1,072,158 research outputs found

    Integrating social media into the marketing mix : the determinants of success

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    The aim of this dissertation is to demonstrate how three different companies (Starbucks, Walmart and Hewlett-Packard) are integrating Social Media into their marketing mix. How Social Media is a changing trend and why it is becoming essential for companies to adopt it as a marketing strategy in order to gain competitive advantage. The main Social Media Platforms that will be analysed are; Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. The literature review encompasses many different academic researchers’ and allows for the integration of ideas, opinions and insights on the importance of being active in Social Media, Social Media benefits, drawbacks and challenges, the analysis of Social Media data, and how to develop a Social Media strategy by providing guidelines. The conceptual framework is a honeycomb framework of seven building blocks, which is then used to highlight the importance of these different components in each case study. It is used to describe how each company can use different set of tools to position themselves, depending on their overall objectives. The case studies present an overview of each company and describe its main benefits, drawbacks and what each enterprise should adopt as a set of Social Media guidelines. The managerial benefits of discussing these cases will allow to comprehensively evaluate the trade-offs of integrating distinct Social Media tools into a company’s overall marketing mix. In the teaching notes, the main learning objectives, suggested assignment questions and respective answers are presented. Finally, the conclusions, limitations and future research of the study are outlined.O objetivo desta dissertação é demonstrar como três empresas diferentes (Starbucks , Walmart e Hewlett- Packard) estão a integrar as redes sociais no seu Marketing Mix. A introdução da dissertação explica como as redes sociais são uma tendência que está a mudar e que se está a tornar essencial para as empresas adotá-las como uma estratégia de marketing para obter uma vantagem competitiva sobre as suas rivais. As principais plataformas de redes sociais a serem analizadas são: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn e YouTube. Para abordar este tema, vários estudos académicos foram analisados. Obtiveram-se pontos de vista e opiniões diferentes sobre a importância de uma empresa estar ativa nas redes sociais, os benefícios das mesmas, as desvantagens e desafios, a análise de dados das ditas redes , e como desenvolver uma estratégia integrando as redes sociais ao Marketing Mix. A estrutura concetual é constituida por sete blocos que, posteriormente, são utilizados para realçar a importância das diferentes componentes, em cada estudo de caso. Os estudos de caso apresentam uma visão geral de cada empresa e descrevem as suas principais vantagens e desvantagens, assim como as linhas de orientação que cada empresa segue para desenvolver estratégias que englobem as redes sociais. Os benefícios principais de discutir os casos, permitirão a avaliação abrangente de integrar diferentes ferramentas sociais no Marketing Mix de cada empresa. Na seção ‘Notas de Ensino’ são abordados os principais objetivos de aprendizagem dos estudos de caso e questões relevantes. Finalmente, as conclusões, limitações e futuras pesquisas são delineadas

    Multi-modalities in classroom learning environments

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    This paper will present initial findings from the second phase of a Horizon 2020 funded project, Managing Affective-learning Through Intelligent Atoms and Smart Interactions (MaTHiSiS). The project focusses on the use of different multi-modalities used as part of the project in classrooms across Europe. The MaTHiSiS learning vision is to develop an integrated learning platform, with re-usable learning components which will respond to the needs of future education in primary, secondary, special education schools, vocational environments and learning beyond the classroom. The system comprises learning graphs which attach individual learning goals to the system. Each learning graph is developed from a set of smart learning atoms designed to support learners to achieve progression. Cutting edge technologies are being used to identify the affect state of learners and ultimately improve engagement of learners. Much research identifies how learners engage with learning platforms (c.f. [1], [2], [3]). Not only do e-learning platforms have the capability to engage learners, they provide a vehicle for authentic classroom and informal learning [4] enabling ubiquitous and seamless learning [5] within a non-linear environment. When experiencing more enjoyable interaction learners become more confident and motivated to learn and become less anxious, especially those with learning disabilities or at risk of social exclusion [6], [13]. [7] identified the importance of understanding the affect state of learners who may experience emotions such as 'confusion, frustration, irritation, anger, rage, or even despair' resulting in disengaging with learning. The MaTHiSiS system will use a range of platform agents such as NAO robots and Kinects to measure multi-modalities that support the affect state: facial expression analysis and gaze estimation [8], mobile device-based emotion recognition [9], skeleton motion using depth sensors and speech recognition. Data has been collected using multimodal learning analytics developed for the project, including annotated multimodal recordings of learners interacting with the system, facial expression data and position of the learner. In addition, interviews with teachers and learners, from mainstream education as well as learners with profound multiple learning difficulties and autism, have been carried out to measure engagement and achievement of learners. Findings from schools based in the United Kingdom, mainstream and special schools will be presented and challenges shared

    Educators’ Perceptions of Restorative Justice, Care, Inclusion, and Disability: A Phen[women]ological Study

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    In the State of Illinois, changes are taking effect related to classroom culture and educational policy is moving from “safe schools/zero tolerance” policies to restorative justice practices. Through a feminist disability studies lens, the focus of this a phen[women]ological study of the lived experiences of six educators from two different schools in Illinois and their perceptions of restorative justice, care, inclusion, and disability was to ask: How are educators making sense of restorative justice practices? What are the implications for students with disabilities? Five topics of significance surfaced, including (a) caring; (b) restorative justice and inclusion; (c) impact of technology; (d) safety and guns; and (e) healing, empathy, and forgiveness. With the emerging laws, policies, and procedures currently being implemented throughout the United States, it is essential to create educational systems that encourage restorative justice practices, assist students in addressing adverse childhood experiences, promote the importance of social emotional learning (both in and outside of the classroom setting), and remain current on trauma-informed practices so all students (regardless of ability, label, background, or adversity) have the opportunity to be included and to succeed in both their education and in life. Educators, administrators, and future policy creators are in a unique position to create healing learning spaces where human rights cultures can be cultivated and everyone is valued, respected, and included

    Planejamento educacional

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    O objetivo deste artigo é discutir aspectos políticos e pedagógicos do planejamento educacional no contexto da universidade contemporânea. Nesse sentido, o texto aborda os princípios e a importância do planejamento educacional, o lugar e a definição de projeto político pedagógico, da organização curricular e do plano de aprendizagem como aspectos constituintes e integrados do planejamento. A compreensão das etapas apresentadas e da necessária integração entre todos os componentes do planejamento e desses no contexto social concreto é fundamental para todos os que desejam exercer a docência na área da saúde.The purpose of this article is to discuss political and pedagogical aspects of educational planning in the context of the contemporary university. In this direction, the text addresses the principles and the importance of educational planning, the position and definition of political-pedagogic project, curricular organization and learning plan as integrated constituents features of educational planning. Understanding the steps presented and the necessary integration between all these components of the planning and the concrete social context is essential for all who wish to pursue teaching in healthcare field

    More technology, better childhoods? The case of the Portuguese ‘One Laptop per Child’ Programme

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    In 2008, the XVII Portuguese socialist government launched the initiative ‘e.escolinha’ as a programme within its ‘Technological Plan for Education’. This initiative aims to ensure access for all primary school children to a personal computer named ‘Magalhães’ with educational content and generalize the use of computers and the Internet in early learning. This paper presents a documental analysis of policy documents, complemented by interviews of policy makers, examining the ways children and children media users are (re)presented. We started from the position that these sources draw on both of these conceptions in order to present the ‘e.escolinha’ initiative, and we are interested in a deconstruction of those notions. Based on questionnaires administered to children aged 8-10 years old, the paper also focuses on the ways children experienced this policy. We find that this policy is more centred on access to technology and the Internet than on children. The child is conceived in terms of his or her future, seen as an adult in the making. Technology is a kind of passport to the future, enabling success in a competitive labour market. In general, the sources reveal an idealised political vision of the benefits of technology for the teaching and learning process and for children’s educational success, which contrasts with both the way the children experienced this policy and mainly with the way that the children use the ‘Magalhães’ computer. We conclude by discussing the importance of taking into account the socially and politically constructed nature of technology and emphasizing the social dimensions of use and access.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Serial position and rated importance in the recall of text

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    Includes bibliographiesSupported in part by the National Institute of Education under contract no. HEW-NIE-C-400-76-011

    Micro-experimental analysis of the small-group reading lesson : social and cognitive consequences of silent reading

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 18-20

    From Patient to Student Activation: Development of the Student Activation Measure

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    The Patient Activation Measure (PAM) was constructed to measure a person’s knowledge, skill, and confidence for self-managing one’s healthcare, or “activation” (Hibbard, Stockard, Mahoney, & Tusler, 2004). The Student Activation Measure (SAM) extends this definition to secondary education. The SAM is a short, positively worded measure that is intended to guide intervention planning. Six hundred three students from two disparate high schools located in the Pacific Northwest completed the measure and an accompanying demographic questionnaire. The respective schools provided the students’ GPAs and attendance records. Using Rasch modeling, the SAM evidenced excellent reliability and construct validity. One-way ANOVAs with post hoc Scheffe’s tests showed that higher SAM scores had significantly higher GPAs, fewer absences, increased time spent on homework, and less time spent on social media or playing video games. Overall, the SAM showed promise as both a research and intervention tool. In addition, the concept of activation has the added benefits of ease of measurement and bridges the gap between evidence-based practices in medicine and secondary education. Further research is needed to understand the properties of the SAM when used with students diagnosed with learning impairing disorders such as ADHD

    Values, ethics and empowering the self through cooperative education

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    Following the recent global financial crisis and the collapse of major organisations such as Lehman Brothers, and the earlier corporate failings of Enron and HIH, there has been a shift of focus towards the role of ethics education in the formation of business professionals. In other professional settings, such as policing and medicine, similar major crises have highlighted the significance of the early development of ethical practice in emerging professionals. This paper considers the nature of professional ethics for an emerging professional, arguing that professional ethics should be a key factor in cooperative education programs. The paper considers the role of values and ethics education in empowering the emerging professional to shape and change their workplace. Building on this argument, the paper suggests foundational elements of an approach to professional ethics in cooperative education programs concluding with a suggested research path for further exploration of the content and nature of such an approach