704 research outputs found

    In-car advisory system for lane-changing in a connected vehicle environment

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    This thesis investigates the potential of in-car advisory systems to suggest location and timing where and when lane-changes should be executed, by evaluating traffic flow conditions with data that is available using vehicle-to-vehicle communication. After investigating existing literature regarding car-following and lane-changing models, as well as driving support assistance systems and vehicle communication applications and practice, a new lane-changing model is introduced, with the objective to serve as a basis for the development of the in-car advisory system. In particular, the model accounts for information about position and speed of vehicles that are downstream from the considered vehicle current position, namely, out of the sight of a driver. Based on the proposed model, a decision system to deliver lane-changing advices to the driver is implemented, with the goal of avoiding or reducing traffic congestion. A set of simulations using the microscopic traffic simulator AIMSUN are performed to test the effectiveness of the proposed system

    In-car advisory system for lane-changing in a connected vehicle environment

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    This thesis investigates the potential of in-car advisory systems to suggest location and timing where and when lane-changes should be executed, by evaluating traffic flow conditions with data that is available using vehicle-to-vehicle communication. After investigating existing literature regarding car-following and lane-changing models, as well as driving support assistance systems and vehicle communication applications and practice, a new lane-changing model is introduced, with the objective to serve as a basis for the development of the in-car advisory system. In particular, the model accounts for information about position and speed of vehicles that are downstream from the considered vehicle current position, namely, out of the sight of a driver. Based on the proposed model, a decision system to deliver lane-changing advices to the driver is implemented, with the goal of avoiding or reducing traffic congestion. A set of simulations using the microscopic traffic simulator AIMSUN are performed to test the effectiveness of the proposed system.Outgoin

    Evaluating the Performance of Cooperative Merging Assistance System for Aging Drivers

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    Freeway merging maneuvers demand considerable attention by drivers and are among the more complex operations drivers must perform on freeways. Aging drivers, a growing population in the United States, face added challenges when merging. This study utilized Vissim models created in a previous study that modeled the behavior of aging drivers during freeway merging. An algorithm for Cooperative Merging Assistance System (CMAS) that utilizes Connected Vehicle (CV) technology was developed in this study. The Vissim models were created for two interchanges on I-75 in Fort Myers, Florida, each with different geometric characteristics. Acceleration lane lengths of 1000ft and 1500ft were analyzed in this study, and the CV environment was created in Vissim through the Component Object Model (COM) Interface. A sensitivity analysis was conducted by varying CV penetration rates, composition of aging on-ramp drivers, and mainline and on-ramp traffic flows to analyze the effects of CV technology under different levels of service (LOSs). Merging location, merging speed and vehicle interaction states (braking for lane change, emergency stop and cooperative braking) together with deceleration rate were the measures of effectiveness (MOEs) considered. Findings showed the number of aging drivers merging late onto the freeway can be decreased by up to 60.0% when CMAS was employed, while there was no significant change in merging speed at 95% confidence level when CMAS was employed. Furthermore, the results showed that CMAS reduced the percentages of aging drivers braking for lane change or emergency stop and also hard braking by up to 100% for low traffic conditions (LOS A and B). A maximum reduction of 82.2% was observed for cooperative braking of mainline vehicles when CMAS was employed. The reductions in interaction states were significant at 95% confidence level according to Mann-Kendall trend test

    Microscopic Simulation Analysis of Connected and Autonomous Cars and Trucks at a Freeway Merge Area

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    This study recommends strategies to reduce the delay time and increase comfortability of Autonomous Car (AC)-Autonomous Truck (AT) mixed traffic. Several scenarios were tested to evaluate the effects of Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)/Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) on Autonomous Vehicles’ (AVs) delay time, merging time and comfortability using sensitivity analysis. Also, the simultaneous effects of different percentages of ATs and various time gaps on the delay time were analyzed. The study was conducted on a 5.25 km-long freeway including a merge area using AIMSUN. It was found that 1) increasing the sensitivity to speed and distance errors was not an appropriate strategy since not only it did not reduce the delay and merging times, but it also decreased the comfortability, 2) shorter time gaps between AVs and between platoons decreased the delay and merging times, but it decreased the comfortability of AVs. Hence, there is a trade-off between reduction in delay time and driver’s comfort in shorter time gaps, 3) Maximum platoon size did not affect the delay and merging times significantly, while it increased the comfortability. Thus, a higher maximum platoon size can be effective, 4) cooperative lane-changing (CLC) led to the highest increase in speed of AVs in the on-ramp and the merge sections. However, CLC caused less comfortability, and 5) as the percentages of ATs increased, longer time gaps could be adopted for AVs so that the delay time reduced more significantly. In general, shorter time gaps and CLC decreased the delay and merging times, while both decreased the comfortability. And, higher maximum platoon size did not affect the delay and merging times, while increased comfortability. Thus, it is recommended to develop more advanced AV control strategies with the balance between the delay and comfortability based on the time gaps, platoon size and CLC

    Control concepts for facilitating motorway on-ramp merging using intelligent vehicles

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    Congestion at motorway junctions is a traffic phenomenon that degrades operation of infrastructure and can lead to breakdown of traffic flow and associated reduction in capacity. Advanced communication technologies open new possibilities to prevent or at least delay this phenomenon, and innovative active traffic management systems have been developed in the recent years for better control of motorway traffic. This paper presents a review of control strategies for facilitating motorway on-ramp merging using intelligent vehicles. First, the concepts of the control algorithms are reviewed chronologically divided into three types of intelligent vehicle: completely automated, equipped with cooperative adaptive cruise control and equipped with on-board display. Then, a common structure is identified, and the algorithms are presented based on their characteristics in order to identify similarities, dissimilarities, trends and possible future research directions. Finally, using a similar approach, a review of the methods used to evaluate these control strategies identifies important aspects that should be considered by further research on this topic

    2nd Symposium on Management of Future motorway and urban Traffic Systems (MFTS 2018): Booklet of abstracts: Ispra, 11-12 June 2018

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    The Symposium focuses on future traffic management systems, covering the subjects of traffic control, estimation, and modelling of motorway and urban networks, with particular emphasis on the presence of advanced vehicle communication and automation technologies. As connectivity and automation are being progressively introduced in our transport and mobility systems, there is indeed a growing need to understand the implications and opportunities for an enhanced traffic management as well as to identify innovative ways and tools to optimise traffic efficiency. In particular the debate on centralised versus decentralised traffic management in the presence of connected and automated vehicles has started attracting the attention of the research community. In this context, the Symposium provides a remarkable opportunity to share novel ideas and discuss future research directions.JRC.C.4-Sustainable Transpor

    Safety impact of connected and autonomous vehicles on motorways: a traffic microsimulation study

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    Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) promise to improve road safety greatly. Despite the numerous CAV trials around the globe, their benefit has yet to be proven using real-world data. The lack of real-world CAV data has shifted the focus of the research community from traditional safety impact assessment methods to traffic microsimulation in order to evaluate their impacts. However, a plethora of operational, tactical and strategic challenges arising from the implementation of CAV technology remain unaddressed. This thesis presents an innovative and integrated CAV traffic microsimulation framework that aims to cover the aforementioned shortcomings.A new CAV control algorithm is developed in C++ programming language containing a longitudinal and lateral control algorithm that for the first time takes into consideration sensor error and vehicle platoon formulation of various sizes. A route-based decision-making algorithm for CAVs is also developed. The algorithm is applied to a simulated network of the M1 motorway in the United Kingdom which is calibrated and validated using instrumented vehicle data and inductive loop detector data. Multiple CAV market penetration rate, platoon size and sensor error rate scenarios are formulated and evaluated. Safety evaluation is conducted using traffic conflicts as a safety surrogate measure which is a function of time-to-collision and post encroachment time. The results reveal significant safety benefit (i.e. 10-94% reduction of traffic conflicts) as CAV market penetration increases from 0% to 100%; however, it is underlined that special focus should be given in the motorway merging and diverging areas where CAVs seem to face the most challenges. Additionally, it is proven that if the correct CAV platoon size is implemented at the appropriate point in time, greater safety benefits may be achieved. Otherwise, safety might deteriorate. However, sensor error does not affect traffic conflicts for the studied network. These results could provide valuable insights to policy makers regarding the reconfiguration of existing infrastructure to accommodate CAVs, the trustworthiness of existing CAV equipment and the optimal platoon size that should be enforced according to the market penetration rate.Finally, in order to forecast the conflict reduction for any given market penetration rate and understand the underlying factors behind traffic conflicts in a traffic microsimulation environment in-depth, a hierarchical spatial Bayesian negative binomial regression model is developed, based on the simulated CAV data. The results exhibit that besides CAV market penetration rate, speed variance across lanes significantly affects the production of simulated conflicts. As speed variance increases, the safety benefit decreases. These results emphasize the importance of speed homogeneity between lanes in a motorway as well as the increased risk in the motorway merging/diverging areas.</div

    Cooperative Traffic Control Framework for Mixed Vehicular Flows

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    A prompt revolution is foreseen in the transportation sector, when the current conventional human-driven vehicles will be replaced by fully connected and automated vehicles. As a result, there will be a transition period where both types will coexist until the later type is fully adopted in the traffic networks. This new mix of traffic flow on the existing transportation network will require developing a new ecosystem able to accommodate both types of vehicles in traffic network environments of the future. A major challenging issue related to the emerging mixed transportation ecosystem is the lack of an adequate model and control framework. This is especially important for modeling traffic safety and operations at network bottlenecks such as highway merging areas. Therefore, the main goal of this thesis is to develop a microscopic modeling and hierarchical cooperative control framework specifically for mixed traffic at highway on-ramps. In this thesis, a two-level hierarchical traffic control framework is proposed for mixed traffic at highway merging areas. In this regard, for the lower level of the proposed framework, this thesis establishes a set of fundamental trajectory-based cooperative control algorithms for different merging scenarios under mixed traffic conditions. We identify six scenarios, consisting of triplets of vehicles, defined based on the different combinations of CAVs and conventional vehicles. For each triplet, different consecutive movement phases along with corresponding desired distance and velocity set-points are defined. Via the movement phases, the CAVs engaged in each triplet cooperate to calculate their optimal-smooth trajectories aiming at facilitating the merging maneuver while complying with the realistic constraints related to the safety and comfort of vehicle occupants. The vehicles in each triplet are modeled by a distinct system, and a Model Predictive Control scheme is employed to calculate the cooperative optimal control inputs (acceleration values) for CAVs, accounting for conventional vehicles’ uncertainties. In the next step of the thesis, for the higher level of the proposed framework, a merging sequence determination and triplets’ formation methodology is developed based on predicting the arrival time of vehicles into the merging area and according to the priority in choosing different triplet types. To model the merging maneuvers when two consecutive triplets share a vehicle, the interactions between triplets of vehicles are also investigated. In order to develop a microscopic traffic simulator, we analytically formulate different vehicles’ driving behaviors under cooperative (i.e., the proposed traffic control framework) and non-cooperative (i.e., normal) operation modes and discuss the switching conditions between these driving modes. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed framework, first, each triplet is simulated in MATLAB and evaluated for different sets of system initial values. Without a need for readjusting the algorithm for different initial values, the simulation results show that the proposed cooperative merging algorithms ensure smooth merging maneuvers while satisfying all the prescribed constraints, e.g., speed limits, safe distances, and comfortable acceleration and jerk values. Moreover, a simulator is developed in MATLAB for the entire framework (including both the higher and lower level of the framework) to evaluate the impact of all the triplets on continuous mixed traffic flow. Different penetration rates of CAVs under different traffic flow conditions are evaluated through the developed simulator. The simulation results show that the proposed cooperative methodology, comparing to the non-cooperative operation, can improve the average travel time of merging vehicles without disturbing the mainstream flow, provide safer merging maneuvers by avoiding the merging vehicles to stop at the end of the acceleration lane, and guarantee smooth motion trajectories for CAVs (i.e., derivable position and speed along with limited changes in acceleration values). Generally, the results emphasize that the proposed cooperative traffic control framework can improve the mixed traffic conditions in terms of both traffic safety and operations. Moreover, the simulator provides a tool for the transportation community to evaluate their existing infrastructures under different penetration rates of CAVs and examine different traffic control plans for a mixed traffic environment. As the merging maneuver is only one application of gap-acceptance models, other types of maneuvers (e.g., lane changing, vehicle turning, etc.) can be similarly modelled. Thus, we can extend the proposed framework to the multi-lane highways, roundabouts, and urban area intersections. Furthermore, the arrival time prediction of the vehicles can be improved to elevate the performance of the proposed framework during the very congested traffic conditions

    TransAID Deliverable 6.2/2 - Assessment of Traffic Management Procedures in Transition Areas

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    This Deliverable 6.2 of the TransAID project presents and evaluates the simulation results obtained for the scenarios considered during the project's first and second iterations. To this end, driver- and AV-models designed in WP3, traffic management procedures developed in WP4, and V2X communication protocols and models from WP5 were implemented within the iTETRIS simulation framework. Previous main results from Deliverable 4.2, where baseline and traffic management measures without V2X communication were compared, have been confirmed. While not all TransAID scenarios' traffic KPIs were affected, the realistic simulation of V2X communication has shown a discernible impact on some of them, which makes it an indispensable modelling aspect for a realistic performance evaluation of V2X traffic scenarios. Flaws of the first iteration's traffic management algorithms concerning wireless V2X communication and the accompanying possibility of packet loss were identified and have been addressed during the project's second iteration. Finally, lessons learned while working on these simulation results and assessments have additionally been described in the form of recommendations for the real-world prototype to be developed in WP7. We conclude that all results obtained for all scenarios when employing ideal communication confirmed the statistical trends of the results from the original TM scenarios as reported in Deliverable 4.2 where no V2X communication was considered. Furthermore, the performance evaluation of the considered scenarios and parameter combinations has shown the following, which held true in both the first and second iterations: (1) The realistic simulation of V2X communication has an impact on traffic scenarios, which makes them indispensable for a realistic performance evaluation of V2X traffic scenarios. (2) Traffic management algorithms need to account for sporadic packet loss of various message types in some way. (3) Although important, the realistic modelling and simulation of V2X communication also induces a significant computational overhead. Thus, from a general perspective, a trade-off between computation time and degree of realism should be considered
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