1,384 research outputs found

    Online Readership Popularity and Media-embedded Characteristics

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    Readership popularity has been an important proxy for the success of many online interactive media. Given the exponential growth of new web properties and the hype of competition among them, attaining and retaining popularity is difficult. One possible approach to this problem is to enhance the competitiveness of web presence by using appropriate web design mechanisms. So far, research in this area has been focused on technological issues or usability studies. Few studies have recognized the importance of media-embedded social scripts or environmental cues in influencing online communication. Drawing on social cognition theories, we identified two important media-embedded characteristics: source credibility and content freshness; and tested their impact to readership popularity in online interactive media. The content analysis result from 100 very popular weblog sites strongly supported our hypotheses. Our findings highlight key web design principles, which may serve to guide the practice of millions of online users and practitioners


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    Tourists may rely on external information to make various decisions. By understanding the relation between information source characteristics and decision making, tourist operators can improve their communication performance and marketing efforts. Some businesses use corporate blog as a communication platform to engage their customers with the companies. Researches about the causal relationship between corporate blog and business marketing performance, yet, are scant. A theoretical model was built based on a set of distinct characteristics of corporate blogs identified from existing literature. A questionnaire survey was conducted to test this model. Based on 143 samples collected, this study found that vividness, interactivity of the blogs impact B&Bs’ lodging intention via the mediation of the sense of intimacy; and that direction of product reviews posted in the blogs directly impacts the lodging intention. Finally, managerial and academic implications are offered

    Between collaboration and competition. Global public-private partnerships against intellectual property crimes

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    This paper explores the issue area of global public-private partnerships (PPPs) against intellectual property (IP) crimes. It is based on preliminary findings from a PhD research project that included interviews with more than 30 participants of such PPPs from different countries around the world. Key factors that influence the formation, maintenance, termination, and reform of such partnerships are identified by comparing more and less successful PPPs over a period of time. First, the paper introduces the topic of IP crime, also known as counterfeiting and piracy. The paper then proposes a typology of different PPPs, as the term is used in very different ways in the literature. In the subsequent sections of the paper, empirical examples of global PPPs against IP crimes are analyzed, whose secretariats are hosted by three public international organizations: Interpol, the World Customs Organization (WCO), and the World Health Organization (WHO). By comparing the different paths of these three international organizations and their PPPs, five key factors are identified that influence the formation, maintenance, termination, and reform of such PPPs: (1) common ground, (2) absolute and/or relative gains of resources, (3) the management of the PPP and its discretion, (4) the representation of stakeholders, and (5) the policy pursued by the PPP. -- Dieses Arbeitspapier untersucht das Themenfeld der globalen Öffentlich-Privaten Partnerschaften (ÖPPs) gegen Produktpiraterie. Es basiert auf vorlĂ€ufigen Erkenntnissen aus der Forschung fĂŒr eine Doktorarbeit, fĂŒr die Experteninterviews mit mehr als 30 Teilnehmern solcher ÖPPs in unterschiedlichen LĂ€ndern der Welt durchgefĂŒhrt wurden. Durch den Vergleich unterschiedlich erfolgreicher ÖPPs ĂŒber einen lĂ€ngeren Zeitraum wurden SchlĂŒsselfaktoren identifiziert, welche die GrĂŒndung, Erhaltung, Beendung und Reform von solchen ÖPPs beeinflussen. ZunĂ€chst fĂŒhrt das Arbeitspapier in die Materie Produktpiraterie ein. Dann wird eine Typologie von ÖPPs vorgestellt, welche notwendig ist, weil der Begriff sehr unterschiedlich in der Literatur verwendet wird. In den anschließenden drei Sektionen des Arbeitspapiers werden drei empirische Beispiele von globalen ÖPPs untersucht, die bei drei verschiedenen Internationalen Organisationen angesiedelt sind. Dies sind Interpol, die Weltzollorganisation und die Weltgesundheitsorganisation. Durch den Vergleich der unterschiedlichen Entwicklungen, die diese Internationalen Organisationen und ihre ÖPPs gemacht haben, werden fĂŒnf SchlĂŒsselfaktoren identifiziert, welche die GrĂŒndung, Erhaltung, Beendung und Reform dieser ÖPPs beeinflussen: (1.) eine gemeinsame Bezugsebene, (2.) das Streben nach absoluten und/oder relativen Gewinnen, (3.) das Management der ÖPP und ihr Handlungsspielraum, (4.) die ReprĂ€sentation der Interessengruppen in der ÖPP und (5.) die Politik, welche von der ÖPP verfolgt wird.

    Sustainability, food topics and weblogs: do they really fit? Targeting and valuing food-related eWOM generators

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    Without any doubt, the advent of the Internet has substantially transformed the way and rhythm of our lives. This circumstance reflects directly on our daily behaviours, which are today quite different from what they used to be only a few years ago. In this sense, the current patterns of search for information and consumption are frequently paced by the eWOM communication. In addition, environmental concerns have driven consumers to increasingly demand the so-called environmentally friendly products. Considering both issues together, literature reveals that the study of the interaction between eWOM and sustainable consumption is still scarce and needs more attention. For this reason, the present research is devoted to the identification and evaluation of a sustainable food-related eWOM. In this regard, an online survey of authors of food-related weblogs/videoblogs was conducted containing different questions about their food consumption styles. Even though the existence of a distinct group of green authors was confirmed, the following examination of centrality levels showed that the influence exerted by this group on the Web 2.0 is exactly the same as that of the other groups. Jointly, these findings provide information of great importance that has implications for businesses and professionals in marketing

    Sustainability, food topics and weblogs: do they really fit?  Targeting and valuing food-related eWOM generators

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    [EN] Without any doubt, the advent of the Internet has substantially transformed the way and rhythm of our lives. This circumstance reflects directly on our daily behaviours, which are today quite different from what they used to be only a few years ago. In this sense, the current patterns of search for information and consumption are frequently paced by the eWOM communication. In addition, environmental concerns have driven consumers to increasingly demand the so-called environmentally friendly products. Considering both issues together, literature reveals that the study of the interaction between eWOM and sustainable consumption is still scarce and needs more attention. For this reason, the present research is devoted to the identification and evaluation of a sustainable food-related eWOM. In this regard, an online survey of authors of food-related weblogs/videoblogs was conducted containing different questions about their food consumption styles. Even though the existence of a distinct group of green authors was confirmed, the following examination of centrality levels showed that the influence exerted by this group on the Web 2.0 is exactly the same as that of the other groups. Jointly, these findings provide information of great importance that has implications for businesses and professionals in marketing.S

    Columns and Blogs: Making Sense of Merging Worlds

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    The newspaper and magazine column, key sources for news comment and analysis prior to the Internet, is being challenged by a powerful new contender—the blog. Has the column’s importance diminished, even been rendered obsolete, by new e-venues such as the blog? The author, appreciative of the value and history of both columns and blogs, first defines these venues of publication, gives a brief history of each, and then outlines similarities and differences between the two. With this foundation in place, the author then discusses how the boundaries between new modes of online discussion, such as blogs, and traditional modes of journalistic commentary, such as columns, are blurring. The author looks at how blogs are changing professional and academic communication, calling for discussion on how blogs and columns can serve complementary purposes. This paper was the basis for the author’s presentation at a panel entitled “Column People: The Future of Columns in a World of Blogs” (with Bob Nardini) at the North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) Conference in Louisville, Kentucky in 2007

    The effect of online journalism on the freedom of the press: the case of Kuwait

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    Online journalism has brought new features of journalism practices for local journalists and forced the expansion of their freedom. The Internet as a whole became the tool for freedom of expression for many suppressed countries, and online journalism became an alternative for press freedom in cyberspace. The diffusion of information enabled more opportunities for freedom of expression and speech prosperity, leading to a higher level of freedom in local press. This research project aims to examine the effect of online journalism on the freedom of the local press in the state of Kuwait. Since mid 1990s, when the Internet was introduced in Kuwait, a new phenomenon of press freedom started to rise. After many decades of relying heavily on local newspapers and controlled radio and TV, many Kuwaitis switched to the Internet to obtain information, news and political analysis. The political dispute of power after the death of Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Jabber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah on 15 of January 2006, followed by the public demand to change the electoral constituencies voting system of the National Assembly, and the dissolving of the National Assembly in May 2006 forced many Kuwaitis to go online to get the latest news and analysis regarding the two issues. Kuwaiti online journalism became the source for instant updated information during the disputes. Many local writers praised their work on local press. Mohammad Abdul Qader Al-Jasim, a columnist and former editor in chief for Alwatan local newspaper, in his online Web site ‘Meezan’, provided non-censored detailed analysis of these situations without any restrictions or fear of government interference which was considered as a taboo “red line” no one was permitted to cross. The researcher used three different tools (survey, online content analysis, and interviews) to determine the effect of online journalism on journalist’s practices and the freedom of the press in Kuwait, focusing on the most popular Kuwaiti personal writers’ sites, weblogs and forums. The results show that online journalism affected journalist’s practices but did not replace the traditional practices. The Internet became a source and communication platform for many local journalists. At the same time, online journalism became one of the tools that helped increase the level of freedom in the local press. The language of online journalism took a different direction from the local press with more freedom to write, discuss, and share ideas online with less fear of government retribution. What was considered a taboo “red line” in the local press became an acceptable “green line” online. Local press officials recognized this effect on the local freedom, but disagree on the factors that really caused the freedom of the local press to increase

    A Framing Analysis of Weblogs and Online Newspapers

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    The thesis examined possible differences in framing of information in news weblogs and professional news articles. A frame analysis was conducted to answer the main question: Is news framed differently in online newspapers as compared to weblogs? Articles from four blogs and four online newspapers were gathered over a period of 30 days. A total of 43 frames were identified in the selected blogs. A total of 92 frames were identified in the selected online newspapers. The most commonly identified frame in both blogs and online newspapers was the progress frame with 51 appearances. The critical frame was used 47 times, the regress frame was identified in 29 articles and the justice frame was used least. It was identified 8 times. The articles showed differences in framing. However, the results of the study indicated that differences in framing of information are not related to the publication type (online newspaper or weblog) but are merely incidental. According to this study, framing cannot be used as an indicator for possible differences in the production and publication of news articles in weblogs and online newspapers

    BlogForever D3.2: Interoperability Prospects

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    This report evaluates the interoperability prospects of the BlogForever platform. Therefore, existing interoperability models are reviewed, a Delphi study to identify crucial aspects for the interoperability of web archives and digital libraries is conducted, technical interoperability standards and protocols are reviewed regarding their relevance for BlogForever, a simple approach to consider interoperability in specific usage scenarios is proposed, and a tangible approach to develop a succession plan that would allow a reliable transfer of content from the current digital archive to other digital repositories is presented
