147,628 research outputs found

    Developing a conceptual model for examining the supply chain relationships between behavioural antecedents of collaboration, integration and performance

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is threefold: first, review the literature on the topic of behavioural antecedents of collaboration and their impact on supply chain integration and performance; second, lay the theoretical foundations and develop a conceptual model linking behavioural antecedents of collaboration, information integration, coordination of operational decisions and supply chain performance; and third, set out operationalisation considerations. Design/methodology/approach – A conceptual model with theoretical basis on Relational Exchange Theory (RET) and extant supply chain theory is developed as a causal model that can be operationalised using structural equations modelling (partial least squares) and a “single key informant” approach. Findings – Positive relationships between behavioural antecedents of collaboration (trust, commitment, mutuality/reciprocity), information integration, coordination of operational decisions and supply chain performance (efficiency, effectiveness) are hypothesised. RET provides adequate theoretical background that leads to the theoretical establishment of hypotheses between behavioural antecedents, supply chain integration and performance, which are worth testing empirically. Research limitations/implications – The ideas presented in this paper enrich the study of behavioural factors in supply chain management and their impact on supply chain performance, and may benefit researchers in the field. The paper also sets the scene (experimental design, measurement items) for the upcoming field research. The empirical part of the work will provide the necessary evidence for the validation of the established hypotheses. Practical implications – The proposed linkages may stimulate the interest of supply chain strategists towards more collaborative relationship management and affect their decisions on the behavioural antecedents of relationship formation and management. Moreover, the proposed model may help clarify how the integration of critical operational contingencies – information, operational decisions – can help achieve superior supply chain performance. Originality/value – The paper establishes a causal relationship between constructs which have not been researched (mutuality/reciprocity, coordination of operational decisions) or have been researched individually or in combination (impact of integration on performance, impact of collaboration on performance) but not in the proposed integrated way. It also addresses the challenge of lack of theoretical justification on the development of knowledge that will assist decision making in SCM/logistics and its integration into models, processes and tasks. Finally, by using RET in selecting of behavioural factors and establishing hypotheses, it adds to the body of knowledge concerning the use of interorganisational theories in supply chain relationships

    Antecedents to Buyer-Supplier Coordination in the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain

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    Purpose The purpose of this study is to understand the antecedents that influence supply chain coordination in the pharmaceutical supply chain using the transaction cost analysis framework. Design/methodology/approach Data from 156 retail pharmacies on their relationship with the pharmaceutical wholesalers are used to test the hypotheses. Findings The findings of this paper show the importance of antecedents that are based on the transactional cost theory, such as asset specificity and environmental uncertainty. These antecedents impact the supply chain process coordination at different levels – transactional, operational and strategic. Research limitations/implications Future research may investigate additional antecedents using other theoretical lenses. Practical implications Pharmaceutical wholesalers are dependent on pharmaceutical manufacturers for the supply of products and face intense competition that results in lower profit margins. Given that the pharmaceutical industry is strictly regulated, the wholesaler facilitates regulatory compliance of the manufacturers in the distribution process by coordinating with them. But the wholesalers do also face a constant threat from the manufacturers, who could potentially bypass the wholesalers (disintermediation) and go directly to the pharmacies. To counterbalance the dependence, the wholesalers strive to achieve loyalty with the retail pharmacies. Through supply chain coordination, the wholesalers achieve efficiency in procurement for the pharmacies, thus reducing cost and improving their competitive advantage. Social implications Supply chain coordination in the pharmaceutical supply chain improves the safety and security of the pharmaceutical distribution system. Originality/value This paper contributes to the supply chain coordination stream of literature. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study to develop the three levels of process coordination in the pharmaceutical supply chain context. This paper shows how process coordination can be achieved between the dyad without vertical integration

    Use of ontological structures for integrated supply chain management

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    The integration of the different hierarchical decision making levels involved within a Chemical Supply Chain is essential for its adequate management in dynamic and competitive markets. Any approach encompassing design issues, planning, coordination and responses to customer demands, requires the consideration of huge amounts of data, which are a valuable source of information only if properly managed. But these data could also cause a lack of coordination if not stored and interpreted appropriately, so standardizing information structures and tools to improve the availability and communication of data information between different hierarchical decision levels is essential. Thus, this work addresses the problem of making the best use of the information systems associated to a Supply Chain, in order to improve the knowledge and the information comprehension capabilities in the area of Process Systems Engineering.Postprint (published version

    A knowledge chain framework for construction supply chains

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    Construction is a project-based industry and construction supply chains generally work with a unique product in every project. Commonly, project organizations are reconfigured for each project. This means that construction supply chains are characterised by various practices and disjointed relationships, with the result that construction supply chain actors generally have transient relationships rather than long term risk sharing partnerships. A consequence of this is the lack of trust between construction clients, designers, main contractors and suppliers. Because the construction supply chain works as a disparate collection of separate organisations rather than as a unified team, the supply chain suffers from lack of integration. Knowledge flow in construction supply chains are hindered due to the reasons such as inadequate adaptation to collaborative procurement type projects, inadequate collaboration between the downstream and upstream supply chain, lack of interoperability of the design tools, lack of well structured SCM process and lack of well developed knowledge management applications. These characteristics of the construction supply chains are the main reasons for its low efficiency and productivity in project delivery. There is a need for the development of appropriate systems to ensure the effective diffusion of knowledge such that each actor of the supply chain adds value to the project delivery process. This is expected to result in the creation of knowledge chains in construction. It is believed that construction supply chain management (SCM), when integrated with knowledge management (KM), can successfully address the major problems of the industry The main aim of this research was to develop a framework to transform construction supply chains into knowledge chains . To reach this aim, the research first provided an overview of practices and issues in SCM across a range of industry sectors including construction, aerospace, and automotive industries. It discusses research and developments in the field of SCM and KM in construction industry, the key SCM issues with a knowledge flow focus, and the best practices from other industries to improve the construction supply chains. Furthermore, the results of the company specific and project specific case studies conducted in aerospace and construction industry supply chains are presented. These results include the key SC problems, key issues related to knowledge flow and the presentation of knowledge requirements of each supply chain actor. Following the data analysis process, a framework to transform the construction supply chain into a knowledge chain taking full cognisance of both the technical and social aspects of KM was presented. The main purpose of the knowledge chain framework was to enable construction bid managers/project managers to plan and manage the project knowledge flow in the supply chain and organise activities, meetings and tasks to improve SCM and KM throughout the supply chain in an integrated procurement type (PFI) project life cycle. The knowledge chain framework was intended to depict the knowledge flow in the construction supply chain specifically, and to offer guidance for specific business processes to transform the supply chains into knowledge chains. Finally, this research focused on the evaluation of the framework through industry practitioners and researchers. An evaluation of the Framework was conducted via workshop followed by a questionnaire comprising industry experts. The findings indicated that adoption of the Framework in construction project lifecycle could contribute towards more efficient and effective management of knowledge flow, standardisation and integration of SCM and KM processes, better coordination and integration of the SC, improved consistency and visibility of the processes, and successful delivery of strategic projects. The overall research process contributed the construction research in many perspectives such as introduction of knowledge chain concept for construction supply chains; comparative analysis of the SCM practices in different industry sectors, identification of best practices for construction supply chains, better demonstration of the maturity level and critical factors of the SCM within the construction industry, demonstration of the KC framework which integrates the supply chain process and knowledge sharing within a single framework which covers all the recent trends in the construction industry like collaborative procurement route projects, creation of better integrated SCs, applications like off site construction and BIM where all supply chain management and knowledge management should take place

    The effect of supply chain integration on hotel performance through green supply chain management

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    Internal and external integration in hotel industries is essential to improve Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) to maintain hotel performance and sustainability. This research is to examine the impact of internal and external integration on GSCM and hotel performance. It is quantitative research with judgmental sampling. Questionnaires were distributed to 72 hotel employees from 62 hotels of three-star hotels and above, who understand GSCM and hotel performance in East Java. But 66 questionnaires were returned, and only 62 questionnaires were valid for data analysis. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) is used to analyze with the help of Java Web Start software. The results show that all six hypotheses are supported, internal integration with Use technology to significantly determine plans and coordination capable of external integration and GSCM. External integration with Sharing knowledge with partners and Collaborating in solving problems can improve GSCM significantly. Supply chain integration, which consists of internal integration and external integration, impacts hotel performance by reducing hotel waste and Efficient use of resources. GSCM in implementing Eco green, green procurement and product life cycle have a significant impact on improving hotel performance

    Capabilities meet regulation: the compliance processes of Mexican food supply chains with United States biosecurity regulations

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    This thesis explores how Mexican fresh produce supply chains have responded to US bio-security regulations designed to prevent the intentional and accidental contamination of imported food. It explores the compliance processes, which are theorised using a framework drawn from the Resource-Based View (RBV) and the Supply Chain Governance (SCG) literatures. The constructs developed herein regarding capabilities and supply chain ‘governance structures’ complement previous Regulation Studies (RS) explaining compliance behaviour. The thesis analysed 12 case studies, and tested causal conditions of compliance using a multi-value Qualitative Comparative Analysis (mvQCA) method. The main results show: 1) the pathways to meet the regulatory requirements; 2) the limited diversity of capabilities associated with higher levels of compliance; and 3) the importance of tight supply chain coordination to source and exchange knowledge for compliance, regardless of how or who governs the supply chain. The thesis contributes to various academic debates. It removes the RVB assumptions that resources and capabilities are intrinsically valuable and complementary, and therefore contributes towards making the theory less tautological. It shows how SCG benefits when the effects of supply chain integration and coordination are examined independently. It differentiates between firms lacking willingness and firms lacking capabilities to comply, making it possible to define suitable regulatory strategies for each type of firm. The thesis makes a methodological contribution as it is one of the first studies applying the mvQCA in Science, Technology and Innovations Studies (STIs). The new methodology is used here to test the causal conditions of compliance, but can also be applied to innovative performance more generally. The thesis concludes by showing how US regulations were effective in achieving their regulatory aims without significant negative consequences, and suggesting that STI regulatory policies can be used to increase business engagement to prevent the intentional and accidental contamination of the food chain

    The effects of behavioural supply chain relationship antecedents on integration and performance

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    Structured Abstract: Purpose: To examine the effects of behavioural antecedents of collaboration in supply chain relationships on supply chain integration and performance by developing and empirically validating a model linking these constructs. Design/methodology/approach: A conceptual model was developed based on Relational Exchange Theory, Social Exchange Theory and Resource-Based View. An international survey with supply chain/logistics managers from manufacturing focal firms based in Europe, US and Asia was conducted; they provided input on upstream and downstream relationships based on their actual interaction and experience with supply chain partners. The collected data, which reflect supply chain managers’ perceptions on the above described phenomena, were analysed using the Partial Least Squares (PLS) method. Findings: Mutuality, reciprocity, trust and commitment are instrumental for the formation of supply chain relationships characterised by higher information integration. In turn, information integration has much stronger impact on the coordination of operational decisions related to production and demand planning than on decisions related to actual production processes but, interestingly, the latter affects supply chain performance much more than the former. Research limitations/implications: The research could benefit from a) a longitudinal rather than cross-sectional approach, b) incorporating multiple respondents such as representatives of supply chain partners and senior management of the focal firm, to capture potentially varying opinions on the supply chain phenomena under examination. Practical implications: The results can assist supply chain decision-makers in understanding the importance of behavioural closeness between supply chain partners for the development of collaborative supply chain relationships that lead to higher integration and superior performance. Insight is provided on linkages between examined dimensions of supply chain integration. A process view of intermediate steps needed to translate collaborative relationships into higher supply chain integration and performance across the supply chain is offered. Originality/value: The development and testing of an integrated model examining linkages between supply chain relationship antecedents, integration and performance is an original contribution. By proposing and confirming a sequential order in the influence of behavioural antecedents, integration dimensions, and their impact on supply chain performance, the paper sets foundations of a roadmap for achieving higher supply chain performance from collaborative supply chain relationships. Finally, the paper contributes to the limited theoretical justification on the development of knowledge for assisting decision-making in SCM/logistics and its integration into models, processes and tasks

    Logistics by Ship

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    According to Carbone and De Martino, a port is an entity involved in delivering value to the end consumer. A requirement for good port performance is the ability to compete through cargo handling in addition to connectivity with the overall supply chain. The types of logistics entities in each port are different, making coordination between them is difficult. In each of these relationships, the operators of a specific port create a logistical value, which relates to the efficient and effective receipt of goods for consumers. (Lee, E.S. & Song, D.W. (2010). Knowledge management for maritime logistics value: discussing conceptual issues. Maritime Policy and Management. Vol. 37 No. 6, p. 226-242)) During the last decade there have been three trends in the development of logistics: integration; specialization; and innovation. This article explores recent studies concerning supply chain integrations designed to create value for consumers. This is followed by a discussion of studies exploring developments from logistics coverage to supply chain management, in order to identify the predominant directions currently being promoted in ports with regards to value creation for consumers, especially consumers of goods transported by sea. Finally, the study considers the value created by port logistics in Indonesia. Keywords: Logistics; Ships; Transi

    Exploring the transition towards circular supply chains through the arcs of integration

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    The Circular Economy aims at fostering the development of a new economic system characterised by regenerative and cyclical flows of materials and energy. Such a paradigm shift is expected to signal an industrial transformation that will incorporate different product designs and end-of-life strategies intending to narrow, slow, and close resource loops. Within this context, the development of circular supply chains extends beyond traditional linear supplier-manufacturer-customer networks to include new actors and facilitate horizontal collaboration across different industrial sectors. The current literature has identified collaboration and coordination as fundamental components of a systemic transition to a Circular Economy. Thus, it is imperative to increase the capacity of companies involved in the supply chain to share information and knowledge in order to reduce uncertainty and resource dependency. While the literature points towards the role of supply chain integration in facilitating the adoption of Circular Economy practices, this concept has typically been defined within traditional linear supply chains. As such, the objective of this paper is to critically examine the supply chain integration concept and assess its suitability for the analysis of circular supply chains. To this aim, by using the case of four real-life companies, we point to the direction of the arcs of integration as a tool that could enable the simultaneous examination of the level of integration for both forward and reverse supply chains. According to the results, three propositions are then developed based on the type and degree of supply chain integration, which pave the way for implications and future research avenues
