2,346 research outputs found

    Development and Experimental Analysis of Wireless High Accuracy Ultra-Wideband Localization Systems for Indoor Medical Applications

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    This dissertation addresses several interesting and relevant problems in the field of wireless technologies applied to medical applications and specifically problems related to ultra-wideband high accuracy localization for use in the operating room. This research is cross disciplinary in nature and fundamentally builds upon microwave engineering, software engineering, systems engineering, and biomedical engineering. A good portion of this work has been published in peer reviewed microwave engineering and biomedical engineering conferences and journals. Wireless technologies in medicine are discussed with focus on ultra-wideband positioning in orthopedic surgical navigation. Characterization of the operating room as a medium for ultra-wideband signal transmission helps define system design requirements. A discussion of the first generation positioning system provides a context for understanding the overall system architecture of the second generation ultra-wideband positioning system outlined in this dissertation. A system-level simulation framework provides a method for rapid prototyping of ultra-wideband positioning systems which takes into account all facets of the system (analog, digital, channel, experimental setup). This provides a robust framework for optimizing overall system design in realistic propagation environments. A practical approach is taken to outline the development of the second generation ultra-wideband positioning system which includes an integrated tag design and real-time dynamic tracking of multiple tags. The tag and receiver designs are outlined as well as receiver-side digital signal processing, system-level design support for multi-tag tracking, and potential error sources observed in dynamic experiments including phase center error, clock jitter and drift, and geometric position dilution of precision. An experimental analysis of the multi-tag positioning system provides insight into overall system performance including the main sources of error. A five base station experiment shows the potential of redundant base stations in improving overall dynamic accuracy. Finally, the system performance in low signal-to-noise ratio and non-line-of-sight environments is analyzed by focusing on receiver-side digitally-implemented ranging algorithms including leading-edge detection and peak detection. These technologies are aimed at use in next-generation medical systems with many applications including surgical navigation, wireless telemetry, medical asset tracking, and in vivo wireless sensors

    A software-defined receiver for laser communications using a GPU

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    This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Thesis: M. Eng., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2018Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 43-46).Laser commiunication systems provide a high data rate, power efficient communication solution for small satellites and deep space missions. One challenge that limits the widespread use of laser communication systems is the lack of accessible, low-complexity receiver electronics and software implementations. Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) can reduce the complexity in receiver design since GPUs require less specialized knowledge and can enable faster development times than Field Programmnable Cate Array (FPGA) implementations, while still retaining comparable data throughputs via parallelization. This thesis explores the use of a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) as the sole computational unit for the signal processing algorithms involved in laser conmnunications.by Joseph Matthew Kusters.M. Eng.M.Eng. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Scienc

    Ultra Wideband Communications: from Analog to Digital

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    ï»żUltrabreitband-Signale (Ultra Wideband [UWB]) können einen signifikanten Nutzen im Bereich drahtloser Kommunikationssysteme haben. Es sind jedoch noch einige Probleme offen, die durch Systemdesigner und Wissenschaftler gelöst werden mĂŒssen. Ein Funknetzsystem mit einer derart großen Bandbreite ist normalerweise auch durch eine große Anzahl an Mehrwegekomponenten mit jeweils verschiedenen Pfadamplituden gekennzeichnet. Daher ist es schwierig, die zeitlich verteilte Energie effektiv zu erfassen. Außerdem ist in vielen FĂ€llen der naheliegende Ansatz, ein kohĂ€renter EmpfĂ€nger im Sinne eines signalangepassten Filters oder eines Korrelators, nicht unbedingt die beste Wahl. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird dabei auf die bestehende Problematik und weitere Lösungsmöglichkeiten eingegangen. Im ersten Abschnitt geht es um „Impulse Radio UWB”-Systeme mit niedriger Datenrate. Bei diesen Systemen kommt ein inkohĂ€renter EmpfĂ€nger zum Einsatz. InkohĂ€rente Signaldetektion stellt insofern einen vielversprechenden Ansatz dar, als das damit aufwandsgĂŒnstige und robuste Implementierungen möglich sind. Dies trifft vor allem in AnwendungsfĂ€llen wie den von drahtlosen Sensornetzen zu, wo preiswerte GerĂ€te mit langer Batterielaufzeit nötigsind. Dies verringert den fĂŒr die KanalschĂ€tzung und die Synchronisation nötigen Aufwand, was jedoch auf Kosten der Leistungseffizienz geht und eine erhöhte Störempfindlichkeit gegenĂŒber Interferenz (z.B. Interferenz durch mehrere Nutzer oder schmalbandige Interferenz) zur Folge hat. Um die Bitfehlerrate der oben genannten Verfahren zu bestimmen, wurde zunĂ€chst ein inkohĂ€renter Combining-Verlust spezifiziert, welcher auftritt im Gegensatz zu kohĂ€renter Detektion mit Maximum Ratio Multipath Combining. Dieser Verlust hĂ€ngt von dem Produkt aus der LĂ€nge des Integrationsfensters und der Signalbandbreite ab. Um den Verlust durch inkohĂ€rentes Combining zu reduzieren und somit die Leistungseffizienz des EmpfĂ€ngers zu steigern, werden verbesserte Combining-Methoden fĂŒr Mehrwegeempfang vorgeschlagen. Ein analoger EmpfĂ€nger, bei dem der Hauptteil des Mehrwege-Combinings durch einen „Integrate and Dump”-Filter implementiert ist, wird fĂŒr UWB-Systeme mit Zeit-Hopping gezeigt. Dabei wurde die Einsatzmöglichkeit von dĂŒnn besetzten Codes in solchen System diskutiert und bewertet. Des Weiteren wird eine Regel fĂŒr die Code-Auswahl vorgestellt, welche die StabilitĂ€t des Systems gegen Mehrnutzer-Störungen sicherstellt und gleichzeitig den Verlust durch inkohĂ€rentes Combining verringert. Danach liegt der Fokus auf digitalen Lösungen bei inkohĂ€renter Demodulation. Im Vergleich zum AnalogempfĂ€nger besitzt ein DigitalempfĂ€nger einen Analog-Digital-Wandler im Zeitbereich gefolgt von einem digitalen Optimalfilter. Der digitale Optimalfilter dekodiert den Mehrfachzugriffscode kohĂ€rent und beschrĂ€nkt das inkohĂ€rente Combining auf die empfangenen Mehrwegekomponenten im Digitalbereich. Es kommt ein schneller Analog-Digital-Wandler mit geringer Auflösung zum Einsatz, um einen vertretbaren Energieverbrauch zu gewĂ€hrleisten. Diese Digitaltechnik macht den Einsatz langer Analogverzögerungen bei differentieller Demodulation unnötig und ermöglicht viele Arten der digitalen Signalverarbeitung. Im Vergleich zur Analogtechnik reduziert sie nicht nur den inkohĂ€renten Combining-Verlust, sonder zeigt auch eine stĂ€rkere Resistenz gegenĂŒber Störungen. Dabei werden die Auswirkungen der Auflösung und der Abtastrate der Analog-Digital-Umsetzung analysiert. Die Resultate zeigen, dass die verminderte Effizienz solcher Analog-Digital-Wandler gering ausfĂ€llt. Weiterhin zeigt sich, dass im Falle starker Mehrnutzerinterferenz sogar eine Verbesserung der Ergebnisse zu beobachten ist. Die vorgeschlagenen Design-Regeln spezifizieren die Anwendung der Analog-Digital-Wandler und die Auswahl der Systemparameter in AbhĂ€ngigkeit der verwendeten Mehrfachzugriffscodes und der Modulationsart. Wir zeigen, wie unter Anwendung erweiterter Modulationsverfahren die Leistungseffizienz verbessert werden kann und schlagen ein Verfahren zur UnterdrĂŒckung schmalbandiger Störer vor, welches auf Soft Limiting aufbaut. Durch die Untersuchungen und Ergebnissen zeigt sich, dass inkohĂ€rente EmpfĂ€nger in UWB-Kommunikationssystemen mit niedriger Datenrate ein großes Potential aufweisen. Außerdem wird die Auswahl der benutzbaren Bandbreite untersucht, um einen Kompromiss zwischen inkohĂ€rentem Combining-Verlust und StabilitĂ€t gegenĂŒber langsamen Schwund zu erreichen. Dadurch wurde ein neues Konzept fĂŒr UWB-Systeme erarbeitet: wahlweise kohĂ€rente oder inkohĂ€rente EmpfĂ€nger, welche als UWB-Systeme Frequenz-Hopping nutzen. Der wesentliche Vorteil hiervon liegt darin, dass die Bandbreite im Basisband sich deutlich verringert. Mithin ermöglicht dies einfach zu realisierende digitale Signalverarbeitungstechnik mit kostengĂŒnstigen Analog-Digital-Wandlern. Dies stellt eine neue Epoche in der Forschung im Bereich drahtloser Sensorfunknetze dar. Der Schwerpunkt des zweiten Abschnitts stellt adaptiven Signalverarbeitung fĂŒr hohe Datenraten mit „Direct Sequence”-UWB-Systemen in den Vordergrund. In solchen Systemen entstehen, wegen der großen Anzahl der empfangenen Mehrwegekomponenten, starke Inter- bzw. Intrasymbolinterferenzen. Außerdem kann die FunktionalitĂ€t des Systems durch Mehrnutzerinterferenz und Schmalbandstörungen deutlich beeinflusst werden. Um sie zu eliminieren, wird die „Widely Linear”-Rangreduzierung benutzt. Dabei verbessert die Rangreduzierungsmethode das Konvergenzverhalten, besonders wenn der gegebene Vektor eine sehr große Anzahl an Abtastwerten beinhaltet (in Folge hoher einer Abtastrate). ZusĂ€tzlich kann das System durch die Anwendung der R-linearen Verarbeitung die Statistik zweiter Ordnung des nicht-zirkularen Signals vollstĂ€ndig ausnutzen, was sich in verbesserten SchĂ€tzergebnissen widerspiegelt. Allgemeine kann die Methode der „Widely Linear”-Rangreduzierung auch in andern Bereichen angewendet werden, z.B. in „Direct Sequence”-Codemultiplexverfahren (DS-CDMA), im MIMO-Bereich, im Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) und beim Beamforming.The aim of this thesis is to investigate key issues encountered in the design of transmission schemes and receiving techniques for Ultra Wideband (UWB) communication systems. Based on different data rate applications, this work is divided into two parts, where energy efficient and robust physical layer solutions are proposed, respectively. Due to a huge bandwidth of UWB signals, a considerable amount of multipath arrivals with various path gains is resolvable at the receiver. For low data rate impulse radio UWB systems, suboptimal non-coherent detection is a simple way to effectively capture the multipath energy. Feasible techniques that increase the power efficiency and the interference robustness of non-coherent detection need to be investigated. For high data rate direct sequence UWB systems, a large number of multipath arrivals results in severe inter-/intra-symbol interference. Additionally, the system performance may also be deteriorated by multi-user interference and narrowband interference. It is necessary to develop advanced signal processing techniques at the receiver to suppress these interferences. Part I of this thesis deals with the co-design of signaling schemes and receiver architectures in low data rate impulse radio UWB systems based on non-coherent detection.● We analyze the bit error rate performance of non-coherent detection and characterize a non-coherent combining loss, i.e., a performance penalty with respect to coherent detection with maximum ratio multipath combining. The thorough analysis of this loss is very helpful for the design of transmission schemes and receive techniques innon-coherent UWB communication systems.● We propose to use optical orthogonal codes in a time hopping impulse radio UWB system based on an analog non-coherent receiver. The “analog” means that the major part of the multipath combining is implemented by an integrate and dump filter. The introduced semi-analytical method can help us to easily select the time hopping codes to ensure the robustness against the multi-user interference and meanwhile to alleviate the non-coherent combining loss.● The main contribution of Part I is the proposal of applying fully digital solutions in non-coherent detection. The proposed digital non-coherent receiver is based on a time domain analog-to-digital converter, which has a high speed but a very low resolution to maintain a reasonable power consumption. Compared to its analog counterpart, itnot only significantly reduces the non-coherent combining loss but also offers a higher interference robustness. In particular, the one-bit receiver can effectively suppress strong multi-user interference and is thus advantageous in separating simultaneously operating piconets.The fully digital solutions overcome the difficulty of implementing long analog delay lines and make differential UWB detection possible. They also facilitate the development of various digital signal processing techniques such as multi-user detection and non-coherent multipath combining methods as well as the use of advanced modulationschemes (e.g., M-ary Walsh modulation).● Furthermore, we present a novel impulse radio UWB system based on frequency hopping, where both coherent and non-coherent receivers can be adopted. The key advantage is that the baseband bandwidth can be considerably reduced (e.g., lower than 500 MHz), which enables low-complexity implementation of the fully digital solutions. It opens up various research activities in the application field of wireless sensor networks. Part II of this thesis proposes adaptive widely linear reduced-rank techniques to suppress interferences for high data rate direct sequence UWB systems, where second-order non-circular signals are used. The reduced-rank techniques are designed to improve the convergence performance and the interference robustness especially when the received vector contains a large number of samples (due to a high sampling rate in UWB systems). The widely linear processing takes full advantage of the second-order statistics of the non-circular signals and enhances the estimation performance. The generic widely linear reduced-rank concept also has a great potential in the applications of other systems such as Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA), Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system, and Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), or in other areas such as beamforming

    Transmissores-recetores de baixa complexidade para redes Ăłticas

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    Traditional coherent (COH) transceivers allow encoding of information in both quadratures and the two orthogonal polarizations of the electric field. Nevertheless, such transceivers used today are based on the intradyne scheme, which requires two 90o optical hybrids and four pairs of balanced photodetectors for dual-polarization transmission systems, making its overall cost unattractive for short-reach applications. Therefore, SSB methods with DD reception, commonly referred to as self-coherent (SCOH) transceivers, can be employed as a cost-effective alternative to the traditional COH transceivers. Nevertheless, the performance of SSB systems is severely degraded. This work provides a novel SCOH transceiver architecture with improved performance for short-reach applications. In particular, the development of phase reconstruction digital signal processing (DSP) techniques, the development of other DSP subsystems that relax the hardware requirement, and their performance optimization are the main highlights of this research. The fundamental principle of the proposed transceiver is based on the reception of the signal that satisfies the minimum phase condition upon DD. To reconstruct the missing phase information imposed by DD, a novel DCValue method exploring the SSB and the DC-Value properties of the minimum phase signal is developed in this Ph.D. study. The DC-Value method facilitates the phase reconstruction process at the Nyquist sampling rate and requires a low intensity pilot signal. Also, the experimental validation of the DC-Value method was successfully carried out for short-reach optical networks. Additionally, an extensive study was performed on the DC-Value method to optimize the system performance. In the optimization process, it was found that the estimation of the CCF is an important parameter to exploit all advantages of the DC-Value method. A novel CCF estimation technique was proposed. Further, the performance of the DC-Value method is optimized employing the rate-adaptive probabilistic constellation shaping.Os sistemas de transcetores coerentes tradicionais permitem a codificação de informação em ambas quadraturas e em duas polarizaçÔes ortogonais do campo elĂ©trico. Contudo, estes transcetores utilizados atualmente sĂŁo baseados num esquema intradino, que requer dois hĂ­bridos Ăłticos de 90o e quatro pares de foto detetores para sistemas de transmissĂŁo com polarização dupla, fazendo com que o custo destes sistemas seja pouco atrativo para aplicaçÔes de curto alcance. Por isso, mĂ©todos de banda lateral Ășnica com deteção direta, tambĂ©m referidos como transcetores coerentes simplificados, podem ser implementados como uma alternativa de baixo custo aos sistemas coerentes tradicionais. Contudo, o desempenho de sistemas de banda lateral Ășnica tradicionais Ă© gravemente degradado pelo batimento sinal-sinal. Nesta tese foi desenvolvida uma nova arquitetura de transcetor coerente simplificada com um melhor desempenho para aplicaçÔes de curto alcance. Em particular, o desenvolvimento de tĂ©cnicas de processamento digital de sinal para a reconstrução de fase, bem como de outros subsistemas de processamento digital de sinal que minimizem os requerimentos de hardware e a sua otimização de desempenho sĂŁo o foco principal desta tese. O princĂ­pio fundamental do transcetor proposto Ă© baseado na receção de um sinal que satisfaz a condição mĂ­nima de fase na deteção direta. Para reconstruir a informação de fase em falta causada pela deteção direta, um novo mĂ©todo de valor DC que explora sinais de banda lateral Ășnica e as propriedades DC da condição de fase mĂ­nima Ă© desenvolvido nesta tese. O mĂ©todo de valor DC facilita a reconstrução da fase Ă  frequĂȘncia de amostragem de Nyquist e requer um sinal piloto de baixa intensidade. AlĂ©m disso, a validação experimental do mĂ©todo de valor DC foi executada com sucesso em ligaçÔes Ăłticas de curto alcance. Adicionalmente, foi realizado um estudo intensivo do mĂ©todo de valor DC para otimizar o desempenho do sistema. Neste processo de otimização, verificou-se que o fator de contribuição da portadora Ă© um parĂąmetro importante para explorar todas as vantagens do mĂ©todo de valor DC. Neste contexto, Ă© proposto um novo mĂ©todo para a sua estimativa. Por Ășltimo, o desempenho do mĂ©todo de valor DC Ă© otimizado recorrendo a mapeamento probabilĂ­stico de constelação com taxa adaptativa.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia EletrotĂ©cnic

    Single-Carrier Modulation versus OFDM for Millimeter-Wave Wireless MIMO

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    This paper presents results on the achievable spectral efficiency and on the energy efficiency for a wireless multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) link operating at millimeter wave frequencies (mmWave) in a typical 5G scenario. Two different single-carrier modem schemes are considered, i.e., a traditional modulation scheme with linear equalization at the receiver, and a single-carrier modulation with cyclic prefix, frequency-domain equalization and FFT-based processing at the receiver; these two schemes are compared with a conventional MIMO-OFDM transceiver structure. Our analysis jointly takes into account the peculiar characteristics of MIMO channels at mmWave frequencies, the use of hybrid (analog-digital) pre-coding and post-coding beamformers, the finite cardinality of the modulation structure, and the non-linear behavior of the transmitter power amplifiers. Our results show that the best performance is achieved by single-carrier modulation with time-domain equalization, which exhibits the smallest loss due to the non-linear distortion, and whose performance can be further improved by using advanced equalization schemes. Results also confirm that performance gets severely degraded when the link length exceeds 90-100 meters and the transmit power falls below 0 dBW.Comment: accepted for publication on IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Narrow Band Interference Elimination based on Compressed Sensing in UWB Energy Detector

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    Wireless communication applications with large signal bandwidth are developed tremendously in recent times. Due to large bandwidth the wide band communication causes huge power consumption and signal deterioration after addition of narrow band interference (NBI). The ultra wide band (UWB) energy detector, which is highly robust against NBI signal is presented. Compressed sensing is implemented to reduce the power consumption at the analog to digital converter with approximated message passing reconstruction. In addition to this, digital notch is employed to eliminate the NBI affected measurements from compressed version of the received signal before applying it to the energy detector. To analyze the efficiency of the detector, the energy detection and bit error probability of the detector in the absence of NBI and after mitigating NBI is compared. The simulation results are the evidence of effectiveness of the presented energy detector.


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    Modern electronic warfare systems require increasingly larger bandwidth monitoring ability. Analog-to-information techniques increase bandwidth-monitoring capability without increasing the performance requirements placed on analog-to-digital converters. Two analog-to-information compressive sensing receiving methodologies capable of recovering signal information below the Nyquist sampling rate are considered. The designing and simulation of these receiving methodologies using photonic components in MATLAB and OptSim shows successful information recovery below the Nyquist rate. Finally, prototype receiver models were implemented using commercial off-the-shelf equipment, demonstrating rudimentary capability of recovering compressed radio frequency signal information using Mach-Zehnder interferometers as sampling devices.http://archive.org/details/photonicanalogto1094562229Lieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Review of Recent Trends

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    This work was partially supported by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), through the Regional Operational Programme of Centre (CENTRO 2020) of the Portugal 2020 framework, through projects SOCA (CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-000010) and ORCIP (CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-022141). Fernando P. Guiomar acknowledges a fellowship from “la Caixa” Foundation (ID100010434), code LCF/BQ/PR20/11770015. Houda Harkat acknowledges the financial support of the Programmatic Financing of the CTS R&D Unit (UIDP/00066/2020).MIMO-OFDM is a key technology and a strong candidate for 5G telecommunication systems. In the literature, there is no convenient survey study that rounds up all the necessary points to be investigated concerning such systems. The current deeper review paper inspects and interprets the state of the art and addresses several research axes related to MIMO-OFDM systems. Two topics have received special attention: MIMO waveforms and MIMO-OFDM channel estimation. The existing MIMO hardware and software innovations, in addition to the MIMO-OFDM equalization techniques, are discussed concisely. In the literature, only a few authors have discussed the MIMO channel estimation and modeling problems for a variety of MIMO systems. However, to the best of our knowledge, there has been until now no review paper specifically discussing the recent works concerning channel estimation and the equalization process for MIMO-OFDM systems. Hence, the current work focuses on analyzing the recently used algorithms in the field, which could be a rich reference for researchers. Moreover, some research perspectives are identified.publishersversionpublishe


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    Current wireless systems suffer severe radio spectrum underutilization due to a number of problematic issues, including wasteful static spectrum allocations; fixed radio functionalities and architectures; and limited cooperation between network nodes. A significant number of research efforts aim to find alternative solutions to improve spectrum utilization. Cognitive radio based on software radio technology is one such novel approach, and the impending IEEE 802.22 air interface standard is the first based on such an approach. This standard aims to provide wireless services in wireless regional area network using TV spectrum white spaces. The cognitive radio devices employed feature two fundamental capabilities, namely supporting multiple modulations and data-rates based on wireless channel conditions and sensing a wireless spectrum. Spectrum sensing is a critical functionality with high computational complexity. Although the standard does not specify a spectrum sensing method, the sensing operation has inherent timing and accuracy constraints.This work proposes a framework for developing a cognitive radio system based on a small form factor software radio platform with limited memory resources and processing capabilities. The cognitive radio systems feature adaptive behavior based on wireless channel conditions and are compliant with the IEEE 802.22 sensing constraints. The resource limitations on implementation platforms post a variety of challenges to transceiver configurability and spectrum sensing. Overcoming these fundamental features on small form factors paves the way for portable cognitive radio devices and extends the range of cognitive radio applications.Several techniques are proposed to overcome resource limitation on a small form factor software radio platform based on a hybrid processing architecture comprised of a digital signal processor and a field programmable gate array. Hardware reuse and task partitioning over a number of processing devices are among the techniques used to realize a configurable radio transceiver that supports several communication modes, including modulations and data rates. In particular, these techniques are applied to build configurable modulation architecture and a configurable synchronization. A mode-switching architecture based on circular buffers is proposed to facilitate a reliable transitioning between different communication modes.The feasibility of efficient spectrum sensing based on a compressive sampling technique called "Fast Fourier Sampling" is examined. The configuration parameters are analyzed mathematically, and performance is evaluated using computer simulations for local spectrum sensing applications. The work proposed herein features a cooperative Fast Fourier sampling scheme to extend the narrowband and wideband sensing performance of this compressive sensing technique.The précis of this dissertation establishes the foundation of efficient cognitive radio implementation on small form factor software radio of hybrid processing architecture
