1,067 research outputs found

    Social Media Addiction: A Systematic Review through Cognitive-Behavior Model of Pathological Use

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    The proliferation of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have revolutionized the way people communicate, consume, and share information. As a result, social media addiction, a type of behavioral addiction related to the compulsive use of social media and associated with adverse outcomes, has been discussed by scholars and practitioners alike. Despite the abundance of research published on social media addiction, this literature is fragmented, and there is no synthesis of the drivers and outcomes of this behavior. In this study, we use the cognitive-behavioral model of pathological use and conduct a systematic review of social media addiction literature from 2008-2019. Based on the review of 132 papers, we propose a framework that integrates prior findings. Our review reveals several avenues for future research on this increasingly prominent research topic

    Can Escapist Use of Facebook be Triggered by Facebook Push Notification?

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    In this paper, the unplanned and spontaneous use of Facebook (FB) triggered by FB push notification (FPN) is explored. The concept of triggered FB use was introduced as a new type of FB use that is provoked intentionally by FB via personalized FPN. The results presented in the paper show that FPN are powerful instruments to get users back to FB. Even though FPN typically trigger users with one specific announcement, most users that react on them get immersed by the broad and persuasive offerings of FB and stay longer on the platform than it is necessary to act upon the activities promoted by the FPN. These longer stays often show escapist characteristics. Thus, FPN provide users an opportunity to escape spontaneously from the current activities and psychological states when FPN arrive. Positive gratification resulting from such spontaneous visits lays the ground for future positive reaction on FPN as users try to repeat the rewarding experience

    Problematic Instagram use: the role of perceived feeling of presence and escapism

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    The use of social networking sites is becoming increasingly popular. Although there are many studies investigating the problematic use of social networking sites such as Facebook, little is known about problematic Instagram use (PIU) and factors related to it. The present study developed a complex model in order to examine the mediating role of perceived feeling of presence (i.e., social, spatial, and co-presence) and escapism between using different Instagram features and PIU. A total of 333 Instagram users from a high school and a state university, aged between 14 and 23 years (Mage = 17.74 years, SD = 2.37, 61% female), completed a "paper-and-pencil" questionnaire comprising measures of social presence, spatial presence, co-presence, Instagram escapism, and PIU. In addition, frequency of use of five different Instagram features (i.e., watching live streams; watching videos; looking at posted photographs; liking, commenting on others' posts; and getting likes and comments from others) were assessed using a 7-point Likert scale. Analysis indicated that watching live streams was indirectly associated with PIU via escapism, spatial presence, and co-presence. Leaving likes and comments on others' posts was both directly and indirectly associated with PIU via co-presence and escapism. Escapism mediated the relationships between social and spatial presence and co-presence and PIU. The findings of the present study appear to indicate that a minority of individuals use Instagram problematically and that problematic Instagram use is associated with the frequency of watching live streams, liking, and commenting on others’ posts on Instagram, being able to feel a higher sense of presence using Instagram, and using Instagram as an escape from reality

    Shyness, self-esteem, and loneliness as causes of FA: The moderating effect of low self-control

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    This study examined the impacts of shyness, self-esteem and loneliness on Facebook addiction by considering their inter-relations. Furthermore, the moderating effect of low self-control on the relationship between Facebook addiction and individuals’ performance was also examined. Data were collected via an online survey from 348 Malaysians and were analysed using the partial least squares technique. The results showed that shyness has both a direct effect and an indirect effect through loneliness on Facebook addiction. Although self-esteem has no direct effect on Facebook addiction, it has an indirect effect through loneliness. The results also confirmed that low self-control negatively moderates the relationship between Facebook addiction and individuals’ performance. The findings of the study contribute to knowledge on the impacts of social and psychological problem, including shyness, self-esteem and loneliness, on Facebook addiction. In addition, this study is the first attempt to investigate the moderating effect of personal characteristics, including low self-control, on the relationship between Facebook addiction and performance. The results could benefit psychologists, managers, and school counsellors in helping to prevent Facebook addiction and control its effect on individuals’ performance by developing prevention and intervention programs

    Childhood emotional abuse and problematic social networking sites use in a sample of Italian adolescents: The mediating role of deficiencies in self-other differentiation and uncertain reflective functioning.

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    Childhood emotional abuse (CEA) is associated with various negative mental health outcomes. This study aimed to investigate the association between CEA and problematic social networking site (SNS) use in a sample of Italian adolescents. Using structural equation modeling, the study examined whether the relationship between CEA and problematic SNS use was sequentially mediated by self-other differentiation and uncertain reflective functioning in 1308 Italian adolescents (628 males, age range 13-19 years). A history of CEA was positively associated with problematic SNS use. Furthermore, deficiencies in self-other differentiation and uncertain reflective functioning partially mediated the relationship between CEA and problematic SNS use. The present study provides additional insight into the psychological dynamics underpinning problematic SNS use among adolescents. The clinical implications of these findings are discussed

    Childhood emotional abuse and problematic social networking sites use in a sample of Italian adolescents: The mediating role of deficiencies in self-other differentiation and uncertain reflective functioning

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    Objective: Childhood emotional abuse (CEA) is associated with various negative mental health outcomes. This study aimed to investigate the association between CEA and problematic social networking site (SNS) use in a sample of Italian adolescents. Design: Using structural equation modeling, the study examined whether the relationship between CEA and problematic SNS use was sequentially mediated by self-other differentiation and uncertain reflective functioning in 1308 Italian adolescents (628 males, age range 13–19 years). Results: A history of CEA was positively associated with problematic SNS use. Furthermore, deficiencies in self-other differentiation and uncertain reflective functioning partially mediated the relationship between CEA and problematic SNS use. Conclusions: The present study provides additional insight into the psychological dynamics underpinning problematic SNS use among adolescents. The clinical implications of these findings are discussed

    How ICTs can influence psychological wellbeing: an analysis of uses and addiction potential

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    Les Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions (TIC) com Internet i els telèfons intel·ligents van entrar a la nostra vida fa només uns 20 anys, però, en aquest curt període de temps, han reconvertit profundament el funcionament de la societat i dels individus de tot el món. Això ha portat a preguntes i investigacions sobre com l’ús freqüent de la tecnologia influeix en la nostra salut social i psicològica. Aquest treball de tesi vol aportar informació sobre aquest tema a través de quatre estudis sobre tres de les TIC més populars - telèfons intel·ligents, xarxes socials en línia i Internet- i mitjançant la lent de tres preguntes d’investigació - 1) La addicció és el marc adequat per utilitzar a l’hora de investigar. ús problemàtic de les TIC?; 2) Quins són els efectes de la cultura en un ús problemàtic de les TIC?; i 3. Quins usos concrets s’associen a problemes relacionats amb les TIC? Les conclusions a què arribem són les següents. En aquest moment, l’addicció no és un terme adequat per utilitzar-se en la investigació sobre problemes relacionats amb les TIC. En segon lloc, certs usos específics s’associen a conseqüències problemàtiques de l’ús de les TIC, mentre que altres usos no ho són, per tant no és prudent patologitzar totes les TIC. En tercer lloc, els usos associats a un ús problemàtic són diferents segons la cultura de l’usuari. En una cultura, un ús particular de les TIC pot ser problemàtic, mentre que en un altre país pot ser adaptatiu. En quart lloc, alguns aspectes de l’ús de les TIC semblen ser més o menys constants en cultures com ara els usos més populars dels telèfons intel·ligents i els factors subjacents de l’ús problemàtic de les TIC.Las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) como Internet y los teléfonos inteligentes entraron en nuestras vidas hace solo 20 años, pero en este corto periodo de tiempo han rediseñado profundamente la forma en que funcionan la sociedad y las personas en todo el mundo. Esto ha llevado a preguntas y investigaciones sobre cómo el uso frecuente de las tecnologías influye en nuestra salud social y psicológica. El objetivo de este trabajo de tesis es aportar información sobre este tema a través de cuatro estudios sobre tres de las TIC más populares: teléfonos inteligentes, redes sociales en línea y Internet y a través de la lente de tres preguntas de investigación: 1) ¿Es la adicción el marco correcto para usar en las investigaciones del uso problemático de las TIC?; 2) ¿Cuáles son los efectos de la cultura en el uso problemático de las TIC?; y 3) ¿Qué usos específicos están asociados con los problemas relacionados con las TIC? Las conclusiones a las que llegamos son las siguientes. En este momento, la adicción no es un término adecuado para usar en la investigación sobre problemas relacionados con las TIC. En segundo lugar, ciertos usos específicos están asociados con consecuencias problemáticas del uso de las TIC, mientras que otros usos no lo son, por lo tanto, no es prudente patologizar la totalidad de las TIC. En tercer lugar, los usos asociados con el uso problemático de las TIC son diferentes según la cultura del usuario. En una cultura, un uso particular de las TIC puede ser problemático, mientras que en otro país puede ser adaptativo. En cuarto lugar, ciertos aspectos del uso de las TIC parecen ser más o menos constantes en todas las culturas, como los usos más populares de los smartphones y los factores subyacentes del uso problemático de las TIC.Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) such as the Internet and smartphones entered our lives only about 20 years ago, yet in that short time they have deeply rewired the way society and individuals all around the world function. This has led to questions and investigations regarding how the frequent use of technology influences our societal and psychological health. This thesis work aims to contribute some insight on this subject through four research papers about three of the most popular ICTs - smartphones, social media and the Internet and through the lens of three research questions - 1) Is addiction the correct framework to use when researching problematic ICT use?; 2) What are the effects of culture on problematic ICT use?; and 3) What specific uses are associated with ICT-related problems? The conclusions we arrive at are the following. At this time, addiction is not a suitable term to use in the research on ICT related problems. Secondly, certain specific uses are associated with problematic consequences of ICT use whereas other uses are not, therefore it is unwise to pathologize the entire ICT. Thirdly, the uses that are associated with problematic ICT use are different depending on the culture of the user. In one culture a particular ICT use can be problematic, whereas in another country it may be adaptive. Fourthly, certain aspects of ICT use appear to be more or less constant across cultures such as the most popular smartphone uses and the underlying factors of problematic ICT use

    From emerging adults' unmet psychosocial needs to their problematic use of social networking sites: the mediating role of Fear of Missing Out

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    Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) is a pervasive apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences from which one is absent. Consequently, individuals experiencing FoMO wish to stay constantly in contact with what others are doing and engage with social networking sites for this purpose. In recent times, FoMO has received increased attention from psychological research, as a minority of users experiencing high levels of FoMO - particularly young people - might develop a problematic social networking site use, defined as the maladaptive and excessive use of social networking sites, resulting in symptoms associated with other addictions. According to the theoretical framework of the Interaction of Person-Affect-Cognition- Execution (I-PACE) model, FoMO and certain motives for use may foster problematic use in individuals who display unmet psychosocial needs. However, to date, the I-PACE model has only conceptualized the general higher-order mechanisms related to the development of problematic use. Consistently, the overall purpose of this dissertation was to deepen the understanding of the mediating role of FoMO between specific predisposing variables and problematic social networking sites use. Adopting a psychological approach, two empirical and exploratory cross-sectional studies, conceived as independent research, were conducted through path analysis


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    This article provides a comprehensive literature review about the post-adoption stage of social network sites (SNS) usage with the special focus on habitual use and terminating stages. The extant research has examined this topic mainly from two perspectives: namely, intentional and habitual. Findings from each of these two perspectives are synthesized and used to build a process model to better understand how different intentions and behaviors of users manifest in different stages of SNS post-adoption phase. The process model suggests that disturbances such as technical glitches and privacy leaks trigger users’ awareness of the ‘dark sides’ of habitual SNS use. In addition, the awareness of negative impacts of addictive use, which are perceived as threats, motivates people to switch from or quit SNS. This paper contributes to SNS research by synthesizing fragmented theoretical explanations and providing a visual tool that helps researchers to develop a deeper understanding of the dynamics in the SNS post-adoption phase. Practitioners will gain insights into how to retain existing users and better manage processes related to users who wish to quit