10 research outputs found

    'It's Almost Like Talking to a Person': Student Disclosure to Pedagogical Agents in Sensitive Setting

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    Online chatbots (also known as pedagogical agents or virtual assistants) are becoming embedded into the fabric of technology, both in educational and commercial settings. Yet understanding of these technologies is inchoate and often untheorised, influenced by individuals’ willingness to trust technologies, aesthetic appearance of the chatbot and technical literacy, among other factors. This paper draws upon data from two research studies that evaluated students’ experiences of using pedagogical agents in education using responsive evaluation. The findings suggest that emotional connections with pedagogical agents were intrinsic to the user’s sense of trust and therefore likely to affect levels of truthfulness and engagement. They also indicate that the topic of the pedagogical agent-student interaction is key to the student’s experience. The implications of these studies are that truthfulness, personalisation and emotional engagement are all vital components in using pedagogical agents to enhance online learning

    Cyber Enigmas? Passive Detection and Pedagogical Agents: Can Students Spot the Fake?

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    This paper presents a study that was undertaken to examine human interaction with a pedagogical agent and the passive and active detection of such agents within a synchronous, online environment. A pedagogical agent is a software application which can provide a human like interaction using a natural language interface. These may be familiar from the smartphone interfaces such as ‘Siri’ or ‘Cortana’, or the virtual online assistants found on some websites, such as ‘Anna’ on the Ikea website. Pedagogical agents are characters on the computer screen with embodied life-like behaviours such as speech, emotions, locomotion, gestures, and movements of the head, the eye, or other parts of the body. The passive detection test is where participants are not primed to the potential presence of a pedagogical agent within the online environment. The active detection test is where participants are primed to the potential presence of a pedagogical agent. The purpose of the study was to examine how people passively detected pedagogical agents that were presenting themselves as humans in an online environment. In order to locate the pedagogical agent in a realistic higher education online environment, problem-based learning online was used. Problem-based learning online provides a focus for discussions and participation, without creating too much artificiality. The findings indicated that the ways in which students positioned the agent tended to influence the interaction between them. One of the key findings was that since the agent was focussed mainly on the pedagogical task this may have hampered interaction with the students, however some of its non-task dialogue did improve students' perceptions of the autonomous agents’ ability to interact with them. It is suggested that future studies explore the differences between the relationships and interactions of learner and pedagogical agent within authentic situations, in order to understand if students' interactions are different between real and virtual mentors in an online setting

    Individual differences in the preference for worked examples: lessons from an application of dispositional learning analytics

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    Worked-examples have been established as an effective instructional format in problem-solving practices. However, less is known about variations in the use of worked examples across individuals at different stages in their learning process in student-centred learning contexts. This study investigates different profiles of students’ learning behaviours based on clustering learning dispositions, prior knowledge, and the choice of feedback strategies in a naturalistic setting. The study was conducted on 1,072 students over an eight-week long introductory mathematics course in a blended instructional format. While practising exercises in a digital learning environment, students can opt for tutored problem-solving, untutored problem-solving, or call worked examples. The results indicated six distinct profiles of learners regarding their feedback preferences in different learning phases. Finally, we investigated antecedents and consequences of these profiles and investigated the adequacy of used feedback strategies concerning ‘help-abuse’. This research indicates that the use of instructional scaffolds as worked-examples or hints and the efficiency of that use differs from student to student, making the attempt to find patterns at an overall level a hazardous endeavour

    Investigating the impact of pedagogical agent gender matching and learner choice on learning outcomes and perceptions

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    abstract: The similarity attraction hypothesis posits that humans are drawn toward others who behave and appear similar to themselves. Two experiments examined this hypothesis with middle-school students learning electrical circuit analysis in a computer-based environment with an Animated Pedagogical Agent (APA). Experiment 1 was designed to determine whether matching the gender of the APA to the student has a positive impact on learning outcomes or student perceptions. One hundred ninety-seven middle-school students learned with the computer-based environment using an APA that matched their gender or one which was opposite in gender. Female students reported higher program ratings when the APA matched their gender. Male students, on the other hand, reported higher program ratings than females when the APA did not match their gender. Experiment 2 systematically tested the impact of providing learners the choice among four APAs on learning outcomes and student perceptions. Three hundred thirty-four middle-school students received either a pre-assigned random APA or were free to choose from four APA options: young male agent, older male agent, young female agent, or older female agent. Learners had higher far transfer scores when provided a choice of animated agent, but student perceptions were not impacted by having the ability to make this choice. We suggest that offering students learner control positively impacts student motivation and learning by increasing student perceptions of autonomy, responsibility for the success of the instructional materials, and global satisfaction with the design of materials.NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in COMPUTERS & EDUCATION. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in COMPUTERS & EDUCATION Volume 67, September 2013, Pages 36–50 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2013.02.00

    Effect of environmental responsible behaviour intervention programme on secondary school learners in environmental education knowledge, attitudes and practices in Nigeria

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    The depletion of the environment compelled researchers to investigate Environmental Education issues, the methods of imparting knowledge and the creation of awareness about environmental problems. However, youths have knowledge of environmental concepts but lack the skills, intentions, and action competence to exhibit positive environmentally responsible behaviour. There is, therefore, a need for a change in human behaviour to overcome current environmental problems. This study determines the effect of an environmental responsible behaviour intervention programme on Junior Secondary School learners in environmental education. It also explores the moderating effects of gender and school location. The study adopted a pre-test, post-test, control group and quasi-experimental design. A multi-stage sampling technique was employed. Eight (8) coeducational secondary schools in Ibadan, Nigeria, were selected based on environmental challenges in their immediate environment. There were four (4) schools from Ibadan city (urban area of Ibadan) and four (4) from Ibadan less city (rural area of Ibadan). Seven hypotheses were tested at a 0.05 level of significance. Five research instruments were used for this study. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used in testing the seven formulated hypotheses. Estimated Marginal mean analysis was used to determine the source of significant effect of treatment. A significant interaction effect was described using a graphical representation. All hypotheses were tested at P 0.05, partial 2 = 0.000. The findings further shows that there was significant main effect of school location on students’ environmental attitude, (F(1,175) =39.21, p 0.05. partial 2 =0.003 There was significant main effect of school location on students’ environmental practices, F(1,715) = 17.02, p 0.05. partial 2 = 0.002). Based on these findings, it is recommended that teachers should use an environmental responsible behaviour intervention programme in teaching environmental concepts in the classroom. To support this, group/teamwork should be encouraged amongst students. Students should be allowed to construct knowledge in order to bring about their active participation with a view to making learning realistic and effective and to enable the exhibition of environmentally friendly behaviour.Thesis (PhD)(Education)-- University of Fort Hare, 202

    Effect of environmental responsible behaviour intervention programme on secondary school learners in environmental education knowledge, attitudes and practices in Nigeria

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    The depletion of the environment compelled researchers to investigate Environmental Education issues, the methods of imparting knowledge and the creation of awareness about environmental problems. However, youths have knowledge of environmental concepts but lack the skills, intentions, and action competence to exhibit positive environmentally responsible behaviour. There is, therefore, a need for a change in human behaviour to overcome current environmental problems. This study determines the effect of an environmental responsible behaviour intervention programme on Junior Secondary School learners in environmental education. It also explores the moderating effects of gender and school location. The study adopted a pre-test, post-test, control group and quasi-experimental design. A multi-stage sampling technique was employed. Eight (8) coeducational secondary schools in Ibadan, Nigeria, were selected based on environmental challenges in their immediate environment. There were four (4) schools from Ibadan city (urban area of Ibadan) and four (4) from Ibadan less city (rural area of Ibadan). Seven hypotheses were tested at a 0.05 level of significance. Five research instruments were used for this study. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used in testing the seven formulated hypotheses. Estimated Marginal mean analysis was used to determine the source of significant effect of treatment. A significant interaction effect was described using a graphical representation. All hypotheses were tested at P 0.05, partial 2 = 0.000. The findings further shows that there was significant main effect of school location on students’ environmental attitude, (F(1,175) =39.21, p 0.05. partial 2 =0.003 There was significant main effect of school location on students’ environmental practices, F(1,715) = 17.02, p 0.05. partial 2 = 0.002). Based on these findings, it is recommended that teachers should use an environmental responsible behaviour intervention programme in teaching environmental concepts in the classroom. To support this, group/teamwork should be encouraged amongst students. Students should be allowed to construct knowledge in order to bring about their active participation with a view to making learning realistic and effective and to enable the exhibition of environmentally friendly behaviour.Thesis (PhD)(Education)-- University of Fort Hare, 202

    Agentes Virtuales Cognitivos en el proceso del aprendizaje en el Perú: Escenario al 2032

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    La presente Investigación aborda la importancia de la creación de escenarios futuros de los Agentes Virtuales Cognitivos en el proceso del aprendizaje, a través del uso la prospectiva en los planes de gestión de la innovación en el marco del uso de las aplicaciones de la computación cognitiva, que permitan relacionar la información, tecnología, personas y la ciencia cognitiva. Actualmente se sobreestima el uso de las nuevas tecnologías, no se pueden cuantificar los beneficios a largo plazo como las verdaderas necesidades, ni el contexto en que se pueden desenvolver; como la relación de las personas y las máquinas. El potencial que se puede aprovechar o desaprovechar al generar nuevo conocimiento que puede beneficiar a los diferentes actores involucrados en el proceso del proceso del aprendizaje, estimando esfuerzo y valiosos recursos que pueden ser aprovechados. Este trabajo se desarrolla bajo el marco de la disciplina prospectiva, usando la construcción de escenarios, tomando como referencia las metodologías en la investigación del futuro como el análisis de drivers, paneles de expertos, análisis estructural, construcción de escenarios. Los resultados obtenidos mostrarán los escenarios posibles que servirán en un futuro, como base en la definición de un plan estratégico en la gestión de la innovación entre los agentes cognitivos y el proceso de aprendizaje permitiendo la inclusión de las tecnologías de la Inteligencia artificial en general, en el campo de la cognición. Mejorando el entendimiento y la transferencia de un conocimiento claro y preciso adoptando estos proyectos basados en tecnologías con un carácter disruptivo, donde la única premisa es la adaptabilidad al cambio. Siendo los únicos beneficiados la sociedad en general en todos los sectores no sólo los que trabajan en una entidad estatal, sino todos los peruanos que accedamos a un servicio bajo estas tecnologías de la ciencia cognitiva.This Research addresses the importance of the creation of future scenarios of Cognitive Virtual Agents in the learning process, through the use of prospective in innovation management plans within the framework of the use of cognitive computing applications, that allow relating information, technology, people and cognitive science. Currently the use of new technologies is overestimated, the long-term benefits cannot be quantified as the true needs, nor the context in which they can be developed; like the relationship of people and machines. The potential that can be exploited or wasted when generating new knowledge that can benefit the different actors involved in the learning process, estimating effort and valuable resources that can be used. This work is developed under the framework of the prospective discipline, using the construction of scenarios, taking as a reference the methodologies in future research such as the analysis of drivers, panels of experts, structural analysis, construction of scenarios. The results obtained will show the possible scenarios that will serve in the future, as a basis for defining a strategic plan in the management of innovation between cognitive agents and the learning process, allowing the inclusion of artificial intelligence technologies in general, in the field of cognition. Improving the understanding and transfer of clear and precise knowledge by adopting these projects based on technologies with a disruptive nature, where the only premise is adaptability to change. The only beneficiaries being society in general in all sectors, not only those who work in a state entity, but all Peruvians who access a service under these cognitive science technologies