16,350 research outputs found

    Approximating Maximum Diameter-Bounded Subgraph in Unit Disk Graphs

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    We consider a well studied generalization of the maximum clique problem which is defined as follows. Given a graph G on n vertices and an integer d >= 1, in the maximum diameter-bounded subgraph problem (MaxDBS for short), the goal is to find a (vertex) maximum subgraph of G of diameter at most d. For d=1, this problem is equivalent to the maximum clique problem and thus it is NP-hard to approximate it within a factor n^{1-epsilon}, for any epsilon > 0. Moreover, it is known that, for any d >= 2, it is NP-hard to approximate MaxDBS within a factor n^{1/2 - epsilon}, for any epsilon > 0. In this paper we focus on MaxDBS for the class of unit disk graphs. We provide a polynomial-time constant-factor approximation algorithm for the problem. The approximation ratio of our algorithm does not depend on the diameter d. Even though the algorithm itself is simple, its analysis is rather involved. We combine tools from the theory of hypergraphs with bounded VC-dimension, k-quasi planar graphs, fractional Helly theorems and several geometric properties of unit disk graphs

    Experimental Evaluation of Approximation and Heuristic Algorithms for Maximum Distance-Bounded Subgraph Problems

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    In this paper, we consider two distance-based relaxed variants of the maximum clique problem (Max Clique), named Maxd-Clique and Maxd-Club for positive integers d. Max 1-Clique and Max 1-Club cannot be efficiently approximated within a factor of n1āˆ’Īµ for any real Īµ>0 unless P=NP , since they are identical to Max Clique (HĆ„stad in Acta Math 182(1):105ā€“142, 1999; Zuckerman in Theory Comput 3:103ā€“128, 2007). In addition, it is NP -hard to approximate Maxd-Clique and Maxd-Club to within a factor of n1/2āˆ’Īµ for any fixed integer dā‰„2 and any real Īµ>0 (Asahiro et al. in Approximating maximum diameter-bounded subgraphs. In: Proc of LATIN 2010, Springer, pp 615ā€“626, 2010; Asahiro et al. in Optimal approximation algorithms for maximum distance-bounded subgraph problems. In: Proc of COCOA, Springer, pp 586ā€“600, 2015). As for approximability of Maxd-Clique and Maxd-Club, a polynomial-time algorithm, called ReFindStar d, that achieves an optimal approximation ratio of O(n1/2) for Maxd-Clique and Maxd-Club was designed for any integer dā‰„2 in Asahiro et al. (2015, Algorithmica 80(6):1834ā€“1856, 2018). Moreover, a simpler algorithm, called ByFindStar d, was proposed and it was shown in Asahiro et al. (2010, 2018) that although the approximation ratio of ByFindStar d is much worse for any odd dā‰„3, its time complexity is better than ReFindStar d. In this paper, we implement those approximation algorithms and evaluate their quality empirically for random graphs. The experimental results show that (1) ReFindStar d can find larger d-clubs (d-cliques) than ByFindStar d for odd d, (2) the size of d-clubs (d-cliques) output by ByFindStar d is the same as ones by ReFindStar d for even d, and (3) ByFindStar d can find the same size of d-clubs (d-cliques) much faster than ReFindStar d. Furthermore, we propose and implement two new heuristics, Hclub d for Maxd-Club and Hclique d for Maxd-Clique. Then, we present the experimental evaluation of the solution size of ReFindStar d, Hclub d, Hclique d and previously known heuristic algorithms for random graphs and Erdős collaboration graphs

    On Fork-Join Queues and Maximum Ratio Cliques

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    This dissertation consists of two parts. The ļ¬rst part delves into the problem of response time estimation in fork-join queueing networks. These systems have been seen in literature for more than thirty years. The estimation of the mean response time in these systems has been found to be notoriously hard for most forms of these queueing systems. In this work, simple expressions for the mean response time are proposed as conjectures. Extensive experiments demonstrate the remarkable accuracy of these conjectures. Algorithms for the estimation of response time using these conjectures are proposed. For many of the networks studied in this dissertation, no approximations are known in literature for estimation of their response time. Therefore, the contribution of this dissertation in this direction marks signiļ¬cant progress in the analysis of fork-join queues. The second part of this dissertation introduces a fractional version of the classical maximum weight clique problem, the maximum ratio clique problem, which is to ļ¬nd a maximal clique that has the largest ratio of beneļ¬t and cost weights associated with the cliques vertices. This problem is formulated to model networks in which the vertices have a beneļ¬t as well as a cost associated with them. The maximum ratio clique problem ļ¬nds applications in a wide range of areas including social networks, stock market graphs and wind farm location. NP-completeness of the decision version of the problem is established, and three solution methods are proposed. The results of numerical experiments with standard graph instances, as well as with real-life instances arising in ļ¬nance and energy systems, are reported

    The minimum spanning tree problem with conflict constraints and its variations

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    AbstractWe consider the minimum spanning tree problem with conflict constraints (MSTC). The problem is known to be strongly NP-hard and computing even a feasible solution is NP-hard. When the underlying graph is a cactus, we show that the feasibility problem is polynomially bounded whereas the optimization version is still NP-hard. When the conflict graph is a collection of disjoint cliques, (equivalently, when the conflict relation is transitive) we observe that MSTC can be solved in polynomial time. We also identify other special cases of MSTC that can be solved in polynomial time. Exploiting these polynomially solvable special cases we derive strong lower bounds. Also, various heuristic algorithms and feasibility tests are discussed along with preliminary experimental results. As a byproduct of this investigation, we show that if an Ļµ-optimal solution to the maximum clique problem can be obtained in polynomial time, then a (3Ļµāˆ’1)-optimal solution to the maximum edge clique partitioning (Max-ECP) problem can be obtained in polynomial time. As a consequence, we have a polynomial time approximation algorithm for the Max-ECP with performance ratio O(n(loglogn)2log3n), improving the best previously known bound of O(n)

    The Remote-Clique Problem Revisited

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    Given a positive integer k and a complete graph with non-negative edge weights that satisfy the triangle inequality, the remote-clique problem is to find a subset of k vertices having a maximum-weight induced subgraph. A greedy algorithm for the problem has been shown to have an approximation ratio of 4, but this analysis was not shown to be tight. In this thesis, we present an algorithm called d-Greedy Augment that generalizes this greedy algorithm (they are equivalent when d = 1). We use the technique of factor-revealing linear programs to prove that d-Greedy Augment, which has a running time of O(kdnd ), achieves an approximation ratio of (2k ? 2)/(k + d ? 2). Thus, when d = 1, d-Greedy Augment achieves an approximation ratio of 2 and runs in time O(kn), making it the fastest known 2-approximation for the remote-clique problem. Beyond proving this worst-case result, we also examine the behavior of d-Greedy Augment in practice. First, we provide some theoretical results regarding the expected case performance of d-Greedy Augment on random graphs, and second, we describe data from some experiments that test the performance of d-Greedy Augment and related heuristics

    Mathematical Foundations and Algorithms for Clique Relaxations in Networks

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    This dissertation establishes mathematical foundations for the properties exhibited by generalizations of cliques, as well as algorithms to find such objects in a network. Cliques are a model of an ideal group with roots in social network analysis. They have since found applications as a part of grouping mechanisms in computer vision, coding theory, experimental design, genomics, economics, and telecommunications among other fields. Because only groups with ideal properties form a clique, they are often too restrictive for identifying groups in many real-world networks. This motivated the introduction of clique relaxations that preserve some of the various defining properties of cliques in relaxed form. There are six clique relaxations that are the focus of this dissertation: s-clique, s-club, s-plex, k-core, quasi-clique, and k-connected subgraphs. Since cliques have found applications in so many fields, research into these clique relaxations has the potential to steer the course of much future research. The focus of this dissertation is on bringing organization and rigorous methodology to the formation and application of clique relaxations. We provide the first taxonomy focused on how the various clique relaxations relate on key structural properties demonstrated by groups. We also give a framework for how clique relaxations can be formed. This equips researchers with the ability to choose the appropriate clique relaxation for an application based on its structural properties, or, if an appropriate clique relaxation does not exist, form a new one. In addition to identifying the structural properties of the various clique relaxations, we identify properties and prove propositions that are important computationally. These assist in creating algorithms to find a clique relaxation quickly as it is immersed in a network. We give the first ever analysis of the computational complexity of finding the maximum quasi-clique in a graph. Such analysis identifies for researchers the appropriate set of computational tools to solve the maximum quasiclique problem. We further create a polynomial time algorithm for identifying large 2-cliques within unit disk graphs, a special class of graphs often arising in communication networks. We prove the algorithm to have a guaranteed 1=2-approximation ratio and finish with computational results
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