218 research outputs found

    Body Schema in Autonomous Agents

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    A body schema is an agent's model of its own body that enables it to act on affordances in the environment. This paper presents a body schema system for the Learning Intelligent Decision Agent (LIDA) cognitive architecture. LIDA is a conceptual and computational implementation of Global Workspace Theory, also integrating other theories from neuroscience and psychology. This paper contends that the ‘body schema' should be split into three separate functions based on the functional role of consciousness in Global Workspace Theory. There is (1) an online model of the agent's effectors and effector variables (Current Body Schema), (2) a long-term, recognitional storage of embodied capacities for action and affordances (Habitual Body Schema), and (3) "dorsal" stream information feeding directly from early perception to sensorimotor processes (Online Body Schema). This paper then discusses how the LIDA model of the body schema explains several experiments in psychology and ethology

    Machine Medical Ethics

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    In medical settings, machines are in close proximity with human beings: with patients who are in vulnerable states of health, who have disabilities of various kinds, with the very young or very old, and with medical professionals. Machines in these contexts are undertaking important medical tasks that require emotional sensitivity, knowledge of medical codes, human dignity, and privacy. As machine technology advances, ethical concerns become more urgent: should medical machines be programmed to follow a code of medical ethics? What theory or theories should constrain medical machine conduct? What design features are required? Should machines share responsibility with humans for the ethical consequences of medical actions? How ought clinical relationships involving machines to be modeled? Is a capacity for empathy and emotion detection necessary? What about consciousness? The essays in this collection by researchers from both humanities and science describe various theoretical and experimental approaches to adding medical ethics to a machine, what design features are necessary in order to achieve this, philosophical and practical questions concerning justice, rights, decision-making and responsibility, and accurately modeling essential physician-machine-patient relationships. This collection is the first book to address these 21st-century concerns

    A Sandbox in Which to Learn and Develop Soar Agents

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    It is common for military personnel to leverage simulations (and simulators) as cost-effective tools to train and become proficient at various tasks (e.g., flying an aircraft and/or performing a mission, among others). These training simulations often need to represent humans within the simulated world in a realistic manner. Realistic implies creating simulated humans that exhibit behaviors that mimic real-world decision making and actions. Typically, to create the decision-making logic, techniques developed from the domain of artificial intelligence are used. Although there are several approaches to developing intelligent agents; we focus on leveraging and open source project called Soar, to define agent behavior. This research took an off-the-shelf open-source software product (called the AI sandbox) that facilitates the creation of 3D virtual worlds and interfaced it to the Soar package. Because the world created by the sandbox is rich in features, easily configurable using a simple scripting system, and visually engaging, it\u27s ideal as a learning platform to develop Soar agents more aligned with military simulations. In summary, this research develops a platform (or learning environment) to learn how to develop Soar-based agents

    Artificial cognitive architecture with self-learning and self-optimization capabilities. Case studies in micromachining processes

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Ingeniería Informática. Fecha de lectura : 22-09-201

    Multimodal Wearable Intelligence for Dementia Care in Healthcare 4.0: A Survey

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    As a new revolution of Ubiquitous Computing and Internet of Things, multimodal wearable intelligence technique is rapidly becoming a new research topic in both academic and industrial fields. Owning to the rapid spread of wearable and mobile devices, this technique is evolving healthcare from traditional hub-based systems to more personalised healthcare systems. This trend is well-aligned with recent Healthcare 4.0 which is a continuous process of transforming the entire healthcare value chain to be preventive, precise, predictive and personalised, with significant benefits to elder care. But empowering the utility of multimodal wearable intelligence technique for elderly care like people with dementia is significantly challenging considering many issues, such as shortage of cost-effective wearable sensors, heterogeneity of wearable devices connected, high demand for interoperability, etc. Focusing on these challenges, this paper gives a systematic review of advanced multimodal wearable intelligence technologies for dementia care in Healthcare 4.0. One framework is proposed for reviewing the current research of wearable intelligence, and key enabling technologies, major applications, and successful case studies in dementia care, and finally points out future research trends and challenges in Healthcare 4.0

    Machine Learning and Cognitive Robotics: Opportunities and Challenges

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    The chapter reviews recent developments in cognitive robotics, challenges and opportunities brought by new developments in machine learning (ML) and information communication technology (ICT), with a view to simulating research. To draw insights into the current trends and challenges, a review of algorithms and systems is undertaken. Furthermore, a case study involving human activity recognition, as well as face and emotion recognition, is also presented. Open research questions and future trends are then presented

    Recent Advances in Social Data and Artificial Intelligence 2019

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    The importance and usefulness of subjects and topics involving social data and artificial intelligence are becoming widely recognized. This book contains invited review, expository, and original research articles dealing with, and presenting state-of-the-art accounts pf, the recent advances in the subjects of social data and artificial intelligence, and potentially their links to Cyberspace

    Machine Learning

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    Machine Learning can be defined in various ways related to a scientific domain concerned with the design and development of theoretical and implementation tools that allow building systems with some Human Like intelligent behavior. Machine learning addresses more specifically the ability to improve automatically through experience
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