6 research outputs found

    The Impact of ICT Towards Saudi EFL Students’ Writing Skills: A Quasi-Experimental Study

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    This study aimed to investigate the impact of using the word processor application on the writing achievement of Saudi EFL learners at Jubail Technical Institute. It used embedded-experimental mixed methods research design in which the qualitative data set provides an auxiliary role in a study that is primarily quantitative. Nested sampling technique was used to select participants for both the dominant quantitative and the auxiliary qualitative phases of the study. The participants were divided into two groups: the experimental group, which studied writing using the word processor, and the control group, which learnt writing using the traditional method. It was hypothesized that the experimental group participants would have a higher achievement in a writing performance test than those of the control group. After establishing that the two groups had homogenous writing abilities before the treatment, post-test results showed that the experimental group participants had a statistically significantly higher achievement in the writing performance test (t(67) = 6.21, p < .001) than the control group. The study recommended introducing computer-assisted writing programs in composition classes and training teachers on how to use such programs to help students develop their writing skills

    The application of learning objects in an Estonian basic school EFL class:a pilot study

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    Tehnoloogia arenedes ei saa mööda vaadata asjaolust, et ühel hetkel võib täielikult muutuda see, kuidas inimesed õpivad. Kuigi õpetajad on enamasti arvamusel, et tehnoloogia kasutamine klassis on kasulik, siis suhtutakse sellesse endiselt eelarvamustega ning see leiab rakendust küllaltki vähe. Võib-olla oleks kasulik keskenduda hoopis õpilastele? Selle töö eesmärk ongi luua digitaalsed õppevahendid – õpiobjektid, mis muudaks inglise keele grammatika õppimise tõhusamaks. Antud töö koosneb kahest suuremast peatükist. Esimeses peatükis antakse teoreetiline ülevaade arvutite kasutamisest keeleõppes, õpiobjektide definitsioonist, kuidas õpiobjekte luua ning miks neid üldse vaja peaks olema. Teises peatükis antakse ülevaade selle töö käigus tehtud empiirilisest uuringust. Esmaseks eesmärgiks oli luua kolm õpiobjekti, mis aitaks inglise keele grammatikat tõhusamalt õppida. Teine eesmärk oli neid õpiobjekte rakendada klassiruumis ning seejärel leida vastus hüpoteesile, et õpilased, kes kasutavad õpiobjekte, omandavad õpitava teema paremini, kui need, kes õpiobjekte ei kasuta. Kolmandaks eesmärgiks oli saada tagasisidet õpiobjektide kohta. Õpiobjekte rakendati ühes Eesti põhikoolis. Katses osalesid kaks rühma kuuendatest klassidest, mis valiti mugavusvalimi põhimõtete järgi. Antud töö autor oli ka katseperioodil antud rühmade inglise keele õpetajakshttp://www.ester.ee/record=b5142560*es


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    This dissertation studies attitudes of the Saudi university learners studying English as a Foreign Language (EFL) toward using the Computer-assisted Writing (CAW) applications, e.g., up-to-date versions of word processing programs, for doing English writing assignments. Research has confirmed that CAW applications, e.g., up-to-date versions of word processing program, have been utilized in and out of the class to supplement, but not to replace, the methods of learning and teaching writing. Previous studies have revealed that students attitude towards writing improves when they use the word processor. The current study aims at examining the hypotheses that the EFL learners have effective attitudes towards CAW for writing assignments in EFL, and that they have perspectives about the effects of their attitudes on their writing accuracy and fluency. While the dissertation discusses EFL learners attitude, it also highlights the significance of employing computer technology, e.g., Learning Management Systems (LMSs), Computer-mediated Communications (CMCs) in EFL and in English as a Second Language (ESL) writing instructions. The researcher selected participants pursuing undergraduate English courses in the English Department at three different Saudi university campuses. The sample of the subjects was selected after they were surveyed in the first place for determining their prior knowledge and previous experiences of CAW applications and their ability to write at least a paragraph in English. A 5-point Likert-scale questionnaire, adapted from K. Cunninghams (2002) article, was responded by a total 150 subjects, and open-ended questions were answered by 50 of them to gather and analyze data about their attitudes and their attitude influences on their learning EFL writing. Key findings of the study, concluded after quantitative and qualitative analysis, revealed that the majority of students had positive attitudes toward CAW on their general English writing and on their EFL writing assignments and practice in particular. Key findings of the study included, but are not limited to, the fact that the students positive attitudes lead to raising significant awareness of their writing accuracy (i.e., mainly correcting grammar and spelling errors), writing fluency (i.e., vocabulary selection), and improving their writing ability and revision. The study concluded with several suggestions for future research studies

    Using ICT to foster collaborative writing for EFL university students in Vietnam

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    The development of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has changed most aspects of life, and its diffusion into education was inevitable. Vietnam is a developing country where English and ICT are highly valued as two of the most important instruments of industrialisation and modernisation. These instruments help facilitate the country’s integration into the globalised world. Thus, the use of ICT in English language teaching and learning has received much attention from both policy makers and researchers. In this study, the possibilities of using ICT in fostering English as a Foreign Language (EFL) university students’ collaborative writing in a Vietnamese context were examined. Teachers’ and students’ readiness for ICT-supported collaborative writing as well as their attitudes and perceptions toward this learning mode were investigated. Pedagogical implications for ICT-supported collaborative writing are also discussed. A case study methodology using both quantitative and qualitative data was employed. The study consisted of two phases. Phase 1 was a preliminary investigation in which online surveys were distributed to 16 English language teachers and 315 first year students at FPT University. The results of the surveys suggested that it was feasible to implement ICT-supported collaborative writing in this university and that the most suitable ICT applications to use were Facebook and Google Docs. In Phase 2, an intervention, in which Facebook and Google Docs were used as ICT platforms for collaborative writing was conducted with three EFL classes of three English levels: elementary, pre-intermediate and intermediate. During Phase 2, methods of data collection such as observations, focus group interviews and experience-of-change interviews were employed. This study found that successful ICT integration in English language teaching and learning required not only the readiness of teachers and students to engage with technology, but also the pedagogy to use that technology informed by an understanding of the cultural characteristics of the learners. Based on the main findings, a number of recommendations have been suggested in relation to policies, teacher training, curriculum design, and future research