1,675 research outputs found


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    2D Gravity and Random Matrices

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    We review recent progress in 2D gravity coupled to d<1d<1 conformal matter, based on a representation of discrete gravity in terms of random matrices. We discuss the saddle point approximation for these models, including a class of related O(n)O(n) matrix models. For d<1d<1 matter, the matrix problem can be completely solved in many cases by the introduction of suitable orthogonal polynomials. Alternatively, in the continuum limit the orthogonal polynomial method can be shown to be equivalent to the construction of representations of the canonical commutation relations in terms of differential operators. In the case of pure gravity or discrete Ising--like matter, the sum over topologies is reduced to the solution of non-linear differential equations (the Painlev\'e equation in the pure gravity case) which can be shown to follow from an action principle. In the case of pure gravity and more generally all unitary models, the perturbation theory is not Borel summable and therefore alone does not define a unique solution. In the non-Borel summable case, the matrix model does not define the sum over topologies beyond perturbation theory. We also review the computation of correlation functions directly in the continuum formulation of matter coupled to 2D gravity, and compare with the matrix model results. Finally, we review the relation between matrix models and topological gravity, and as well the relation to intersection theory of the moduli space of punctured Riemann surfaces.Comment: 190 pages (harvmac l mode), 400kb (don't even dream of requesting hardcopy

    Lectures on the topological recursion for Higgs bundles and quantum curves

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    © 2018 World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. This chapter aims at giving an introduction to the notion of quantum curves. The main purpose is to describe the new discovery of the relation between the following two disparate subjects: one is the topological recursion, that has its origin in random matrix theory and has been effectively applied to many enumerative geometry problems; and the other is the quantization of Hitchin spectral curves associated with Higgs bundles. Our emphasis is on explaining the motivation and examples. Concrete examples of the direct relation between Hitchin spectral curves and enumeration problems are given. A general geometric framework of quantum curves is also discussed

    Analytic and Asymptotic Methods for Nonlinear Singularity Analysis: a Review and Extensions of Tests for the Painlev\'e Property

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    The integrability (solvability via an associated single-valued linear problem) of a differential equation is closely related to the singularity structure of its solutions. In particular, there is strong evidence that all integrable equations have the Painlev\'e property, that is, all solutions are single-valued around all movable singularities. In this expository article, we review methods for analysing such singularity structure. In particular, we describe well known techniques of nonlinear regular-singular-type analysis, i.e. the Painlev\'e tests for ordinary and partial differential equations. Then we discuss methods of obtaining sufficiency conditions for the Painlev\'e property. Recently, extensions of \textit{irregular} singularity analysis to nonlinear equations have been achieved. Also, new asymptotic limits of differential equations preserving the Painlev\'e property have been found. We discuss these also.Comment: 40 pages in LaTeX2e. To appear in the Proceedings of the CIMPA Summer School on "Nonlinear Systems," Pondicherry, India, January 1996, (eds) B. Grammaticos and K. Tamizhman