps include possible correlations between learning and motivation

    Engaging Learners in Critical Analysis Through Concept Maps: From Theory to Practice

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    This paper addresses the use of concept maps to engage adult learners in critical analysis. The discussion is situated within four adult learning theories. Examples from different contexts using concept maps and connections between theories, learning process, locus of learning, teacher’s role, manifestation in adult education, and activities are presented

    Motion as manipulation: Implementation of motion and force analogies by event-file binding and action planning\ud

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    Tool improvisation analogies are a special case of motion and force analogies that appear to be implemented pre-conceptually, in many species, by event-file binding and action planning. A detailed reconstruction of the analogical reasoning steps involved in Rutherford's and Bohr's development of the first quantized-orbit model of atomic structure is used to show that human motion and force analogies generally can be implemented by the event-file binding and action planning mechanism. Predictions that distinguish this model from competing concept-level models of analogy are discussed, available data pertaining to them are reviewed, and further experimental tests are proposed