22 research outputs found


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    Sri Fajriyaningsih: THE COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN THE STUDENTS' LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT IN READING COMPREHENSION BY USING PICTURE AND BRAINSTORMING AT THE SEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS OF MTs NEGERI GARAWANGI. English is a very important school subject in every educational level. All students have to learn it willingly or unwillingly. There are four language skills in learning English, namely: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The students have to learn all of the language skills to get best result in learning English as a foreign language. Students interest to study if the media can be supported in a teaching. According to Mc. Luhan in Arif S. Sadiman (1984), media is a tool which is also called a channel, because the media substantially expand or extend the human ability to feel, hear, and see within the boundaries of distance, space, and an almost unlimited time anymore. In this case, the media which are used by researcher are using picture and brainstorming to teach easily reading text. Picture basically helps encourage students and arouse their interest in the subject. It can help them in their language skills, art activities, and statement of creative storytelling, dramatization, reading, writing, painting and drawing as well as it help them interpret and remember the material contents of the textbook (Sadiman S. Arif, 1984). Brainstorming means to storm a problem with ideas (invade a problem with these ideas). The aims of this research are To find out the data of the students’ learning achievement in reading comprehension by using picture (X1 variable), to find out the of the students’ learning achievement in reading comprehension by using brainstorming (X2 variable) and to describe whether there are any significant differences or not between the results of the students learning achievement in reading comprehension by using picture and by using brainstorming. The method which is used in research is quantitative method. One of types of quantitative research is experimental research. Fraenkel (2010:265) stated that experimental research is one of the most powefull research methodologies that researcher can use. The researcher divides the amount of sample into two group. They are experimental group (picture) and control group (brainstorming). The procedures of this research are use a pre-test and pos-test. By using the formula of Product Moment T- test there is comparison between students’ reading achievement by using picture and brainstorming because the data indicates the result t=2.5 and tacount= 2.02. It means between the students’ reading achievement by using picture and by using brainstorming has a significant comparison


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    The article analyzes the features of the individual approach to the training of future professionals in the use of educational and information environment, which includes subjects, ideas, concepts, stereotypes, personal changes in learning. The purpose of the study is to create an individual approach to the training of future professionals in the educational and information environment of the Technical University. Research methods are to study and generalize domestic and foreign experience to substantiate the conceptual provisions and individual approach of future professionals in the educational and information environment, structural and scientific analysis, as well as monitoring the learning process. In the educational and information environment, the future specialist develops as a carrier of subjective experience. Results. A modern type of relationship between teacher and future specialist in the lecture-practical system of teaching with the help of information systems is created. In professional activity, the future specialist acts not on the outside, but on his own plan, created or transformed in the process of active creative activity, predicting, anticipating, justifying the result accordingly. At each stage of training, the future specialist chooses his own trajectory of learning, subjecting to the cognitive patterns of information flows and the goals set before him by the educational process. In this case, the objects of the learning trajectory are the elements of the curriculum and work programs, extracurricular activities, as well as those actions that accumulate the life experience of the student. For the most part, the information trajectory of a student's learning is predictable, but not always optimal. This is due to the fact that in many cases, future professionals do not fully imagine what they can do in the future, what they really can do, what they have a tendency, what qualities to develop, and what goal to set, what to strive for. Another reason is the lack or lack of information about the possibilities of future self-realization. Acting in the field known to him, complementing the proposed situation, trying on known methods of action to an atypical task, the future specialist gradually comes to the conclusion that you need the appropriate competencies needed to perform the task, based on subjective experience of search. Solving professional problems in an educational and information environment contributes not only to the formation of personality-integrated competencies, but also helps to form those qualities of his personality that are necessary in future professional activities. The developed individual approach to training accustoms future specialists to conscious and active work, as it has almost no opportunity to evade learning tasks, which allows future professionals to clearly see how much effort and time useful (wasted) was lost, how far he advanced (lagged) from their colleagues, and the teacher to identify the results of success (gaps) in the future specialist. Under appropriate conditions, the influence of random factors is eliminated, and the final assessment of knowledge control is objective because it is based on the assessment of all types of work on all topics in modules over time. Conclusions. Each future specialist uses his individual way of acquiring knowledge in the educational and information environment. When performing the same task, future professionals use different methods and techniques. Therefore, the teacher with the help of information and communication technologies of learning uses a variety of management actions, helps the future specialist to choose individual for him ways of learningУ статті проаналізовані особливості індивідуального підходу до підготовки майбутніх фахівців щодо використання освітньо-інформаційного середовища, який охоплює предмети, уявлення, поняття, стереотипи, особистісні зміни у навчанні. Мета дослідження полягає у створенні індивідуального підходу до підготовки майбутніх фахівців в умовах освітньо-інформаційного середовища технічного університету. Методи дослідження полягають у вивченні й узагальненні вітчизняного та зарубіжного досвіду для обґрунтування концептуальних положень і індивідуального підходу майбутніх фахівців в умовах освітньо-інформаційного середовища, структурно-наукового аналізу, а також спостереження за навчальним процесом. В умовах освітньо-інформаційного середовища майбутній фахівець розвивається як носій суб’єктного досвіду. Результати. Створюється сучасний тип відносин викладача і майбутнього фахівця в лекційно-практичній системі навчання за допомогою інформаційних систем. У професійній діяльності майбутній фахівець діє не за стороннім, а за власним планом, створеним або перетвореним у процесі активної творчої діяльності, прогнозуючи, передбачаючи, обґрунтовуючи відповідним чином результат. На кожному етапі підготовки майбутній фахівець вибирає свою власну траєкторію навчання, підкорюючи пізнавальним закономірностям функціонування інформаційних потоків та тим цілям, які ставить перед ним освітній процес. У цьому випадку об’єктами траєкторії навчання стають елементи навчальної та робочої програм, позаурочних занять, а також ті дії, які накопичують життєвий досвід студента. Здебільшого інформаційна траєкторія навчання студента є прогнозованою, але не завжди оптимальною. Це пояснюється тим, що у багатьох випадках майбутні фахівці не в повній мірі уявляють собі, чим вони можуть займатися у майбутньому, що вони насправді можуть, до чого мають схильності, які якості мають розвивати, і яку мету собі поставити, до чого прагнути. Іншою причиною є відсутність або брак інформації про можливості майбутньої самореалізації. Діючи у відомій йому сфері доповнюючи запропоновану ситуацію, приміряючи відомі способи дії до нетипового завдання, майбутній фахівець поступово приходить до думки, що потрібні відповідні компетентності, які необхідні для виконання поставленого завдання, спираючись на суб’єктний досвід пошукової діяльності. Розв’язування професійних задач в умовах освітньо-інформаційного середовища сприяє не тільки формуванню особистісно-інтегрованих компетентностей, але й допомагає формуванню тих якостей його особистості, які необхідні в майбутній фаховій діяльності. Розроблений індивідуальний підхід до підготовки привчає майбутніх фахівців до свідомої й активної праці, оскільки в неї майже немає можливості ухилятися від виконання навчальних завдань, що надає можливість майбутньому фахівцю наглядно побачити скільки зусиль та часу корисно (марно) було втрачено, наскільки він просунувся (відстав) від своїх колег, а викладачу виявити результати успіху (прогалин) у майбутнього фахівця. У відповідних умовах усувається вплив випадкових факторів, а підсумкова оцінка контролю знань є об’єктивною тому, що базується на оцінюванні всіх видів робіт за всіма темами модулями протягом тривалого часу. Висновки. Кожний майбутній фахівець використовує свій індивідуальний спосіб засвоєння знань в освітньо-інформаційному середовищі. При виконанні того ж самого завдання майбутні фахівці застосовують різні способи і прийоми. Тому викладач за допомогою інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій навчання використовує різноманітні управлінські дії, допомагає майбутньому фахівцю самому обрати індивідуальні для нього способи навчальної діяльності

    IS Cognitive Load: An Examination of Measurement Convergence

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    Despite the growth and interest in information processing research, understanding the supporting role of information systems (IS) has been limited. While cognitive processing of information has been examined in learning environments with traditional learning tasks, the investigation of cognitive load within complex simulated IS learning environments has received less attention. Traditional measurement allows for a broad user evaluation of the ISs and actual usage from a holistic perspective; however, detailed synchronous evaluation of cognitive load during the usage of the IS may allow for more accurate assessment of how system features influence cognitive load and subsequent performance outcomes. Therefore, this research attempts to integrate traditional subjective and physiological measurements to examine cognitive load within a dynamic simulated IS learning environment. This research study focuses on how subjective and objective physiological (galvanic skin response (GSR), heart rate variability (HRV), and electroencephalography (EEG) measures of cognitive load compare in simulated IS training environments

    Pengembangan Ensiklopedia dalam Permainan Elektronik pada Kondisi Kemampuan Kognitif Siswa yang Berbeda

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    Abstrak: Tujuan pengembangan menghasilkan produk  permainan elektronik yang valid serta layak untuk siswa Kelas IV di SDN Kalipang 03 Kabupaten Blitar. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah Research and Development. Pengembangan ini telah melalui 8 tahap, pengembangan menggunakan model Sugiyono yang telah dimodifikasi oleh peneliti. Validasi produk dilakukan terhadap ahli media dan ahli materi. Sasaran uji coba permainan elektronik yaitu siswa Kelas IV SDN Kalipang 03 Kabupaten Blitar. Berdasarkan uji coba yang dilakukan disimpulkan bahwa ensiklopedia dalam permainan elektronik yang telah dikembangkan termasuk kategori valid. Selain itu berdasarkan tes hasil belajar terhadap siswa didapatkan hasil media yang dikembangkan termasuk kategori efektif. Sehingga media permainan elektronik yang dikembangkan ini dikategorikan valid dan efektif untuk kegiatan pembelajaran.Abstract : The purpose of development is to produce valid and feasible electronic game products for Class IV students at SDN Kalipang 03 Blitar Regency. The method in this study is Research and Development. This development has gone through eight stages, the development of using the Sugiyono model that has been modified by researchers. Product validation is carried out on media experts and material experts. The target of the electronic game trial is Class IV students of SDN Kalipang 03 Blitar Regency. Based on the trials conducted, it was concluded that the encyclopedia in electronic games that had been developed included a valid category. In addition, based on the test of learning outcomes for students, the results of the media developed included effective categories. So that the electronic game media developed is categorized as valid and effective for learning activities

    Fixation-related EEG frequency band power analysis: A promising methodology for studying instructional design effects of multimedia learning material

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    During the last decade the combined recording of eye-tracking data and electroencephalographic (EEG) data has led to the methodology of fixation-related potentials analysis (FRP). This methodology has been increasingly and successfully used to study EEG correlates in the time domain (i.e., event-related potentials, ERPs) of cognitive processing in free viewing situations like text reading or natural scene perception. Basically, fixation-onset serves as time-locking event for epoching and analysing the EEG data. Here, we propose a methodology of fixation-related frequency band power analysis (FRBP) to study cognitive load and affective variations in learners during free viewing situations of multimedia learning materials (i.e., combinations of textual and pictorial elements). The EEG alpha frequency band power at parietal electrodes may serve as a valid measure of cognitive load, whereas the frontal alpha asymmetry may serve as a measure of affective variations. We will briefly introduce and motivate the measures and the methodology, and discuss methodological challenges. The methodology is frontline for learning research, first, as to date the EEG has been seldom used to study design effects of multimedia learning materials and second, as fixation-related EEG data analysis has rarely been done focussing on the frequency domain (i.e., FRBP). Despite methodological challenges still to be solved, FRBP may provide a more in-depth picture of cognitive processing during multimedia learning compared to eye-tracking data or EEG data in isolation and thus may help clarifying effects of multimedia design decisions

    Medical students' cognitive load in volumetric image interpretation:Insights from human-computer interaction and eye movements

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    Medical image interpretation is moving from using 2D- to volumetric images, thereby changing the cognitive and perceptual processes involved. This is expected to affect medical students' experienced cognitive load, while learning image interpretation skills. With two studies this explorative research investigated whether measures inherent to image interpretation, i.e. human-computer interaction and eye tracking, relate to cognitive load. Subsequently, it investigated effects of volumetric image interpretation on second-year medical students' cognitive load. Study 1 measured human-computer interactions of participants during two volumetric image interpretation tasks. Using structural equation modelling, the latent variable 'volumetric image information' was identified from the data, which significantly predicted self-reported mental effort as a measure of cognitive load. Study 2 measured participants' eye movements during multiple 2D and volumetric image interpretation tasks. Multilevel analysis showed that time to locate a relevant structure in an image was significantly related to pupil dilation, as a proxy for cognitive load. It is discussed how combining human-computer interaction and eye tracking allows for comprehensive measurement of cognitive load. Combining such measures in a single model would allow for disentangling unique sources of cognitive load, leading to recommendations for implementation of volumetric image interpretation in the medical education curriculum

    Measuring cognitive load and cognition: metrics for technology-enhanced learning

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    This critical and reflective literature review examines international research published over the last decade to summarise the different kinds of measures that have been used to explore cognitive load and critiques the strengths and limitations of those focussed on the development of direct empirical approaches. Over the last 40 years, cognitive load theory has become established as one of the most successful and influential theoretical explanations of cognitive processing during learning. Despite this success, attempts to obtain direct objective measures of the theory's central theoretical construct – cognitive load – have proved elusive. This obstacle represents the most significant outstanding challenge for successfully embedding the theoretical and experimental work on cognitive load in empirical data from authentic learning situations. Progress to date on the theoretical and practical approaches to cognitive load are discussed along with the influences of individual differences on cognitive load in order to assess the prospects for the development and application of direct empirical measures of cognitive load especially in technology-rich contexts

    The influence of nodes sequence and extraneous load induced by graphical overviews on hypertext learning

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    Bezdan, E., Kester, L., & Kirschner, P. A. (2013). The influence of nodes sequence and extraneous load induced by graphical overviews on hypertext learning. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(3), 870-880.The effects of four hypertext learning environments with a hierarchical graphical overview were studied on the coherence of the node sequence, extraneous load and comprehension. Navigation patterns were influenced by the type of overview provided (i.e., dynamic, static) and whether navigation was restricted (i.e., restricted, non-restricted). It was hypothesised that redundant use of the overview for inducing a high-coherence reading sequence would result in high extraneous load and low comprehension. Coherence was higher in the dynamic than in the static conditions. Coherence was also higher in the restricted than in the non-restricted conditions. Mental effort as a measure of extraneous load was higher at the end than at the beginning of the learning phase, especially in the dynamic restricted and the static non-restricted conditions, although there was no significant interaction. Comprehension was lowest in the dynamic restricted condition and highest in the dynamic non-restricted and static restricted conditions. Low comprehension in the dynamic restricted condition indicates that overviews can become redundant for reading sequence coherence, negatively impacting comprehension. The evidence suggests that severe restriction of navigation paths should be avoided and that continuous use of overviews such as in dynamic overviews may be detrimental to learning

    Instructional elements in an online information literacy Open Educational Resource (OER) and their influence on learner achievement, satisfaction, and self-efficacy

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    This study tested the influence of instructional elements within an online Open Educational Resource (OER) focused on information literacy (IL) on outcome measures of IL achievement, learner satisfaction and IL self-efficacy among undergraduate students. An online OER was designed to address the domains of access, evaluation and communication of IL guided by the notion of instructional scaffolding and self-regulated learning. Participants were randomly placed into one of six different OER conditions: (a) full version with all instructional elements, (b) lean version, (c) version without tooltip text, (d) version without embedded practice questions, (e) version without learning objectives and (f) version without summaries. There were no significant differences found across the six conditions on the dependent measures. Participants averaged 58% for IL achievement, performing slightly better in the domain of access versus evaluate and communicate. Limitations include a controlled laboratory setting where participants were not necessarily motivated to complete the study tasks at a high level of achievement. Future research can explore more ecologically valid environments where learners might be more motivated, along with more rigorous intervention and assessment construction. This paper includes implications for educators and researchers to explore the established and innovative instructional elements that are natural affordances of an online OER in IL. This paper presents innovative IL instruction that does not require instructor or learner training and evaluates its effectiveness using a sound, replicable methodological approach to isolate the effects of the individual instructional elements

    iMind: Uma ferramenta inteligente para suporte de compreensão de conteúdo

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    Usually while reading, content comprehension difficulty affects individual performance. Comprehension difficulties, e. g., could lead to a slow learning process, lower work quality, and inefficient decision-making. This thesis introduces an intelligent tool called “iMind” which uses wearable devices (e.g., smartwatches) to evaluate user comprehension difficulties and engagement levels while reading digital content. Comprehension difficulty can occur when there are not enough mental resources available for mental processing. The mental resource for mental processing is the cognitive load (CL). Fluctuations of CL lead to physiological manifestation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which can be measured by wearables, like smartwatches. ANS manifestations are, e. g., an increase in heart rate. With low-cost eye trackers, it is possible to correlate content regions to the measurements of ANS manifestation. In this sense, iMind uses a smartwatch and an eye tracker to identify comprehension difficulty at content regions level (where the user is looking). The tool uses machine learning techniques to classify content regions as difficult or non-difficult based on biometric and non-biometric features. The tool classified regions with a 75% accuracy and 80% f-score with Linear regression (LR). With the classified regions, it will be possible, in the future, to create contextual support for the reader in real-time by, e.g., translating the sentences that induced comprehension difficulty.Normalmente durante a leitura, a dificuldade de compreensão pode afetar o desempenho da leitura. A dificuldade de compreensão pode levar a um processo de aprendizagem mais lento, menor qualidade de trabalho ou uma ineficiente tomada de decisão. Esta tese apresenta uma ferramenta inteligente chamada “iMind” que usa dispositivos vestíveis (por exemplo, smartwatches) para avaliar a dificuldade de compreensão do utilizador durante a leitura de conteúdo digital. A dificuldade de compreensão pode ocorrer quando não há recursos mentais disponíveis suficientes para o processamento mental. O recurso usado para o processamento mental é a carga cognitiva (CL). As flutuações de CL levam a manifestações fisiológicas do sistema nervoso autônomo (ANS), manifestações essas, que pode ser medido por dispositivos vestíveis, como smartwatches. As manifestações do ANS são, por exemplo, um aumento da frequência cardíaca. Com eye trackers de baixo custo, é possível correlacionar manifestação do ANS com regiões do texto, por exemplo. Neste sentido, a ferramenta iMind utiliza um smartwatch e um eye tracker para identificar dificuldades de compreensão em regiões de conteúdo (para onde o utilizador está a olhar). Adicionalmente a ferramenta usa técnicas de machine learning para classificar regiões de conteúdo como difíceis ou não difíceis com base em features biométricos e não biométricos. A ferramenta classificou regiões com uma precisão de 75% e f-score de 80% usando regressão linear (LR). Com a classificação das regiões em tempo real, será possível, no futuro, criar suporte contextual para o leitor em tempo real onde, por exemplo, as frases que induzem dificuldade de compreensão são traduzidas