7 research outputs found

    Fuzzy implications: alpha migrativity and generalised laws of importation

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    In this work, we discuss the law of α-migrativity as applied to fuzzy implication functions in a meaningful way. A generalisation of this law leads us to Pexider-type functional equations connected with the law of importation, viz., the generalised law of importation I(C(x,α),y)=I(x,J(α,y)) (GLI) and the generalised cross-law of importation I(C(x,α),y)=J(x,I(α,y)) (CLI), where C is a generalised conjunction. In this article we investigate only (GLI). We begin by showing that the satisfaction of law of importation by the pairs (C, I) and/or (C, J) does not necessarily lead to the satisfaction of (GLI). Hence, we study the conditions under which these three laws are related

    Fuzzy Implications: Some Recently Solved Problems

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    In this chapter we discuss some open problems related to fuzzy implications, which have either been completely solved or those for which partial answers are known. In fact, this chapter also contains the answer for one of the open problems, which is hitherto unpublished. The recently solved problems are so chosen to reflect the importance of the problem or the significance of the solution. Finally, some other problems that still remain unsolved are stated for quick reference

    Homomorphisms on the monoid of fuzzy implications and the iterative functional equation I(x,I(x,y))=I(x,y)

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    Recently, Vemuri and Jayaram proposed a novel method of generating fuzzy implications, called the ⊛⊛-composition, from a given pair of fuzzy implications [Representations through a Monoid on the set of Fuzzy Implications, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 247, 51-67]. However, as with any generation process, the ⊛⊛-composition does not always generate new fuzzy implications. In this work, we study the generative power of the ⊛⊛-composition. Towards this end, we study some specific functional equations all of which lead to the solutions of the iterative functional equation I(x,I(x,y))=I(x,y)I(x,I(x,y))=I(x,y) involving fuzzy implications which has been studied extensively for different families of fuzzy implications in this very journal, see [Information Sciences 177, 2954–2970 (2007); 180, 2487–2497 (2010); 186, 209–221 (2012)]. In this work, unlike in other existing works, we do not restrict the solutions to a particular family of fuzzy implications. Thus we take an algebraic approach towards solving these functional equations. Viewing the ⊛⊛-composition as a binary operation ⊛⊛ on the set II of all fuzzy implications one obtains a monoid structure (I,⊛)(I,⊛) on the set II. From the Cayley’s theorem for monoids, we know that any monoid is isomorphic to the set of all right translations. We determine the complete set KK of fuzzy implications w.r.t. which the right translations also become semigroup homomorphisms on the monoid (I,⊛I,⊛) and show that KK not only answers our questions regarding the generative power of the ⊛⊛-composition but also contains many as yet unknown solutions of the iterative functional equation I(x,I(x,y))=I(x,y)I(x,I(x,y))=I(x,y)

    The ⊛-composition of fuzzy implications: Closures with respect to properties, powers and families

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    Recently, Vemuri and Jayaram proposed a novel method of generating fuzzy implications from a given pair of fuzzy implications. Viewing this as a binary operation ⊛ on the set II of fuzzy implications they obtained, for the first time, a monoid structure (I,⊛)(I,⊛) on the set II. Some algebraic aspects of (I,⊛)(I,⊛) had already been explored and hitherto unknown representation results for the Yager's families of fuzzy implications were obtained in [53] (N.R. Vemuri and B. Jayaram, Representations through a monoid on the set of fuzzy implications, fuzzy sets and systems, 247 (2014) 51–67). However, the properties of fuzzy implications generated or obtained using the ⊛-composition have not been explored. In this work, the preservation of the basic properties like neutrality, ordering and exchange principles , the functional equations that the obtained fuzzy implications satisfy, the powers w.r.t. ⊛ and their convergence, and the closures of some families of fuzzy implications w.r.t. the operation ⊛, specifically the families of (S,N)(S,N)-, R-, f- and g-implications, are studied. This study shows that the ⊛-composition carries over many of the desirable properties of the original fuzzy implications to the generated fuzzy implications and further, due to the associativity of the ⊛-composition one can obtain, often, infinitely many new fuzzy implications from a single fuzzy implication through self-composition w.r.t. the ⊛-composition

    Order from non-associative operations

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    Algebraic structures are often converted to ordered structures to gain information about the algebra using the properties of partially ordered sets. Such studies have been predominantly undertaken for semigroups, using various proposed relations. This has led to a spate of works dealing with associative fuzzy logic connectives (FLCs) and the orders that they generate. One such relation, proposed by Clifford, is employed both for its generality as well as utility. In a recent work, Gupta and Jayaram classified the semigroups that yield a partial order through the relation. In this work, we characterise groupoids that would give a partial order by introducing a property called the Generalised Quasi-Projectivity. Further, for the groupoids that lead to an ordered set, we explore the monotonicity of the underlying groupoid operation on the obtained poset. Finally, in light of the above results, we explore the major non-associative fuzzy logic connectives along these lines, thus complementing and augmenting, already existing works in the literature. Our work also shows when an FLC from a given class of operations remains one even w.r.to the order generated from it

    The *-composition -A Novel Generating Method of Fuzzy Implications: An Algebraic Study

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    Fuzzy implications are one of the two most important fuzzy logic connectives, the other being t-norms. They are a generalisation of the classical implication from two-valued logic to the multivalued setting. A binary operation I on [0; 1] is called a fuzzy implication if (i) I is decreasing in the first variable, (ii) I is increasing in the second variable, (iii) I(0; 0) = I(1; 1) = 1 and I(1; 0) = 0. The set of all fuzzy implications defined on [0; 1] is denoted by I. Fuzzy implications have many applications in fields like fuzzy control, approximate reasoning, decision making, multivalued logic, fuzzy image processing, etc. Their applicational value necessitates new ways of generating fuzzy implications that are fit for a specific task. The generating methods of fuzzy implications can be broadly categorised as in the following: (M1): From binary functions on [0; 1], typically other fuzzy logic connectives, viz., (S;N)-, R-, QL- implications, (M2): From unary functions on [0,1], typically monotonic functions, for instance, Yager’s f-, g- implications, or from fuzzy negations, (M3): From existing fuzzy implications

    Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Logic and Their Applications 2020

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    The present book contains the 24 total articles accepted and published in the Special Issue “Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Logic and Their Applications, 2020” of the MDPI Mathematics journal, which covers a wide range of topics connected to the theory and applications of fuzzy sets and systems of fuzzy logic and their extensions/generalizations. These topics include, among others, elements from fuzzy graphs; fuzzy numbers; fuzzy equations; fuzzy linear spaces; intuitionistic fuzzy sets; soft sets; type-2 fuzzy sets, bipolar fuzzy sets, plithogenic sets, fuzzy decision making, fuzzy governance, fuzzy models in mathematics of finance, a philosophical treatise on the connection of the scientific reasoning with fuzzy logic, etc. It is hoped that the book will be interesting and useful for those working in the area of fuzzy sets, fuzzy systems and fuzzy logic, as well as for those with the proper mathematical background and willing to become familiar with recent advances in fuzzy mathematics, which has become prevalent in almost all sectors of the human life and activity